Best Vault Hunters

This question isn't exactly related to the Tales, but I'm interested in your opinion. Which generation of Vault Hunters do you think is the most powerful ? I think that it goes like this : BO2 Vault Hunters > Presequel Vault Hunters > BO Vault Hunters. I've got this opinion from many dialogues and fights ingame, for example, Wilhelm solely whooped BO Vault Hunters, but BO2 Hunters can take him down pretty easily, even if you're alone. Share your opinions :)



  • Borderlands 2 team has Zer0. That's all they need to take everyone down.

  • Hey Pipas ^^ Yes, Zer0 is my favorite character of all Vault Hunters too.

    Pipas posted: »

    Borderlands 2 team has Zer0. That's all they need to take everyone down.

  • About your last statement: there's an unused echo log in the game that explains why Wilhelm was so easy to kill in BL2. Apparently Jack poisoned him so you could get the power core, which in turn would take off Sanctuary's shield and help Jack destroy the city. Not sure whether that's true or not though.

  • Yeah, I've heard about that, but still, it's a fact that BO2 Hunters took him down :) Also, another thing I remembered - to catch Athena, they needed 2 BO Hunters. It shows the fact that she's so strong that she's equal to 2 of them.

    About your last statement: there's an unused echo log in the game that explains why Wilhelm was so easy to kill in BL2. Apparently Jack pois

  • But he was extremely weakened and there was six of them so not a very fair fight

    armis37 posted: »

    Yeah, I've heard about that, but still, it's a fact that BO2 Hunters took him down Also, another thing I remembered - to catch Athena, they needed 2 BO Hunters. It shows the fact that she's so strong that she's equal to 2 of them.

  • We don't know how many Vault Hunters were there. It could have been from 1 to 6 of them. It's just the fact that they defeated Wilhelm counts.

    zeke10 posted: »

    But he was extremely weakened and there was six of them so not a very fair fight

  • Canonically all vault hunters are working together at the time

    armis37 posted: »

    We don't know how many Vault Hunters were there. It could have been from 1 to 6 of them. It's just the fact that they defeated Wilhelm counts.

  • Borderlands 1 - Roland, Lilith, Mordecai (sorry Brick)

    Borderlands 2 - Axton, Zer0 (sorry sexy lady with blue hair and short dwarf man)

    Borderlands the Pre-Sequel - Not entirely sure since I haven't played it yet. (muahahah)

  • Are you saying the strongest from their teams or do you think BO1 > BO2 ?

    Borderlands 1 - Roland, Lilith, Mordecai (sorry Brick) Borderlands 2 - Axton, Zer0 (sorry sexy lady with blue hair and short dwarf man) Borderlands the Pre-Sequel - Not entirely sure since I haven't played it yet. (muahahah)

  • BL2 probably. But I love playing as Claptrap and Nisha in TPS.

  • I was just naming the best Vault Hunters in terms of how awesome their characters are in no particular order. But if it's a debate on who's strongest: I would say that Lilith from BL1 and Krieg from BL2 are the most strongest/powerful characters in the series. And that the Vault Hunters from the BL2 team overall would be the strongest.

    armis37 posted: »

    Are you saying the strongest from their teams or do you think BO1 > BO2 ?

  • I personally feel that Borderlands 2's vault hunters are stronger than BL 1 and Pre-Sequel.

    Krieg, Zer0 and Salvador are powerhouses. Axton and Gaige can summon deadly machines to aid them, while already being quite competent. Maya call herself one of the most powerful Siren on Pandora and add that to her skill with firearms.

  • edited January 2015

    BL2 has the best. Zer0 and Maya are really good. But I love playing as Wilhelm in TPS and I'm planning on trying a playthrough as Claptrap :p

  • Hard to say who's the best. I remember at one point in BL2 that the group of vault hunters ended of defeated a mechanized monstrosity known as Wilhelm and the vault hunters of the first game said that not even they could beat it. Later Handsome Jack or Angel revealed that they may have simply weakened it to make their plans possible to weaken the defenses at Sanctuary. I'll just go ahead and give it BL2 vault hunters since they really made a difference when they came to Pandora.

  • Rhys & Fiona.

  • Fiona: We aren't Vault Hunters.

    Bokor posted: »

    Rhys & Fiona.

  • Obviously ironic foreshadowing.

    Fiona: We aren't Vault Hunters.

  • Both Andrew and Zeke are correct.

    Wilhelm was poisoned by Jack (though the ECHO log was unintentionally left out), and even if you play a BL game solo as far as the story goes all vault hunters are present at the same time - both of these things are considered canon.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Canonically all vault hunters are working together at the time

  • The Borderlands 2 ones are the best Vault Hunters.

  • This. Un poisoned wilhem would be at the top(or top 3 atleast)

    Both Andrew and Zeke are correct. Wilhelm was poisoned by Jack (though the ECHO log was unintentionally left out), and even if you play a

  • edited January 2015

    The best imo is Axton, but the coolest has to be Zer0.

  • edited July 2015

    The 1.5 Vault Hunters from The Pre Sequel are the strongest. Most of their skill trees are overkill. Many are saying that BL2 vault hunters are, because of Krieg and Zero but this is not a popularity contest its a power contest and the 1.5 vault hunters are the strongest by fact.

  • Salvador says otherwise dude was essentially a god if you specced him correctly

    Nukledus posted: »

    The 1.5 Vault Hunters from The Pre Sequel are the strongest. Most of their skill trees are overkill. Many are saying that BL2 vault hunters

  • I've only played BL2 so far (once I finish all of the DLC's for BL2, I will get started immediately on TPS, might try BL1 after that, I know, weird order to play this in), but I do know who the Vault Hunters in those games are and their abilities, so I'd probably say BL2 has the best.

  • Trust me even Claptrap is an overkill with correct skill and I don`t talked about the others xD

    zeke10 posted: »

    Salvador says otherwise dude was essentially a god if you specced him correctly

  • If we were gonna look at the Vault Hunters on a pure lore-power basis... It might be best to just one-on-one compare them.

    Athena is an absolute monster for sure. But Axton - who doesn't seem like very much special usually- has the unique advantage that he can GAURANTEE he gets himself around her shield. With two teleporting, wallsticking turrets, he can completely surround anybody.

    Or take Krieg VS Brick. Brick probably DOES outdo Krieg in terms of tankability, and sheer destructive force considering his fists can do what Krieg needs an axe and sometimes explosives to do. But Krieg also has the unique trait of THRIVING in fire, and not being crippled by it. Whereas Brick has to suffer fire like anyone else.

    Just things like that.

  • Borderlands 2 are the strongest, both through in game damage and canon. level 69 in bl1 is like level 20 in bl2 in damage

  • In Borderlands 2 Wilhelm was poisoned and greatly weakened on purpose by Jack so that the Vault Hunters could take his power core back to Sanctuary. In my opinion Wilhelm is probably the strongest vault hunter before that happened.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Hard to say who's the best. I remember at one point in BL2 that the group of vault hunters ended of defeated a mechanized monstrosity known

  • Each one has very strong pros and cons...The most powerful is debatable.

  • i wont say who's the most powerful, it all depends on how you prefer to play and what gear you use to each one. plus they all are different. so i will talk about who i love and who i prefer skill wise :

    BL1 : Mordecai,Lilith

    BL2 : Axton,Zer0,krieg

    TPS : Athena,Jack,claptrap

  • Fair enough, ninjas always had the cool factor on their side, but I like the way you think nonetheless :D

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    The best imo is Axton, but the coolest has to be Zer0.

  • edited July 2015

    In terms of lore, Wilhelm is definitely the strongest. As he was a fully upgraded Cyber Commando by the time New Haven burned, he would have been OP as fuck, and moreso that Saint was healing him the whole time.

    But it's a tradition that the Vault Hunters of the previous game will get beaten by the next, and yes, two of the TPS Vault Hunters got killed.

    So far, the BL2 ones ARE the strongest Hunters so far.

    Which means if Rhys, Fiona, Sasha and any other allies become Vault Hunter Generation 3...OH MY GOD.

  • I recently finished the pre-sequel. Didn't do that when I posted that comment. It makes me think, Wilhelm was very strong, but he wasn't the complete robotic monstrosity that he was in BL2 during the pre-sequel. It's possible he grew even more powerful teaming up with HJ after the events of the pre-sequel, beat the crap out of the original BL1 team, and then lost to BL2 VH thanks to Jacks poisin. I guess it can't simply have Wilhelm over power the BL2 VH since progression needed to be made with the story. Wilhelm is strong no doubt, but we'll never know what would happen on a fair level battlefield.

    Greenzoid2 posted: »

    In Borderlands 2 Wilhelm was poisoned and greatly weakened on purpose by Jack so that the Vault Hunters could take his power core back to Sanctuary. In my opinion Wilhelm is probably the strongest vault hunter before that happened.

  • My homeboy Dr. Ted is.
    He is the both the original vault maker and the OG vault hunter.

  • My personal coolest vault hunter is Zer0. I liked his special for those who don't know he goes invisible, a glimpse is seen in TFTBL at the end of episode 1 and I've always been a guy that likes using melee in games

  • I think he might have specced a bit in the Cunning tree for that decoy.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    My personal coolest vault hunter is Zer0. I liked his special for those who don't know he goes invisible, a glimpse is seen in TFTBL at the end of episode 1 and I've always been a guy that likes using melee in games

  • Lilith-one of the strongest individuals in the universe. So overpowered they had to seriously make her unstable personality wise in BL2 (cause she pretty much could've Mary Sued the story) which made me really love her character more.
    Gaige- when the anarchy starts stacking, there's no where safe.
    Maya- the first, and so far, only quality support class in the franchise
    Axton- 2 turrets, nuff said
    Krieg- it's just hilarious to play with him
    Athena-the only class I enjoyed in TPS

    While I naturally play as snipers in FPS games, Borderlands doesn't really reward sniping. The maps are too small and unless you have a partner who draws their fire, the ai instantly recognizes where you are after your first shot. So I really didn't care for Mordy or Zero (ps, the only reason Zero can get away with the whole mysterious character bs, is that almost every other character is so much more flushed out, and plus they joke about it).

  • Has nobody else here played as a high-level Gaige in BL2? Elemental damage damage skills, the ricochet-related skills, and a few hundred Anarchy Stacks and she 1 or 2-hits most people in duels.

  • Give Gaige the Sham, a Norfleet and the Logans Gun and she can take out anything within seconds with her 600 Anarchy. Including herself which I guess is kind of a problem lol

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