To be honest...



  • The same thing can be said about your name.

    simply epic

  • It could, but would it make sense?

    (it would not)

    The same thing can be said about your name.

  • ...Okay.

    It could, but would it make sense? (it would not)

  • It's a caper comedy like "A Fish called Wanda." It's not about drama but crooks trying to get rich.

    If they were heroes, they wouldn't be crooks.

  • Uh... Shade dies if you don't take him with you. He doesn't have a twin. Oh, wait, you were being sarcastic.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Wrong. I didn't play any Borderlands before. TftB looked like a filler, something between GoT episodes. I'm really surprised, it is very goo

  • edited November 2014

    At times like these I really miss the dislike button...

  • Are you the real brutalcum powder?
    pls respond ;__;

    simply epic

  • yep especially with OP's post its needed
    so what now we are complaining that episodes are too long?? WTF
    and Rhys and Fiona are both awesome if they are too "evil" for you I'm not sure what kind of games you usually play..

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    At times like these I really miss the dislike button...

  • Lol if you lost ten million dollars in a briefcase, and had the option of getting it back, wouldn't you try to do so?

  • edited December 2014

  • Boring? I cant relate to this post.

  • If you don't like it, then don't play. Watch people play it, before you decide to buy more episodes. (Feel sorry for you, if you bought the season pass.)

  • Me too. I haven't played any Borderland games, but loved Tales From The Borderlands. I liked Game Of Thrones, too, even though I NEVER read nor watched Game Of Thrones.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Wrong. I didn't play any Borderlands before. TftB looked like a filler, something between GoT episodes. I'm really surprised, it is very goo

  • Sorry to say but I still consider case of money part of the plot idiotioc and most unimaginative subplot I ever found in any Telltale game.

    Plus, like paper money will ever exist in far far away future. So unimaginative in so many ways.

    Sorry Telltale, you messed up big time here.

  • Dude, it is ten million dollars. TEN million dollars. But if you don't like it, it is fine.

  • umm telltale didn't come up with how the money looks paper money has been in borderlands since the first game

    Sorry to say but I still consider case of money part of the plot idiotioc and most unimaginative subplot I ever found in any Telltale game.

  • Oh so you didn't like it you automatically think Telltale messed up big time?

    Alt text

    Sorry to say but I still consider case of money part of the plot idiotioc and most unimaginative subplot I ever found in any Telltale game.

  • Are you sure about that? What you consider as money in borderlands could be easily some kind of value notes which add money to bank account of person who enters code which is on those value notes.

    Its evident from money counter that money in borderlands is in fact electronic. So, why any person would be bring case full of value notes to hostile planet as Pandora, instead of paying with electronic money by bank transfer?

    It makes no sense brining anything material on Pandora in a world where exist banks and electronic money.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    umm telltale didn't come up with how the money looks paper money has been in borderlands since the first game

  • edited December 2014

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it.

    Which is one reason more why 10 million dollar case for vault key was kind of unconvincing trade from start and why, when we know about billions and billions of dollars in vault, we dont really care about poor replacement of 10 million dollars. It wasnt that for what we barganed for when game started.

    Dude, it is ten million dollars. TEN million dollars. But if you don't like it, it is fine.

  • edited December 2014

    August isn't as smart as he thinks he is. 10 million is as high as hyperion was willing to go, as seen from Fiona's side of the story, and he only prefered to do face to face deals to begin with. Ontop of not knowing the vault key is fake, dont forget this was all set up by Fiona's sister. She probably fooled August into thinking it was just a "worthless artifact" that won't lead anywhere.

    Also, none of the vaults we've seen so far have had "billions and billions" of dollars in.

    • One was a prison
    • One was essentially an alien spaceship that had information for the future and what not in, Which was DESTROYED.
    • and another was another prison containing a powerful alien weapon that could be controlled.

    all you get from it is fame.

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it. Which is one reason more why 10 million dollar case fo

  • edited December 2014

    the money you collect in borderlands is literally physical and looks exactly like the ones in the case in tales... there is no evidence at all that money is electronic unless it is put in a bank which in this case it wasn't

    Are you sure about that? What you consider as money in borderlands could be easily some kind of value notes which add money to bank account

  • Oh you think there are money in vaults? :)

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it. Which is one reason more why 10 million dollar case fo

  • I know what it looks like. Its not about looks but usage.

    Now read my previous post again.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    the money you collect in borderlands is literally physical and looks exactly like the ones in the case in tales... there is no evidence at all that money is electronic unless it is put in a bank which in this case it wasn't

  • Sorry Telltale, but someone can't understand a relatively easy-to-understand subplot, also how the hell do you know that paper money won't exist in the future? And how the hell do you know that this is OUR Universe? You really are not making a good argument in any fashion.

    Sorry to say but I still consider case of money part of the plot idiotioc and most unimaginative subplot I ever found in any Telltale game.

  • edited December 2014

    Giant monster?

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it. Which is one reason more why 10 million dollar case fo

  • No, still don't, for fools or anyone else.

    Who is talking about understanding here? You are right. I dont have good argument... for fools living in denial. But, again, that is my cross to bear!

  • Who is talking about understanding here?

    You are right. I dont have good argument... for fools living in denial. But, again, that is my cross to bear!

    J-Master posted: »

    Sorry Telltale, but someone can't understand a relatively easy-to-understand subplot, also how the hell do you know that paper money won't e

  • So you're saying because money can be electronically transferred why would anyone use paper money? Isn't that exactly what happens in our society on Earth? I can do almost all transactions electronically, but sometimes I use cash, and if I were doing something illegal (like using stolen money or buying a stolen item) I would DEFINITELY use cash. What in the game demonstrates this is impossible?

    Also, that's a pretty silly reason to dislike the game. I mean, is this motivation any lamer than running away from zombies? Hell, I can buy in chasing money as way more realistic than some kind of zombie plague...

    I know what it looks like. Its not about looks but usage. Now read my previous post again.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    Yeah, this is exactly why criminals still use paper money today, and will keep doing so until the end of time. Using paper money eliminates the digital trail that leads back to you, letting you keep an air of anonymity that you couldn't have if you went through banks.

    Considering that the money is, in this case, stolen from a powerful company that isn't afraid to murder their own employees for their own benefit, it wouldn't make sense at all to have Vaughn use the accounts directly when it would tie himself and Rhys directly to the theft. Remember that the original plan was to get to Pandora, buy the vault key, and get back before Hyperion even noticed that the money was gone. Leaving a digital record of the purchase made with stolen funds would be the last thing Vaughn would want to do in this case.

    So you're saying because money can be electronically transferred why would anyone use paper money? Isn't that exactly what happens in our s

  • edited December 2014

    You heard of recession? Well, one of main causes is usage of paper cash. So, it will be canceled eventually, because mankind need to fix economy for good. In hundred years for now children will be born never aware someone ever used paper cash. So, its kind of unsmart and unimaginative to use it in any futuristic concept. Because it shows that writers are uniformed about modern world and its main problems.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Yeah, this is exactly why criminals still use paper money today, and will keep doing so until the end of time. Using paper money eliminates

  • no its not eric its your DOOM

    "Oh, Eric aww is that you?"

  • Ugh, I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this thread (whispers: because it's ridiculous), but I just did a different play-through and they actually address the paper money issue as part of the plot.

    If you ask August to try and get more money from Vasquez he says that $10 million is the most he can get off him in cash, and that he only wants cash because (as others in this thread have quite logically pointed out) there's no paper trail.

    Wait, doesn't that answer two of your gripes? The amount of money issue and the paper money issue?

    While I'm at it, may I take aim at this statement:

    "So, its kind of unsmart and unimaginative to use it [paper money] in any futuristic concept. Because it shows that writers are uniformed about modern world and its main problems."

    See, the key word you used there is 'concept' - our interpretations of the future can be nothing more than that, and in fact, Borderland's has a very clear concept about its world. It's a heavily stylised genre mash-up: sci-fi vs. western. And so, within that almost cyberpunk realm that combines high tech and low life, paper money fits perfectly. Yes, it may be completely obsolete from our universe in a few decades, but that's besides the point, Pandora was never a part of our universe in the first place.

    Instead of it being 'unimaginative' Telltale have done what they do best by managing to stay true to the source material.

    Sorry to say but I still consider case of money part of the plot idiotioc and most unimaginative subplot I ever found in any Telltale game.

  • edited December 2014

    Fiona and other scammers asking for cash because of "no paper trail" is another totally ridiculous concept around that case of money.

    It doesnt make sense at all in a world there anyone could identify anyone with that scanner thing. They would know who Fiona and others are even without paper trail.

    Not the mention the fact that real scammer use fake IDs and stuff so its not really a problem to make a scam with or without paper trail.

    Its just bunch of ridiculous "rules" around plot full of holes which writters try to establish. But they fail because their rules doesnt make sense at all and doesnt correspond to motivation of characters in any way at all.

    Ugh, I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this thread (whispers: because it's ridiculous), but I just did a different play-through and t

  • I love how I give you a canonical answer to your issue, and your only response is: "yeah, well - I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!"

    There's clearly no pleasing you, Pumpkin.

    Fiona and other scammers asking for cash because of "no paper trail" is another totally ridiculous concept around that case of money. It

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    The elimination of all paper currency on Earth will never happen. There have been plans to eliminate coins since the 1980's, but the public is not willing to accept change very easily. Case in point, the United States resisting switching to the metric system. There also isn't one global currency, so just because one country switches to a paperless system doesn't mean the others will. The Euro may go paperless, but in other countries where change is fought harder (like the US, where change is resisted, and its money is the base value for other countries), this change is not going to happen right away, if at all. There are also a lot of countries that still have their own currency and don't have the internet infrastructure required to eliminate paper currency (even in first world nations like China, there are areas where there are no banks or even hospitals, let alone the internet).

    Electronic transfers are definitely catching on, but there's no way it will ever become used by the majority of people on Earth to make paper money obsolete, especially considering the infrastructure to make this happen in areas that don't even have internet access, would be prohibitively expensive, and any benefits gained from the switch would be outweighed by the enormous cost to make it possible.

    You heard of recession? Well, one of main causes is usage of paper cash. So, it will be canceled eventually, because mankind need to fix eco

  • "Because he doesn't get it" Doh!

    I love how I give you a canonical answer to your issue, and your only response is: "yeah, well - I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!" There's clearly no pleasing you, Pumpkin.

  • You can't deal with these people, HandsomeJack. Bigby knows that too.

    I love how I give you a canonical answer to your issue, and your only response is: "yeah, well - I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!" There's clearly no pleasing you, Pumpkin.

  • edited December 2014

    Main level to introduce electronic currency is electronic banking. And that one already happened. Everywhere. Eletronic trading on internet through systems like Paypal is now available in like 98% of all countries of the world. So, just electronic money left. You now say it will never happen but think of me when in does happen, maybe not next year or in 5 years but certanly during your lifetime.

    Paper is already eliminated from documentation, from traficing system, from public phone systems and many many more. Electronc books are taking more and more space. With single generation using electronic books as main source paper books will soon vanish. All paper usage will vanish or reduced to rare elite usages. You may think things will never change as you know it but progress is unavoidable. As always.

    Jennifer posted: »

    The elimination of all paper currency on Earth will never happen. There have been plans to eliminate coins since the 1980's, but the public

  • Just stop embarrassing yourself, you obviously don't understand anything about this universe.

    Main level to introduce electronic currency is electronic banking. And that one already happened. Everywhere. Eletronic trading on internet

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