I need some advice...
(I am sorry for posting this but I have no where else to go. I try going to yahoo but I forgot my account name.)
So I got myself into a stick situation. I was on twitter last night seeing through people's accounts and I came across this girl who had a link of a love calculator. (Keep in mind that this girl is popular and is the kind of person that is rude and makes fun of people.) I decided to try it out because I was bored and I had to fill in my full name and three people names. I put my actual crush 's name and some other 2 random guys that pop in my head. ( I don't like the 2 others guys in that way . After submitting it, the website gave me a message saying "You been fool !!! The names will be send to *the popular girl email". I love my life...now she 1)knows who my crush is, 2) She is going to think I have a crush on those 2 other guys,3) There's a chance she might tell them. This happen last night and I still thinking about this and worrying about this. I don't know how will I be able to handle this situation...the last time someone found out who I like, my classmates literally bully me and made fun of me and my crush was gross out like if I was some sort of creature. I am scared of her knowing who i like and I am also scare of a misunderstanding between the two other guys. I want to know how to deal with this and the what should I do to the if she did told them.
Sorry for all the errors. I am sick right now and can't really see.
There are two things you need to remember:
It happened and there is nothing you can do about it so it's best not to worry about it and if jokes or taunts come your own, just brush it off & use quick rebuttals to swift the focus away from you.
Wow. I can't stand people like that. I hope karma knocks the breath out of her.
If it was just a link to a website, then If I were you, I would pretend like I don't know what shes talking about. That someone used my name and it was never really me who sent those results. If she tells those other guys, tell them it wasn't you.
I hate people like that. Just say that it was not you, and that you have no idea what she's talking about.
Like what others said, deny that you had anything to do with it. Also, bitch slap her if you get the chance.
Bullying shouldn't be tolerated, I hate people like her.
Apparently I give terrible advice. I'm too old for this <_<
What a bitch! Try not to worry about it, if she does tell them then she'll be expecting a reaction out of you so just try and play it cool and laugh it off.
Just call Ramsey Snow. He'll take care of the situation for you lol.
Ignore her annoying ramblings.
If she tells the people just say you put in some of the most random fucking names you could think of to see what would happen...She has no power over you as long as you don't let her.
The bitch is power hungry...Ramsey Snow her...Except without the rape...
You just said Ramsey Snow because you looked at my comment lol. If I wouldn't have put his name you would only put the other things you said in your post.
Okay...Okay...You caught me. :P
Thanks for the inspiration, I couldn't think of anything better. XD
Is this really what girls worry about ?
Easy advice: Stop caring about petty childish nonsense and find new and better ways to actually benefit yourself at life.
Or drink to escape your problems like the rest of us.
Go fill in the names of everyone you know at school as the user name and the three crush names. Include the girl herself, and some ridiculous entries as well. That renders the data meaningless, because it will be obvious that it's all junk, so if she confronts you, you won't know what she's talking about (and don't look guilty).
Don't stress too much over things like this. The world won't end if the guy you like finds out you like him. I'm a guy, and take it from me, guys don't mind finding out girls like them, even if they don't feel the same way in return. If the guys you don't like now think you like them, just say sorry, but you don't know where that rumor came from.
Bad advice George.
To be fair, Social standings are the most important thing in Teenage girl's lives.
Nahhh... It's seriously alright every now and then.
Yet it hurts your growth mentally.
Maybe as an older adult but as a teenager of young adult then I would recommend everyone against it...Just as I would drugs or tobacco.
Your right
you youngsters don't need any Jack and cigarettes, more for me.
Yes indeed George, you enjoy them, they are made for the older generations not us youngsters.
When i was a youngster the most important thing to me was Super Nintendo.
Don't make me link Elvis again.
The most important thing to me is video games, education, and hope. :P
...I want some Elvis.
Sure, if you're reliant upon it or it becomes a habit. Otherwise there is really nothing wrong in laying back, letting go of your problems, and having a good night with friends every now and then. I certainly don't consume nearly as much alcohol as most people my age.
There are better ways than risking an addiction or potentially hurting yourself.
There is no way on Earth you're going to become addicted to alcohol that easily. As for hurting yourself, I suppose that's possible if you're not smart about what you're getting yourself into. All in all what we're talking about here is rather harmless.
You would be surprised...
Most young people that get into it have no idea what's going to happen because of it...
For a few drinks...Possibly however I recommend becoming older before doing that stuff.
What experience are you speaking from exactly..? Almost no one gets legitimately addicted that easily.
What, you mean like a first time thing? That ties back into being smart about it. There is a difference in getting wasted at a party and getting drunk with your friends.
I'm not sure if you're saying this in regards to me personally, or just saying it in general. There is zero issue in my consumption of alcohol (well, other than the fact that I'm about half a year shy of drinking legally). I didn't even touch alcohol until after my high school days, so I can't really speak to the issue of younger people getting involved in it other than the fact that a vast majority of them are probably too immature to handle it in ways that they should.
I've had friends.
By the way, I was speaking in general not you personally, sorry if I caused any offense. I don't know why we are getting into such a detailed argument, can't we leave it at we disagree?
Friends, Flog i'm in highschool.
Do I need a better source than personal experiences for you to be happy?
....agree except for the violence part..hitting someone for something is just not okay ever really.
Friends, Flog i'm in highschool.
Do I need a better source than personal experiences for you to be happy?
Every single girl worries about this kind of stuff.
Friends, Flog i'm in highschool.
Do I need a better source than personal experiences for you to be happy?
Oh, I'm not offended at all, no worries. We could agree to disagree I suppose... we're definitely massively off track.
We are derailing this thread. :P
We should probably stop.
you're welcome lol
Well I guess I'm just different. I have come close to hitting kids in my school before for them making racial jokes towards me.
I know hitting someone isn't OK, but I think that there is a point where it becomes understandable imo
Be yourself, who cares what other people think about you? :P.
But if reputation means that much(I wouldn't know heh) then I guess follow some other advice, just fake it, or pretend or something.