is Rhys the only one that can see hansom Jack?
Is he the only one that can see Jack because of the chip he shot himself with. I know it might sound stupid but curious.. also how does the shot allow him to see him? Thanks!!
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Yeah, he's the only one.
I think so, Fiona didn't seem to notice him like Rhys did
How did the shot allow him to see him?
It wasn't a "shot" it was the Hyperion ID they got off of Professor Nakayama.
Nakayama was this crazy dude who was obsessed with Handsome Jack, to the point of trying to clone him after his death. So it seems Nakayama either created a Jack AI at some point or stumbled upon an AI left behind by Jack himself. Who knows at the moment, but Rhys seems to have downloaded Jack's AI when he stuck that ID in his head!
Yes :P
I believe so! At the moment anyway. Fiona and the others are probably gonna think Rhys is going crazy, haha. The start of episode 2 should be a lot of fun!
Thanks bro, so hes the only one that could see jack right?
I believe so! At the moment anyway. Fiona and the others are probably gonna think Rhys is going crazy, haha. The start of episode 2 should be a lot of fun!
Lol right, do you think Jack will take over rhys or use him as a puppet;)
Oh, I have no doubt in my mind that he'll try to manipulate Rhys. At the end didn't Jack say something like "We're gonna go find a vault. And then I'll probably kill you." xD Can't trust that asshole, even when he's dead!
...But I'll totally obey everything he tells me to do in the game still 'cause that'll be super fun.
I really hope Rhys comes out and says "There's a hologram of Handsome Jack talking to me." It always bugs me when someone in fiction has a voice in their head or something, and refuses to tell anyone about it. "No, no, it's nothing. I'm fine." Like, come on. I get that maybe people will think you're crazy (granted, you might be), but they could also help you out with it. Not to mention, you probably already look crazy conversing with seemingly no one. Just explain the situation, already.
I dont know. There will probaly be a choice if you want to tell them or not.
Yes, future DLC for the Pre-Sequel confirms Jack AI
Do everything Jack tells you to then screw him... ^^
Seriously exciting...
That would be something different... wonder how Jack reacts to this.
I actually heard like a month ago that it was a side mission that was taken out of the game, so I kinda doubt we'll ever see it, unfortunately.
Regardless, this pretty much confirms that the AI was Nakayama's creation.
Taken out?
well at least we still got it in tftb
That's what I heard, but who knows. I would love for the mission to see the light of day, I'm sure it would be hilarious. Nakayama had some of the best side missions in The Pre Sequel.
Hmm... Maybe if we're lucky... Tales is supposed to have some unlocks for TPS in early 2015. What if this mission ends up being one of them?
Aye. Also, that might well be the most redundant spoiler I've ever seen. Bravo.
Looks like it. I love his reaction when he sees Jack's hologram.