Ramsey Snow is a .....

... jerkwad arsemonkey! I have tried every combination I could think of and Ethan dies every time. Great performance by the actor that plays Ramsey Snow for making me hate him so much.

I really wish that the choices I made actually do make a difference in the story though.....I feel like certain things are going to happen no matter what.



  • Ramsay Bolton is the WORST

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited December 2014

    Ramsey Snow is played by Iwan Rheon in both the TV show and this game, so unfortunately for anyone out looking for blood, he's untouchable due to him being canonically alive in the TV show. Anyway, he gives a great performance, really stellar.

  • edited December 2014

    Alt text

    So, tell me, how does it feel to know that you will never be able to kill him? Don't hate the flayer, hate the game. #flayersgonnaflay #sausagecrew

  • I thought this was going to say Bastard...It would've been a good pun.

  • edited December 2014

    You take that back.

    Meh, nevermind. I'll leave you with your skin intact, but only because you referred to our fair lord by his proper title.

    michael911 posted: »

    Ramsay Bolton is the WORST

  • Iwan Rheon is great......Ramsey Bolton is a bastard!

    Sausage anyone?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ramsey Snow is played by Iwan Rheon in both the TV show and this game, so unfortunately for anyone out looking for blood, he's untouchable due to him being canonically alive in the TV show. Anyway, he gives a great performance, really stellar.

  • Your choices tend to shape how things play out, but a good portion of events are supposed to happen. Sometimes certain things are beyond your ability to change. Since Ramsay killed Ethan no matter what, and took one of the children hostage, don't think of the event as reflecting poorly on the influence of player interaction, but on Ramsay as a character. He does this no matter what, so his reasoning is not affected by anything that happens when he enters Ironrath. He was already set in his mind to do what he did.

    Also, thank you for joining us.

  • edited December 2014

    I know, I know...he's a real bastard :P

    EDIT: Someone was faster there :/ I'll cry

  • sausagecrew

    Alt text

    So, tell me, how does it feel to know that you will never be able to kill him? Don't hate the flayer, hate the game. #flayersgonnaflay #sausagecrew

  • This seems appropriate :3

    Alt text

  • Before this game, I didn't hate Ramsey that much. Of course, I hate him for being a monster and a bastard, but I didn't have a seething hatred against him. Then the game happened. He acts like a total scumbag toward Ethan and his family, culminates with Ethan's murder and Ryon's capture, Ramsey has officially secured my hatred.

  • Ramsey Snow is a .....

    Alt text

  • edited December 2014

    welcome to the world of telltale games were misery is king and your choices matter (not really... well to you maybe)

  • Ethan got stabbed in the neck. It could have be worse. What does Talia rhyme with?

    Before this game, I didn't hate Ramsey that much. Of course, I hate him for being a monster and a bastard, but I didn't have a seething hatr

  • Wat.

    Ethan got stabbed in the neck. It could have be worse. What does Talia rhyme with?

  • edited December 2014

    Well, the answer is genitalia. But that wasn't the point.

    I was referring to one of the most unfortunate characters in the series; another of Ramsay's victims. Her name is Jeyne.


  • If it's any consolation, for all SoIaF has a reputation for killing heroes, the most villainous characters routinely have the most horrendous deaths. Viserys Targaryen, Vargo Hoat, Gregor Clegane, Amory Lorch, Joffrey so-called Baratheon and so forth all suffered badly before they died (quotation marks around 'died' for Gregor Clegane).

    I wouldn't be surprised if, when the time comes for Ramsay to die, he dies quite slowly and painfully. Or at the very least has a whole lot of salt rubbed into the wound of his impending death, like realizing his father was the one who set him up to die.

  • Great acting by the guy who played Ramsey Snow, but he is by far the WORST character of all time! I despise him with a passion!

  • To be honest... I think he's really sexy... Does that make me psycho?

  • In keeping with movie and television tradition, Ramsay is played by someone a lot more attractive than his book description would merit. Book Ramsay is more like this:

    Alt text

    Still find him sexy?

    To be honest... I think he's really sexy... Does that make me psycho?

  • K0t0K0t0 Banned
    edited December 2014

    Which is all well and good.

    Alternatively TTG could have, you know, actually done a scenario where your choices matter?

    I stole the **** out of that key and stamp because when the negative consequence arrives I know it wont affect anything. I disrespected the **** out of Cersei because history of these games dictate it doesnt matter, its become that bad.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Your choices tend to shape how things play out, but a good portion of events are supposed to happen. Sometimes certain things are beyond you

  • His necklace thingy is creepy.

    George is fairly one-dimensional in his character descriptions. Literally every sub-important character or less who is a **** is described as physically revolting. And vice versa

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    In keeping with movie and television tradition, Ramsay is played by someone a lot more attractive than his book description would merit. Book Ramsay is more like this: Still find him sexy?

  • These guys need to learn.

    Ramsey Snow is a .....

  • Well, everyone fails to realise that the Boltons are actually one of the smarter 'house' in the GoT series. Ramsay is for sure a sadistic character, but he is not in any way a stupid guy. The Boltons wants to keep their bannermen in line, and does so by making the other houses of the north fear them.

  • Which is certain to motivate them to rebel whenever given the opportunity. That is not [i]completely[/i] stupid, but does not rise a lot above that level either. Particularly in the North, that is so used to act out of love for House Stark.

  • He is a sick bastard. The one thing I realized from watching Game of Thrones though is that you should not get emotionally attached to any characters because they all die!

  • I think you're missing the point.

    K0t0 posted: »

    Which is all well and good. Alternatively TTG could have, you know, actually done a scenario where your choices matter? I stole the *

  • Can't we just punch Ramsey Bolton in the throat, at least once in the next episode? I think everyone would enjoy that opportunity...

  • edited December 2014

    Lord Bolton may just be the best thing since Joffrey.
    Im not kidding. Amazing to have someone we can properly love to hate.

  • A quick excerpt from DwD of a conversation between Roose Bolton and his bastard son:

    Roose: By the king's decree you are now a Bolton. Try and act like one. Tales are told of you, Ramsay. I hear them everywhere. People fear you.

    Ramsay: Good.

    Roose: You are mistaken. It is not good. No tales were ever told of me. Do you think I would be sitting here if it were otherwise? Your amusements are your own, I will not chide you on that count, but you must be more discreet. A peaceful land, a quiet people. That has always been my rule. Make it yours.

    There's something like a Tywin/Joffrey dynamic between Roose and his son Ramsay in that the former is ruthless but intelligent, knowing when to be cruel and when to restrain his cruelty for the sake of getting what he wants. Ramsay, by contrast, is cruel and sadistic and can't seem to turn it off, often doing something that is at once extremely cruel and incredibly stupid.

    lindblom posted: »

    Well, everyone fails to realise that the Boltons are actually one of the smarter 'house' in the GoT series. Ramsay is for sure a sadistic ch

  • I'm so out of place. Up until the end I was laughing. He's so funny. Plus was no one else hoping he would actually take Talia? And that she would then be a player character? I would have been SO very happy with that~~

  • Has Ramsay died in the books?

  • You would actually want to play as Talia? I can't stand her. I know she has good intentions, but she is a whiner and contradicts herself at every opportunity.

  • Nope.

    Has Ramsay died in the books?

  • I would want to play as her as Ramsay's prisoner, knowing what hes like.

    You would actually want to play as Talia? I can't stand her. I know she has good intentions, but she is a whiner and contradicts herself at every opportunity.

  • ...do you have a full understanding of how Ramsay treats female captives when you say that? Or are you speaking strictly from what you've seen in-game?

    retroberrii posted: »

    I would want to play as her as Ramsay's prisoner, knowing what hes like.

  • edited December 2014

    I'm speaking as someone who's not only seen the show but read the books as well. So yes I'm aware of his first wife. And Jeyne. Although this would likely be a situation closer to Jeyne, or even Theon since his father likely wouldn't allow him to just let her die.

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    ...do you have a full understanding of how Ramsay treats female captives when you say that? Or are you speaking strictly from what you've seen in-game?

  • edited December 2014

    Iwan Rheon is the actor's name. Yeah Ramsey Snow/Bolton is becoming next villain after Joffrey Baratheon dies, that everyone hates with passion. But lets back up here. the actor is not a psychopath, people tend to see the actor and characters as one person or something Jack Gleeson (who plays Joffrey in the tv series) got a lot bad freed back from the fans, mainly they hate is character so much that might be why he retied from acting after Joffrey dies on the show.

    You can hate his character all you want, but please don't blame the actor, he did a fantastic job as Ramsey Boltion.


    Great acting by the guy who played Ramsey Snow, but he is by far the WORST character of all time! I despise him with a passion!

  • oh so you were just guessing or something

  • If Ramsay doesn't die before the end of the series, I'll be absolutely stunned. It would be the most spectacular Karma Houdini act in the history of fiction.

    oh so you were just guessing or something

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