Mac Delay
Not one update so I'll be making my own #MacDelayBorderlands
Have never had a company blatantly withhold information and the game itself from paying customers
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Also, refund my money
Ah come on you know Telltale by now, don't you? We already had 2 seasons of delay, then a couple weeks shouldn't matter. Oh, and why would you even game on mac?
you're right
Was just announced
And yet, this still shows on my game tab:

I got all excited for NOTHING!
still can't download the game -_-
I'm on a Mac not because I love Apple, but because I detest Windows. And Macs aren't bad for gaming at all, in so far as the games exist for them.
Still not available for me on Steam... Is it a region issue? I'm in Sweden.
Nope, I can't download it either
It has been 8 hours after posting on Steam that the Mac version is available and it still isn't. Wow, this has gone from embarrassing (for Telltale Games) to just awful, yet not a single message or promised "live update" of the situation, whether on Twitter or here on their support forums. It's now a full week after the missed release date. If they don't give a damn, they won't get my money. Gotta figure out how to get a refund from Steam now.
I'm guessing it'll release at 6pm along with Game Of Thrones and is also when Steam updates itself (thats GMT)
That doesn't explain why it's still showing as unavailable via the Telltale store - they're in control of their own update times.
you're right. I'm just going to wait till the post something on twitter. They've done a terrible job with updating and letting us know whats going on. As much as I love Telltale games, the customer service is just terrible
No, they're really not. I play games on my iMac on settings that make my PC using friends's computers choke and crash. A lot of games load faster and memory handling is significantly better. And the times those things aren't true it's usually because it's a bad port. And a Mac Pro would be hard to beat.
That said a Windows computer CAN be better. If you invest heavily in it's hardware. But they certainly aren't automatically better than Macs. Now can we please leave the Mac vs. Windows (both are technically PCs) pissing contest? There is no absolute winner, it's simply a matter of preference.
There is a price premium, no question about it. And like I said – I'm no fan of Apple (my phone runs Android for instance). I'm just prepared to pay to not use Windows. I would use Linux but as a graphic designer I need to use Adobe products. And the number of games available Linux... yeah...
But I can completely understand wanting to spend the money Macs cost extra just for being Macs on something else. Like games to play on the system.
I really, really wanted to give Telltale Games the benefit of the doubt, for technical glitches or whatever, but they just started selling Game of Thrones on Steam as a Mac game, took the Mac gamers' money, and then said "is not available on your current platform" to them, too.
Well, I didn't get my mac for gaming, I got it for school and work (graphic design/art type stuff) and I really didn't want to use Windows again. Mac's definitely not what I'd recommend for gaming, but I use my computer for much more than gaming, and I don't really have the financial justification to get a separate computer exclusively for gaming purposes.
the same thing happened with Tales from the borderlands
it's up now for mac on steam
Hoping for it to go on telltale store soon
Yeah, just logged on and was pleased to see it available. Downloading right now; came here to post in case no one had updated the thread yet, but you beat me to it.
Looking forward to playing it!
yeah that's where I bought it... You'd think they'd release it on their own website first...
Its gotta come onto the website soon. Cant be long now. Wish they would put this stuff on a Twitter Update
I can't believe it's still not on the Telltale store!
Interestingly enough, they did finally offer me a refund today, but I'm really hoping that won't be necessary.
That's what's so confusing...
Oh hey, they've added the names of the next episodes so that's progress. At least they're looking at it...
Telltale logic:
Any news on the telltale store release. This is getting out of hand now. I don't see why it would take so long to put the file on to the store when Steam has got it. Extremely disappointed in Telltale now
MACs are for looking cool in the shopping malls, not for playing games.
Ah, there's a Mac hater! Always a few.
Look, I (and a few others in this thread) got Macs for reasons other than gaming, such as graphic design, and it happens to be the only option right now. Besides, mine runs Telltale games just fine on max settings (which is all I need at the moment), so I'm perfectly content. Now bugger off with your unwarranted comment, will ya?
I actually agree with this. As I have windows installed via bootcamp, to me it's the better option.
Just wanted to say: Wohoo for the Mac release! They pulled through! (At least on Steam).
Next time (such as with GoT), just give us a few crumbs of info and we'll be happy.
If someone didn't notice, the mac version is finally online
Finally downloading now - thanks TT!