George Trevor
I saw it all blow what a waste. I had spent all that time looking for someone worthy. But apparently not all hope was lost.… more I saw Clownie with the girl running away through the telescope. I quickly thought of my back up antidote. In a few days that kid was gonna wish he had it. I still saved up some madmans gas incase i ran into anyone. Oh and i still had my backup detonator. Funland was gone but i could still blow up the safe zone city. Nah. Not yet anyway i wanted at least one of my masterpices to survive this catastrophy. In any case if those kids were smart enought they would take it. And god know they earned it. City without any walkers and a wall to surround it. Most people wouldnt wanna leave that. I guess i wasent most people. I set the boat to set sail towards the sea. I looked back one more time at those kids. Maybe one day we would meet again........
10 days later
"And that was all ten days ago. Since then i… [view original content]
You looked at everyone is suprise. Holy shit, so many people in there, how were they all still alive? You had decided that you would play it quietly, you had to cause them as little trouble as possibly. You just nodded and smiled.
Farm Arc
You arrived at the farm, you walked inside, your two sister were there and your younger brother, your mother, your father, grandpa and grandma.
Ethan: I'm home... and I have a guest.
Farm Arc
You arrived at the farm, you walked inside, your two sister were there and your younger brother, your mother, your father, grandpa and grandma.
Ethan: I'm home... and I have a guest.
You looked at everyone is suprise. Holy shit, so many people in there, how were they all still alive? You had decided that you would play it quietly, you had to cause them as little trouble as possibly. You just nodded and smiled.
It was night. Charile was sleeping in the bed. We found a hunt cabin in the woods , so apart from the weapons that the crazy fucker gave to us to kill the others , we had plenty of ammo. I was guarding the place. I haven´t slept in 2 days , but i had to protect him. And Asher too. He was next to Charile , sleeping along. I was in the kitchen , seeing throw the window. It was really calm until i saw 2 figures..
You let them come closer. They are walkers. You got out of the cabin and stabed both of in the head. Then you returned to the cabin to keep guarding it. You felt so tired and end up sleeping on the floor of the living room.
You woke up. It´s morning. You went to Charlie´s bedroom to wake him up. Asher was already awake , trying to reach the toop of a chair of the bedroom. Charile was sleepy and didn´t understand what i said to him , but after some minutes he was already eating the beaches we got days before. You decied that you can left Charlie alone in the house with Asher , so we are all going hunting.
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
10 days later
It was night. Charile was sleeping in the … morebed. We found a hunt cabin in the woods , so apart from the weapons that the crazy fucker gave to us to kill the others , we had plenty of ammo. I was guarding the place. I haven´t slept in 2 days , but i had to protect him. And Asher too. He was next to Charile , sleeping along. I was in the kitchen , seeing throw the window. It was really calm until i saw 2 figures..
Survival Arc: From the Start to George´s apperance
Funland Arc: From Gared´s death to escaping Funland park
Farm Arc: From Ethan and Konni going to the farm to ???
??? Arc: From Herman , Charlie and Asher in the hunt cabin to ???
The thing about arcs is that not only do you know when to end them but you can also make them huge ( some anime make 50+ episodes for ONE arc) or extremly short ( some anime have 2 episode long arcs). So your basically in control...unless someone else comes over and they take control.
Well dont worry
The thing about arcs is that not only do you know when to end them but you can also make them huge ( some anime make 50+… more episodes for ONE arc) or extremly short ( some anime have 2 episode long arcs). So your basically in control...unless someone else comes over and they take control.
Bryan: My God. the guy really did it? he's crazy. its too risk jump too. Lets find another way
You returned to the cinema room with Poly. Fuck. nothing here i guess . We have to get the fuck outta here. now
then you realize something. if that level covers all the funland. the truck has to be here. But where? in a secret passage for sure. you have not been in many places yet. .which is the most cliché place for a secret passage? the library. you run there. A lot of books. and A PORN SECTION? WHAT THE FUCK? you start to search there when Poly slaps you
Poly: Stop look you pervert! she smile at you
Hey calm down :P. probably here is the secret passage, its for our escape, you know.....
Poly: WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. FUCK IT! . she throw the grenade in the library.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM a lot of books burned and destroyed shelves
Poly : found it :P
The truck was there! why dont you did this before? FUCK! you broke the window and entered the truck
Bryan : Great. now lets find the others and get the fuck out!
at that time you heard a big explosion behind you. it was the funland
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! you scream. Konni, herman..... NOOOOOOOOOOO!
You broke in tears, was everyone dead? you dont saw anyone out there. fuck! you waited a few minutes, you called them . nothing
Bryan : Lets go Poly, its... just... me and you now . you headed out there with Poly
You were tired. living in the woods with Poly, Like an animal. hunting for survive. covered in walker guts. You miss your friends. and you're afraid. you need a group, you cant hunt forever. but what if you find bandits or worse. a psicopath again? you did a fire in fucking nowhere. you look like crap. what you saw in the Funland not come out of your head. you almost dont sleep because you have a lot of nightmares, alternating first watch with Poly. you guys made sex a lot of times. what if she gets pregnant? you knew that wasnt safe, doing sex in a zombie apocalypse, but she was everything you had. how you could resist? you were walking a few days tryng to find something. supplies. People.....
Then you saw a huting house in the woods. you have prepared your bow. what you would find there? good people? psychopaths? bandits? walkers? you didnt know. you saw two dead walkers. some armo and food. you called someone.
Bryan: HELLO?! HELLO?! somebody here? no answer . So you decided to eat and wait. God you were hungry.
While hunting , you decided to teach Charlie how to shoot. You remembered when Konni did it to you. You aimed at her head once and freak out. Then she do it herself and then i tried to do it. I missed the bottle 15 times before finally doing it right. With Charlie was way more easy than with you though. He shoot only 6 times. We also got a baaby racon. We were going to return to the cabin when we heard a screaming. You three (Asher is there too) run to it to find an onl store full of walkers. There 6 people outside it. You were about to hide in the bushes when someone a man saw you. Shit , you thought. You raise your hands in surrender when the man point a gun at you
OFC: Well guys. you probs had expected me to write a part when you saw that I commented. But no. Not yet. Before anything else I wanted you to know a few things about what I had planned and a few trivia things about the Funland arc. Enjoy
First of all I would like to confess something.........I purpasly made Konni the most badass person in the group. You probably didn't get that but I did. Infact I had originally planned for the Funland arc to end with Konni either killing George or letting him escape and then to become the leader of the group in the city (wich would eventually become a community). You might be asking why?. Well to be honest I was because Blueneon is AWESOME and one of my best friends in the forums and I wanted to do something nice for her and making her character the unquestionable badass leader of the group seemed a fitting reward for her coolness.
I had also planned (at first) for her and Gared to be a couple (Who else would she end up with? Herman? Give me a break). Infact that's were the entire consept for the tunnel of love thing came from. I thought that she and Gared would never kill each other and that they would begin a relationship ( much like Bryans but with more sweet moments and less sex). This idea died when I found out that Gared had been gay the whole time (I seriously was shocked). I instead planned on making Gared her badass advisor or possible general to Konni's army (since he was the only one with equal badasness to Konni) That consept died when Super decided to kill him . I did my best to make the death fit Gareds badasness ( I hope I did well) while also showing that Konni was an equal badass ( making her the ONLY person to resist a trank dart).
The entire family was originally intended to be a bunch of well developed corpses (seeing as I never planned on killing Gared or Konni and Herman and Bryan wouldn't have seemed like enough especially with all the traps I had planned). I added a French guy because I am currently attempting to learn French and writing him seemed like good practice (even though I mostly used google translator). I tried my best to develop them. Though I mostly let their personalities speak for them (Julia was the irrasional wife, Victor was the cowardly husband, Jean-Paul was the angry guy but was deep inside a good man and Polly was the tempremental girl who was also a good person). Charlie was the only one without character mostly since I made him because adding a child to all this seemed the most dramatic ( I was originally planning on making Victor chose between him and Polly).
I also tried to make George have a complicated relationship to Konni (going as far as to make him save her life). I did it because not only planning from the start for Konni to survive this but I also planned for her to be the ONLY one who could kill George. So to achive this I made it so that Konni only had ONE chance to die. While everyone else had several. And even her death was a painless poison that would infact make her have the most peaceful death in the whole rp. Yeah she could get hurt but never fatally. Another of the ways I though I could help Konni was to develop her character as well as make her confront her past.
So I came up with madmans gas as an excuse for Konni to fight her inner demons and beat them so that she could overall be happier. I also had promised my good friend Super that I would give him an advantage. But then I realized he had done nothing worthy of an advantage. So that was my reason. I made it so that they were so pathetic compared to the others that they NEEDED an advantage. O and while were at it I want to thank Super for making Herman join the game . I kinda needed him and Ethan since I thought that the characters were dying too quickly.
And then there's Ethan by god I did not expect Ethan. When Gustav said he would make another character I thought that he would make something like game of thrones. When he named the character Ethan I was 100% convinced he wanted a "joke" character who had no skills but still managed to live (much like claptrap in Forumlands). The dialogue made my thoughts seem legit. I don't know if he had it planned from the start but it soon became more and more obvious that Ethan was a complete badass. I constantly made him do the worst things and he did them...... no hesitation. At first I didn't pay him much mind. it was when Level 4 came that I became truly scared. I realized that Ethan was another badass and immediately saw him as a threat to my plans for Konni. Since neither of them knew each other I was afraid that if Konni tried over as leader Ethan would not let it happen. I mean I had built up Konni as the biggest badass but Ethan was equal to her. So I came to a sad conclusion.......Ethan had to die for Konni to flourish.
But I didn't want to be unfair to Gustav who is also a good friend (especially because of the Gared thing) .So I decided Ethan would be playing Russian roullet with the rooms at the haunted house . The bullet would be the kitchen (which would explode as soon as he entered). As fate would have it that was the room he chose. I had my excuse to kill Ethan. But then I realized something.....I didn't want Ethan to die. I know I had planned it but when I could honestly off him I didn't want to. Instead I started to complete his badass status (making him fight animatronics and HUGE zombie hordes solo). Gustav (unknowingly) thanked me by giving George a reason to want to kill Ethan ( past connection would as he put it "Humanise" him). I still had no idea what to do with him (Although I thought of giving him Gared's place as Konnis right hand man).Then it came to me........I would try make them be in a relationship (Blue is probably looking angrily at the computer right now).But this time there was actual CHEMESTRY between them so I wouldn't have to force them into it. I tried my best to make this clear when Ethan had the chance to kill George (another scene in which I tried to make them show how badass they both were) but was willing to let him live if he gave him the antidote to Konnis future madness.
Finally (thank god right) I wanted you guys to have the city so you would make your own community (witch Konni would rule if the plan went well) But I am STILL shocked no one took it (but I can still understand why the characters probably forgot about it). So that was all the behind the scenes stuff now for some trivia.
1 During the entire Arc I had reserved a spot for Raymond (Nohopes character) to come in. One of my favorites was him confronting George at the pier.
2 I found it hilarious that Herman tried to escape and leave all his friends trapped with a dangerous psychopath. I tried to match the laughs he gave me by giving him the most hopeless trap I could think of between laughs. His reaction was equally funny.
3 Even after I decided I wanted Ethan dead I always gave Gustav a chance to save him.
4 When I began the arc I expected the characters to want to oppose George by not playing the game. To force the characters I had George have a backup detonator that he could use to blowup the funland. He would use it as a threat to force people to play. Suprisingly NONE of the characters EVER had to be forced....they just did it.
5 I found it funny how little Herman and Charlie did in the entire thing.
6 I had characterized Herman as a hopeless victim. I felt bad about that so I gave super the chance to make him a badass. He incredibly chose to make him a hopeless coward.
7 No matter what Konni did she would never die In the arc. The only exception being suicide via harmless poison.
8 I had originally intended Jean-Paul to be in love with Polly. This would lead to a vicious rivalry between him and Bryan. This was destroyed when Bryan (ironically) killed him (btw that was seriously uncalled for).
9 Both Victor and Polly know French (hence how they could talk to Jean). If igmorph ever decides to use that trait he can ( as far as im concerned he can do whatever he wants with her same with Herman toward Charlie)
10 I STILL hope that someone will take that city (and hopefully that Konni will still become community leader)
OFC: Well guys. you probs had expected me to write a part when you saw that I commented. But no. Not yet. Before anything else I wanted you … moreto know a few things about what I had planned and a few trivia things about the Funland arc. Enjoy
First of all I would like to confess something.........I purpasly made Konni the most badass person in the group. You probably didn't get that but I did. Infact I had originally planned for the Funland arc to end with Konni either killing George or letting him escape and then to become the leader of the group in the city (wich would eventually become a community). You might be asking why?. Well to be honest I was because Blueneon is AWESOME and one of my best friends in the forums and I wanted to do something nice for her and making her character the unquestionable badass leader of the group seemed a fitting reward for her coolness.
I had also planned (at first) for her and Gared to be a couple (Who el… [view original content]
K, see you later, Tarzan. :}
Ooo you willl. George has the only cure. Its only a matter of time....>:)
You don't know that.
They are great.
I imagined this in Lee´s voice :P
I did too now, it is hillarious.
Come on now, think she will fade out this easily?
Farm Arc
You arrived at the farm, you walked inside, your two sister were there and your younger brother, your mother, your father, grandpa and grandma.
Ethan: I'm home... and I have a guest.
I look forward to the next arc
And i wish you good luck with Konni. Hopefully she has a few more days.....
You looked at everyone is suprise. Holy shit, so many people in there, how were they all still alive? You had decided that you would play it quietly, you had to cause them as little trouble as possibly. You just nodded and smiled.
Exactly, she is fucking Batman. ;}
( Eaten reply ( C'mon think she will fade out that easily))
I hope not
Wow you actually called it an arc
Ethan: This here is Konni, she helped me survive the city.
You nodded again.
Konni: I guess.
Again eaten ( she said " Exactly shes batman ")
Well hopefully batman dosent turn into the joker......too soon....
Ethan: Konni, let me show you where you can sleep, you must be pretty tired. xD
Konni: Why would you say this? Cause we walked all this way or because I haven't slept in days?
Ethan: Because I'm a silly goose.
You smiled and followed him.
You showed her a room, it was Gared's but since he was, y'know, gone.
Ethan: You can sleep here, it was Gared's room.
You looked at him.
Konni: I odn't know, I mean, it was your brother and my friend. I don't think I should, I can just sleep in the barn.
I will domy own part , just wait :P
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
10 days later
It was night. Charile was sleeping in the bed. We found a hunt cabin in the woods , so apart from the weapons that the crazy fucker gave to us to kill the others , we had plenty of ammo. I was guarding the place. I haven´t slept in 2 days , but i had to protect him. And Asher too. He was next to Charile , sleeping along. I was in the kitchen , seeing throw the window. It was really calm until i saw 2 figures..
Survival Arc: From the Start to George´s apperance
Funland Arc: From Gared´s death to escaping Funland park
Farm Arc: From Ethan and Konni going to the farm to ???
??? Arc: From Herman , Charlie and Asher in the hunt cabin to ???
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
You let them come closer. They are walkers. You got out of the cabin and stabed both of in the head. Then you returned to the cabin to keep guarding it. You felt so tired and end up sleeping on the floor of the living room.
You woke up. It´s morning. You went to Charlie´s bedroom to wake him up. Asher was already awake , trying to reach the toop of a chair of the bedroom. Charile was sleepy and didn´t understand what i said to him , but after some minutes he was already eating the beaches we got days before. You decied that you can left Charlie alone in the house with Asher , so we are all going hunting.
OFC: I will continue later
So you havent decided on what you want for your Arc yet?
Well dont worry
The thing about arcs is that not only do you know when to end them but you can also make them huge ( some anime make 50+ episodes for ONE arc) or extremly short ( some anime have 2 episode long arcs). So your basically in control...unless someone else comes over and they take control.
Can you play as someone else while George us out? I think i have an idea. I might PM you :P
Willmingthon Arc
Part 1: New (and dangerous) faces
Part 2: Hope for Safety
Part 3: Living for Surviving or Safety it´s just a dream
I sent a PM to you :P
11 days ago
@supersagig , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
Bryan: My God. the guy really did it? he's crazy. its too risk jump too. Lets find another way
You returned to the cinema room with Poly. Fuck. nothing here i guess . We have to get the fuck outta here. now
then you realize something. if that level covers all the funland. the truck has to be here. But where? in a secret passage for sure. you have not been in many places yet. .which is the most cliché place for a secret passage? the library. you run there. A lot of books. and A PORN SECTION? WHAT THE FUCK? you start to search there when Poly slaps you
Poly: Stop look you pervert! she smile at you
Hey calm down :P. probably here is the secret passage, its for our escape, you know.....
Poly: WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS. FUCK IT! . she throw the grenade in the library.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM a lot of books burned and destroyed shelves
Poly : found it :P
The truck was there! why dont you did this before? FUCK! you broke the window and entered the truck
Bryan : Great. now lets find the others and get the fuck out!
at that time you heard a big explosion behind you. it was the funland
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! you scream. Konni, herman..... NOOOOOOOOOOO!
You broke in tears, was everyone dead? you dont saw anyone out there. fuck! you waited a few minutes, you called them . nothing
Bryan : Lets go Poly, its... just... me and you now
. you headed out there with Poly
( Next part soon. JESUS you guys run!)
@supersagig , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
11 days later (present) :P
You were tired. living in the woods with Poly, Like an animal. hunting for survive. covered in walker guts. You miss your friends. and you're afraid. you need a group, you cant hunt forever. but what if you find bandits or worse. a psicopath again? you did a fire in fucking nowhere. you look like crap. what you saw in the Funland not come out of your head. you almost dont sleep because you have a lot of nightmares, alternating first watch with Poly. you guys made sex a lot of times. what if she gets pregnant? you knew that wasnt safe, doing sex in a zombie apocalypse, but she was everything you had. how you could resist? you were walking a few days tryng to find something. supplies. People.....
Then you saw a huting house in the woods. you have prepared your bow. what you would find there? good people? psychopaths? bandits? walkers? you didnt know. you saw two dead walkers. some armo and food. you called someone.
Bryan: HELLO?! HELLO?! somebody here? no answer . So you decided to eat and wait. God you were hungry.
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
While hunting , you decided to teach Charlie how to shoot. You remembered when Konni did it to you. You aimed at her head once and freak out. Then she do it herself and then i tried to do it. I missed the bottle 15 times before finally doing it right. With Charlie was way more easy than with you though. He shoot only 6 times. We also got a baaby racon. We were going to return to the cabin when we heard a screaming. You three (Asher is there too) run to it to find an onl store full of walkers. There 6 people outside it. You were about to hide in the bushes when someone a man saw you. Shit , you thought. You raise your hands in surrender when the man point a gun at you
This will continue Later
OFC: Well guys. you probs had expected me to write a part when you saw that I commented. But no. Not yet. Before anything else I wanted you to know a few things about what I had planned and a few trivia things about the Funland arc. Enjoy
First of all I would like to confess something.........I purpasly made Konni the most badass person in the group. You probably didn't get that but I did. Infact I had originally planned for the Funland arc to end with Konni either killing George or letting him escape and then to become the leader of the group in the city (wich would eventually become a community). You might be asking why?. Well to be honest I was because Blueneon is AWESOME and one of my best friends in the forums and I wanted to do something nice for her and making her character the unquestionable badass leader of the group seemed a fitting reward for her coolness.
I had also planned (at first) for her and Gared to be a couple (Who else would she end up with? Herman? Give me a break). Infact that's were the entire consept for the tunnel of love thing came from. I thought that she and Gared would never kill each other and that they would begin a relationship ( much like Bryans but with more sweet moments and less sex). This idea died when I found out that Gared had been gay the whole time (I seriously was shocked). I instead planned on making Gared her badass advisor or possible general to Konni's army (since he was the only one with equal badasness to Konni) That consept died when Super decided to kill him
. I did my best to make the death fit Gareds badasness ( I hope I did well) while also showing that Konni was an equal badass ( making her the ONLY person to resist a trank dart).
The entire family was originally intended to be a bunch of well developed corpses (seeing as I never planned on killing Gared or Konni and Herman and Bryan wouldn't have seemed like enough especially with all the traps I had planned). I added a French guy because I am currently attempting to learn French and writing him seemed like good practice (even though I mostly used google translator). I tried my best to develop them. Though I mostly let their personalities speak for them (Julia was the irrasional wife, Victor was the cowardly husband, Jean-Paul was the angry guy but was deep inside a good man and Polly was the tempremental girl who was also a good person). Charlie was the only one without character mostly since I made him because adding a child to all this seemed the most dramatic ( I was originally planning on making Victor chose between him and Polly).
I also tried to make George have a complicated relationship to Konni (going as far as to make him save her life). I did it because not only planning from the start for Konni to survive this but I also planned for her to be the ONLY one who could kill George. So to achive this I made it so that Konni only had ONE chance to die. While everyone else had several. And even her death was a painless poison that would infact make her have the most peaceful death in the whole rp. Yeah she could get hurt but never fatally. Another of the ways I though I could help Konni was to develop her character as well as make her confront her past.
So I came up with madmans gas as an excuse for Konni to fight her inner demons and beat them so that she could overall be happier. I also had promised my good friend Super that I would give him an advantage. But then I realized he had done nothing worthy of an advantage. So that was my reason. I made it so that they were so pathetic compared to the others that they NEEDED an advantage. O and while were at it I want to thank Super for making Herman join the game
. I kinda needed him and Ethan since I thought that the characters were dying too quickly.
And then there's Ethan by god I did not expect Ethan. When Gustav said he would make another character I thought that he would make something like game of thrones. When he named the character Ethan I was 100% convinced he wanted a "joke" character who had no skills but still managed to live (much like claptrap in Forumlands). The dialogue made my thoughts seem legit. I don't know if he had it planned from the start but it soon became more and more obvious that Ethan was a complete badass. I constantly made him do the worst things and he did them...... no hesitation. At first I didn't pay him much mind. it was when Level 4 came that I became truly scared. I realized that Ethan was another badass and immediately saw him as a threat to my plans for Konni. Since neither of them knew each other I was afraid that if Konni tried over as leader Ethan would not let it happen. I mean I had built up Konni as the biggest badass but Ethan was equal to her. So I came to a sad conclusion.......Ethan had to die for Konni to flourish.
But I didn't want to be unfair to Gustav who is also a good friend (especially because of the Gared thing) .So I decided Ethan would be playing Russian roullet with the rooms at the haunted house . The bullet would be the kitchen (which would explode as soon as he entered). As fate would have it that was the room he chose. I had my excuse to kill Ethan. But then I realized something.....I didn't want Ethan to die. I know I had planned it but when I could honestly off him I didn't want to. Instead I started to complete his badass status (making him fight animatronics and HUGE zombie hordes solo). Gustav (unknowingly) thanked me by giving George a reason to want to kill Ethan ( past connection would as he put it "Humanise" him). I still had no idea what to do with him (Although I thought of giving him Gared's place as Konnis right hand man).Then it came to me........I would try make them be in a relationship (Blue is probably looking angrily at the computer right now).But this time there was actual CHEMESTRY between them so I wouldn't have to force them into it. I tried my best to make this clear when Ethan had the chance to kill George (another scene in which I tried to make them show how badass they both were) but was willing to let him live if he gave him the antidote to Konnis future madness.
Finally (thank god right) I wanted you guys to have the city so you would make your own community (witch Konni would rule if the plan went well) But I am STILL shocked no one took it (but I can still understand why the characters probably forgot about it). So that was all the behind the scenes stuff now for some trivia.
1 During the entire Arc I had reserved a spot for Raymond (Nohopes character) to come in. One of my favorites was him confronting George at the pier.
2 I found it hilarious that Herman tried to escape and leave all his friends trapped with a dangerous psychopath. I tried to match the laughs he gave me by giving him the most hopeless trap I could think of between laughs. His reaction was equally funny.
3 Even after I decided I wanted Ethan dead I always gave Gustav a chance to save him.
4 When I began the arc I expected the characters to want to oppose George by not playing the game. To force the characters I had George have a backup detonator that he could use to blowup the funland. He would use it as a threat to force people to play. Suprisingly NONE of the characters EVER had to be forced....they just did it.
5 I found it funny how little Herman and Charlie did in the entire thing.
6 I had characterized Herman as a hopeless victim. I felt bad about that so I gave super the chance to make him a badass. He incredibly chose to make him a hopeless coward.
7 No matter what Konni did she would never die In the arc. The only exception being suicide via harmless poison.
8 I had originally intended Jean-Paul to be in love with Polly. This would lead to a vicious rivalry between him and Bryan. This was destroyed when Bryan (ironically) killed him (btw that was seriously uncalled for).
9 Both Victor and Polly know French (hence how they could talk to Jean). If igmorph ever decides to use that trait he can ( as far as im concerned he can do whatever he wants with her same with Herman toward Charlie)
10 I STILL hope that someone will take that city (and hopefully that Konni will still become community leader)
Hey!!!! XS They never cared Herman and to pass the level he would have to kill Polly or Bryan. Also Herman has 14 xd. Maybe... I had an idea :P