Strange Sign from Zer0

So i was just playing the Episode for a third time well only the End and well when Zer0 stabs that guy in the Speaker he normally makes a Smiley Face like this :) but this time it made something differend it looked kind of like this _l-I- well i cant make it exactly the same but thats how it looked and well did anyone else had this was it a bug? I couldnt get a Picture of it since i didnt really expect it and wasnt fast enough.

Sry my English isnt really the best.



  • Happened to me too xD

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  • edited November 2014

    I'm pretty sure it's a bug.

    Zer0 normally only makes faces like :) and :D but has also been known to use <3 and 0.

    I don't even know what to call this...thing. xD

  • I got a <3 from Zer0. :D

  • When I saw it I thought it was a japanese character

  • edited November 2014

    Yeah in a way XD kind of like he's winking like (;

  • edited November 2014

    It looks like the top japanese character for justice.
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  • edited November 2014

    Damn, I'm even in Japanese and I don't know that kanji...

    And it makes sense...

    Good find!

    -XYAB- posted: »

    It looks like the top japanese character for justice.

  • Zero is Illuminati.

  • Yea that was it :)
    It is kind of strange but yea how Blue Shadiw said it is a bug but we will never really know :D

    javoris767 posted: »

    Happened to me too xD

  • When i first saw it i kind of thought like how he just destroyed that woofer it might be like a Music sign when you know music is playing that stuff that goes up and down dont know how to call it xD

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's a bug. Zer0 normally only makes faces like and but has also been known to use and 0. I don't even know what to call this...thing. xD

  • Yea thats the Normal case :D

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    I got a from Zer0.

  • Actually it does that Dubstep he was playing was Illegal :D

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Damn, I'm even in Japanese and I don't know that kanji... And it makes sense... Good find!

  • It's a kanji, it means stop.

    source : I'm studying Japanese

    What did you do to get him to do that?

  • Nothing out of ordinary just the Basic Stuff, well i saved Felix

    Pride posted: »

    It's a kanji, it means stop. source : I'm studying Japanese What did you do to get him to do that?

  • Saving Felix doesn't have anything to do with it. Maybe it depends on how Rhys talked to Zer0, though it could just be a glitch.

  • Yea it might be well i only told him that he is cool which he is :) and that he has something in him you know whati mean :D not the perv stuff xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Saving Felix doesn't have anything to do with it. Maybe it depends on how Rhys talked to Zer0, though it could just be a glitch.

  • What did you tell him? :D

    javoris767 posted: »

    Happened to me too xD

  • edited November 2014

    The Basic stuff

    That he is cool :D

    That he has something in him

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    What did you tell him?

  • he suppose to use the 0 when he kills somebody, that means the enemy was no challenge. if know his back story youll know it. but he dosent seems to do it in tales .. eh..

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's a bug. Zer0 normally only makes faces like and but has also been known to use and 0. I don't even know what to call this...thing. xD

  • There's no way this is a bug. But then why "stop"? :D

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    The Basic stuff That he is cool That he has something in him

  • He does this when he kills Bossanova. He's supposed to do a smiley face, but he doesn't. He does........

    .....whatever the hell that is.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    There's no way this is a bug. But then why "stop"?

  • I'm pretty sure it's the Japanese symbol for Justice as is said below.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    He does this when he kills Bossanova. He's supposed to do a smiley face, but he doesn't. He does........ .....whatever the hell that is.

  • Well how i said Justice for that Illegal Dubstep Bossanova was playing xD

    I'm pretty sure it's the Japanese symbol for Justice as is said below.

  • I was really referencing -XYAB-'s post but sure.

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    Well how i said Justice for that Illegal Dubstep Bossanova was playing xD

  • edited November 2014

    Actually im more on Pride`s side it is a Kanji sign, but the sign of justice looks kind of like it but the Kanji sign for Stop is identical.

    Alt text

    I was really referencing -XYAB-'s post but sure.

  • I'm not a great (Or at all) Japanese interpreter so I'm just going off of what's being said on here. Justice seems more appropriate in the situation though.

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    Actually im more on Pride`s side it is a Kanji sign, but the sign of justice looks kind of like it but the Kanji sign for Stop is identical.

  • Same goes for me only Pride said that and i googled it and well how you can see its identical but i agree justice would fit more for obvious reason

    I'm not a great (Or at all) Japanese interpreter so I'm just going off of what's being said on here. Justice seems more appropriate in the situation though.

  • edited November 2014

    I don't think it's a bug. The meaning of the kanji appears to fit too well for that. It must be depending on something.

  • Well i didnt do anything special all i did when Zer0 was around was i told him he is cool and that he has something in him but yea the only thing that was out of ordinary was Zer0 showing that Face no change in Dialogue from Bossanova or anyone else.

    I don't think it's a bug. The meaning of the kanji appears to fit too well for that. It must be depending on something.

  • No i dont know his Backstory i did play all Borderlands game and i got to say what a shame i never researched it i always did wonder why in B2 there was a 0 over Enemies head tho. Thx i will look the Backstory up sounds interesting

    he suppose to use the 0 when he kills somebody, that means the enemy was no challenge. if know his back story youll know it. but he dosent seems to do it in tales .. eh..

  • You are Wrong. And here is why well look at the Borderlands 2 Zer0 Trailer at some spots he is having some Chinese signs but not the one we are talking about here

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    I'm pretty sure it's a bug. Zer0 normally only makes faces like and but has also been known to use and 0. I don't even know what to call this...thing. xD

  • They are similar but there's a difference, the kanji of justice has an upper line too. (It has more sense though.)

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    Same goes for me only Pride said that and i googled it and well how you can see its identical but i agree justice would fit more for obvious reason

  • Yes they kind of are but Stop would be good aswell since when he destorys the Woofer it does Stop and i mean Justice on Borderlands?

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    They are similar but there's a difference, the kanji of justice has an upper line too. (It has more sense though.)

  • I started to play Borderlands 2 because of Zer0, so I'm slowly getting to know the game better. No justice at all? :D

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    Yes they kind of are but Stop would be good aswell since when he destorys the Woofer it does Stop and i mean Justice on Borderlands?

  • I havent seen any :D

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I started to play Borderlands 2 because of Zer0, so I'm slowly getting to know the game better. No justice at all?

  • Cool :D

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    I havent seen any

  • Yea its an awesome game :D

    SoMuchSass posted: »


  • It was copyrighted, and he was infringing those terms.

    RaduBota18 posted: »

    Actually it does that Dubstep he was playing was Illegal

  • You know who is else is the illuminati P....(static)....comment erased

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Zero is Illuminati.

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