About the story....

So one of the main complaints I saw EVERYWHERE before this game came out was something along the lines of ... "TELLTALE MAKE SERIOUS GAMES. BORDERLANDS ISN'T SERIOUS. THEY'LL FAIL" ... but I dont really understand this arguement? Yes, Borderlands is mostly humour, with ridiclous bosses and characters... but I CAN take it seriously.. I CAN feel emotions for the characters... I reallly...reallllly hated Jack in BL2 and wanted to kill him badly.. if a game makes me feel emotion, I'll take the writing serious and laugh at whatever joke it gives me.. thus I find the story of Borderlands serious.. they killed off a main character for taint's sake.

.... did I mention how much I hate lillith?

So my question is.. do you guy's feel the same way, or do you all feel compulsed to pass all the stories off as some big joke that shouldn't be considered serious etc etc?


  • Yes jack was the boss i most wanted to kill outta any game

  • After the pre-sequel though, I was more pissed off at Lillith than anything... SHE created Handsome Jack.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Yes jack was the boss i most wanted to kill outta any game

  • Nah, Jack was still a bad person before the thing with Lilith at the end. Keep in mind that Jack had still imprisoned his own daughter and used her powers to orchestrate the opening of the first Vault. And then proceeded to make a giant death laser using what he found in it. And let's not forget all those innocent scientists he killed. Like Moxxi said, Jack was power hungry and hid behind a fake hero act.

    stevean2 posted: »

    After the pre-sequel though, I was more pissed off at Lillith than anything... SHE created Handsome Jack.

  • You are a bandit, AND I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!!!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Nah, Jack was still a bad person before the thing with Lilith at the end. Keep in mind that Jack had still imprisoned his own daughter and u

  • I'm sorry, Jack! Please don't strangle me! ;_;

    You are a bandit, AND I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!!!

  • He was more of a "ends justifies the means" guy at that moment. HE even stated he'd of used the laser for good and was dedicated to stopping some woman wiping out an entire planet.

    If Lillith didn't decide to tick her bratty head in, and act five years old, destroying the cannon and then claiming she's "not sorry" (while attempting to kill him) then he wouldn't of started his brutal path to insanity.

    It didn't help how she came out of nowhere and destroyed a vault artifact in his face for literally no reason. She's a coward, and is no better than a bandit...

    even shown at the end of the pre-sequel where she attempts to kill Athena after she finishes her story for no other reason than she considers her a bad guy despite everything athena told her.

    if anything SHE'S worser than HJ and just hides behind a hero motive.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Nah, Jack was still a bad person before the thing with Lilith at the end. Keep in mind that Jack had still imprisoned his own daughter and u

  • I've always felt like a decent story was hidden beneath an occasionally-funny barrage of references and jokes. Now that Telltale's got the reigns, I have faith that the plot will become more intricate and the humor more successful.

  • edited December 2014

    I still personally don't buy that hero act of his still. I don't think he cared about the innocent lives on Elpis. He just didn't want his vault to be blown up.

    I also feel like as the game went on Jack began to realize that he enjoyed killing people. Like after he killed the Mariff he said it was invigorating and even enjoyed killing those scientists later in the game.

    As for destroying the artifact, Jack was gaining more and more knowledge with each passing second so I think that's why Lilith destroyed it. Also so no one else could gain access to it in the future.

    I do totally agree that Lilith ordering Athena to be killed was nuts, tho. She could end up being a villain herself if she keeps acting like that.

    I think Jack was already on the path to become that psychopath we all love/hate in BL2, and the betrayal just excellerated it. Still, he certainly did have some redeeming qualities in Pre Sequel. Ultimately I guess it's all up for interpretation! And I think that's one of the reasons Jack is such a fascinating character.

    stevean2 posted: »

    He was more of a "ends justifies the means" guy at that moment. HE even stated he'd of used the laser for good and was dedicated to stopping

  • There has to be a balance. Humor is great but you still have to feel there are STAKES for the characters. And I think Telltale is doing a good job finding the right tone for that.

  • Assault on dragons keep ending was sad

    Irian posted: »

    There has to be a balance. Humor is great but you still have to feel there are STAKES for the characters. And I think Telltale is doing a good job finding the right tone for that.

  • Lilith did NOT create Jack.

    Jack was a sociopath/psychopath and was extremely self centred when we started the pre-sequel. He wanted to be the hero, and didn't care what he had to do to be seen as that hero. Not to mention he pretty much got Athena and co to do it for him.

    Jack had a friggin' death star laser; does that seem like the kind of thing a nice guy would have built?

    When he was getting that info-dump at the end of TPS, he was already going mental. Just because Lilith punched the symbol, branding him, does not mean THAT is what made him the murdering madman we all know him as.

    I doubt we even have to mention that he keeps his daughter locked up and restrained to further his own goals.

    We can fault Lilith for the actions at the very end with Athena, however when you understand exactly what she had been through directly prior to that, you begin to understand why she might be acting impulsively and aggressively. Being tortured by Jack repeatedly and having your boyfriend die, coupled with an Eridium addiction, is not the kind of thing that creates rational behaviour.

    stevean2 posted: »

    After the pre-sequel though, I was more pissed off at Lillith than anything... SHE created Handsome Jack.

  • So one of the main complaints I saw EVERYWHERE before this game came out was something along the lines of ... "TELLTALE MAKE SERIOUS GAMES. BORDERLANDS ISN'T SERIOUS. THEY'LL FAIL" ... but I dont really understand this arguement?

    That argument never held water in the first place, due to the fact that before The Walking Dead came out, their catalog consisted mainly of funny games (Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit, Monkey Island, etc.)

  • This. It was the only time in the game where I was actually impressed with the story. When I replayed it for the third time it was a genuinely sad moment, I was really surprised by how emotional that cutscene was.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Assault on dragons keep ending was sad

  • edited December 2014

    And then claptrap said something stupid and ruined everything.

    This. It was the only time in the game where I was actually impressed with the story. When I replayed it for the third time it was a genuinely sad moment, I was really surprised by how emotional that cutscene was.

  • ...as always :D

    And then claptrap said something stupid and ruined everything.

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