Who was your least favorite teacher/boss last

Like who did you dislike the most in your area of school or work?

My least favorite teacher was my Social Studies teacher last year, Ms.Gregory because she had a very cold personality, she always gave me the Luigi death stare in class when talking to everybody, Gregory also decided to give me a lunch detention just because I checked the world cup scores for a second, When I decided not to go on the field trip she gave me some work to do and she told me to follow directions in a pissed off tone, She would get pissed the fuck off if I accidentally didn't follow one direction when we were doing cool shit, Last but not least she is just a big god damn hypocrite because a week before the last day of 7th grade she gave my class a bullshit google maps assignment in which we must locate the two historical locations on the map... Which was shit! I chose the Liberty tree that was in New Jersey (Yes there is apparently 2 liberty trees) but when I searched the Daniel Lawrence Farmhouse on Google maps First person view, there was no fucking farmhouse! There was only a modern day house in its place and just me I practically looked for this famous farmhouse on Google over 9000 times. So I kindly ask Ms.Gregory to allow my partner and I (Yes this was a partner project) to only do the liberty tree since the Daniel Lawrence Farmhouse location was FUBAR, to which she agreed on. Now this just outright pissed me the fuck off, when the project was due on 6/18/14 two days before the last day of school I hand in my partner and my work when she saw that only one location was done she threw a fit when before she said that I could do one location vs. 2 but she went back on her word and gave me and my partner partial credit. Seriously,What the Fuck lady!? she went back on our little compromise, it's like promising Sarah that you'll be friends and you constantly be unfriendly to her and you leave her to die in that mobile home! Rewind to 6/20/14, my last day when everybody has to clean out their lockers... She told me to do so in a pissed the fuck off tone.
By the end of 7th we both hated each other so much that we were practically at each others throats, Call me Kenny 2.0 and Call her Jane 2.0

So who was your least favorite teacher/boss? And why do you dislike them?



  • *Who was your least favorite teacher last year?

    sorry, I woke up like 7 minutes ago.

  • I hated 7th grade, LoL.

  • Last year in 8th grade I had a science teacher named Mr. Duffy. Yes, you read the correctly. He was a moron, he lost my work that I gave him and failed me.

  • There is two minutes of my life, i can't get back.

    High school was great. I wish i could relive that time again.

  • Hate when that happens.

    Last year in 8th grade I had a science teacher named Mr. Duffy. Yes, you read the correctly. He was a moron, he lost my work that I gave him and failed me.

  • My Chemistry Teacher may be awful, since she made me hate science. She is the reason why I am studying Social Works and Economics

  • I hate my boss. His name is Hugo Vasquez -_-

  • How amazing that would be if he was.

    I hate my boss. His name is Hugo Vasquez -_-

  • I imagine that would be, like, the worst thing ever :D

    How amazing that would be if he was.

  • No Offense but that sounds like either a drug dealer name or a movie villan name....

    I hate my boss. His name is Hugo Vasquez -_-

  • I had a 6th grade teacher named MS. Duffy.

    Last year in 8th grade I had a science teacher named Mr. Duffy. Yes, you read the correctly. He was a moron, he lost my work that I gave him and failed me.

  • That would be my Computer Science teacher last year. She had no idea how to work a computer, taught us nothing about computers except on a day that she was ABSENT. Yes, she accomplished more when she was ABSENT. We didn't even go to the computer labs a few days because she had no idea how to tell idiot chatterboxes to leave her class. She left this year, even though I had applied for Computer Science as my elective. Now I'm stuck with something I hate: Agriculture.

  • In Year 5 I had bad eyesight but didn't have glasses yet, so I'd squint my eyes to try and read the board. However my moronic teacher thought I was giving her dirty looks so she proceeded to be a complete bitch to me for the rest of the year, singling me out, making rude comments. She was such a bitch at parents evening as well.

    Really, you would think she would realise I just couldn't read the damn board. I was what, 9, she completely overreacted.

  • My current boss is pretty awful, she's calmed down a bit lately but she used to yell at people all the time and call them useless, it really pissed me off so I told her to shut up several times and I've called her an asshole and a bitch, I guess I give no fucks, seems pretty stupid to do something like that anyway I have gotten suspended twice for that and another time she said I owed her one for not firing me and I told her to fire me because fuck her and her stupid threats, if you're going to threaten me you better do it because otherwise you just piss me off, needless to say she didn't fire me, probably because I work really hard most of the time, plus it's kinda hard to sell me as a bad guy since most of my co-workers have a really high opinion of me.

    As for teachers... I had a lot of awful teachers but let's think of standouts, I guess the worst ones would be the guy that would hit us with a ruler and impregnated a 15 year old student, that guy was awful though more in being morally reprehensible more than anything, I did punch him in his balls once because I ain't letting some asshole just hit me like that, I also stole a lot of money from him since he tended to leave it in the drawer of his desk which was really stupid but whatever.

    Another awful one would be the principal of a religious high school I went to that also was a history teacher, he would say stupid shit while giving class about how the theory of evolution was absolute bullshit and everyone who believed in it was an idiot, of course me having my huge mouth told him he was an idiot for saying that so he started calling me to his office in order to try to convert me, it would be whenever, one time he made me walk out of a Math test in order to give me his stupid sermon, now that guy was an awful teacher, he was also an awful person though, I remember his school said in the rules that homosexuality was strictly prohibited, do keep in mind that this was less than a decade ago, his son was in my class too and I know he would hit him and verbally abuse him because he was bi...

    There was another history teacher that just plain didn't like me because I was very antisocial and never wanted to join a group whenever there was a group project and he would just insult me in the middle of class and was always teasing me, that was a very bad year for me and he helped knock my screws loose and I was going so insane that during that year I had nervous breakdown that made me drop out of high school and afterwards I almost murdered someone when my sister went missing, I later finished high school by homeschooling myself though so it's not that big a deal, I was 16 if I recall correctly...

    Huh... eh, 3rd world problems?

  • One of my teachers started yelling at me and swearing at me because i put my hand up. He also singles me out and tells people that they shouldn't
    like me or even notice me at all.

  • Uhh, that's a little racist, but....

    Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    No Offense but that sounds like either a drug dealer name or a movie villan name....

  • Wow. LoL

    UCAAV29784 posted: »

    I had a 6th grade teacher named MS. Duffy.

  • "As for teachers... I had a lot of awful teachers but let's think of standouts, I guess the worst ones would be the guy that would hit us with a ruler and impregnated a 15 year old student, that guy was awful though more in being morally reprehensible more than anything, I did punch him in his balls once because I ain't letting some asshole just hit me like that, I also stole a lot of money from him since he tended to leave it in the drawer of his desk which was really stupid but whatever."

    Damn bro... You really hated that guy.

    kaleion posted: »

    My current boss is pretty awful, she's calmed down a bit lately but she used to yell at people all the time and call them useless, it really

  • Holy Shite.

    One of my teachers started yelling at me and swearing at me because i put my hand up. He also singles me out and tells people that they shouldn't like me or even notice me at all.

  • Cool story FauDeef (not sarcasm)

    FauDeef posted: »

    My Chemistry Teacher may be awful, since she made me hate science. She is the reason why I am studying Social Works and Economics

  • Did you ever report him? I'm sure if you did he'd be gone in no time flat, lol.

    One of my teachers started yelling at me and swearing at me because i put my hand up. He also singles me out and tells people that they shouldn't like me or even notice me at all.

  • He hit students and had sex with underage girls why shouldn't I hate him?

    He was a piece of shit, both of those things are illegal and he didn't go to jail because of nepotism so yeah I screwed him over every chance I had, he deserved far worse than what I did, besides when I punched him in his balls he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me all the way to the principal's office, fortunately for me he wasn't there at the time and everyone was looking at him weird because he dragged me around like a potato sack or something, whatever fuck that guy.

    "As for teachers... I had a lot of awful teachers but let's think of standouts, I guess the worst ones would be the guy that would hit us wi


    kaleion posted: »

    He hit students and had sex with underage girls why shouldn't I hate him? He was a piece of shit, both of those things are illegal and he

  • Also if I were you and he was my teacher... Instead of punching him in the nutsack I'd bite him and tear of some of his flesh tissue from his arm and spit it out he's abusive, a pedophile and a rapist. He should probably think about cutting his wrists with a butcher knife. I think he is an autistic idiot that should have been aborted before birth.

    kaleion posted: »

    He hit students and had sex with underage girls why shouldn't I hate him? He was a piece of shit, both of those things are illegal and he

  • I got a detention last year because I said "Jesus Christ" and my teacher got mad and said "Don't say God's name in vain."

  • In my school there is cussing everyday but the teachers don't really care.

    When I said "Fuck" when a teacher was next to me... She just looked at me and went back to her own business.

    I got a detention last year because I said "Jesus Christ" and my teacher got mad and said "Don't say God's name in vain."

  • Its not like I swore in the first place lol, I shouldn't have gotten into trouble.

    In my school there is cussing everyday but the teachers don't really care. When I said "Fuck" when a teacher was next to me... She just looked at me and went back to her own business.

  • http://giphy.com/gifs/JNz19eZvQsv3a

    here's what I have to say about that teacher that sent you to detention just for saying "Jesus christ"

    Its not like I swore in the first place lol, I shouldn't have gotten into trouble.

  • That was a long time ago though, not a decade but almost I think, and I hit him there because I was super short (1.36 m) so that was more or less where my arms reached, I wasn't really aiming just reacting.

    Also if I were you and he was my teacher... Instead of punching him in the nutsack I'd bite him and tear of some of his flesh tissue from hi

  • Still... I bet it was a heavy blow.

    Heh, currently I'm .50 m taller than your past self that him that prick in the balls. I wonder where I would hit him...

    kaleion posted: »

    That was a long time ago though, not a decade but almost I think, and I hit him there because I was super short (1.36 m) so that was more or less where my arms reached, I wasn't really aiming just reacting.

  • ...I mean damn...The guy is a horrible person but half if not all the stuff you said in that post is VERY offensive.

    Also if I were you and he was my teacher... Instead of punching him in the nutsack I'd bite him and tear of some of his flesh tissue from hi

  • Sounds like all of you guys had terrible teachers.


    here is a message from me to them.

  • Also I had one nosy bitch in year 12, who ended up kicking me out of school. She'd call me into her office and ask me all sorts of personal questions, prefacing it with "I'm a psychology teacher, and I've noticed your behaviour seems that of..."

    She even asked me "Has someone done something to you?". I laughed and said no, and she was all "You don't seem so sure about that."

    Damn what do you know that I don't, miss.

  • Wow.

    sprocket23 posted: »

    Also I had one nosy bitch in year 12, who ended up kicking me out of school. She'd call me into her office and ask me all sorts of personal

  • Where i went to high school i saw my teacher punch a student. This was in the early 2000s though, Boardman High is crooked yo.

    Green613 posted: »

    Did you ever report him? I'm sure if you did he'd be gone in no time flat, lol.

  • Alt text

    Last year in 8th grade I had a science teacher named Mr. Duffy. Yes, you read the correctly. He was a moron, he lost my work that I gave him and failed me.

  • I'm sure more than a few of you can relate to parts of this: My parents moved me in the final year of primary school. We didn't move house, this other place just performed better and was full of lovely middle class kids. It was so popular as a result that every classroom was practically bursting, and I got shuffled into the overflow, where kids of both fifth and sixth years were taught together. The teacher in charge seemed to hate my guts from the second I showed up. Probably because I was one more little gobshite to deal with, from a "bad" school, jammed under his nose for unspecific reasons. When the whole classroom were chattering amongst themselves he'd make an example of me to get their attention. On one particular occasion he pulled out my draw (each kid had one at the side of the room, where we'd keep stationary and unfinished work from the days and weeks before), threw it into my face, and went on a great shouty rant. I couldn't even keep a draw in order, I didn't participate, I didn't pay attention, I was a disruptive influence, I hadn't made friends (possibly because he'd move me to a new seat every other week). There was something wrong with me, he concluded. Clearly the answer was to make me stand outside of his classroom for the next hour, bloody nose and all.

    My dad "homeschooled" me for the remaining three months of the year. Which mostly involved helping him buy groceries, build a loft conversion, and repair his car, with the occasional maths lesson thrown in. Blind leading the blind that, but as teachers go I'd never have better.

  • Oh, great. Thank you Lee Evereet 333 (not sarcasm)

    Cool story FauDeef (not sarcasm)

  • I got detention once for not remembering to bring my homework to class. My school was strict.

    I got a detention last year because I said "Jesus Christ" and my teacher got mad and said "Don't say God's name in vain."

  • I got detention once for telling a kid to stop poking me.

    I got a detention last year because I said "Jesus Christ" and my teacher got mad and said "Don't say God's name in vain."

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