Some issues with the mouse

Game is AMAZING! I played for an hour and only just started Fiona's story!
Anyways, I wanted to raise some controls issue:
1) Why do the keyboard controls not work in the menu?
2) Why are there no keyboard controls to select responses?
3) Why are the 4 options listed out in 4 rows, instead of 2x2 rows? It gets kinda difficult to select the right option with a mouse, and the hit areas are pretty small.
4) Why is the mouse "invisible"? Sometimes, I need a few seconds just to find the mouse.
5) And why is it that I find the mouse to be "laggy"? It just feels so floaty, which is why I'd have appreciated some keyboard controls in the menu and to select your responses.
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Yeah, I feel similarly. Like, I enjoy that Rhys and Fiona have different interfaces, but not being able to use the keyboard to select is really a pain in the ass.
Not being able to use the buttons for decision is definitely annoying and yeah the mouse feels pretty damn weird, I really would like to adjust the sensitivity, in fact I was looking for the option in the menus and I didn't find it.
Might as well post this here. I have no problem with the game or the story/writing.
But I did find the cursor a bit hard to locate during dialog prompts. Made it a bit hard at times due to the timer.
Conversation timers get close to running out and they did in one instance. I'm hardly 'very slow' either.
Mind you, it could be because I'm playing at 1920 x 1080 resolution, I could try dialing it down a bit.
Yes, the timer ran out for me a couple of times cause I couldn't locate my cursor either, and on a few more instances, I wasn't able to read all 4 options and just had to randomly pick something before the timer ran out. I faced the same thing in the previous games, but it happens much more frequently here (not being able to read all 4 options, that is).
Just wish there was an option to delay the timer slightly. And yeah, I'm hardly "slow" in terms of both reading speed and reaction times.
Glad to know I am not the only one having a wonky and drunk mouse cursor in the game.
+1 on all of the above.
Especially "finding" the mouse. By the time I had done that, I had very limited time to choose a response.
Edit: Finally got my xbox wireless controller working and played again. The choice menu was much better in console (controller) mode vs PC (keyboard/mouse) mode. Just hit a button to make a choice.
That's also what happened to me on several occasions throughout the game.Because of that, there were so many times when I couldn't pick any dialogue option.
I also agree with everything else you said.Seeing how a lot of people got that problem, I think it's safe to say that they'll fix it in the next episodes.
Yep, let's hope they do it. Both the sensitivity and invisibility are major issues, and the rest are important as well but may be lower in priority.
I'm glad I'm not the only person this was a problem for. This is the first TT game I've played where there's no keyboard control for the dialogue options and I can't say that I appreciate the omission. I might be able to live with it though if the mouse weren't virtually invisible. Don't give us timed dialogue options if we're going to run out of the time just looking for our cursors! The game is fun and just as importantly quite funny but it was far less fun that it should have been because of the wonky controls.
"Fix in the next episode"? Did this laggy, invisible mouse/no option to change timer/no keyboard input occur in "Wolf" or "Walking Dead"? If not, why now? If so, I don't understand why they were popular.
This issue is ruining the game for me. With no time to choose an option, it's like watching a movie where the protagonist never says anything.
Does TT update their episodes, or is this one set in stone?
Patches do exist.
Had problems with using the mouse during dialogue as well, this was an annoyance that should have been dealt with before release. Hope they fix it for episode two.
Honestly I don't care, I don't work for Telltale.
Honestly I don't care, I don't work for Telltale.
In that case I'd like to resubmit my complaint as a suggestion:
You get five seconds to decide. Which feels more like four. And it's difficult with PC:
1) The mouse control is laggy, with no mouse-sensitivity selection. That's one second wasted.
2) There are no keyboard controls. If we could hit "1" on keyboard, would help greatly.
3) No setting in options for "four seconds" "six seconds" etc.
The console folks can select "A", "B," etc. on their controllers, so they're good.
Honestly I don't care, I don't work for Telltale.
Then don't reply to me with it.
Then don't reply to me with it.
I'm hoping TT reads the forums. I didn't post the comment for you.
Then don't reply to me with it.
It was a general forum-wide reply to the statement "Patches do exist."
Relax, man. You are not the center of the universe.
... Coming from you that's laughable.
You didn't need to post that reply to me, i'm not doing anything wrong here but I'll leave you alone as long as you don't say anything behind my back.
I posted a complaint, then offered a suggestion. Please leave me alone.
It would be good if Telltale could acknowledge some or all of these complaints, and let us know if they would fix it or leave it as it is (I don't have much confidence, sadly, that Telltale would bother fixing things).
I realized that the released the Mac version on Steam, but there doesn't seem to be any fix/patch to the PC version for this. Coupled with the "radio silence" from the devs, I am afraid we will need to sit through these problems for the rest of the season.
Yeah, get used to that "radio silence". It's kind of Telltale's thing.