Why didn't ***** use....

Probably minor spoilers about some of the funnier scenes from the episode, but I'm wondering why Rhys didn't use his cybernetic arm to:

  1. Punch the bandit.
  2. Snap the guard's neck.
  3. Even use it in the "heartbreak" joke scene.

All of these were funny as they played out, but I kept wondering why he never seemed to use his cybernetic arm for anything physical (or even attempt to and let that play into a hilarious scene). Of course average Hyperion office workers aren't physically tough, but they do have technology, so wouldn't Rhys' arm give him a big advantage? If it's all synthetic robotics and such, it seems like he'd be able to use it for some pretty damn physically-taxing tasks. Besides a light and occasionally tech device, he never seems to use his cyber-arm. Since it looks upgraded in the "present day" and not in the flashbacks, it makes me think we might get to upgrade its offensive capabilities more. I might be missing something about how tough cybernetics are in Borderlands lore. Not too sure.


  • As confirmed by Telltale staff, he's left handed (and new to the whole fist-fighting thing).

  • I like to think any strenuous activity with his arms would be like the docenturians in Starslip Crisis:

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  • I'm left-handed too o.o It's a great detail. Makes me think about a Rhys punching with his right hand and that'd be how Vaughn discovers it's not Rhys but Jack taking control of Rhys's body. (If Jack is right-handed)

    As confirmed by Telltale staff, he's left handed (and new to the whole fist-fighting thing).

  • So Hyperion decided to install a super amazing, cyber arm which can make pretty lights and is the world's most advanced Skype device... On his right hand.

    As confirmed by Telltale staff, he's left handed (and new to the whole fist-fighting thing).

  • Like the other users has said. Rhys is left-handed and his robot arm might not even give him enhanced strength.

    Besides, his robot arm is far more useful in other situations. Such as controlling (THE AWESOME) Loader Bot, tracking the case of money (It might even have a map), communicate with Yvette, hacking computers and hopefully other capabilities.

    If Rhys uses his robot arm for combat, he might break it and loss all these useful capabilities.

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    For such an expensive upgrade, it's surprisingly delicate!

  • A lot of people have pointed out that the episode 5 teaser pic shows Rhys holding the stun baton in his right hand, suggesting that Jack's in control by then (he is right handed).
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    I'm left-handed too o.o It's a great detail. Makes me think about a Rhys punching with his right hand and that'd be how Vaughn discovers it's not Rhys but Jack taking control of Rhys's body. (If Jack is right-handed)

  • Here is a question. If you are offered to have a cool robot arm, which arm would you offer? The one with hand-dominance or the one that is not?

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    So Hyperion decided to install a super amazing, cyber arm which can make pretty lights and is the world's most advanced Skype device... On his right hand.

  • Oh .. I kinda feel sad for Rhys now. I don't want him to die or anything xD

  • Even if he wasn´t left handed and his arm wasn´t fragile I´d rather he doesn´t use it. The reason I really like his character is because he´s not incredibly strong. He deals with things other ways and that´s very entertaining. :)

  • Well, would you lose all hand dominance if you put it on your dominant hand?

    Here is a question. If you are offered to have a cool robot arm, which arm would you offer? The one with hand-dominance or the one that is not?

  • I doubt you would lose your hand dominance. But as robot arms faces the possibility of malfunctioning or gets broken. You carry less risk if you turn your non-dominant arm into a robotic.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Well, would you lose all hand dominance if you put it on your dominant hand?

  • So delicate, a high five could prove fatal XD

    stirpicus posted: »

    For such an expensive upgrade, it's surprisingly delicate!

  • He's telling the story so I don't think he'll die :p

    Oh .. I kinda feel sad for Rhys now. I don't want him to die or anything xD

  • I forgot about that xD But I don't think the story will end in ep5 when Fiona and Rhys finish to tell it. I personally think the story they're telling will end in ep3 (because it seems to take a long time, i mean, in the beginning when the stranger found Rhys it was the day, but then it was the night at the end of the ep and both Fiona and Rhys seem to have a lot of things left to say. But keeping the story until ep5 would mean keeping Fiona and Rhys for days XD Someone will probably show up too, like Sasha or Vaughn or both of them. (BTW i know you didn't say that, i'm just trying to figure it out xD)

    prink34320 posted: »

    He's telling the story so I don't think he'll die

  • It would be nice if the decisions in their stories impacted what happens next with them, like in episode 5 or something :x

    I forgot about that xD But I don't think the story will end in ep5 when Fiona and Rhys finish to tell it. I personally think the story they'

  • Yep.

    prink34320 posted: »

    It would be nice if the decisions in their stories impacted what happens next with them, like in episode 5 or something :x

  • If I had to choose, I would definitely have it done to my non-dominant hand.

    I doubt you would lose your hand dominance. But as robot arms faces the possibility of malfunctioning or gets broken. You carry less risk if you turn your non-dominant arm into a robotic.

  • If I were in his shoes I'd do the same lol

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