To be honest...

Im dissapointed in overall. Episode seemed too long and too boring in most part, except the last 10 minutes or so. Technically, everything was solid but too uninvolving for me. I think main problem was I just couldn't identify myself with murky guy like Rhys. Yes, he has some good sides, loyality to his friends, but in overall I think he isn't rely type of anti-hero people can bond easily. He is kind of too stiff and too proud for it.
And when Fiona side of story began I was dissapointed even more, because she is kind of same side of same coin. And I had to play story I didn't like with Rhys again, which made that same story even more boring, no matter of different perspective. That is also moment where story lost its Mc Guffin because we find out that vault key is fake. Ok, we got bag of cash in its place but its kind of lacking because when we introduced to that money we were told it was easy to get. And now we have to play for hours just to get back money that wasnt important enough to begin with? What kind of Mc Guffin is that?
But, as I said, last 10 minutes or so improved my impression and got me hooked for real search for real vault in next episode, even if search for false vault key made episode 1 unworth of playing.

Maybe my main issue with Borderlands is in fact I never played original games before.



  • "I am become death destroyer of bandits"

  • edited November 2014

    "Oh, Eric aww is that you?"

  • edited November 2014

    this is borderlands. its PANDORA. there is no bad or good people. its all about the money and greed. if you want the batman kind of hero than this game or this universe is not for you.... Fiona and Rhys are far from your ''Typical'' hero. they are the seed of their inviroments, Hyperian or pandora...... you cant be Mr. batman in those worlds. you can only be a JOKER. the main theme of this is HOW GREEDY CAN YOU BE? you can be the bad guy with a heart of gold that cares for his friends, of the bad guy who ONLY serve himself and not care for anyone. :D

    (This is not a place for heroes to call home! theme song for borderlands 2! ) thats it. that song explain this universe so good damn well.

  • How Greedy you can be was main theme like first half hour. That wasnt so boring. Then we find out that key is fake and play everything again from Fiona's perspective. And theme of story changed. It wasnt about greed anymore. It was about some bag of cash which we were introduced as uninportant easy to get part of plot.

    It was at that point that story shattered and became ininvolving. Until the end, when we suprisingly find map for another vault. But, that middle part was simple too long and needless. It was too predictable. That cash meant nothing because Rhys and his buddy coudn't pull anything even if they recovered it. Would be too naive to think otherwise after their old boss fate. So, why to care about that cash? For Fiona? But we dont really know how bad Fiona needs it. Nothing told about that, except she was living poorly. So what? Very slim point to identify.

    Story is simply hanging in air for most of episode. That bag part was awful and too long.

    Mercyva posted: »

    this is borderlands. its PANDORA. there is no bad or good people. its all about the money and greed. if you want the batman kind of hero tha

  • You're thinking of this in a normal way...Think of it in a...Borderlands way.

    How Greedy you can be was main theme like first half hour. That wasnt so boring. Then we find out that key is fake and play everything again

  • edited November 2014

    I will try to play some other Borderlands games.

    Started with Borderlands 1 today. Maybe I will try another 2 as well.

    Then I will give Tales another chance. Maybe my impression will change.

    You're thinking of this in a normal way...Think of it in a...Borderlands way.

  • The thing is that everything is based around money in Borderlands. That 10 million is someone's way off Pandora, of course they will chase after it. Would you let 10 million slip away because of bandits when you're trapped on a planet of backwater psychos?

    I will try to play some other Borderlands games. Started with Borderlands 1 today. Maybe I will try another 2 as well. Then I will give Tales another chance. Maybe my impression will change.

  • edited November 2014

    yeah you should its awesome.

    greed is not just about money. its about power. and you can see that the money case was important, because rhys wanted it to buy the vault key to gain power and run hyperian, while fiona wanted the money t have a better life in pandora. and you can see that the only reason they kept vaughn and rhys are because they knew the way to the money case or whatever. so yeah, the money case played a huge role, because if fiona knew that rhys dont have any information she would've throwed him out the car or killed him. because we all know they hate anything hyperian related ! :)

    so yeah, both of them are motivated by greed :) and that comes in many ways! the borderlands way! LOL

    I will try to play some other Borderlands games. Started with Borderlands 1 today. Maybe I will try another 2 as well. Then I will give Tales another chance. Maybe my impression will change.

  • I guess not everybody is into good entertainment.

  • Define "good" in your sentence.

    I've just put lots of very valid arguments into why I think its not being very "good".

    I guess not everybody is into good entertainment.

  • Never judge a loot crate by its size, you never know what's going to lie in store for you next.

  • edited November 2014

  • edited November 2014

    [ go͝od ]


    adjective: good · comparative adjective: better · superlative adjective: best

    to be desired or approved of:

    e.g. "we live at peace with each other, which is good"

    synonyms: fine · very well · all right · right · all right then · yes · agreed

    Define "good" in your sentence. I've just put lots of very valid arguments into why I think its not being very "good".

  • Just remember this: there are no good guys in Borderlands The Borderlands universe is a world of endless chaotic.

    you can said TK Baha was a good guy but he died, history.

  • edited November 2014


    Alt text

  • If an episode is short, people complain. If an episode is long, people still complain. You can't win.

  • even if search for false vault key made episode 1 unworth of playing.

    You wouldn't like BL 1 then cause, [look at reply with the spoiler]

    And i don't think that makes the whole episode unworth of playing, it's still very good and fun.

  • edited November 2014

    When you open the vault, you don't get the treasure instead you get to fight a giant monster, and then the vault colses

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    even if search for false vault key made episode 1 unworth of playing. You wouldn't like BL 1 then cause, [look at reply with the spoiler] And i don't think that makes the whole episode unworth of playing, it's still very good and fun.

  • when the episodes are 90 minutes people complain when they get put back to 120 minutes people complain make up your mind jesus

  • edited November 2014

    I think the key is that quantity doesn't equal quality. ;) What matters is that episodes are the right length for the story being told.

    That's what people were always complaining about in my view. That they didn't feel the episodes were the right length, but they somehow latched onto 2 hours as being the magic figure, which doesn't really work because the magic number should be worked out on a episode to episode basis.

    Anyhow, knew this would happen even if Telltale gave us 2 hour long, or longer, episodes. ;) Granted, I must admit that I'm quite surprised at all of the positivity and the people complaining about the length are minimal. I always think the worst. shrugs Well, at least on here anyway . . . Steam forums are as expected.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    when the episodes are 90 minutes people complain when they get put back to 120 minutes people complain make up your mind jesus

  • the steam forums are a mess between the pissed off borderlands fans thinking they bought a fps and that guy who thinks he is gonna take telltale to court

    Rob_K posted: »

    I think the key is that quantity doesn't equal quality. What matters is that episodes are the right length for the story being told. Tha

  • Yep, indeed. Actually, I think you can attribute a very large portion of the threads to that guy.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    the steam forums are a mess between the pissed off borderlands fans thinking they bought a fps and that guy who thinks he is gonna take telltale to court

  • yea that has been his thing he has been doing this since twd s2 came out and he did it for twau too he got perma banned off both forums

    Rob_K posted: »

    Yep, indeed. Actually, I think you can attribute a very large portion of the threads to that guy.

  • edited November 2014

    So I've heard. I do not understand why he'd buy the game if he knew what they're like and I fail to see how the story can be confusing. The changes between the re-tellings were minimal and the details were so minor really, mostly done for humor. He's being doing the same on GoT's forum too. Bet he'll buy it despite blasting Borderlands and such.

    Anyhow, I'm going to drop it here I think, as we run the risk of bringing the guy into this thread/forum. ;)

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea that has been his thing he has been doing this since twd s2 came out and he did it for twau too he got perma banned off both forums

  • Answer is simple: because I buy all from Telltale. I wasnt never so dissapointed before, so why not buy this game?

    I think mayor problem "The Tales for Borderlands" have is in fact they are too much dependent to original first shooter games I never played and it relay on player knowing its univers to start with. Saying that Im aware that I wasnt fan of either Walking Dead or Fables comics before playing those Telltale games but those two had better introduction to those universes then TTFB has.

    That serial is simply not made to be introduced to Telltale adventure game fans that never played Borderline games before. Im not sure if Telltale did neglect it in purpose or it was accidental slip off but episode 1 simply doesnt function in way of storytelling for players never introduced to Borderland before.

    Rob_K posted: »

    So I've heard. I do not understand why he'd buy the game if he knew what they're like and I fail to see how the story can be confusing. The

  • If episode was long and fun I woudn't compain. But it was long in boring way. In half of episode you find out you were cheated all a long. Is it fun? No. Its boring to be cheated. And have feeling you are also cheated by Telltale. And also boring not to have a single clue how things could be resolved in positive way until like 5 minutes till end of game when you find map to a vault.

    And until then you chase some stupid suitcase full of money that no one really need. And which ends up getting blown up anyway. Wow, amazingly fun and satisfactory resolution. Not.

    ralo229 posted: »

    If an episode is short, people complain. If an episode is long, people still complain. You can't win.

  • edited November 2014

    That is fine. For the most part, we were talking about a specific user on the Steam forum who has a multitude of complaints and wants to sue over release dates, not you.

    RE an earlier point you made though regarding the case of money:

    The resolution was quite fine as far as resolutions go, really. The case was essentially the episode's story point, whether they lost it or got it back. It was resolved, even if it wasn't resolved to everyone's satisfaction, which is fine, while also providing a story hook for the next episode and planting the seed for the overall story arc.

    Edit: Also, I think getting more money might prove troublesome considering they're in trouble due to stealing the cash. Regardless, 10 million is still a lot of money even if it is easily gained.

    Answer is simple: because I buy all from Telltale. I wasnt never so dissapointed before, so why not buy this game? I think mayor problem

  • Wrong. I didn't play any Borderlands before. TftB looked like a filler, something between GoT episodes. I'm really surprised, it is very good. Didn't see the ending yet, but so far it is long enough, funny, well written, has interesting characters. Only issue - reused models. I mean, Rudiger is Walter from TWD and I've seen him twice. The guy killed by August was Shade's twin. It's my only complain. Best episode since TWAU e3.


    If episode was long and fun I woudn't compain. But it was long in boring way. In half of episode you find out you were cheated all a long. I

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2014

    @Jennifer wrote:
    And until then you chase some stupid suitcase full of money that no one really need.

    It was set up in the episode why both parties needed the money. Rhys needed it because he stole from Hyperion. If he came back with nothing, he (and Vaughn) would be killed (remember what happened to their old boss). Without it, he would be stuck on Pandora, which as GoldenPaladin said is a planet full of backwater psychos, so he and Vaughn would be killed in time anyway. Same with Fiona, she's lived on Pandora her whole life, and wants the money to get away because she knows it's only a matter of time before she (and her sister) would be killed too (which is pointed out quite eloquently by Fiona at the end when she says that there aren't too many old men on Pandora).

    In this world, the money (and, especially the money earned from a vault key, since it's so valuable) is the key to survival. Without money, both on Pandora and working for Hyperion (because both are filled with cut throat psychopaths, the latter is just more devious about it), you die.

    If episode was long and fun I woudn't compain. But it was long in boring way. In half of episode you find out you were cheated all a long. I

  • edited November 2014

    Well, im not convinced by that setup. Like Vasquez would let them live after they left their posts and stole his favourite car. And forgive stealing of 10 million in the first place. Man who threw his and their previous boss out into open space? I simply cannot buy that.

    No, story established that they need to get vault key to beat Vasquez. The same moment key is ruled to be fake every other motivation that isnt on the level of beating Vasquez seemed fake. We got that only like 5 min before story to be finished and before that we played the game for motives that we already knew that where totally irrelevant. No other Telltale game ever did that.

    Simply, Fiona is introduced to cover up that Rhys doesnt have a plan so we kind of look into new main character and neglect that there is major plot hole there.

    Excuse me for being completly bored and univolved when that happened.

    Jennifer posted: »

    @Jennifer wrote: And until then you chase some stupid suitcase full of money that no one really need. It was set up in the episod

  • edited November 2014

    If they didn't get the money back, they were essentially screwed.

    Partly because of Vasquez. If they got it back, they might be able to deal with him and he hinted at such later on, I believe, especially with being in hot water. Mind you, if they did deal, there's no guarantee he'd keep his end, but yeah . . .

    But even if they couldn't deal with Vasquez and they managed to avoid him and his cronies, they needed that money to live on Pandora or get out of dodge. They wouldn't be able to easily access money anymore, I believe, considering they stole it. Their access to Hyperion systems, I imagine, would have been frozen.

    So, the money had a lot of uses. 'Potential' leverage over Vasquez, a way to be financially secure. And no, Fiona was introduced because she needs the money just like Vaughn and Rhys do. Plus they went after it together because Vaughn and Rhys could find it.

    If Jennifer's explanation and mine isn't satisfactory, then there's really nothing more to say, unfortunately. Nothing we say can change your view, though I'm sure that's not what you want anyway, as you either like something or you don't. Like I said in another post, it's fine you dislike it. Nothing in this world will ever appeal to everyone.

    Well, im not convinced by that setup. Like Vasquez would let them live after they left their posts and stole his favourite car. And forgive

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2014

    @DrNorrington wrote:
    Well, im not convinced by that setup. Like Henderson would let them live after they left their posts and stole his favourite car. And forgive stealing of 10 million in the first place. Man who threw his and their previous boss out into open space? I simply cannot buy that.

    The point is that Rhys and Vaughn want to screw Vasquez over, as he had done to them (Hyperion is a cut throat company). If they came back with a vault key, they would have power, and Vasquez would be demoted (or killed). At this point, even Vasquez is in trouble from the higher ups because of the theft of Hyperion money (remember he said that Hyperion wants his "dick in a sling"). Vasquez is not the highest authority in Hyperion. He still has his superiors he has to report to. That's the whole reason why Vasquez was willing to make a deal with Rhys if he agreed to make Vaughn the fall guy.

    @DrNorrington wrote:
    No, story established that they need to get vault key to beat Handerson. The same moment key is ruled to be fake every other motivation that isnt on the level of beating Henderson seemed fake.

    Yeah, they needed to get the vault key to beat Vasquez. Once it was proven to be fake, they wanted the money so they could get back to Hyperion and get their career back, and keep their lives. They said that if they got back in time, Hyperion would not have even noticed that the money was gone.

    Plus, when they found out the vault key was fake if they headed back to Hyperion and told Vasquez the vault key was fake (and showed him the proof from the eye implant that Rhys had), Vaughn would realize that his butt was pretty much saved from the fact that he was going to go in and make a deal for a fake vault key. Remember that Vaughn is not the highest power at Hyperion, he would have been demoted or killed for making a deal for a fake vault key (which he probably would have since he didn't have an eye implant).

    @DrNorrington wrote:
    Simply, Fiona is introducet to cover up that Rhys doesnt have a plan so we kind of look into new main character and neglect that there is huge plot whole there.

    There's no plot hole. Rhys had a solid plan. He thought the vault key was real, as he didn't know that Fiona's crew had made a fake vault key. Once he found out that it was fake, he was going to go back with the money and let Vaughn know that he saved his butt from a fake deal. If he had gotten back in time, Hyperion would not have even noticed the money was gone.

    Well, im not convinced by that setup. Like Vasquez would let them live after they left their posts and stole his favourite car. And forgive

  • I was quoted!


    Jennifer posted: »

    @Jennifer wrote: And until then you chase some stupid suitcase full of money that no one really need. It was set up in the episod

  • Those are called twists. It's kinda what Telltale does.

    If episode was long and fun I woudn't compain. But it was long in boring way. In half of episode you find out you were cheated all a long. I

  • damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    when the episodes are 90 minutes people complain when they get put back to 120 minutes people complain make up your mind jesus

  • Jesus, there's always somebody is there. I thought this was one of the best "Pilot" episodes Telltale ever made, first ten minutes were slow but man, it becomes one hell of a ride. Plus, they finally amped up their graphics and thanks to a blend of cinematic many of the awkward clunky animations are now less noticeable. They're still there. But man, what a drastic improvement.

    Plus I LOVE how we're finally getting a comedy game from them again. It's been far too long.

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