Is this a clue to The Captor's identity?

...Or am I reading way too much into things?

The Captor's armband reads:



Any theories?


  • edited December 2014

    Nothing comes to mind.

    There's a theory in the other thread that he's "One", a character mentioned in "Son of Cramerax" as some kind of relation to Zer0. The supporting evidence being that he speaks in Haiku. Seriously, he does. Count on your fingers when he speaks :P

    We don't have enough clues yet to surely guess, but it's either Marcus (unlikely), Lilith (possible), Zer0 (unlikely), or "One" (most credible so far).

    Or a whole new character.

  • B..b...but I killed him...

    Oh wait, I killed Handsome Jack, too - and look how that turned out!

    A.I. Lee confirmed.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    He's Lee

  • Yeah, I definitely think the Haiku lead is the best we've currently got to go on (surely it can't be a coincidence), but I thought I'd post this in the off chance it triggers the memory of some obscure reference someone has hidden away in the recesses of their subconscious. Alternatively, it's a complete red herring!

    Trentest0 posted: »

    Nothing comes to mind. There's a theory in the other thread that he's "One", a character mentioned in "Son of Cramerax" as some kind of r

  • Lee. I

    B..b...but I killed him... Oh wait, I killed Handsome Jack, too - and look how that turned out! A.I. Lee confirmed.

  • I say this half-jokingly, but MES could correlate to the book "Man, Economy and State.",_Economy,_and_State

    Only reason I suggest this is that the Contents listed (at least the first 3 or so) feel like approximate bullet points for what has happened in Episode 1.

    Crazy fan theories, Whoo! Now to come up with something for 1027...

  • Actually, I would give ten million dollars for an A.I Lee. Or better yet, BOTH A.I Lee and A.I Clementine together. :)

    B..b...but I killed him... Oh wait, I killed Handsome Jack, too - and look how that turned out! A.I. Lee confirmed.

  • edited December 2014

    Maybe as a future easter egg in an echo message or something?

    "Don't worry sweet pea-"

    1. Fiona: What's THAT piece of junk?
    2. Vaughn: It's not JUNK, it's an elaborately written story. Some say certain readers will be allowed to pick different paths for the characters, leading to different diversities in the story.. y'know?
    3. Fiona: ... So junk then?

    Actually, I would give ten million dollars for an A.I Lee. Or better yet, BOTH A.I Lee and A.I Clementine together.

  • I don't know if I could handle it - that dream sequence was enough to have me blubbering like a baby. :'(

    Actually, I would give ten million dollars for an A.I Lee. Or better yet, BOTH A.I Lee and A.I Clementine together.

  • YES

    The crazier the better!

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    I say this half-jokingly, but MES could correlate to the book "Man, Economy and State.",_Economy,_and_St

  • Yeah....I know what you mean, HJ....

    I don't know if I could handle it - that dream sequence was enough to have me blubbering like a baby.

  • I guess the question you got to ask is: why did this guy capture Fiona and Rhys and drag them back to where they first made the deal? What is so important about them being there and why does he want to know about what happened?

    Hey, maybe he takes the mask off and we find out it's Shade! XD

  • Unfortunately Shade's a determinant (if you don't let him stay with you in the vent he gets shot by August), not many people know that though, because few are heartless enough to make him leave!

    And yeah, I should probably be focusing more on the broader questions than some obscure little tidbit that probably means nothing... >_<

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I guess the question you got to ask is: why did this guy capture Fiona and Rhys and drag them back to where they first made the deal? What i

  • I just counted the syllables. He's nowhere near speaking in Haiku (or for that matter, sonnets, or iambic pentameter.)

    Red herring.

    Yeah, I definitely think the Haiku lead is the best we've currently got to go on (surely it can't be a coincidence), but I thought I'd post

  • Here's what we know about the stranger:

    1) The Stranger is a badass. He owns, and has kept from getting killed for a Conference Call. Additionally, his preferred weapon is a shotgun (Brick uses his fists, Mordecai his sniper rifle... so we can leave some of those out as educated guesses.)

    2) While the Stranger isn't above using violence, he/she's not heartless. That is - he'll rough someone up if they're trying to be a smartass, but they haven't started torturing Rhys or Fiona unnecessarily. (The kick to Rhys's side in the beginning is the only time that Rhys is hit - and that's mostly to "establish dominance") This eliminates, for example, JackAI, Rutigan/Greaseface, etc.

    3) The Stranger is interested in the Gortys Project, and therefore, in vaults.

    4) The Stranger is interested in the FULL STORY behind the Gortys Project, not just "where's the map," or "where's the vault."

    5) The Stranger can physically drag Rhys across the desert.

    6) The Stranger may be smaller than he looks, but not wider/bulkier (which eliminates a lot of people like Ellie, Brick, and Krieg.

    7) The stranger speaks in "plain english" without much embellishment (which eliminates a lot of people like Moxxi, who would use innuendo, Zero, who speaks in Haiku, Salvador (who has a thick Truxican accent,) most TPS characters (They're not australian), and Tiny Tina (who, despite being, what, 15-16 now?, is probably still using a combination of recieved pronunciation and ghetto-speak, Mister Torgue... Sir Hammerlock

    8) The stranger is competent. (This eliminates Claptrap).

    Who does that leave? (Keep in mind, it has been established that voice manipulation is possible.)

    I think that leaves Lillith (and forgetting to interrogate a prisoner for hours is TOTALLY a Lillith thing to do), Axton, Maya, Gaige, Athena, Captain Scarlett (my personal pick), Sir Hammerlock, Marcus, Zed,

  • edited December 2014

    Oh I know he's determinant, I just haven't seen his death so I didn't know how badly he died XD and if I was playing I would've let him come with me. I'd of punched him, but he'd of been with me.

    But to be serious I do think it's probably a character we haven't seen yet. Maybe we'll get more of a clue in the next few episodes o.o

    Unfortunately Shade's a determinant (if you don't let him stay with you in the vent he gets shot by August), not many people know that thoug

  • I wish I could thumbs up this comment more than once, but hopefully the Loader Bot seal-of-approval will suffice:


    Number 2 and 7 are the most revealing for me (while number 8 is the most hilarious) and are not things I had given much thought to - good catch(es)!

    From the moment I realised they were using gender-neutral pronouns I've suspected Lilith, but Captain Scarlett is a very interesting choice - we know that she's quite forgetful too...

    Hmm, lots to ponder.

    BrianBoyko posted: »

    Here's what we know about the stranger: 1) The Stranger is a badass. He owns, and has kept from getting killed for a Conference Call. Add

  • Very nice post.

    I'd be interested to hear about how you think it's Captain Scarlett.

    I also doubt it's one of the Borderlands 2 Vault Hunters. It just doesn't seem quite right.

    It sure could be Marcus, who maintains this "I'm just some guy in the background pointing you in the right direction" but he's always seemed to be very interested in the Vault. Plus.. he's always the narrator.

    Lilith is the leader of the Crimson Raiders now that Roland is gone. We know from the end of Borderlands 2 that they are hunting for more Vaults. She has a vested interest in the Gortys Project. The stranger and her have aligned personalities for the most part, and she has experience imitating masked men from her time as the Firehawk.

    Athena is possible, but she is a professional first and foremost, and wouldn't just forget to interrogate Fiona.

    Sir Hammerlock's speech patterns are too different from the strangers.

    Zed is also possible, but what motivation does Zed have?

    BrianBoyko posted: »

    Here's what we know about the stranger: 1) The Stranger is a badass. He owns, and has kept from getting killed for a Conference Call. Add

  • commas count as new lines =P

    BrianBoyko posted: »

    I just counted the syllables. He's nowhere near speaking in Haiku (or for that matter, sonnets, or iambic pentameter.) Red herring.

  • His gun is the Conference Call just so ya know. And its on Jack's trophy case of Atlas Tech, but its a Hyperion gun.

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    I say this half-jokingly, but MES could correlate to the book "Man, Economy and State.",_Economy,_and_St

  • First teaser; Fiona and Rhys are visiting Marcus Kincaid, then we see hologram of Jack.

    I assume every character from this video is important for the story.

  • A lot has changed since that first teaser, though...

    I mean, Rhys was set up as just another Hyperion douchebag, not the bumbling (yet endearing) idiot we've all come to love!


    enter image description here

    Omid's cat posted: »

    First teaser; Fiona and Rhys are visiting Marcus Kincaid, then we see hologram of Jack. I assume every character from this video is important for the story.

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