About bossanova

Is it ever explained why he hates zer0 so much?If not do you think we'll ever find out?

Also his nerdy voice is funny


  • Zer0 is a Vault hunter and trying to kill him...

    I'd be pretty angry.

  • Well he seems to hate him even before that and seems too recognize him like they've met

    Zer0 is a Vault hunter and trying to kill him... I'd be pretty angry.

  • Jack did have a bounty out on them.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Well he seems to hate him even before that and seems too recognize him like they've met

  • I assume because Zer0 meddles in his affairs and is a general good guy?

  • True also zer0 seems too like trolling him lol

    Churned posted: »

    I assume because Zer0 meddles in his affairs and is a general good guy?

  • edited November 2014

    zer0 is a vault hunter everyone wants vault hunters dead that is pretty much it

  • Zero is looking for Gortys and thinks Bossanova knows something about. We do find it at Bossanovas base.

  • edited November 2014

    It's obvious that every bandit boss and every bandit in general hate the Vault Hunters with a psychotic passion - mainly because of these sole reasons:

    • They loot their most treasurable shit,
    • They kill their meat buddies,
    • And they occasionally crash Skag Meat Sundays.
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