Please Help, Game says I don't own it when I clearly do...

My brother gifted me this game on Steam as an early X-mas gift. When I launch the game and I enter the account I associated the game with the first time I launched it. It will always tell me now that I don't own the game when I clearly do. How can I fix this? I tried to create a ticket for Steam support, but it wont let me, since the game is still not listed as one of the options in their support section. Why can't I play the game that I clearly own?

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  • edited November 2014

    Do you, by any chance, know where your brother has the code from?

    If he didn't buy the gift code on Steam, it could be possible he accidently bought a gift that can only be used with a different IP (commonly Russian).

    If that is the case, you can't play it because the gift is Region locked.

    If he bought it directly from Steam, then I honestly have no idea. Ask him where he bought the key. If he in fact did buy it on a different site than Steam, you can still try to fool Steam by temporarily changing your IP to Russian/where ever it came from.

  • He got it from Steam US store. Not sure what happened but I restarted my PC and deleted the game and reinstalled it. It now works. It took me to the games main menu and I hit the "TTG Account" button and hit "sign in" entered my info and it took it fine. Game is working now but for some reason its not showing up in the my games section of my profile for this website. Is this normal?

  • It certainly isn't normal but if it occurs again I would contact Telltale Support or another $25 you may get during Xmas and repurchase it,

    ziggygod posted: »

    He got it from Steam US store. Not sure what happened but I restarted my PC and deleted the game and reinstalled it. It now works. It took m

  • Game is working now but for some reason its not showing up in the my games section of my profile for this website.

    I'm having the same sorta problem. Its not recognizing the game in the games list under my profile. It is in my library though. Its most weird.

    ziggygod posted: »

    He got it from Steam US store. Not sure what happened but I restarted my PC and deleted the game and reinstalled it. It now works. It took m

  • Ya wonder if its supposed to be like that but then again this is the only TT game that has asked me to login or connect my account to it. All of the other TT games I own on Steam don't ask for that.

    Game is working now but for some reason its not showing up in the my games section of my profile for this website. I'm having the same so

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    its not showing up in the my games section of my profile for this website. Is this normal?

    This is normal as only games purchased through the Telltale store are in "my games"

    There is also a bug where it's not showing in anybody's profiles in steam, there will probably a fix for this at a later date.

    ziggygod posted: »

    He got it from Steam US store. Not sure what happened but I restarted my PC and deleted the game and reinstalled it. It now works. It took m

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