Since the last chapter has been released, It's the final question time.
Who was your favorite and least favorite Protagonist?
Who was … moreyour favorite and least favorite Antagonist?
What was the most shocking moment?
What was the hardest choice?
Which Part was your favorite?
Would you be interested in a Dark Angels 2?
Since the last chapter has been released, It's the final question time.
Who was your favorite and least favorite Protagonist?
Who was … moreyour favorite and least favorite Antagonist?
What was the most shocking moment?
What was the hardest choice?
Which Part was your favorite?
Would you be interested in a Dark Angels 2?
Dark Angels Part 5: The Will to Survive Chapter 5
Sparker: So what do you say Jordan? You finally gonna grow a set of balls?
Jordan: Y… moreou.....Are Done Enters Bullet in Gun
Elsa: Jordan Don't
Jordan: I'm ending this
Sparker: I have an appointment in hell, and I'll see you and dixy cunt there
Elsa: Don't Jordan!
Jordan: Goodbye you son of a bitch..... Aims Gun
Sparker: See you later Biatch, I win, You lose
Jordan: Lowers Gun Ha! You think I'n that stupid, I was just messing with a, You're going to the Tomb
Anselm, Ethan and Lynne come on in
Anslem: He guys, You wrapping up?
Lynne: Everyone else is on the roof and in the chopper
Jordan: Help me get this clown
Sparker: Not this way! Pulls out knife
Lynne: It's 5 on 1
Jacob Voice: Make that 6 on 1 Sparker Falls Down
Jacob: Hail the Taser Bitch!!!!!
… [view original content]
Since the last chapter has been released, It's the final question time.
Who was your favorite and least favorite Protagonist?
Who was … moreyour favorite and least favorite Antagonist?
What was the most shocking moment?
What was the hardest choice?
Which Part was your favorite?
Would you be interested in a Dark Angels 2?
Since the last chapter has been released, It's the final question time.
Who was your favorite and least favorite Protagonist?
Who was … moreyour favorite and least favorite Antagonist?
What was the most shocking moment?
What was the hardest choice?
Which Part was your favorite?
Would you be interested in a Dark Angels 2?
After ending those I'm thinking about starting 2 more, One being a new story (Not sure about what) and another either being a new story too or being a Dark Angels sequel.
After ending those I'm thinking about starting 2 more, One being a new story (Not sure about what) and another either being a new story too or being a Dark Angels sequel.
Dark Angels Part 5: The Will to Survive Chapter 5
Sparker: So what do you say Jordan? You finally gonna grow a set of balls?
Jordan: Y… moreou.....Are Done Enters Bullet in Gun
Elsa: Jordan Don't
Jordan: I'm ending this
Sparker: I have an appointment in hell, and I'll see you and dixy cunt there
Elsa: Don't Jordan!
Jordan: Goodbye you son of a bitch..... Aims Gun
Sparker: See you later Biatch, I win, You lose
Jordan: Lowers Gun Ha! You think I'n that stupid, I was just messing with a, You're going to the Tomb
Anselm, Ethan and Lynne come on in
Anslem: He guys, You wrapping up?
Lynne: Everyone else is on the roof and in the chopper
Jordan: Help me get this clown
Sparker: Not this way! Pulls out knife
Lynne: It's 5 on 1
Jacob Voice: Make that 6 on 1 Sparker Falls Down
Jacob: Hail the Taser Bitch!!!!!
… [view original content]
You fucking Skrubs,You gonna carve me around your gay ass cult fire? Very Primitive. You sluts don't know nothing about how the world works, I never lose, and I will find a way, somehow, sometime , somewhere to get back at you, And when I do I won't be as easy on you as I was this time, THINK THIS WAS TOUGH!? This was just a fucking game! Hopeless and Arin were just Ball-less pussies who didn't know the rules , Next time..... And there will be a next time, You are all going down..... Nothing can contain me, and It's only a matter of time before I get out and blow some shit up again, So you better watch your asses, By the time you turn around, You'll see each of your dick's being shoved up each other's asses. Now have a lovely day FRIENDS MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
You had the chance to kill SPARKER he was at your mercy now you have doomed all your characters to death I warned you :P
That was a perfect ending to a quality adventure thank you for writing it
Thanks I liked his final speech
You fucking Skrubs,You gonna carve me around your gay ass cult fire? Very Primitive. You sluts don't … moreknow nothing about how the world works, I never lose, and I will find a way, somehow, sometime , somewhere to get back at you, And when I do I won't be as easy on you as I was this time, THINK THIS WAS TOUGH!? This was just a fucking game! Hopeless and Arin were just Ball-less pussies who didn't know the rules , Next time..... And there will be a next time, You are all going down..... Nothing can contain me, and It's only a matter of time before I get out and blow some shit up again, So you better watch your asses, By the time you turn around, You'll see each of your dick's being shoved up each other's asses. Now have a lovely day FRIENDS MUAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I never got tob that stage . The farthest i got wasvasking for help to writesince i knew i wouldent have the time.... but there was only one offer and they latter tolde they were moving to other projects
1. Favourite: Still Elsa / Least Favourite: Probably Ethan. Jacob had some seriously cool moments in the last part
2. Favourite: Sparker … more/ Least Favourite: Gary
3. Hopeless death.
4. Kill Sparker or Lock him up
5. The Will to Survive
6. Absolutely
I absolutely loved it. I couldn't have thought of a better ending. It is always hard to find a satisfying ending, but you managed to write a great one.
I have to say, it somehow reminded me of the ending of Expendables 3. Thinking about it, even some of the characters (Jordan, Javier, Agent123) reminded me of that movie, but in a perfectly good way
That's basically where I got the inspiration write this from :P I decided to do the ending like that cause bar endings are usually happy but if you guys decided to kill Sparker then the ending would have been darker and everyone would ave been pissed with Jordan except for a small few.
I absolutely loved it. I couldn't have thought of a better ending. It is always hard to find a satisfying ending, but you managed to write a… more great one.
I have to say, it somehow reminded me of the ending of Expendables 3. Thinking about it, even some of the characters (Jordan, Javier, Agent123) reminded me of that movie, but in a perfectly good way
Welll i still cant link you since im on an ipad but i might as well tell you what it was about since youre so interasted.
Basically it was gonna be like.......welll how do i put it to words............. You know about the multiverse theory ( parallel universes, perpendicular universes, Biniverses, miniverses, maxoverses, other timelines exc....) Well ever since i herd about it in fiction i been obsesed with it. I mean think of the possiblities People from universe 1 meet People from universe 2. But in Universe 2 everyones evil. So the people from universe 1 go to universe 3 to get away from universe 2. But in universe 3 everything is crazy. And to make things worse people from universe 2 followed the people from universe 3. So the people from universe 1 go to universe 4 while being followed by universe 2 people. Only to discover that the people in universe 4 are dominated by the people of universe 5. And.......well you get the idea.
I even had a premise ( that in no way resembles a certian 90's show). And the best part i didnt even put in the offer becouse i wanted to keep it a suprise........but i guess since it dosent matter.....okay here it goes.
I wanted to make the characters travell to other interactive stories. I kinda wanted to make it "tribute" like to all the inter story/fanfic writers. Like the characters are in a weird universe one second and then they travell to lets say...Dark Angels universe ( came to mind for obvious reasons) then they could intecrac with the characters or be in famous scenes from the fics. Of course i would ask the writers for permission to include them. Heck if they wanted they could litteraly write parts for it.
It was going to be great. But then i realised that even if it had " guest writers" the story wouldnt live unless it was co written ( mostly due to me having other things in the works). So i put up that offer for co writter position. And no one answered. So the whole project is dead but still think i would have been gret .
Basically it's where John or Wilson are a spy for a organization and were sent there to capture the owner of the arms dealer thing that Sparker owns. So the spy kidnaps Sparker and they find out the plan and go try to fight the enemy.
Basically it's where John or Wilson are a spy for a organization and were sent there to capture the owner of the arms dealer thing that Spar… moreker owns. So the spy kidnaps Sparker and they find out the plan and go try to fight the enemy.
So what do you think?
I stand by that I'm not starting another Fan Fic till after I finish SON and JP and I've said that i'll probably be starting 2 other Fan Fics after I finish SON and JP
I'll just get to the point, One of the Fan Fics will be something new but the other of the two is
So I've been thinking............
I stand by that I'm not starting another Fan Fic till after I finish SON and JP and I've said that … morei'll probably be starting 2 other Fan Fics after I finish SON and JP
I'll just get to the point, One of the Fan Fics will be something new but the other of the two is
Dark Angels 2 Confirmed
So I've been thinking............
I stand by that I'm not starting another Fan Fic till after I finish SON and JP and I've said that … morei'll probably be starting 2 other Fan Fics after I finish SON and JP
I'll just get to the point, One of the Fan Fics will be something new but the other of the two is
Dark Angels 2 Confirmed
Since the last chapter has been released, It's the final question time.
Who was your favorite and least favorite Protagonist?
Who was your favorite and least favorite Antagonist?
What was the most shocking moment?
What was the hardest choice?
Which Part was your favorite?
Would you be interested in a Dark Angels 2?
Awesome ending! Good job.
Favorite: Lynne. Least: Jacob
Favorite: Sparker Least: Harry
Most Shocking moment: Arin death
Hardest choice: Rape or kill choice
Favorite part: The will to survive
I would be very interested in a sequel
1. Favourite: Still Elsa / Least Favourite: Probably Ethan. Jacob had some seriously cool moments in the last part
2. Favourite: Sparker / Least Favourite: Gary
3. Hopeless death.
4. Kill Sparker or Lock him up
5. The Will to Survive
6. Absolutely
Saltlick123 will remember that the 600th Comment is an evil laugh, That could be foreshadowing....
(!) Maybe I'm the bad guy...
(!) Maybe you're an alternate version of @Markd4547......
A question. What ideas you have for after ending TSON and JP? @Saltlick123
After ending those I'm thinking about starting 2 more, One being a new story (Not sure about what) and another either being a new story too or being a Dark Angels sequel.
Yeah , but the question is what could the new one(s) :P
You mean what they're about? That's what I'm not sure about yet :P
K , :P
You had the chance to kill SPARKER he was at your mercy now you have doomed all your characters to death I warned you :P
That was a perfect ending to a quality adventure thank you for writing it
I liked his final speech
Parallel universes i wwish there was a interfic on that ( i actually tried making one but dint have the time and no one helped me)
Why no one helped you?
PD: I think i wasn´t in the forums when it happened :P
So what did you think about the ending?
I'm not sure when that happened, I think I joined before him....
That was awesome
not sure..... just no one did
to be honest......I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!
u.u you have the link or you deleted it?
I never got tob that stage . The farthest i got wasvasking for help to writesince i knew i wouldent have the time.... but there was only one offer and they latter tolde they were moving to other projects
i would link you to the offer but im on a phone
So what did you think about the ending?
I absolutely loved it. I couldn't have thought of a better ending. It is always hard to find a satisfying ending, but you managed to write a great one.
I have to say, it somehow reminded me of the ending of Expendables 3. Thinking about it, even some of the characters (Jordan, Javier, Agent123) reminded me of that movie, but in a perfectly good way
That's basically where I got the inspiration write this from :P I decided to do the ending like that cause bar endings are usually happy but if you guys decided to kill Sparker then the ending would have been darker and everyone would ave been pissed with Jordan except for a small few.
Welll i still cant link you since im on an ipad but i might as well tell you what it was about since youre so interasted.
Basically it was gonna be like.......welll how do i put it to words............. You know about the multiverse theory ( parallel universes, perpendicular universes, Biniverses, miniverses, maxoverses, other timelines exc....) Well ever since i herd about it in fiction i been obsesed with it. I mean think of the possiblities People from universe 1 meet People from universe 2. But in Universe 2 everyones evil. So the people from universe 1 go to universe 3 to get away from universe 2. But in universe 3 everything is crazy. And to make things worse people from universe 2 followed the people from universe 3. So the people from universe 1 go to universe 4 while being followed by universe 2 people. Only to discover that the people in universe 4 are dominated by the people of universe 5. And.......well you get the idea.
I even had a premise ( that in no way resembles a certian 90's show). And the best part i didnt even put in the offer becouse i wanted to keep it a suprise........but i guess since it dosent matter.....okay here it goes.
I wanted to make the characters travell to other interactive stories. I kinda wanted to make it "tribute" like to all the inter story/fanfic writers. Like the characters are in a weird universe one second and then they travell to lets say...Dark Angels universe ( came to mind for obvious reasons) then they could intecrac with the characters or be in famous scenes from the fics. Of course i would ask the writers for permission to include them. Heck if they wanted they could litteraly write parts for it.
It was going to be great. But then i realised that even if it had " guest writers" the story wouldnt live unless it was co written ( mostly due to me having other things in the works). So i put up that offer for co writter position. And no one answered. So the whole project is dead but still think i would have been gret
But ive gottten over it
Just some ideas for the future, Nothing Confirmed :P
I don't mean to be rude... But I thought of a plot for the sequel. It might be kind of stupid, tho.
I have some thoughts but feel free to share
Basically it's where John or Wilson are a spy for a organization and were sent there to capture the owner of the arms dealer thing that Sparker owns. So the spy kidnaps Sparker and they find out the plan and go try to fight the enemy.
So what do you think?
Possible..... I would like to tell you my ideas too but if I decide on a sequel then I don't want to spoil anything, But you have good thoughts
So I've been thinking............
I stand by that I'm not starting another Fan Fic till after I finish SON and JP and I've said that i'll probably be starting 2 other Fan Fics after I finish SON and JP
I'll just get to the point, One of the Fan Fics will be something new but the other of the two is
Dark Angels 2 Confirmed
(I want the new one to be the forum one :P)
I've been highly considering the Forum One :P
The Prologue could be you with other Saltlicks , but they get banned :P