To be honest...



  • Lol, you have lots of nerves buddy. Of course vault content is worth billions of dollars if vault key to open it is worth billion of dollars. Wording doesnt change the fact you are wrong all along. You are just not able to admit being wrong because you are that kind of person that is never ever wrong.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    just checked it he is talking about how much he thinks the the vault keys themselves are not what is inside the vault look its ok to admit you are wrong bud especially when you clearly are new to the series

  • I dont have any other point except that I dislike the game. Its my opinion and my right to dislike something and your right to keep arguing about it. I cannot do nothing about it.

    You are right about the billion of dollars part. Vaughn said it. But if you don't prove your point, people are just going to keep arguing with you.

  • edited December 2014

    yea i was wrong but you weren't showing any proof at all so how can i admit i was wrong? you were being a smartass instead of showing proof

    look in this series we have been in three vaults i can tell you from now what we have found is not worth that much we have only found these all of which were destroyed because you know they are trying to kill you

    Alt text

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    and also some guns but that is it you clearly can't admit you are wrong about what is actually inside a vault

    Lol, you have lots of nerves buddy. Of course vault content is worth billions of dollars if vault key to open it is worth billion of dollars

  • edited December 2014

    You proved that you were wrong by youself. By picture you posted with that line mentioning billions dollars you totally forgot about. You mocked me for that line earlier forgetting it was something mentioned in game.

    Of course that content of vault is worth billion of dollars. In the 1st game you kill Destroyer monster and Handsome Jack gets Eye of Destroyer in Borderalnds Pre Sequel. That is item worth billion of dollars. Becase it's superweapon material. Which also makes vault key worth billion of dollars, because you cannot get eye without key. Get it?

  • but you said vaughn said there must be billions of dollars worth IN the vault when clearly he was talking about the key being worth that much and again the actual content of the vault isn't worth that all all just because the key is the only reason the vault keys are expensive is because the only thing known about them is that there is alien tech in there (which would be the monsters) so of course it is expensive imagine what bandits and other types of people would want to do with alien tech but those people don't know the true contents of it anyway i am done you are doing nothing but restating the same shit i was wrong now i can admit it because the proof was there but you are taking it in the wrong way i'm done no point arguing with someone about vaults when they haven't even played the original games

    You proved that you were wrong by youself. By picture you posted with that line mentioning billions dollars you totally forgot about. You mo

  • Alright.

    I dont have any other point except that I dislike the game. Its my opinion and my right to dislike something and your right to keep arguing about it. I cannot do nothing about it.

  • edited December 2014

    Mate, I havent played original games before started this thread. But, I said afterwards that I inted to play all three games before I play Tales once again. Im now finished Borderlands 1 and playing Borderlands Pre Sequel. So, I have pretty good and clear picture how valuable content of vault is for those two games. As I already explained in my previous postings.

    You are stuborn man. Your failed to remeber about Vaughn mentioning billion of dollars worth but now you claiming your brain didnt functioned only because that statment mention key and not vault directly. You claim that I dont have knowledge of this universe at all but you seems that you dont have common sense and enough mind to deduce simple truth that key could be only worth because content of vault. Have you played Borderlands and Borderlands Pre Sequel? Those two games clearly established that your character in Borderlands was manipulated by Handsome Jack and his siren daughter Angel in order to get billions of worth Eye of The Destroyer item.

    Or you have played those games and failed to deduce it, even if its so apparent? One of those two things. I think you next posting will help me to determine which one.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but you said vaughn said there must be billions of dollars worth IN the vault when clearly he was talking about the key being worth that muc

  • Never played Borderlands till the demo of this Telltale series, but I get where people here are coming from. I'm pretty cool with it, including how currency is handled in the universe. The demo was fun and interesting, I wouldn't let one little problem ruin the whole thing for me.

  • No need to drag this on, Mate. It ain't worth it.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    but you said vaughn said there must be billions of dollars worth IN the vault when clearly he was talking about the key being worth that muc

  • edited December 2014

    Okay, didn't Jennifer and HandsomeJack already explain that to you on why paper money was used and why it was ten million dollars?

    Seriously, it's like you just can't accept messing up, it was a shady deal and it was Hyperion money and using digital money would be risky, and besides this is not future earth, this is Pandora and Borderlands, a combination of a western and sci-fi, so don't expect any real hard science fiction.

    Ten million dollars is NOT cheap, and August was the one who asked ten million dollars not Fiona, they were conning both parties out of their money. No, it is your rules, you keep whining and putting up these ridiculous claims that money shouldn't work this way in this universe and oh, why didn't these characters do what I wanted them to do in this universe, YOU ARE STILL BEING RIDICULOUS, These rules have sense to me, you're just being stupid about it.

    No, its not "my rules". I have nothing to do with it. Its rules of universe and logic of that universe as it shown is game which game itself

  • Also according to the game, you need Vault Keys to open a Vault, and when the Vault Key turns out to be fake, real 10 million bucks doesn't seem so bad.

    No, it has nothing to do with "ME". Im just commenting what been said in "Tales of Borderlands. You know, game you are commenting here? Play

  • edited December 2014

    Well, I see these "rules" as poor atempt to go around plot holes and characterisation issues.

    I will go once again though it and explain in more details why I think this game is biggest Telltale misscarriage ever once after Im done with original Borderline games. Then I will go scene by scene of Tales and explain all flows, even more of them then I covered originally by this thread.

    I think I will be able to do it before episode 2 is released but if not so I will cover both episodes and cover plot holes in both (if Telltale continues with poor writting in episode 2).

    J-Master posted: »

    Okay, didn't Jennifer and HandsomeJack already explain that to you on why paper money was used and why it was ten million dollars? Serio

  • Its seems very bad from point of player because Telltale promised us more and then let us believe that what we had to start with (10 million dollars) is enough motivation to play the game. By my opinion its not. Its failure to deliver proper motivation to players once vault key turned to be fake. Writters simply have poor writting skills. Im sorry but there is no other way to put it. I would understad if they become so lost at episode 5, when they have too much thread to follow but in starting episode I dont have any excuse for them and frankly, I dont see why anyone should have.

    J-Master posted: »

    Also according to the game, you need Vault Keys to open a Vault, and when the Vault Key turns out to be fake, real 10 million bucks doesn't seem so bad.

  • I have to say that, while I don't respect how you've handled yourself in this thread, I have to give you props for going out and buying/playing two games from the same franchise as the game you've spent over a week complaining about.

    It will be interesting to hear if your opinion on Tales changes once you've fully immersed yourself in the universe.

    Happy looting, Kiddo.

    I dont have any other point except that I dislike the game. Its my opinion and my right to dislike something and your right to keep arguing about it. I cannot do nothing about it.

  • edited December 2014

    As I've said already I'm fan of TellTales, buying/playing all games even most obscure ones from company beginnings and worst ones like Jurassic Park. Every single game. So, why to stop now? I supported Telltales all these years during period of their rise, these new titles I see as company slowly but surely going down (TWD season 2, TTFB, GOT).

    Hope my comments will help them to see their errors and get back to old road.

    I have to say that, while I don't respect how you've handled yourself in this thread, I have to give you props for going out and buying/play

  • Yeah, I get (and appreciate) you supporting Telltale - but to then take it a step further by buying two Gearbox games if you seemingly didn't like the source material?

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's wonderful that you're willing to give them a chance and trying to immerse yourself in the universe - but it just strikes me as odd that you'd spend your hard-earned (non-paper :P) cash on something that you clearly (not to mention publicly) disliked.

    As I've said already I'm fan of TellTales, buying/playing all games even most obscure ones from company beginnings and worst ones like Juras

  • Im not from those unsatified customers once dissapointed never buys again. Im true fan of adventure genre. Bought/played probable more Telltale games that you ever will. Just because I bought/played them all.

    Not many companies like telltale around in world of adventure games. Maybe only Daedalic Entertainment.

    My really most anticipated game to come is Thimbleweed Park. But, its announced into 2016. What to do until then, by your opinion? Not buy/play adventure games just because major company that makes got to confident in their success so decided to hire bad writters? Well, I dont think so.

    Yeah, I get (and appreciate) you supporting Telltale - but to then take it a step further by buying two Gearbox games if you seemingly didn'

  • Fair enough - have fun exploring Pandora, Vault Hunter!

    Im not from those unsatified customers once dissapointed never buys again. Im true fan of adventure genre. Bought/played probable more Tellt

  • In the words of Clementine "I thought you were dead"

    Ugh, I told myself I wouldn't get involved in this thread (whispers: because it's ridiculous), but I just did a different play-through and t

  • edited December 2014

    There really isn't any plot holes or any mis characterizations in any fashion in how the characters act, you can actually have Fiona ask for more money in chapter 2 at least in my opinion. I'll definitely keep track of your scene by scene of the episode, as I think it'll crop up more evidence of making yourself look even more like a misinformed twat.

    Well, I see these "rules" as poor atempt to go around plot holes and characterisation issues. I will go once again though it and explain

  • That's real cute that you think that, Pumpkin - but everyone knows the hero never dies...

    Clemenem posted: »

    In the words of Clementine "I thought you were dead"

  • Players? So you're complaining that if YOU don't have a motivation to get the money then the characters in the story shouldn't? That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You don't even understand how this game's story works, twat.

    Its seems very bad from point of player because Telltale promised us more and then let us believe that what we had to start with (10 million

  • edited December 2014

    never mind, I see it was already commented on.

    Dude, it is ten million dollars. TEN million dollars. But if you don't like it, it is fine.

  • He dislikes it for what seems like a very silly reason though. Well, that's his right, lol

    OniOdyssey posted: »

    Welp, DrNorrington is entitled to his adamant opinion. It's misinformed, but self-justified. So what can we do. There is plenty of love for this great first episode. If one guy didn't like it, then oh well. It's a shame but it's his loss.

  • I think this episode was one of the best first Episodes of any TT games so far.

    I played a bit of Borderlands 1 and 2 and this really made me more interested in the whole Pandora lore regarding Hyperion, Dahl and Atlas :)

  • edited December 2014

    I really dont get your term "misinformed".Misinformed about what exactly? I complained not because Im not awared about "rules" other players pointed out but because I never bought those "rules" why playing game. Read it again what I written, I said it several times already. I was to aware about bad writing and McGuffin of "billions of dollars" going to toilet and being replaced with McGuffin of 10 millions that we had all along to accept those "rules".

    You may consider me "misinformed" but I cousider you gullable and easy fooled lacking basic ability to notice when someone is playing cheap trick upon you.

    Maybe you are twat misinformed about cheap tricks and cheap entertaiment that's too much under other Telltale standards? But of course, taste is not to be disputed. Cheap people like cheap things.

    J-Master posted: »

    There really isn't any plot holes or any mis characterizations in any fashion in how the characters act, you can actually have Fiona ask for

  • edited December 2014

    When I say "me" or "player" Im of course talking about myself identified with character in game. Is there any other possible way? Stop being so desperately silly. Or silly desperate. Not sure which one. Maybe both.

    You are being twat for constantly reading things I write the way you can whine about it with no reason at all. Its just stuff in head because you purposly misreading me. But you cannot help yourself, obviously. I think you evey may enjoy it in some weirdo way.

    J-Master posted: »

    Players? So you're complaining that if YOU don't have a motivation to get the money then the characters in the story shouldn't? That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You don't even understand how this game's story works, twat.

  • edited December 2014

    Best first episode ever of any TT games was The Tales from Monkey Island.

    Maybe I have such bad impression of Borderland Tales because Im constantly compairing it to Monkey Island Tales and in every possible way, humor, characterisation, story Borderland loses by far. Its simply uncompairable.

    The goal was too high for Tales from Borderalands. Its not a match. :/

    Zero86Sk posted: »

    I think this episode was one of the best first Episodes of any TT games so far. I played a bit of Borderlands 1 and 2 and this really made me more interested in the whole Pandora lore regarding Hyperion, Dahl and Atlas

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    No, the industrial revolution did not happen everywhere on Earth. As I pointed out, there are still places in the world that don't even have electricity, let alone could be considered industrialized. Those parts of the world need to get basic amenities before they can even imagine getting the infrastructure necessary for paperless money to be a possibility (and in order for paper money to be eliminated completely, as you're suggesting, every place on Earth needs to be up to the standards of the digital age, and there are a lot of places on Earth that aren't even close to meeting those standards).

    It's been over 200 years since the industrial revolution began, and there are still places on the Earth that aren't even close to catching up to the standards set over two centuries ago. In order for paper money to be eliminated completely, those parts of Earth would have to catch up to those standards, and then surpass them to enter the digital age. They just don't have the financial means to do so, and the countries that do have the money aren't going to spend the money to get those countries up to those standards since they don't have the money to spare because they have their own people they have to worry about.

    Well, then they will do it where they can do it. Who says all countries should accept big change as electronic money at same time? Things ne

  • edited December 2014

    Idustrial revolution happened regardless that there are still places in the world without electricity. Industrial revolution have its established timeline starting from year 1764 when steam engine was invented. Its always starting date that counts in history. Similarly, some country will start using electronic currency and it will be consider as starting point for whole world. Some countries will join. Some countries may never accept it. But those would be few. It will be more problem for them then for all others who have elecronic currency. Excange of paper currency for electronic. That would be task. Thay would still have to make some way to do it on borders even if they are underdeveloped country.

    But, as I've said, who really cares if some country like North Korea decide to keep paper money and remain in stone age? Probably lots of people even expect them to do it. Its a way of things in those kind of countries.

    Jennifer posted: »

    No, the industrial revolution did not happen everywhere on Earth. As I pointed out, there are still places in the world that don't even hav

  • Well we all have our oppinions and tastes and dislikes etc. And Yeah Monkey Island was Epic :)

    Best first episode ever of any TT games was The Tales from Monkey Island. Maybe I have such bad impression of Borderland Tales because Im

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2014

    @DrNorrington wrote:
    But, as I've said, who really cares if some country like North Korea decide to keep paper money and remain in stone age? Probably lots of people even expect them to do it. Its a way of things in those kind of countries.

    That's exactly my point. There will always still be countries who still use paper money, even if other countries adopt a paperless money system.

    Pandora does not have first world amenities. It's got more in common with North Korea than first world nations on Earth, and actually is worse off than North Korea is now. It's a backwater planet, full of dangerous creatures and psychopaths that will kill you at a drop of a hat. It certainly makes sense that paper money would still be used to buy goods on a planet like that.

    Idustrial revolution happened regardless that there are still places in the world without electricity. Industrial revolution have its establ

  • edited December 2014

    The characters aren't exactly you, you just shape them into however they act and if they're going to be good, bad, or, etc however they aren't exactly an avatar, so that's still stupid.

    Yes, I'm a twat who's calling you out on your misinformed, opinion and the fact that you just brush off solid answers to your questions, plus you're ignorant, I can help myself, considering I'm able to understand something that's pretty clear and simple unlike you, who keeps making ridiculous claims about how money works in this universe, and I have a reason, you have a stupid and silly argument to begin with.

    Don't care if you dislike, but you have an atrocious argument.

    When I say "me" or "player" Im of course talking about myself identified with character in game. Is there any other possible way? Stop being

  • Both of you please stop with the insults. You can argue your points without resulting to calling each other names.

    Remember, the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect.

    J-Master posted: »

    The characters aren't exactly you, you just shape them into however they act and if they're going to be good, bad, or, etc however they aren

  • edited December 2014

    Yeah, I'm through with this. It's gone too far.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Both of you please stop with the insults. You can argue your points without resulting to calling each other names. Remember, the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect.

  • edited December 2014

    I initially wanted a Rhys "thumbs down" gif, but couldn't find one.

    lol saved.

  • Not sure if Pandora is comparable to North Korea or any country on the Earth but I get your point. Altough I still think it kind of wrong. The world of game is kind of hundreds (at the least) years aways from Earth science and society. So its hard to asume that in those hundreds years of difference, where they established teleportation, settling of far away planers and stuff they didnt bring electronic money with it but gone back to paper. But I guess its debatable.

    Pandora still using paper money is actually just a half of my problems with game storyline. Other part is decision of writters to use that money as part of game plot, in the moment when original plot device (vault of key) failed as being fake. Which kind of stick out for me more. Actually, its just matter of my expectation of the game and Telltale as company. So far it was never reduced to being cheap mindless fun. But, then again, Borderlands serial being 1st person shooter is kind of implicating that cheap mindless entertaiment will be introduced even in aventure game adaptation by respected company as Telltale. I didnt expect that by maybe I should have. So, mistake on my part.

    Jennifer posted: »

    @DrNorrington wrote: But, as I've said, who really cares if some country like North Korea decide to keep paper money and remain in stone

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