What are your plans for 2015?
What are your plans, new year's resolution and what would you like to happen on 2015?
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What are your plans, new year's resolution and what would you like to happen on 2015?
Nothing...No one ever lives up to their resolutions.
If you make a New Year's Resolution, to follow your New Year's Resolution, and you do nothing, are you doing your New Year's Resolution or not doing it?
Mind Blown
No plans. What I would like to happen? Get rich, buy a car, find a girlfriend, and open a vide game company. XD
I'm trying to get to 150 Subscribers by December 2015. Thats my goal
Graduate high school and go to college, preferably Fordham or Catholic University. Oh, and wait patiently for TWD S3 and hopefully TWAU S2.
my only plan for next year is to have my expectations low, that way i'll never be disappointed!

My plans for 2015 are...
That pretty much covers it.
Watch some good movies and blow some shit up
Gonna get my learner's permit and my first job. Hoping to keep up my good grades in school (because it actually counts now).
Other than that? Play video games, might start weightlifting, and gonna try to catch up on some movies and shows everybody says are "MUST WATCH" but I haven't yet.
Befriend a penguin, it's on my bucket list.
Our twin girls are to be born in march (ish), and my husband starts his new job in january, so quite a lot of changes for us.
This will probably be my last comment for a while but I just had to say this!
Congratulations about the twins!
Thanks man
Me 2.
Subscribers in youtube?
Secretly wishing TTG would bring Back to the Future to consoles...
Yep, I only have 27, but somehow i landed a partnership and 1000 Views.
Wow, no wonder your name is "That guy" because you're totally That guy.
Attack on Titan, Sao, The Walking Dead, thats what i recomend
Walking Dead is life. I love the show more than the game and comics
As for the other things, I'm not into anime, but thanks fro the suggestions.
To find a woman to have a close meaningful and positive relationship without drama or negativity. I spend my days Sarging on Match.com, ladies beware MWAHAHAHA. You might be the unlucky one i ask to Starbucks, i am so far gone, its funny. I love rejection at this point, its a game to me, i love the excuses. My favorite one recently was, i have Civil Court that day.
I love the show waay more as well, Fucking season 2 of the game AND show, are what got me pissed. season 5 was so awesome tho... Damnit, WHY DID THEY KILL LITTLE BETH OFF?????
What do you mean?
The Walking Dead is life? Nah
Really, how do you still enjoy that shit?
Ever heard of opinions, might want to start respecting them.
IMO it is. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, so don't be "that guy"
No, you don't be "that guy"
"That guy" as in what? I'm not the one disrespecting opinions here. All you could say is "I like the game better," not "ugh the show is shit" like some 12 year old.
Just thar comment made me think of the person at a party who says something messed up and he's totally "that guy"
I didn't enjoy season 2, 3, and the first half of 4, but i gave it a chance, and it was worth it.
The only one with a mentality of a 12 year old here is you. You really need to grow up. I think the game has turned into shit during S2 and you don't hear me going around saying it every time someone states how they believe the game is better. I believe the show is better and its my opinion. Either learn how to respect it or leave me the fuck alone.
Don't bother with him, he says weird stuff like that XD.
Take better care of myself. Not only as appearance but as to having more confidence and loving myself like I should of....
I know how that is, i know i am my own worst enemy.