Look alike
Who do you look like from Wol amoing us? I saw this thread in TWD and thought it might be interesting over here.
I would say, Faith or Snow because i have black hair but i don't know, since that is the only reason :P
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I'm British and I can be a right prick when I want to, so I have Georgie's personality (sometimes)... I WISH that I looked like Bigby though... (I dressed as him for Halloween this year and it was amazing how many ppl instantly guessed that I was him!)
WOW really how did you get dressed up like him?
I hope you aren't a murderer :P
I showed up to a mate's party in a £38 pound shirt with fake blood on it (it all washed out much to my pleasant surprise) a loose black tie, black cargo pants and black boots. Most ppl were tipsy or drunk when I got there, but when I imitated Adam Harrington they shouted "Your Bigby Wolf!" and hugged me. I was amazed at how many ppl guessed it because I'm a MASSIVE video game nerd and I never expect anyone to be as observant as me, but these ppl loved TWAU just like I did!!!
I wish i was at that Halloween party. No one here would reckognize me if i were to dress up like someone from TWAU or TWD, Game of Thrones sure because of the TV show but other than nothing.
I dressed up like Zelena from "Once upon a time" though and some did guess who i was
I think I look like Flycatcher only I have Brown hair.
... Flycatcher does have brown hair!
Girls kept playing with my tie... I might have to wear it again sometime
You're kidding!! I could've never done soething like tht but then again i am WAY to shy. If you want to attract them it might work, sounds like a fun night for you

Most of the girls are into suits and ties
Man I need to replay then lol I thought he had red hair.
A lot of people say I look like Gren.
It looks red in-game but in the comics it is clearly brown...
I don't look like anybody but Grendl I guess.
Snow maybe?