Will the AI be just like HJ?

What do you think? Has Nakayama succeed in completely replicate Handsome Jack's personality or will the AI has the core of the original's personality with some differences?


  • Well one of the dlcs for Borderlands the pre sequel is going to include the construction of his AI so I assume we'll learn how much he is the true AI in that. Or at least that's my plan.

  • So far the AI seems pretty damn Jack-ish

    It will be interesting to see when the AI will be from - it wears the Handsome Jack mask so it has to be post the end of TPS (which will be interesting with the upcoming DLC set in TPS) - but does it have knowledge of the events of BL2? Were Jack's memories etc. being automatically sent to some bizarre digitstruct cloud system right up until the moment of his death? Or has he effectively been rebooted back to pre-BL2 Jack because that's when the AI was created?

  • Also, in before:

    "pretty damn Jack-Ass-ish" FTFY

    So far the AI seems pretty damn Jack-ish It will be interesting to see when the AI will be from - it wears the Handsome Jack mask so it h

  • edited December 2014

    I am throwing the towel, because you have clearly thought about this more than me. :D

    So far the AI seems pretty damn Jack-ish It will be interesting to see when the AI will be from - it wears the Handsome Jack mask so it h

  • edited December 2014

    Ahaha, it was just a huge stream of consciousness that was triggered by your post - I had to forcibly stop myself from typing because everything I thought of raised more and more questions, and I could have gone on forever!

    I am throwing the towel, because you have clearly thought about this more than me.

  • It was in a patch not a dlc and its already out

    ruairi46 posted: »

    Well one of the dlcs for Borderlands the pre sequel is going to include the construction of his AI so I assume we'll learn how much he is the true AI in that. Or at least that's my plan.

  • Don't think it was? What are you referring to, the Jack playable character? As he was a dlc as well and is very much not an AI.

    zeke10 posted: »

    It was in a patch not a dlc and its already out

  • the ai mission was in a patch and is playable now

    ruairi46 posted: »

    Don't think it was? What are you referring to, the Jack playable character? As he was a dlc as well and is very much not an AI.

  • The short mission in the dlc confused me even more now

    So far the AI seems pretty damn Jack-ish It will be interesting to see when the AI will be from - it wears the Handsome Jack mask so it h

  • edited December 2014

    The very short, but fun, AI mission was added to The Pre Sequel today! It gives us a bit more info. Just finished it and I'm gonna do my best to explain from memory how it went. Spoilers ahead if you haven't played the mission yet!

    Nakayama wants to make Jack immortal and has you ask him a series of question. The first was "Why are you so cool?" to which he answered "Uhhhh... yes?"

    The next was "Do you have a wife? Any children?" to which he answered "Alright, next question."

    Then "What was your childhood like?" and he says something along the lines of his dad dying, his mom pawning him off to the grandma and then grandma killing his cat for not making his bed. "The usual".

    Finally "how would you like to die?" to which he answered "Uh, isn't this whole thing supposed to make it so I can't die?" Nakayama then explains that he's making an AI that will house his memories and personality, and activate upon the time of his death. Jack then replies that an AI is the "diet soda" of immortality and no longer wants to help out.

    The AI that is the result of all this is just a holographic Jack head floating over a mini-loaderbot saying stupid/random things. When you turn in the mission, Nakayama says he'll have to make some revisions. Then says something along the lines of how he should make a Jack double and put the AI in it. (edit) I guess that last bit would be why he was desperately trying to clone Jack during the BL2 dlc. Wanted something to put the AI in.

    So far the AI seems pretty damn Jack-ish It will be interesting to see when the AI will be from - it wears the Handsome Jack mask so it h

  • u forgot the best part
    jack:"say you just got jacked up"

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    The very short, but fun, AI mission was added to The Pre Sequel today! It gives us a bit more info. Just finished it and I'm gonna do my bes

  • I thought it was "I'm going to jack you up?" xD
    Pfft, I can't remember. I'll need to play it again in my alternate save.

    zeke10 posted: »

    u forgot the best part jack:"say you just got jacked up" Ai:"'no"

  • no ur right lol

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I thought it was "I'm going to jack you up?" xD Pfft, I can't remember. I'll need to play it again in my alternate save.

  • For anyone that doesn't have TPS, but is curious to watch the 'Handsome AI' mission in full, you can do so here:

    Handsome AI Mission

    (Not my video, FYI)

  • Oh cool, where do you pick it up mate for when I go play it at some point.

    zeke10 posted: »

    the ai mission was in a patch and is playable now

  • Hyperion hub of heroism its called "handsome ai"

    ruairi46 posted: »

    Oh cool, where do you pick it up mate for when I go play it at some point.

  • To add to this, if the mission takes place after Jack has the Vault-symbol-info-dump, does that mean that Rhys technically has access to the information on the Vaults and Eridians?

    Ahaha, it was just a huge stream of consciousness that was triggered by your post - I had to forcibly stop myself from typing because everything I thought of raised more and more questions, and I could have gone on forever!

  • Ooh, good point!

    I guess technically, yes - but it would depend if Jack chooses to share that info with Rhys?

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    To add to this, if the mission takes place after Jack has the Vault-symbol-info-dump, does that mean that Rhys technically has access to the information on the Vaults and Eridians?

  • Well, there is the chance that if Jack pulls the old switcheroo on Rhys, Rhys might be able to look around in Jack's memories as Jack is mildly implied to do to Rhys.

    Rhys also might have the upper hand in understanding that info as he wasn't distracted by facial scarring and then obsessed with revenge. Heck, it could be what gives him the upper hand to get his body back from Jack, be it by blackmail or mystical super-Eridian-coding.

    I mean we are talking about two of the most shown code monkeys in the Borderlands 'verse. They can't just throw us that bone and not have some sort of Code Off.

    (Conclusion on memory looking derived from the "follow in my footsteps" line soon after jacking...Jack into Rhys' hardware; how would Jack know that Rhys has been emulating him, tried to mimic him if he hasn't skimmed Rhys' memories? All Rhys had done at that point was jab a needle USB into his brain to be able to track down a suitcase, nothing in that screams "Jack would do that." Seriously, Jack, would you stab your brain with Nakayama's ID chip?)

    Ooh, good point! I guess technically, yes - but it would depend if Jack chooses to share that info with Rhys?

  • Ah, brilliantly perceptive about the 'follow in my footsteps" line - I wholeheartedly agree that it seems to suggest Jack was able to access Rhys' memories!

    However, I don't think that necessarily means that it's a two way street, and that Rhys can by default now access Jack's vast and insurmountable knowledge. I saw it as more of a "parasite vs. host" dynamic, or more accurately like a virus in a computer. Jack is in complete control, and Rhys is powerless.

    Also, the memory thing could explain something that I was curious about - I was keen to find out if Jack's conscious has just been laying dormant since his death/the AI's conception, or if he was somehow aware of the goings on in the universe in the time between BL2 and TFTBL. I originally thought that he might have existed in some sort of Hyperion ECHOnet cloud, able to gather information, but without the capacity to influence... But him discovering everything via Rhys' memories, and piecing everything together actually works really well.

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    Well, there is the chance that if Jack pulls the old switcheroo on Rhys, Rhys might be able to look around in Jack's memories as Jack is mil

  • Also, Pumpkin, I wouldn't put any part of Nakajama in my body... The guy gives me the creeps.

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    Well, there is the chance that if Jack pulls the old switcheroo on Rhys, Rhys might be able to look around in Jack's memories as Jack is mil

  • The way I saw it Rhys would only get to take a look once he became the back seat driver, so to speak.

    It would be hilarious for Jack to comment on Rhys skewed view on events from Borderlands 2, as the kid probably only knows what Hyperion has said about it, not that the company would skimp on the fact that Jack was an asshole and things relating to it. The company does see the Vault Hunters as worse than bandits, though, so... Then of course there is the idea of Rhys snarking back at Jack while Fiona and everyone else only sees/hears Rhys side of the conversation and thinks that the fall scrambled his brains more than a little.

    Ah, brilliantly perceptive about the 'follow in my footsteps" line - I wholeheartedly agree that it seems to suggest Jack was able to access

  • Might I suggest avoiding a section of the internet connected by the title of "fanfiction" then?

    Also, Pumpkin, I wouldn't put any part of Nakajama in my body... The guy gives me the creeps.

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