Is Gared a good fighter?

I am replaying the game again and I notices that Gared is a rather competent fighter. During the Red Wedding, he didn't seem afraid when the Frey men shoot bolts at him while Gared charged at them with an Ironwood shield and he handles himself quite well despite being outnumbered three to one when he fought against the men who attacked his family.

Do you think he is a good fighter and will he be a good ranger for the Night's Watch?


  • Hes brave. not a good fighter, squires aren't in combat much

    To be honest we didnt see him much with a normal sword, so we cant be sure

  • Made me think of one thing, we'll probably have training sessions with Jon Snow ! Like he does in the show :D

  • Well, he has nothing left to loose. He's just a squire (which, for many, is something to loose) but... well he just wants to a great knight one day, and that kinda of wish just makes you seem stronger. Same thing with Loras Tyrell or young Jaime Lannister, but, as a low-born.

  • He was to ride in the van!

  • edited December 2014

    It's bad but I was bored so whateva. Oh and did you say van?

    Alt text

    He was to ride in the van!

  • He definitely has potential, just needs some training xP

  • He was a squire, meaning he had his first contact with a sword when he was a boy. He served as an attendant, doing simple tasks such as saddling a horse or caring for the knight's armour, but apart all of that, he was primarily trained in combat. His teacher was probably ser Royland or lord Gregor himself.

  • TLDR: Yes. He's good but not great.
    This is something I was thinking about. He's quick witted, and brave. He reacts quickly and isn't timid in life and death struggles, he does well at the Red Wedding and survives a 3v1 (sorta) back at the farm. He's been a squire for years, some of which were during a war and was to ride in the vanguard and was getting promoted(to what I don't know, I doubt it was knight being a northerner). So he's likely an accomplished fighter, and not just someone who serves wine.

    Though he does seem really awkward in the fight at the camp. Which seemed at ends with everything else we know about him, he acted like he barely know how to use it. I think that's to show he's towards the start of his career, but they had already established him as a veteran of a few years of fighting. So maybe they oversold it in those animations a bit.

    Me and my friends always like to break fighters on the show into tiers. Tier 1s being the greatest fighters Jaime, The Hound, Show!Ned, Barristan Selmy . Truly elite fighters and outliers of war, the very best that this martial society has churned out. Tier 3 being any named character who can fight and kill 3 unnamed mooks reliably Jory, Ser Alliser Thorne, Yoren. Characters who are trained and talented more so than the vast majority of fighters, but are still way in deep trouble against tier 1s. And then Tier 2s, characters who seem better than Tier 3s, but have not conclusively proven this, either via in setting praise or by doing well against a tier 1. These are characters like Jorah, Snow, Bronn, Show!Stannis. Snow's a great example, as he is clearly better than Thorne but not as good as the Hound.

    Then of course you have mooks, mooks are not important, and they range from a weakling with a kitchen knife, to knights of no particular fame. The best of the mooks are the elite mooks, someone who can reliably win a 1v1 against a baseline mook. Someone who we would consider a great fighter, but would be pretty easily bested by a tier 3. A character like Lancel Lannister.

    I've done all this breaking down, because I like rewatching episodes, and because that's how the choreography makes them look. Not like a conclusive power ranking, but a set of meaningful tiers. This ranking system likely doesn't apply to the games, because the choreography might be different owing to a lot of factors not the least of which is the medium. That said, I would rate Gared so far, as an elite mook. He will beat your average mook reliably, but he's not going to instantly dispatch 2 Lannister soldiers like Jory did outside of the brothel. QTEs with Asher will give us more data about how the games represent fighting ability. Since Asher is considered a badass.

  • If you tell Lord Forrester "I want to fight!" he says that Gerod has proven himself on the battlefield more than once and that no man would question that... So, I think Gerod is at least competent.

  • Personally, I just think he is inexperienced for now and well get much better as the series progresses. The way that he went for that shield was almost like second nature for him...that would suggest that he is using a more "squire" type of thinking (Protect your lord). Whenever he tried going for the sword, it was awkward or his form was just bad and not proper for the weapon he was using.

    I thought he was a goner taking on three guys like that with a sword he could barely strike with, let alone seemed to have no training in. He has points for "Boldness" but that is more a personality trait.

    If he gets training at the wall, I think he well improve but at this point it's hard to judge just how much better, since we don't have a very good comprehension at this point. (Did any other squire's survive an event like the "Red Wedding" with good swordsmanship skills?)

  • No worries, Jon Snow will give him good lessons...until ser Alliser comes to remind that it's not his job and after that poor Gared learns nothing :(

    Personally, I just think he is inexperienced for now and well get much better as the series progresses. The way that he went for that shield

  • I can safely say he's not a good fighter when I played him.

    He fell down a lot. got killed a lot. Didn't do things in time... a lot.


  • I think he's not half bad. Even if you pick "I want to fight" with talking to Lord Forrester, the Lord says that he has proved himself on the battlefield.

    I hope we get to do some training lessons with Jon on the wall. That would be so badass.

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