"Tales From The Borderlands isn't a serious game."

Do you guys think this is good or bad? Sure, we need a break from the dramatic games, but should TT stick to the dramatic style of their games and make Tales a serious game, for plot value?


  • Borderlands was NEVER serious so this game shouldnt be a The Walking Dead it is good how it is

  • Nope, I think it's good the way it is, it doesn't need to be serious to get the point across.

  • "Tales From The Borderlands isn't a serious game."

    That's great.

    Sure, we need a break from the dramatic games, but should TT stick to the dramatic style of their games and make Tales a serious game, for plot value?


    TT started out with humorous games and they are doing a great job returning to it. Borderlands is NEVER suppose to have a serious plot and if TT does it then they are ruining it. Yes, they can be serious at points like we saw in Ep.1 but it shouldn't be serious.

  • NO.

    Tales from the Borderlands is amazing the way it is. We already got The Walking Dead/The Wolf Among Us for drama; this is a nice change of pace :)

  • Nah, this universe works a lot better as a comedy than a drama, though it could work as a drama easily based on different peoples' perspective. But this should stay as a comedy, it's perfect as is.

  • Borderlands shouldn't be a serious game. The first episode did a good job of keeping an interesting story with a non serious tone. I had a lot of fun while playing this episode, which I can't really say for TWD or TWAU. Don't get me wrong, those games are excellent at what they did, but "fun" isn't exactly what comes to mind when I think about how I felt while playing them.

  • Sure, it may have some dramatic moments in later Episodes.

    But this game is full on comedy..

    But since this is taking place in the Wasteland I can see what you're talking about..

  • Nah, I think we deserve a break from all that big and serious drama, the lighthearted tone and comedy works fine, though I can see them striking a nice balance between drama and comedy, sort of like Firefly in a way ( I haven't watched this series, I just heard it was funny and had some good drama.)

  • Not all of their series are serious. Most of them are comedic, aren't they? Ive only played the demo so far but I already laughed a couple of times. Im going to enjoy this.

  • Borderlands was never serious in the first place, and making it that way would probably ruin the franchise. I like it the way it is.

  • Nah. For one thing, Borderlands has always been a dark comedy franchise, so even though this is a spin off it should remain that way. And secondly, it's nice having a more laid back game.

  • I love Tales from the Borderlands BECAUSE it is not serious. After all the drama, death and depression with The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, it is soo refreshing and nice that we get to laugh, feel positive and be happy.

    Besides, Game of Thrones is coming out this Tuesday, so we will get some serious drama there.

  • I think the tone had a great balance. It's funny and over-the-top, but not so nonsensical that I'm uninterested in what's going to happen.

  • Borderlands is borderlands, action, fun, and that's about it.

    Green613 posted: »

    Nope, I think it's good the way it is, it doesn't need to be serious to get the point across.

  • If you're talking about the main Borderlands games I can't speak for those since I haven't played them, but if you're talking about Tales from the Borderlands you're very wrong :P

    Borderlands is borderlands, action, fun, and that's about it.

  • Tales is great the way it is. Borderlands never was a serious game and shouldn't be :p. Honestly wish telltale would do more comedy games like this. Like they used to.

  • no this is great telltale is finally going back to what they used to do before twd so now people can stop bitching about how they can't do anything but serious games

  • BORDERLANDS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE SERIOUS. Its theme is entirely different from the walking dead. It's supposed to be humorous and free not dramatic and somber.

    Also Telltale's done comedic games in the past so I'm glad we get a not-so-serious game. It's great that we can sit back and laugh with this game.

    Remember, this is a Borderlands THEMED game made by Telltale NOT a Walking Dead themed game.

    If you want a serious game, look forward to Game of Thrones game by TellTale :p

  • The story's already pretty good in the way it is now, we don't need change

  • Don't get me wrong... I absolutely loved the suspense and drama of TWD and TWAU games, but I think the comedy free-for-all atmosphere in Tales From the Borderlands is a welcome change of pace for Telltale Games. I've never played (any) Borderlands games & I didn't know quite what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised by the interesting characters and story that struck me as a combination of Firefly/the Road Warrior/The Sting movie mash-ups. Remember - good comedy is often more difficult to pull off than drama.

  • Relax. A Game of Thrones will give you your serious story fix.

  • i thought the game might suck because i thought they were going to make it all serious, but when i heard the game was funny that is when i decided to buy it

  • I felt like it was a perfect mixture of fun and drama. There was plenty of humor and a light-hearted tone, but some of the decisions actually caused me to think for a while and there were some really dramatic and tense scenes at some points during the episode. Will it make me cry like TWD or stress out like TWAU? No. Did it work as a fun adventure while still pulling off occasional tension? Absolutely.

  • you can be comedic and still have drama look at season 3 of sam and max, back to the future the game, and tales of monkey island. until the walking dead telltale were mostly about comedy and it's nice to see them going back to it after so long. if you want a drama based game like walking dead or wolf play game of thrones when it comes out.

  • Actually, I'd consider Borderlands comedy black humor, or something similar to tone in Tarantino films. Seeing as this is a story focused take on the Borderlands verse, there will be serious moments, or at least moments of tension, as ep 1 has shown us.

  • No, it's nice. It's a hilarious game with only a few serious moments incorporated.

    This isn't even the least serious game Telltale's made. Sam and Max?

  • serious or dramatic whatever ... we are enjoying it.... right?

  • Im glad TTG decided to do a funny game for a change, I liked drama in TWAU but TWD S2 darkness and endless misery got my interest lost by the end because I already saw that it will just be some more tragedy and Clem will most likely end up loosing all the people who liked or cared for. TWD season 1 had a lot of good humor btw.

  • I think its refreshing, nice to have a change in direction, and they have done a awsome job of it too...

    Bring it on.. is all I can say

  • I think it's great that it isn't dramatically serious. I had that frame of mind going into the story from the get-go and enjoyed it immensely. It also made me a little happy that I could pick more of the asshole choices without it causing some awkward tension between the people that you meet in this game.

  • a few jokes dosent make the game not serious. overall it has a good balance of serious and fun

  • borderlands 1 started out as a pretty serious game, then with the dlc's and stuff they started putting more humor in it.

    but the humor is good in borderlands as soon as its not too over the top and too wacky and there is a solid story behind it. so it wont become saints row 4

    ElJacko posted: »

    Borderlands shouldn't be a serious game. The first episode did a good job of keeping an interesting story with a non serious tone. I had a l

  • Nope it wasn't serious, it was funny as shit.

  • yeah, i played with the attitude of playing borderlands ie. grab loot, blow sh*t up, have fun

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I think it's great that it isn't dramatically serious. I had that frame of mind going into the story from the get-go and enjoyed it immensel

  • If we've gotten anything from Episode 1, we know Telltale can find just the right mix of humor and drama. And it works marvelously. So no, it doesn't need a "serious" tone.

  • I like the humor and I think they will get the more "emotional" stuff as well later on... There is still the feeling of stakes and risk in the game I think.

  • Love the humor! Makes a change I'm crying with laughter from a telltale game than sadness

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