Anyone care to speculate about Atlas Mugged based on the episode 2 achievements? (SPOILERS)

'Til Death Do Us Part' and 'Funeral Crashers' are certainly ominous - who do you think is going to kick the bucket (or not)?

'Deal With A Ghost' has got to be about Jack...

'Bro or Bot' makes me wonder if we're going to have to choose between Vaughn and Loader Bot!

Any other thoughts/theories?

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  • Ayn Rand cameo?

  • Gearbox gives us memes, Telltale gives us literary references.

    Ayn Rand cameo?

  • Saw that one as well - Atlas Shrugged :D

    Gearbox gives us memes, Telltale gives us literary references.

  • Till Death Do Us Part - August coming back to get Sasha? She was his 'girlfriend' after all.

    Funeral Crashers - In the trailer Tector and Company were riding on vehicles through something. Funeral? Funeral for whom? Felix? Bossanova? A Bandit?

    Classic Reflexes - Vasquez surprising Rhys, who then defeats him, but doesn't kill him and Vasquez joins the group.

  • Speculation. I don't know any characters that would get a funeral besides Felix or Bossanova. Shade is a little reclusive, and Henderson probably isn't getting one so.....

    Flog61 posted: »

    Can't be Felix's funeral as he can be alive.

  • Can't be Felix's funeral as he can be alive.

    Till Death Do Us Part - August coming back to get Sasha? She was his 'girlfriend' after all. Funeral Crashers - In the trailer Tector and

  • Bro or Bot - More of Loader Bot!

  • edited December 2014

    -Deal With a Ghost - either Vaughn is able to do something to keep Holo-Jack in check OR (and more likely) Rhys making some sort of deal with Jack for mutual benefit.

    -Till Death Do Us Part - we find out that August and Sasha are married and had to deal with him? Of interesting note the phrase has 2 common arrangements: "till death do us part" and "till death us do part." There might be a better clue to the specific phrase choice.

    -A Plan Came Together - seems rather straight forward, also feels like something Vaughn might say. Though it might reflect Vasquez's plan for the episode.

    -Funeral Crashers - yeah, besides the obvious, got nothing.

    -Classic Reflexes - sounds like a Jack line, only thing I can think of.

    -Bro or Bot - choosing between Vaughn or Loaderbot....I wonder what the twist is to make this choice make you squirm...

    -Miracle of Atlas Engineering - going to say it now, Jack gets his own body....or maybe Rhys if the switch has been pulled.

  • Aww yiss!

    Alt text

    Crips posted: »

    Bro or Bot - More of Loader Bot!

  • I'm ashamed to admit I didn't pick up on the double meaning of 'deal' - definitely think it will refer to Rhys making a deal with Jack (or at least the player being given that choice).

    And I thought the exact same thing about Miracle of Atlas Engineering, but it seems too early to have Jack to return to his former self...

    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    -Deal With a Ghost - either Vaughn is able to do something to keep Holo-Jack in check OR (and more likely) Rhys making some sort of deal wit

  • I have no screen on me but in Episode 4 there is an achievement called "Time To Bleed" I'm off to the Details people may forget or dont know about thread >:D

  • Ooh, possible Salvador cameo? That's one of his skills (which in itself is a Predator reference).

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I have no screen on me but in Episode 4 there is an achievement called "Time To Bleed" I'm off to the Details people may forget or dont know about thread >:D

  • Deal with a Ghost - Arguing with Handsome Jack.

    Till Death Do Us Apart - Someone dies. Probably someone's wife/husband.

    A Plan Came Together - Some sort of plan was intended obviously

    Funeral Crashers We'll be at the funeral and someone attacks us? Like Tweedle Bros in EP3?

    Classic Reflexes - We'll need to improve our reflexes to avoid something, a rocket or a bullet maybe?

    Bro or Bot - More of Loader Bot which is obviously the most important part of the episode

    Miracle of Atlas Engineering - I don't know, Atlas tech may help us in some way. Or do something unbelievable, which doesn't have to be necessirly helpful.

  • Im more focused on now we have achievements. Release soon? :O

  • Afraid not mate, we've always had all the achievements, so yh...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im more focused on now we have achievements. Release soon? :O

  • Now Im sad ;-;

    ruairi46 posted: »

    Afraid not mate, we've always had all the achievements, so yh...

  • Think the first achievement will have something to do with Jack. Regarding the funeral crasher achievement, maybe something to do with Vasquez as we see holding a gun at Rhys when he's in a ditch? As far as I remember anyway.

  • Classic Reflexes - just a thought, but I have a feeling that Rhys will be in a life/death situation that he can't get himself out off when all of a sudden Jack takes over and saves him, therefore having Fiona and the others realize whats wrong with him.

    Just a thought

  • Sorry to get your hopes up, Kiddo!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Now Im sad ;-;

  • Ooh, I like this thought!

    Classic Reflexes - just a thought, but I have a feeling that Rhys will be in a life/death situation that he can't get himself out off when a

  • And of course Jack has to either "Kiddo" or "Pumpkin" while he's in control.

    Classic Reflexes - just a thought, but I have a feeling that Rhys will be in a life/death situation that he can't get himself out off when a

  • Deal with a Ghost. Jack. He may be a problem but he can also "help with GP". Wiki says "Rhys tries to escape from Handsome Jack's shadow," Also "following the Gortys Project to a top secret Vault, Rhys and Fiona must steal some supplies from an abandoned Atlas factory".

    Til Death Do Us Part. August attacks. Since his bar is in the trailer maybe he will kidnap Sasha.

    A Plan Came Together. Group may split. Fiona will try to help her sister. Don't know if August called Vasquez again. Maybe they'll be working together. Hugo only cares about Rhys and he'll get him.

    Funeral Crashers. Remeber Vasquez pointing gun at Rhys? He's in the hole. That's the funeral. Somebody will save him.

  • I hope telltale doesnt pull a Walking Dead and change their whole idea for the season

    Ooh, possible Salvador cameo? That's one of his skills (which in itself is a Predator reference).

  • I really want to see Jack put on a fake Rhys voice and pretend to be him a'la his Roland moment in BL2 (which still makes me laugh to this day).

    Spoiler-free version:


    Lack-Jaw posted: »

    And of course Jack has to either "Kiddo" or "Pumpkin" while he's in control.

  • I hope they don't pull a TWAU where the entire plot is rewritten.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I hope telltale doesnt pull a Walking Dead and change their whole idea for the season

  • I hope hackers won't be so eager to know what will be going on in next episodes that they're not gonna pull a TWAU.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I hope they don't pull a TWAU where the entire plot is rewritten.

  • "Deal with a Ghost" will involve Handsome Jack's digital ghost.
    "Till Death do Us Part" may involve August in retaliation to Sasha...or perhaps Janey Springs.
    "A Plan Came Together" will be simply a transition in the plot.
    "Funeral Crashers" may be a reference to Borderlands relation to Tector Hodunk.
    "Classic Reflexes" will be an action sequence.
    "Bro or Bot" better not be a choice between who lives or dies.
    "Miracle of Atlas Engineering" could be anything.

  • The reason TWAU got a rewrite was because the original plot went against canon, not because hackers figured out the plot. That was proven to be false by Telltale I believe.

    Crips posted: »

    I hope hackers won't be so eager to know what will be going on in next episodes that they're not gonna pull a TWAU.

  • edited December 2014

    Telltale never actually stated that it went against canon, I believe, that was just an assumption made on the forum. If you disagree and can provide a source, however, I'd be interested to see it.

    I'm not inclined to believe it: if it was as important as that implies in the story, it would never have got past Bill Willingham. I think it's more likely that they found themselves being unable to tie up all it's loose ends in the original story, or Bill changed his mind about what was acceptable or what was not.

    The reason TWAU got a rewrite was because the original plot went against canon, not because hackers figured out the plot. That was proven to be false by Telltale I believe.

  • edited December 2014

    I don't "need" a source. The original plot involved the Mundy police taking an interest in Bigby (beliving him to be a suspect in Snow White's murder) and their interest in him eventually leading them to discover Fabletown. It was supposed to be a side-along plot to the murders that were happening (no CM, just a serial killer).

    I've read FABLES. It clearly says in FABLES that the last time a Mundy discovered about Fabletown was in the 1920s, and the event in the comic that it happens takes place in early 2000s. The game takes place in the 1980s, therefore the original plot goes against canon.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Telltale never actually stated that it went against canon, I believe, that was just an assumption made on the forum. If you disagree and can

  • Gearbox has given us literary references too and movie references, TV references, video game references, comic references, etc.

    Gearbox gives us memes, Telltale gives us literary references.

  • Oh believe me, I know.

    It was a tongue in cheek reference, because at the time of posting there was a fervent debate in another thread about Borderlands' writing and Anthony Burch etc. etc., and their only argument seemed to be "its humour is purely derived from memes".

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    Gearbox has given us literary references too and movie references, TV references, video game references, comic references, etc.

  • edited January 2015

    Imo "Bro or Bot" will be 'bout how's the Loader Bot gonna act, 'cause there was your choice what to do with him: evacuate or self-destruct. If you choosed the first one then he'll be your buddy but if you choosed the second one, he won't care less like a robot who has no feelings.
    "Deal With A Ghost" is totally 'bout the Jack AI and that goes with the "Till Death Do Us Part" trophy too.
    And I think the "Classic Reflexes" has to do sth with that "Next time on Tales From The Borderlands" scene where Rhys and the Jack AI are riding that car, tryin' to escape from those rockets or what.
    P.S.: Now that I think of that scene where Assquez pointed a gun on Rhys, the "Bro or Bot" can happen: like I wrote the evacuate or self-destruct stuff -- maybe he'll save Rhys like how he the "Righteous father" saved him earlier in EP 1.

  • Loaderbot laying on the ground, oil surrounding him, Rhys didn't register the shot, just his pal jumping in front of him, and hitting Assquez. Vasquez was on the ground, a bit of blood from a cut on his cheek, but probably just passed out. Rhys didn't care about that, he knelt down near his robo- no, his brobot, laying on the ground in front of him.

    "It's-it's gonna be fine, just you see," Rhys tries covering the gapping hole with his left hand, receiving a shock from a stray wire, "We-we-we'll get Yyvette, yeah! She can send a new body down for you. A nice body, one with flames on it, one twice as strong and-" Rhys starts crying. His voice cuts out, and it's just a gross sob as he tries stopping the oil again.

    Loaderbot places a hand on Rhys' shoulder, "Righteous father, my duty is complete. Do not cry." His eye slowly goes out.

    Handsome Jack is histarically laughing, his digital image holding its stomach, almost tipping over, "It frickening called you Righteous Father oh my-oh my god. I don't even have lungs and I can't breath!"

  • Now I'm sad :'-(

    Dapnee posted: »

    Loaderbot laying on the ground, oil surrounding him, Rhys didn't register the shot, just his pal jumping in front of him, and hitting Assque

  • I was genuinely getting emotional, but that ending, Pumpkin - PERFECTION!

    It was like the milkshake moment all over again...


    Dapnee posted: »

    Loaderbot laying on the ground, oil surrounding him, Rhys didn't register the shot, just his pal jumping in front of him, and hitting Assque

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    As far as I'm aware, the only things we know about things that didn't happen in The Wolf Among Us is that one of Cinderella's stepsisters was originally going to be one of the murder victims and the Boy Who Cried Wolf was originally going to be Bigby's deputy. The only thing we know that points to the fact that the mundy police were going to be to be involved beyond the first episode is a picture on the original episode 2 preview slide which shows Detective Brannigan following Bigby outside of the Woodlands and a case file in the Tweedle's office.

    We definitely don't know the extent of mundy involvement, since it's possible Detective Brannigan was never intended to appear beyond episode 3 (since if I remember correctly, she never appeared in any other preview slides). Any other theories about what happens in the rest of the episodes, and why Telltale changed the plot, are just fan speculation unless you have a link from a source that has information direct from Telltale to back that claim up.

    I highly doubt that the story was changed because Telltale's original story was going to be going against canon, since Bill Willingham had been working with Telltale since the beginning of development to "catch their Fables continuity mistakes and make sure they remain true to the original story and characters". Bill Willingham stated 6 months before the first episode was released that "Telltale got the story right". He definitely wouldn't have said that if the original story went against canon.

    I don't "need" a source. The original plot involved the Mundy police taking an interest in Bigby (beliving him to be a suspect in Snow White

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Actually it was the episode 3 slide that had Brannigan at the Woodlands. Also, Brannigan has quite a lot of unused dialog that hints at a different plot (including visiting a crime scene with her and most likely optionally punching a cop).

    Jennifer posted: »

    As far as I'm aware, the only things we know about things that didn't happen in The Wolf Among Us is that one of Cinderella's stepsisters wa

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited January 2015

    Thanks for that video. I haven't seen that before. So, we actually do know that at one point Telltale had considered a story where Detective Brannigan was going to investigate Bigby about working at the Woodlands, about the murder, and forged birth certificates with the same name over a century. It's always interesting to hear things that ended up on the cutting room floor.

    Note though that we don't actually know that these clips were intended for the actual released game. The only thing we do know for sure was intended for the game, as it was shown to players directly, is that Detective Brannigan was going to be involved after episode 1 of the game and that the Tweedle brothers had a case file on her. The plot in these audio files could have been scrapped early on, like Cinderella's stepsister being a murder victim, or The Boy Who Cried Wolf being Bigby's deputy.

    This audio could have been made early in development and was never intended to be used in the finished product (there's audio in Poker Night at the Inventory relating to a murder at the Inventory, which could have been a plot point that had never been used, or a story for a game based in the Inventory that never got off the ground). Not all of the left over audio in Telltale's games are clues to plot lines that actually were intended to have made it into a finished product.

    We know that there are at least two versions of The Wolf Among Us (one was being designed prior to the release of The Walking Dead), by the fact that Mike Stemmle lists himself as being project leader of version 1 of The Wolf Among Us (and the fact that he had a thread on these forums stating himself as such prior to the release of the game), and he was never listed as such in the final product. This audio could have been intended for this version of the game. This audio could even have been used in the prototype that they used to pitch the game to Bill Willingham in the first place (which definitely would never have been intended to be used in the final game, as prototypes are just a product pitch). There are just too many variables in play to accurately state what was actually intended for episode 2 and beyond at the time of the episode 1 release and why episode 2 was delayed without confirmation from Telltale.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Actually it was the episode 3 slide that had Brannigan at the Woodlands. Also, Brannigan has quite a lot of unused dialog that hints at a di

  • Man I hope I don't have to choose between Vaughn and Loader Bot. I mean, I'd obviously choose Vaughn, but LB is sweet as hell.

    Crips posted: »

    Bro or Bot - More of Loader Bot!

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