So, Tector Hodunk...

So this takes place after BL2, but what is, this? So this game is of Marcus telling us a story, about two characters telling their story of how a Vault key scam got them into tons of trouble. So in this story within a story, Tector Hodunk(a guy you have the choice of killing in BL2), is in the game a bodygaurd(for whatever reason, will probably come up in the second episode), so does that mean the Vault Hunters chose to kill Mick Zaford(the other choice of who you kill), or did that three-mission story not even happen? There's no way of telling, as again, this may or may not be addressed in Episode 2 or beyond, but could Rhys and Fiona's telling of the story be after the events of Borderlands 2 while the time when the story took place is before/during? No, of course not, Jack is dead, because Nakatyama is confirmed dead, and he only died trying to bring Jack back, which puts this after BL2.

So was the mission where you kill Tector and Jimbo(the guy riding Tector in the trailer for the second episode) not cannon? Did the BL2 Vault Hunters murder Mick Zaford in the cannon, and let Mr. Hodunk live? Hopefully this is explained, because it sure peaked my interest.

What are yallz thoughts about this?


  • Dragon Break?

  • It bothers me a lot too! I mean pretty much everyone who played ''The Clan War'' choose to side with our favorite drunk irish guys the Zafords (also because Tector and Jimbo Hodunks dropped the slagga), so why is he still alive... we need some great explanation about this... like he somehow survive... and that the Zafords are still all alive too because Steve is part of the Zafords so! (even if we can chose Steve mask at the race, he just lost it, I cannot believe and won't accept that he's dead)

  • Elaborate, please. I have no clue what you're talking about...

    Dragon Break?

  • The side missions in Borderlands and Borderlands 2, are non canon. So that means every side character is still living within the universe, so that means people like Tector could me introduced into the tales of the Borderlands.

  • Uh Mortal Kombat and Comic Book syndrome where nobody is truly dead?

  • Where did you get this information? I know some missions cannot be cannon, like Jack asking for you to kill yourself for a reward, but to my knowledge almost all other side missions worked within the cannon, and weren't confirmed to be not cannon, which makes it cannon. Cannon.

    The side missions in Borderlands and Borderlands 2, are non canon. So that means every side character is still living within the universe, so that means people like Tector could me introduced into the tales of the Borderlands.

  • Umm no a lot of side missions are canon

    The side missions in Borderlands and Borderlands 2, are non canon. So that means every side character is still living within the universe, so that means people like Tector could me introduced into the tales of the Borderlands.

  • But several people do die. Jack, Angel, Roland, Bloodwing, Pierce, T.K. Baha(though still a zombie, so maybe they can spin it that way), Wilhelm, Nisha, and all the bosses you've actually killed are supposed to be, in the cannon, deader than dead.

  • edited November 2014

    Jack killing yourself isn't canon either, due to the fact that the respawn machines don't actually exist in the lore. Anthony Burch said that, the lead writer of Borderlands.

    Some missions did happen obviously, but a lot didn't either, this allows TT and Gearbox to leave an open story, thus Tector lives and most likely the Irish men.

    Edit: Something else I'd like to bring up, the optional missions are a game mechanic not in anyway to advance the story. So this makes why the Vault Hunters never brought it up, or in fact in any of the main games.

    Where did you get this information? I know some missions cannot be cannon, like Jack asking for you to kill yourself for a reward, but to my

  • Honestly most of the fanbase preferred the zafords so i don't get why they'd make the hodunks canon

  • I said that that mission isn't cannon. The one with Jack asking you to kill yourself? Of course that mission isn't cannon. But, a mission very close to that, the one where you're hired to check up on his Grandma in Eridum Blight is. Jack talks about a grandma he loves, and how the one that is alive is a total bitch in TPS, like the one we were hired to check on in BL2, and the one he ended up hiring killers to murder her. That one is cannon. Unless a mission directly contradicts something in the universe(i.e. re-spawning to claim a prize for killing yourself), then it is cannon unless stated by officials.

    One way or another this should be explained, and since no one has said that the Clan Wars didn't actually happen, we can assume that it did, and that something else is going on here which is what needs to be explained. Just because players preferred Mick Zaford to farm the Slagga, or whatever, doesn't mean that that happened within the cannon universe.

    Jack killing yourself isn't canon either, due to the fact that the respawn machines don't actually exist in the lore. Anthony Burch said tha

  • I'm assuming most of the missions are canon at this point now, I don' think Gearbox expected us too. Like the Clan War, if the Vault Hunters really did kill the Irish Clan, they would be wiped but they're not one member can be seen in the intro of the game.

    Honestly, only so many are canon that don't effect anything.

    I said that that mission isn't cannon. The one with Jack asking you to kill yourself? Of course that mission isn't cannon. But, a mission ve

  • Just because we wiped out a load of Zafords doesn't mean they're all dead. You ever play their Valentines day DLC for Borderlands 2 where you help and kill a bunch of Zafords. And whether or not that DLC is even cannon some Zafords could still be alive, but the Hodunks won the clan feud.

    Also, we only hang out in The Dust, and The Highlands in Borderlands 2 when we fight the Hodunks and Zafords, this area where they're killed in is never even mentioned, let alone explored by us in BL2, so having Zafords there as a safe haven, or just as a small amount of them makes sense.

    So if the Hodunks won the feud, what else would they do? They still need money, and since any Vault Hunter worth their salt can wreck the lot of em, they wanted to go to a place that was a secluded and though filled with thievery wasn't a place for the Vault Hunters to even care about. That's where Hollowpoint would come in, that's why the leader of the Hodunks may want to start out as a bodygaurd.

    Again, I could be completely wrong. This may not be in the slightest of cannon, but it can fit if they can spin it without breaking the cannon of a set of missions I very much liked. But, as cannon is broken in Borderlands more often than midget skulls(and that's saying something), I could see all the missions not mattering in the slightest.

    I'm assuming most of the missions are canon at this point now, I don' think Gearbox expected us too. Like the Clan War, if the Vault Hunters

  • Have you looked at him though? The man could probably be shot many times and still survive.

  • You just have to remember that every game is actually you reliving an unreliable narration. There will be some things that are obviously artistic licence taking over as the person telling the story decided to have a bit of fun. Some, but not all, of the side quests likely fall into this category.

    The side missions in Borderlands and Borderlands 2, are non canon. So that means every side character is still living within the universe, so that means people like Tector could me introduced into the tales of the Borderlands.

  • I more see most of the side missions, if not all being non canon. It really would make no sense within the form of storytelling, but we may never know because Gearbox should give us a canon. But thank you for your post though, it could be true but maybe its not we need more insight of the universe.

    Just because we wiped out a load of Zafords doesn't mean they're all dead. You ever play their Valentines day DLC for Borderlands 2 where yo

  • edited February 2015

    Ah, sorry I didn't reply. You weren't missing much, just me being a cynical and pompous wanker.

    I just meant a lazy retcon in which every decision taken in a previous game is valid, except some are more valid. The "Dragon Break" thing comes from the Elder Scrolls series - Dagerfall in particular - in which according to the canon of every new game all possible endings of the last happened at the same time, but only one will stick. Because MAGIC.

    Elaborate, please. I have no clue what you're talking about...

  • he is killable in borderlands 2, u can burn him or explode him to pieces. no way he survived. and about zafords still exist, u didnt killed them all, u just weakend them by taking their leader and alot of their man. zafford still exists in moxxi headhunter pack.
    if u ask me, cannonwise the vault hunters killed mick, i can understand why they make this choise, houdunks has more backstory with (moxxi, scooter and all that) and alot more intressting then zaffords

    Kveer posted: »

    Have you looked at him though? The man could probably be shot many times and still survive.

  • "you dont die today, YOU DIE EVERY DAY!"
    -2013 or whenever he was realised

    Churned posted: »

    Uh Mortal Kombat and Comic Book syndrome where nobody is truly dead?

  • As a BL2 player, I loved the Clan Wars mission and ALL OF YOU should do it if you get Borderlands 2.

    And yes, Zeke, a lot of people preferred the Zafords because the Hodunks dropped a very valuable slag SMG, that dealt out excellent slag damage and was very useful. This is because slag (which is purple and smells like piss, nachos and rakk farts) increases damage. You have to slag someone, then set them on fire/shock them/spray them with acid and watch the Badasses die hard.

    Nisha was canonically killed by the Vault Hunters, even though she was an optional miniboss. (Nice lady, though, and possibly the most polite antagonist you'll meet, despite having no problem killing puppies.)

    However, Marcus is telling a story to this orphan he's training to tell stories (don't ask), so I guess he could embellish it a bit.

    And you ever heard about the Valentine's Day DLC? A plan to marry two bandits from the Hodunk and Zaford clans got messed up, and the Hodunks and Zafords actually formed a proper alliance and attacked the Vault Hunters with the power of redneck and Irish over-the-top stereotypes respectively.

    So yeah, I would guess that they were alive.

  • edited March 2015

    i killed hodunk in BL2. so yeah i was like whaaaaaat? is he a cat with nine lives or we didnt actually kill him and he flee with his clan? idk. or maybe he used a hyperian revive machine lol. not just vault hunters can die and come back. also tons of bandits and bosses. so yeah it doesnt make sense story-wise since TFTBL is after the events and fall of handsome jack.. but you know, borderlands dont make sense anyway so why bother. it would've been much nicer to us fans to see such detail or how hodunk is alive in this supposed to be after BL2 events. ALSO its canon to the whole borderlands universe according to gearbox guys. maybe there is a reason, and yet again i dont think it is. such detail would make me happy but '' the more you know ''

  • The Hyperion new u machines aren't canon.
    I guess that Tector's just a bullet sponge.

    Mercyva posted: »

    i killed hodunk in BL2. so yeah i was like whaaaaaat? is he a cat with nine lives or we didnt actually kill him and he flee with his clan? i

  • Those are story missions.

    But several people do die. Jack, Angel, Roland, Bloodwing, Pierce, T.K. Baha(though still a zombie, so maybe they can spin it that way), Wilhelm, Nisha, and all the bosses you've actually killed are supposed to be, in the cannon, deader than dead.

  • My SMG was corrosive. Still powerful, and my favorite element. Also who's Nisha I've been playing the slab (reference to my favorite character) out of BL2 and I don't know who that is.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    As a BL2 player, I loved the Clan Wars mission and ALL OF YOU should do it if you get Borderlands 2. And yes, Zeke, a lot of people prefe

  • Nisha is the Sheriff of Lynchwood and Handsome Jack's girlfriend. She was also one of the Vault Hunters Jack hired to help him fidn the Vault on Elpis during The Pre-Sequel and helped him in his rise to power.

    My SMG was corrosive. Still powerful, and my favorite element. Also who's Nisha I've been playing the slab (reference to my favorite character) out of BL2 and I don't know who that is.

  • Okay, I got the handsome collection yesterday and I've yet to play the Pre-Sequel.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Nisha is the Sheriff of Lynchwood and Handsome Jack's girlfriend. She was also one of the Vault Hunters Jack hired to help him fidn the Vault on Elpis during The Pre-Sequel and helped him in his rise to power.

  • I believe the ones to kill Nisha are, since they are the more important side missions in Lynchwood.

    Kveer posted: »

    You just have to remember that every game is actually you reliving an unreliable narration. There will be some things that are obviously art

  • Killed him in BL2 and I first I was like the hell??! But tit's a bit funny that he shows up alive and well with no explanation whatsoever.

    The only possible answer is that he will be a playable Vault Hunter in BL3

  • yes i was confused as well......

  • enter image description here

    Mercyva posted: »

    yes i was confused as well......

  • Killing nisha is a sidequest in lynchwood.

    Those are story missions.

  • He got lucky

  • I'm pretty sure TFTBL story takes place before BL2, and TFTBL story telling takes place after BL2

  • Nah Athena got captured after jacks death

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure TFTBL story takes place before BL2, and TFTBL story telling takes place after BL2

  • Even the Tales flashback takes place after BL2. Rhys makes it a point to talk about how Hyperion felt with the death of Jack during his narration.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure TFTBL story takes place before BL2, and TFTBL story telling takes place after BL2

  • So I goofed very bad :L

    Even the Tales flashback takes place after BL2. Rhys makes it a point to talk about how Hyperion felt with the death of Jack during his narration.

  • Canon and cannon are two different things. Just saying :p

    Where did you get this information? I know some missions cannot be cannon, like Jack asking for you to kill yourself for a reward, but to my

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