To be honest...



  • edited December 2014

    ((((Maybe my main issue with Borderlands is in fact I never played original games before)))))

    My sister has also never played a borderlands game but even she liked this game when she tried it and the story was simple and very easy to follow so she knew what was going on despite never playing the other games lol

    Its a simple and funny story about guy who is trying to screw over his boss and a girl who is trying to con people in order to get ahead

    you don't need to play borderlands in order to understand that lol

  • Please stop spamming.

    You didnt wrote single sentence which was related to this post.

    J-Master posted: »

    Just stop embarrassing yourself, you obviously don't understand anything about this universe.

  • Um, I think I did, I called you out on not understanding this universe, even when folks give you clear answers, you still don't understand.

    Please stop spamming. You didnt wrote single sentence which was related to this post.

  • [removed]

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, I think I did, I called you out on not understanding this universe, even when folks give you clear answers, you still don't understand.

  • Contradict? Where's that coming from? You don't understand how money works in this universe, nor do you know how this universe works as a whole, at least in my perspective, I understand what your problem is and it's kind of ridiculous, and don't go telling me what to do on these forums.

  • Please stop claiming stuff without any argument at all on various places on this topic. Thats not discussion.

    What you expect me to say to you? You obivous dont have brains to have opinion of yours but you base it on my opinion, by simply contradicting me without any argument. If you had argument I could contradict you but you dont. You just contradict me and its pure spamming.

    J-Master posted: »

    Contradict? Where's that coming from? You don't understand how money works in this universe, nor do you know how this universe works as a wh

  • edited December 2014

    No, YOU STILL DONT UNDERSTAND: Thats just your opinion.

    WITH NO ARGUMENT WHATSOEVER. Maybe folks did give me clear answers but you werent one of those folks. You are guy without answers, just claims. So, NOTHING TO DISCUSS WITH YOU. I only discuss with folks with clear answers.

    J-Master posted: »

    Um, I think I did, I called you out on not understanding this universe, even when folks give you clear answers, you still don't understand.

  • You're now one of my favourite users on this site <3

    I love how I give you a canonical answer to your issue, and your only response is: "yeah, well - I STILL DON'T LIKE IT!" There's clearly no pleasing you, Pumpkin.

  • edited December 2014, okay, you want an argument? My argument is that despite what other people are telling you, you simply just ignore them with the same bullshit about this universe not abiding to your rules on how things should work in this universe.

    This is not future Earth, this is Pandora, a fictional setting, and this is also Borderlands, a franchise with its own rules, so it can do whatever the hell it wants to with how it handles money.

    Besides, other folks HAVE given you an argument on why the money case IS important and why the money is paper instead of digital or electrical, and you're still unsatisfied, you're just being ridiculous.

    No, YOU STILL DONT UNDERSTAND: Thats just your opinion. WITH NO ARGUMENT WHATSOEVER. Maybe folks did give me clear answers but you werent

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    The infrastructure isn't as ready to convert as you think it is, especially in the United States where change is resisted big time. There are still stores here that only accept cash. I went to a flea market today in Pennsylvania, and they made you withdraw funds from a bank to get cash in order to buy anything. They don't even accept credit cards, let alone electronic payments like PayPal or iPay.

    And that example is just a first world country with a pretty complete electronic infrastructure. There's a lot of areas in the world that don't have banks nearby, making the transfer of cash to buy things a necessity (and they certainly don't have internet access, which would be required for electronic transfers). The infrastructure just isn't there to make the change you are suggesting, and the cost to put banks and the internet in every area throughout the entire Earth (which would be the only way paper money could ever be eliminated completely) would be so astronomically high that there is no way that the countries with the money to do so would invest in putting in the infrastructure for such a thing in the countries that don't have the money to do so themselves. Completely eliminating paper currency on Earth just isn't economically, or logistically, feasible.

    Main level to introduce electronic currency is electronic banking. And that one already happened. Everywhere. Eletronic trading on internet

  • As people usually say, "Ignorance is a bliss."

    The fact that the currency in Borderlands are dollar papers, makes it all the more relatable and easier to understand. I would rather chase after a briefcase full of dollars rather than some unfamiliar currency that are suppose to be money.

    J-Master posted: », okay, you want an argument? My argument is that despite what other people are telling you, you simply just ignore them with the sa

  • edited December 2014

    You know, point of any discussion isnt to make people change their minds. People rarely change their mind about anything. So, when you are not satisfied about my reaction on other folk answers its just point of your expectation. Its wrong to expect people will ever change their mind about anything.

    For me this game sux. For you and many others this is best game ever. I dont think I've messed up big time just because I dislike it. Im big fan of Telltele, no one would be happier to be satified with this game.

    But alas, that will not happen. Game already dissapointed me. And dissapointment isnt like anger. Dissapointment doesnt pass with time.

    J-Master posted: », okay, you want an argument? My argument is that despite what other people are telling you, you simply just ignore them with the sa

  • Dude just give up, nobody is going to fight you no matter stupid you act.

    You know, point of any discussion isnt to make people change their minds. People rarely change their mind about anything. So, when you are n

  • I give up... of commenting opinions without arguments...

    papai46 posted: »

    Dude just give up, nobody is going to fight you no matter stupid you act.

  • Jennifer posted: »

    The infrastructure isn't as ready to convert as you think it is, especially in the United States where change is resisted big time. There a

  • edited December 2014

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault.

    looks like someone really has never played any borderlands games

    i really do hope you are talking about hyperion's money vault otherwise you just made yourself look bad in this argument

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it. Which is one reason more why 10 million dollar case fo

  • Good.

    I give up... of commenting opinions without arguments...

  • Papai he was sarcastic...As he was just complaining to Dave about that.

    papai46 posted: »


  • edited December 2014

    all of this still doesn't change the fact the paper money exists in borderlands and always has existed since the first game and that it was gearbox's decision not telltale's

  • Whatever.

    Papai he was sarcastic...As he was just complaining to Dave about that.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    Sure, it's a great dream. And it certainly looks good on paper, as many ideas do. But actually putting it into practice is another issue. Without the infrastructure there to make it happen throughout the world, without pouring billions into countries that don't have the resources of the richer nations in order to have electronic payments an option on every corner of the Earth, an Earth completely free of paperless money is never going to happen. Europe may go paperless, heck the USA may go paperless, but areas without a wireless infrastructure like remote areas of Africa or even parts of China never will. It's just not possible in areas where the internet just doesn't reach. They have to have resources like accessible roads and electricity before they can even think of adding banks and the internet to the mix.

    And returning to the point of the game, Pandora certainly doesn't have first world anemnities. Just as the infrastructure doesn't reach the poorer areas of Earth to make electronic payments possible everywhere, it would make sense that the infrastructure wouldn't reach the poorer areas of Pandora either.

  • I know you're not trying to change people's minds, I'm just pointing out on how ridiculous your argument is on how the whole money plot was boring and unimaginative, just because it doesn't abide to YOUR RULES on how this universe should work, I simply called you out on how ignorant and stupid that is of you.

    I don't care if you don't like this game, but you're going to have to come with a better argument than this.

    You know, point of any discussion isnt to make people change their minds. People rarely change their mind about anything. So, when you are n

  • [removed]

  • Aw shucks, you're making me blush, Kiddo.

    stevean2 posted: »

    You're now one of my favourite users on this site

  • No, its not "my rules". I have nothing to do with it. Its rules of universe and logic of that universe as it shown is game which game itself breaks.

    How come no one on Hyperion asks why they need to bring paper cash in hostile planet and refuse to do it as being too risky? It just doesnt make sense in a way common sense and logic function. If they only put it that way, but for some unexplable reason it never even crossed their mind then Fiona and company would say "ok then just bring you credid card".

    Plus, it even makes less sense knowing they just rejected possibilty to Hyperion pay them lot more then 10 million dollars.

    Why? Game doesnt expalain any of this, just ask you to unquestionably trust its own rules.

    Well, you know what? Sorry but I cannot trust any of rules fictional universe establish that doest have sense. Just because characters accept "rules" and doest ask any question about it doesnt makes it logical in a sense that universe function, like you claim it does. Its just plain covering of tracks of some bad Telltale writer, from my point of view. Characters SHOULD ask questions that logically present itself, not aviod it. Sole fact that game is avoiding all these question suggest that game is purely written and very badly concived.

    J-Master posted: »

    I know you're not trying to change people's minds, I'm just pointing out on how ridiculous your argument is on how the whole money plot was

  • Well, then they will do it where they can do it. Who says all countries should accept big change as electronic money at same time? Things never happened that way in history and it never will. Some will accept it some will not. But will later on. No reason to question the change just because you doesnt see it happen same way all over the world at same time. For instance, great industrial revolution never happend all at once in all countries. It happened in rich countries much sooner then in poor ones. But, regardless, it happened everywhere at some point of time, sooner or later.

    If we are living in period before industrial revolution with your kind of thinking and arguments you could "prove" that no such thing as great industrial revolution would ever happen. And its just a great dream.

    But, it did happen. All gread dreams happen sooner or later. As I've said before you will probably see it during your lifetime, if you live long enough.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Sure, it's a great dream. And it certainly looks good on paper, as many ideas do. But actually putting it into practice is another issue.

  • I already asked you if you are sure that borderland money is in fact the paper money. It could be just electronic IOU note looking exact like money which you turn into electronic money by entering code on those bills.

    Also, more valuble then "paper money" in Borderland are golden statues. Actually, money is also golden. How that all works? Those statues also could just bear some code and be transfered to electronic money as you type it.

    So, everything in Borderlands could be electronic. Your argument that money in fact looking as our paper money isnt valid because a) its golden b) there are also other examples in game that what looks like our paper money in our world isnt really paper money in world of game. For instance, Grim Fandango. You have also big case of what it looks like paper money but during the course of game you find out those are actually "souls" or contracts for souls of dead people.

    Fact that something looks like paper money doesnt really prove its actually paper money same way paper money exist in our world. You just think of it that way. Its just your assumption.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    all of this still doesn't change the fact the paper money exists in borderlands and always has existed since the first game and that it was gearbox's decision not telltale's

  • Im talking about Tales of Borderlands. Its clearly said on beginning of the game that 10 million dollars for vault key is good trade because content of vault is worth like billion of dollars.

    Look like someone really has never player Tales of Borderlands but likes to discuss about it on forums nevertheless.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. looks like someone really has n

  • edited December 2014

    No, it has nothing to do with "ME". Im just commenting what been said in "Tales of Borderlands. You know, game you are commenting here? Played it?

    Game claimed that content of vault is far more valuable then 10 millions. More like billions of dollar of worth.

    Oh you think there are money in vaults?

  • you clearly don't understand what you said in your other post you said there is money in the vault not there is content worth billions of dollars and either way there isn't if you actually played the main series instead of making your own facts you would know this and where in tales does it say that there are billions of dollars worth of content? just because the vault key is worth a lot of money doesn't mean anything it does not mention anything about what is inside don't go all smartass thinking you know everything because you don't fact is you clearly know nothing about this universe at all

    Im talking about Tales of Borderlands. Its clearly said on beginning of the game that 10 million dollars for vault key is good trade because

  • Okay. :)

    No, it has nothing to do with "ME". Im just commenting what been said in "Tales of Borderlands. You know, game you are commenting here? Play

  • Please stop insulting me and commenting me. Thats not subject of this thread. You are rude and off the topic. Plus, you are obviously forgetting things from game and still wanna discuss it, which you fail miserably by mocking me for things that are inside the game you fail to remember.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you clearly don't understand what you said in your other post you said there is money in the vault not there is content worth billions of do

  • edited December 2014

    you are avoiding my question where in tales does it mention that is is content worth billions of dollars? and i am clearly not going off topic and just because i am pointing out your faults in your argument doesn't mean i am rude

    Please stop insulting me and commenting me. Thats not subject of this thread. You are rude and off the topic. Plus, you are obviously forget

  • "Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it."

    LIKE = content worth

    So, I actually never said there was bags of money in vault. It was just your own interpretation of what I've said.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    you are avoiding my question where in tales does it mention that is is content worth billions of dollars? and i am clearly not going off topic and just because i am pointing out your faults in your argument doesn't mean i am rude

  • Welp, DrNorrington is entitled to his adamant opinion. It's misinformed, but self-justified. So what can we do.

    There is plenty of love for this great first episode. If one guy didn't like it, then oh well. It's a shame but it's his loss.

  • ok but where was this said? you still haven't given me the answer i asked for it isn't said in that intro scene with marcus recapping the main series and you know what either way if it actually was said it would have been said by a character who have never seen a vault or have been in one (which is pretty much everyone except for the vault hunters and handsome jack) from our point of view we already know what is in the vault and it isn't that

    "Its said there are like billions of dollars in vault. And everyone knows about it." LIKE = content worth So, I actually never said there was bags of money in vault. It was just your own interpretation of what I've said.

  • edited December 2014

    It said when first consider getting 10 million to buy vault key for themselves.

    Do you maybe need me to quote it or post video of it on Youtube? And what's next after that? I think you will never admit you being wrong and me being right. So its pointless to go even this far with you.

    Its said from point of view of game designer. Game designer wanted to tell use vault content is worth beyond money. Telltale wanted us to know. That's what episode 1 established. Final reward of game. And after that they switched from billion and billion dollars of worth to mare 10 milllion dollars.

    In movies its called McGuffin. When McGuffin worth billions of dollars is switched with another McGuffin worth 10 million dollar its clear singnal of failure of script because its ruining of original expectation of viewer, thus failure of the script. Simple as that.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    ok but where was this said? you still haven't given me the answer i asked for it isn't said in that intro scene with marcus recapping the ma

  • edited December 2014

    just checked it he is talking about how much he thinks the the vault keys themselves are not what is inside the vault look its ok to admit you are wrong bud especially when you clearly are new to the series

    Alt text

    It said when first consider getting 10 million to buy vault key for themselves. Do you maybe need me to quote it or post video of it on Y

  • edited December 2014

    You are right about the billion of dollars part. Vaughn said it. But if you don't prove your point, people are just going to keep arguing with you.

    It said when first consider getting 10 million to buy vault key for themselves. Do you maybe need me to quote it or post video of it on Y

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