Dear TTG, can you PLEASE stop with the lies?

Look i don't care if the story in the end is really just one path, but saying the game adapts and that your choices matter is just B.S buy any mask? same outcome. Choose any option with dealing with felix's betrayal, same outcome except a tad different dialogue, etc etc... If you are going to claim that our choices really matter, then mean it dammit, please. At least give us this, i'd hate to see another Walking Dead fiasco. But on the plus side i love the humor and the story, so theres that.


  • edited December 2014

    Not sure it's fair to say our choices don't matter after only one episode...

    I will agree that there wasn't room for a lot of different playthroughs in this episode, but there's room for how we treated characters to lead to some variance later on.

    Regardless, my friends and I had very different experiences and emotions while playing The Walking Dead based on how we decided to handle things, even if it all funneled into one story in the end. It seems like Tales from the Borderlands is going to be similar, only with different jokes than emotions.

    I do hope that the plot contains some interesting and impactful choices, though. It just seems too early to call decisions worthless.

  • edited December 2014

    The story is TAILORED by how you play

  • First off. Our choices do matter and they aren't lying to us. The only episode that's made is episode 1. When we play the episode and choose different choices, that shapes the next episode. Our decisions we make in the game determines how the episode will be. Yes there's a trailer, but the story is changed to meet the most picked choices. That's why it takes two months to make an episode. It's not easy to make the next chapter based on our choices.

    Like in The Walking Dead most people picked Carly, so the outcome was she was determinate. Same as Duck. Everyone hated Duck so he had to go.

    In conclusion our choices do matter, and shapes the events of the next episode. And yes this is a great game so far :). Have a great day friend.

  • Dont complain yet remember walking dead season 2 I felt that the outcome did not change until the last few episode for example the end where Felix dies you can save him or not or that bulled that could be useful in the next episode you could save a life but you cant if you already used it. or money next few episode you probably need money but you might not have enough something. I liked it but I think the episode will really changed towards the end

  • edited December 2014

    Of course your choices don't matter since the entire game is told in one big flashback lol

    I will gives Tales from the Borderlands credit for telling us at the beginning of the game that no mater what happens in future episodes you will eventually end up being capture by a mask men with a gun

    telltale has found the ultimate story trope that kills any argument people complaining about choices can make lol

  • I have long since come to terms with that our choices don't change the overall scope of the story. But our choices do matter because it is us who are telling the story and it is us who are interacting with the characters.

  • edited December 2014

    Well the choices had impact in TWAU and TWD season 1, whatever you sided with Kenny or not did change the dialog with him and he even tried to get you killed if you get on his bad side. Carley, Doug and Ben choices also had big changes to the way story was going. So did many things with Clem. I have to agree that in TWD season 2 most of stuff didn't mattered, wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't built up like a big thing, like your treatment of Arvo or whatever you made Carlos trust you or not. So far the only choice in TFTB that should really affect the story in a big way is Felix, hopefully TTG will make sure that whatever you decide to do with him really makes an impact.

  • Same as Duck. Everyone hated Duck

    What? He's Dick Grayson, our ward. I've never heard anyone hating Duck before so.....explain?

    First off. Our choices do matter and they aren't lying to us. The only episode that's made is episode 1. When we play the episode and choose

  • what do you expect? Telltale doesn't have the resources to pull off different paths depending on your choices
    it will get mentioned again and influence the relationship (Fiona and Sashas for an example) but nothing game breaking
    and you must be one silly player if you thought buying the fucking mask would change the story somehow
    give me a break

  • Telltale or not it's going to be hard for any business have a story that branches out on every option. You can also expect a longer release of episodes. That's why I don't complain

  • Exactly, that's what I'm saying all the time.

    The story is TAILORED by how you play

  • Sowwy, but I have replayed TWAU and TWD several times, and yes, the story was changed by my changes, this thread is BS! I dont know what the outcome will be with TFTB, cause there is only one EP, but I am sure, its gonna be tailored! :P Just be happy there is such a great game ffs! =)

  • I...I loved Duck.

    First off. Our choices do matter and they aren't lying to us. The only episode that's made is episode 1. When we play the episode and choose

  • Well theRadBrad hated him :D But thats the only playthrough I watched.

    Same as Duck. Everyone hated Duck What? He's Dick Grayson, our ward. I've never heard anyone hating Duck before so.....explain?

  • Right, tailored, and it is. The choices might not be as expansive as people want but they do affect your game experience. Why people expect every episode to be completely different from what we've come to expect, I cant even guess.

    The story is TAILORED by how you play

  • I liked the RadBrad but his Duck hatred was irritating me.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Well theRadBrad hated him But thats the only playthrough I watched.

  • But... I liked Duck. Oh, and in the Wolf Among Us, choices you made would affect the ending. The Crooked Man would bring up Dum's Death (Dum right?) and on who you took.

    First off. Our choices do matter and they aren't lying to us. The only episode that's made is episode 1. When we play the episode and choose

  • In Tales From The Borderlands, it is a story. But those who played Dragon Age II, would have a example of this. *Cassandra: So The Champion, fought the Qunari Leader (Something among those lines.)? *Varric: Yeah, why? *Cassandra: Just sounds so... Romantic.
    But if you fought, with your party, she says something different. Oh, and if you self destruct Loaderbot, he will say "You suck!" When he shows up again.

  • I thought it was funny

    KCohere posted: »

    I liked the RadBrad but his Duck hatred was irritating me.

  • Where did you get that word from?

    "Your choices matter, changing the story around you, and making the tale yours"

    The story is TAILORED by how you play

  • Lel.

    "This GAME ADAPTS to the choices you make.

    The STORY is TAILORED by how you play."

    It is there at the beginning of every episode.

    bigbaadwolf posted: »

    Where did you get that word from? "Your choices matter, changing the story around you, and making the tale yours"

  • I am talking about the store page. When you buy something, you base it on the store page description. How on Earth are you supposed to know what's displayed in the game?

    Karaj posted: »

    Lel. "This GAME ADAPTS to the choices you make. The STORY is TAILORED by how you play." It is there at the beginning of every episode.

  • many people on this forum sadly can'T read and instead they whine..

    The story is TAILORED by how you play

  • I didn't, and it turned into a thing with every Let's Play, someone was wishing Duck was dead. Duck's only crime was being a somewhat hyper half-bright 9 year old. He didn't deserve to be hated.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I thought it was funny

  • Oooo dear this piss you off... the 'mirage choices' well the story try to adapt to your choice but not really impact to ending... at it should be?

    if you see (TTG) Telltale bad try BioWare the story is incredibly gorgeous where your decision is matter. is count

    Dragon Age Series, Mass Effect Series are the BEST, Telltale should learn from them, but for point and click they actually DO A GREAT JOB

    Still you don't know what coming next.. if Felix is alive he maybe try to help you at some point where turn out to change little bit of story at least skip from scenes... .

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