Ramsey Snow is a .....



  • Nice one, take a like ^_^

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    If Ramsay doesn't die before the end of the series, I'll be absolutely stunned. It would be the most spectacular Karma Houdini act in the history of fiction.

  • It actually does make me wonder how far Roose would have let Ramsay go in mistreating Talia. On the one hand, she's a highborn hostage, so the whole 'chase her through the woods, rape her, flay her and take her skin back to the Dreadfort' routine would have been a bit much.

    But on the other hand, he stabbed the Lord of House Forester in the throat. If he was willing to do that to Ethan, the lord of one of his father's vassal houses, I'd find it difficult to imagine him holding back on a mere hostage like Talia.

    Huh. Now that I think about it, Talia being trapped with Ramsay might very well have been an interesting storyline. Deeply unpleasant, yes, but interesting.

    retroberrii posted: »

    I'm speaking as someone who's not only seen the show but read the books as well. So yes I'm aware of his first wife. And Jeyne. Although thi

  • Might be interesting to see how Myranda reacts to her as well, considering it's the showverse. Also,

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    It actually does make me wonder how far Roose would have let Ramsay go in mistreating Talia. On the one hand, she's a highborn hostage, so t

  • Strong first post.

    To be honest... I think he's really sexy... Does that make me psycho?

  • Alt text

    retroberrii posted: »

    Might be interesting to see how Myranda reacts to her as well, considering it's the showverse. Also,

  • Ummm...what are you talking about? You kind of sounded like you had a point but it seems to exist the same way choices do in these games?

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I think you're missing the point.

  • very very sub, I mentioned george because im referring to the books, the tv series follows about less than half of the characters present in the book, mostly missing the black ones...oooooh hollywood, keep being savvy ey

  • Also worth noting that Ramsay for all his conniving acts has never won a proper battle. His shtick is intimidating his opponents with overwhelming force, telling them to surrender for their lives and then torturing them to death anyway.

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    A quick excerpt from DwD of a conversation between Roose Bolton and his bastard son: Roose: By the king's decree you are now a Bolton. Tr

  • I agree, I think she was intentionally meant to be that innocent and naive character who believes in idealism. Ryon is young and innocent too yet even he is driven by revenge and says "bad things should happen to bad people".

    I believe Talia will be playable, wouldnt bet anything on it but I feel Ethans death is her turning point and your choice as the player is how it affects her.

    You would actually want to play as Talia? I can't stand her. I know she has good intentions, but she is a whiner and contradicts herself at every opportunity.

  • edited December 2014

    Which black ones? The prostitutes in King's Landing and Jalabhar Xho? Hardly great losses. They instead made characters who were white (very white, in some instances) black. You can accuse HBO's adaptation of a few things, but "whitewashing" isn't one of them.

    K0t0 posted: »

    very very sub, I mentioned george because im referring to the books, the tv series follows about less than half of the characters present in the book, mostly missing the black ones...oooooh hollywood, keep being savvy ey

  • I had to google Amory Lorch and I still don't remember him at all from the books. But that said, death by bear sounds like he got off easy.

  • I fear I may be missing the point as well, as I tend to agree with him. In the game I didn't grab the two items presented to me as I felt as though something that small in the real kings landing could have me with my head on a pike. However, after Ethan was killed it occurred to me that Mira's story will be fairly similar no matter what. Well, at least through the next 4 episodes. Maybe in Episode 6 there are some big branches, but that is a long time to wait for someone to suddenly decide that the stamp and key from episode one will be her undoing.

    Unfortunately, it works the other way as well. If I had taken them, I can't expect a new option that makes that big of a difference due to the "master narrative".

    This is the first I've commented on this particular game, and I see that the notion of choice within the game is a dead horse that appears to be repeatedly beaten (nothing wrong with tender meat!). That said, for me what makes the seeming lack of effect on the narrative sting is the fact that the game constantly reminds me that person X "will remember that", or person Y "is angered", and person z "trusts you now". All of these little messages that serve to make it seem as though the game is tracking every choice loose their meaning a bit if all of the tracked choices end up amounting to the same narrative. At that point are we not watching a television show where we are choosing the tone of the dialogue, but the story is basically the same either way?

    I enjoy the game simply because I want to see what will happen next. But I do feel as though the game would do just fine getting from point A to point B without my involvement. Maybe that point is just as tenderized and deceased as all the rest. Apologies if I sound like just another echoing voice in the peanut gallery. It appears others have been banned for such dissent. Who knew the telltale forums carried the same intensity as King's Landing.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I think you're missing the point.

  • On the show Ramsey is definitely a bastard in multiple senses of the word, however due to Theon's betrayal, it doesn't seem quite so bad. The book spends a bit more time talking about his penchant for hunting women down with his dogs and other things that illustrate his depravity. On the show he just seems obsessed with Theon's "sausage".

    Before this game, I didn't hate Ramsey that much. Of course, I hate him for being a monster and a bastard, but I didn't have a seething hatr

  • edited December 2014

    Am I the only one who appreciate and like Ramsay's character?

  • He is fantastic villain

    KSGoT posted: »

    Am I the only one who appreciate and like Ramsay's character?

  • The dialogue isn't just for the sake of choices and their affect on the narrative, but also for their affect on people. The story is much less about the people you play or you the player than it is about the people around them: Bowen, Norren, Lady Forrester, Ortengryn, Sera, Britt, and Lord Whitehill are affected by player dialogue choices. Their actions may not change the narrative in episode 1 or 2, but some of them will behave differently in light of the things you say or do. You can see the effects of your choices not just in narrative, but also in the people you interact with.

    I believe that how your choices affect the people around you, even if it's just attitude, thoughts, or behavior, is just as important, maybe even more. The narrative will branch when the developers want it to, but Ethan was killed because Ramsay wanted to kill Ethan. In anticipation of the branch(es) in the narrative, you should practice more patience.

    I can speculate reasonably that he wasn't banned for his opinion or for any information he brought to discussions, but something else. See if you can figure it out.

    exo posted: »

    I fear I may be missing the point as well, as I tend to agree with him. In the game I didn't grab the two items presented to me as I felt a

  • edited December 2014

    For italics you use one star.

    Like this: * Hi what's up * (without the spaces between the stars)

    Hi what's up

    LuisDantas posted: »

    Which is certain to motivate them to rebel whenever given the opportunity. That is not [i]completely[/i] stupid, but does not rise a lot above that level either. Particularly in the North, that is so used to act out of love for House Stark.

  • Alt text

    SSWandaff posted: »

    Can't we just punch Ramsey Bolton in the throat, at least once in the next episode? I think everyone would enjoy that opportunity...

  • Eh, he looks like some other actor whose name I can't seem to remember now.

    MrMiyagi posted: »

    In keeping with movie and television tradition, Ramsay is played by someone a lot more attractive than his book description would merit. Book Ramsay is more like this: Still find him sexy?

  • Wat

    Well, the answer is genitalia. But that wasn't the point. I was referring to one of the most unfortunate characters in the series; another of Ramsay's victims. Her name is Jeyne.

  • Do you mean Tom Everett Scott from Z Nation ?

    Pride posted: »

    Eh, he looks like some other actor whose name I can't seem to remember now.

  • He's brilliant in Misfits and outstanding in GoT. I hate him more than King Joffrey... ( if you haven't seen it, watch Vicious , he is very funny in that one ! )

  • I haven't seen Misfits but I really like his work in game of thrones. thanks for the recommendations. also the like your kind. thank you. Yes I agree Ramsey is a horrible character, we can hate with passion but don't blame the actor. he delvers credit. Jack. G has quit job as an actor. Lets not make Iwan Rheon quit also.

    TheFiddler posted: »

    He's brilliant in Misfits and outstanding in GoT. I hate him more than King Joffrey... ( if you haven't seen it, watch Vicious , he is very funny in that one ! )

  • I like that thats what you took from the discussion

    Which black ones? The prostitutes in King's Landing and Jalabhar Xho? Hardly great losses. They instead made characters who were white (very

  • You know, I was actually expecting and preparing for you to make a specific flawed argument in regards to show the story affects the individual player.

    But I didnt expect you to instead come up with a completely benign and bizzare THEORY that the characters behave differently. I mean, not only WOULD THAT BE an extremely shallow change but it isnt even true.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    The dialogue isn't just for the sake of choices and their affect on the narrative, but also for their affect on people. The story is much le

  • A change in how a character behaves, feels or thinks about the controlled character or other characters, the situation, or life in general is shallow? And false? I stand corrected. I shall endeavor to be mindful only of the game's system and mechanics rather than the nuanced characters, albeit rather made to appear as nuanced as can be.

    K0t0 posted: »

    You know, I was actually expecting and preparing for you to make a specific flawed argument in regards to show the story affects the individ

  • I started to watch Misfits. your right he is brilliant in it. thanks very much for the recommendation.

    TheFiddler posted: »

    He's brilliant in Misfits and outstanding in GoT. I hate him more than King Joffrey... ( if you haven't seen it, watch Vicious , he is very funny in that one ! )

  • there's one episode on the show in which he kills one of his whores by hunting her down.

    +there is the moat cailin epsiode.

    +there is the destruction of Winterfell on the show.

    Not it's not just about Theon and Theon's sausage.

    exo posted: »

    On the show Ramsey is definitely a bastard in multiple senses of the word, however due to Theon's betrayal, it doesn't seem quite so bad. T

  • It's the only point I took issue with.

    K0t0 posted: »

    I like that thats what you took from the discussion

  • edited January 2015

    Ramsay is a psychopath and an excellent villain

  • Ramsay snow is a cunt

  • That bastard Ramsey Snow I know I'm not gonna have the chance to kill him like EVER (that asshole just dosent die) but if i ever get the chance to i will choose the most painful death he can get poor Ethan i really really liked his character he had so much poteintal and character development

    Oh and one last thing is agreeing with tryion deal a good thing or a bad thing ? because i didn't accept the deal it just seemed to risky

  • Like most of us here, i practically dropped my Droid phone when Ramsey buried his dagger in Ethan's throat...for the next 30 secs i was speechless, then i smiled and gave TellTale games a standing ovation. None of us bought this game to see a vanilla Disney happy ending ... We bought this game because we wanted to play The Game of Thrones and When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die.
    The way i see it as much as i was sad to see Ethan die, my choices with him meant that i saved Talia Forrester from Ramsey's twisted death by hunting, that is a victory for me.

    I accepted Tyrion's offer because ' The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend' .Tyrion has also been upfront with the Player that there will be risks in following that path which is more than you can say for most characters on GOT.

    Jeeny_Frank posted: »

    That bastard Ramsey Snow I know I'm not gonna have the chance to kill him like EVER (that asshole just dosent die) but if i ever get the cha

  • I actually like him. Not personally, but he's an absolutely amazing character. His voice acting is also creepy and his style (like that insolent bow after walking out of the hall) is brilliant.

  • I think that him being killed by flaying would be amazing. Having him laugh through it would also be really nice.

  • Ramsay is an amazing villain and his actor does an amazing job as him. At the same time, I can't wait for all the Boltons to die a horrible and painful death.


  • The North is running out of people to remember xD. But, in all seriousness I think Arya is going to kill all the boltons. :P

    Ramsay is an amazing villain and his actor does an amazing job as him. At the same time, I can't wait for all the Boltons to die a horrible and painful death. TheNorthNeverForgets

  • Focking ramsay ruining theons day

    This seems appropriate

  • The Starks Words are Winter is coming but Winter dont care if you have a wolf or a flayed man on your banner.

  • nah. Arya is about to kill Cersai. One hell of a bitch-fight that is.

    Ramsey Snow alias Bolton will freeze & starve to death after he killed his last servant cause winter is boring.

    The North is running out of people to remember xD. But, in all seriousness I think Arya is going to kill all the boltons. :P

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