August is similar to Nate from TWD

Both are men trying to survive but are tired of being alone. August wants to take Sasha to the top with him and Nate wants Russell around. When they both walk out both of them can turn into monsters. They're not just generic villains. They both have a good side but put up a hard exterior and considering where they are its needed (Pandora and the ZA respectively)



  • What was Nate's good side? I must have missed it.

  • edited December 2014

    Saving Russell twice and trusting him with his only gun didn't count? He also expresses sadness and anger when Russ walks out. He's capable of caring for people

    Flog61 posted: »

    What was Nate's good side? I must have missed it.

  • Hmm.

    I'm not convinced. I think all villains have some good attributes, but it needs to be more than that to actually say they have a good side.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Saving Russell twice and trusting him with his only gun didn't count? He also expresses sadness and anger when Russ walks out. He's capable of caring for people

  • All villains have good attributes? I can name several off the top of my head who have none and are complete monsters. Nate at least has redeeming qualities. He went full throttle when Wyatt and Eddie killed one of his friends. It shows he is capable of caring

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hmm. I'm not convinced. I think all villains have some good attributes, but it needs to be more than that to actually say they have a good side.

  • Name me 3 villains that don't have any attributes that are viewed as good by society.

    Clemenem posted: »

    All villains have good attributes? I can name several off the top of my head who have none and are complete monsters. Nate at least has rede

  • Handsome Jack- Lied to Pandorans about making it good. Tortured and mutated several of them to the point of death (even children), even laughing about it and imprisoned and used his own daughter for his own selfish desires.

    John Henry Eden- Wanted to poison an entire wasteland most of which were humans that were mutated in hopes of a communist controlled pipe dream.

    Albert Wesker- I don't need to tell you how killing and infecting everyone on earth with urobourous is probably one of the worst things anyone could do.

    Compared to these three Nate is a saint

    Flog61 posted: »

    Name me 3 villains that don't have any attributes that are viewed as good by society.

  • edited December 2014

    Handsome Jack - Clever and Wiley.

    John Henry Eden - I'm not sure it counts, due to being a computer, but anyway: it is intelligent, logical, and manages an entire organisation efficiently, displaying impressive leadership skills and cleverness in how it uses eyebots.

    Albert Wesker - INCREDIBLY intelligent, double crossing people numerous times at numerous levels.

    So thus, not one of those villains does not have one attribute which is not seen as good by society.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Handsome Jack- Lied to Pandorans about making it good. Tortured and mutated several of them to the point of death (even children), even laug

  • Forgive me I thought when you said good attributes it applied to an ounce of human decency and compassion something none of the three men have. The point of this thread is to defend both August and Nate. What I'm saying is that they're not monsters just misunderstood.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Handsome Jack - Clever and Wiley. John Henry Eden - I'm not sure it counts, due to being a computer, but anyway: it is intelligent, logic

  • 'Human decency' and 'compassion' hardly represent all character traits.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Forgive me I thought when you said good attributes it applied to an ounce of human decency and compassion something none of the three men ha

  • Also, handsome, don't forget handsome, Pumpkin...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Handsome Jack - Clever and Wiley. John Henry Eden - I'm not sure it counts, due to being a computer, but anyway: it is intelligent, logic

  • Get out of here, you killed Roland :(

    Also, handsome, don't forget handsome, Pumpkin...

  • Forget Roland and his milkshakes. Jack is love Jack is life

  • I'll admit, when I heard "Nate" and August in the same sentence I thought of this fellow.

    Alt text

    That's primarily because they're voiced by the same actor though.

  • Hahaha I almost forgot

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I'll admit, when I heard "Nate" and August in the same sentence I thought of this fellow. That's primarily because they're voiced by the same actor though.

  • Pfft, Pumpkin, what are you talking about? Roland's right here! He wants to say hi:

    Hey, buddy! It’s me, Roland! Let's kill Handsome Jack and then we'll ALL go out for milkshakes!

    Naw, I'm just playing, he's still really dead...

  • This guy gets it!

    You, I like you, Kiddo.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Forget Roland and his milkshakes. Jack is love Jack is life

  • Even though he's overexposed, I'm glad Telltale got him, really great voice actor.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I'll admit, when I heard "Nate" and August in the same sentence I thought of this fellow. That's primarily because they're voiced by the same actor though.

  • edited December 2014

    Open your eyes Troy Baker and Nolan North are in every game ever.

    J-Master posted: »

    Even though he's overexposed, I'm glad Telltale got him, really great voice actor.

  • Because you are a bandit, AND I AM THE GODDAMN HERO!

    Rock114 posted: »

    y jack, y. y u do dis.

  • Wait, who is Nate?

  • The best character in the 400 Days DLC

    lin3756 posted: »

    Wait, who is Nate?

  • They still do a good job.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Open your eyes Troy Baker and Nolan North are in every game ever.

  • I'd say Troy Baker does more stuff than Nolan at this point. Heck he done 15 games this year alone, and most of them were the leading role, he even voiced Rhys.

    I'm more of a Nolan North fan myself, but I do like Troy Baker quite a bit also.

    J-Master posted: »

    Even though he's overexposed, I'm glad Telltale got him, really great voice actor.

  • I like Baker better his voice cracks me up.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I'd say Troy Baker does more stuff than Nolan at this point. Heck he done 15 games this year alone, and most of them were the leading role, he even voiced Rhys. I'm more of a Nolan North fan myself, but I do like Troy Baker quite a bit also.

  • Yeah this guy:

    Alt text

    Very funny. I recommend you look him up.

    Clemenem posted: »

    The best character in the 400 Days DLC

  • I just finished episode 1, I really like August's character and voice. I don't think he's teetering on the edge of his sanity like Nate is, though I do like both of them quite a lot.

  • Handsome Jack? Heroic, charismatic, powerful, up against a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters and savages.

    I honestly don't think he's evil enough to hate, but then again the Borderlands series is too full of psychos and freaks for me to honestly care about anyone. Even the "good guys" have killed hundreds of people.

  • Disney Villains.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Name me 3 villains that don't have any attributes that are viewed as good by society.

  • All either intelligent, powerful or persuasive.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Disney Villains.

  • edited January 2015

    Captain Hook

    Queen of Hearts

    Oogie Boogie

    I guess these guys and gal still have positive traits.

    Flog61 posted: »

    All either intelligent, powerful or persuasive.

  • edited January 2015

    All three of those have been or are in respected positions and have shown the ability to lead.

    Like it or not, the world is never as black and white as 100% good and 100% evil.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Captain Hook Queen of Hearts Oogie Boogie I guess these guys and gal still have positive traits.

  • Virtually all the villains I like are reprehensible people who are nonetheless charismatic, fascinating, or just plain entertaining. I don't see why you need to see a villain as a "good guy" in order to like them.

    That being said, I also have an interest in seeing August again. He seems to have a better grip on containing his psychotic anger than Nate does, and I do wonder if he has genuine feelings for Sasha. Feelings that'd motivate him to be a more creepy antagonist.

    Flog61 posted: »

    All three of those have been or are in respected positions and have shown the ability to lead. Like it or not, the world is never as black and white as 100% good and 100% evil.

  • You don't, you just need to acknowledge that they aren't 100% bad.

    Villains that are 100% bad, ala Zombies, are by definition poorly written.

    Bokor posted: »

    Virtually all the villains I like are reprehensible people who are nonetheless charismatic, fascinating, or just plain entertaining. I don'

  • Hell, zombies themselves are still pitiful in that they are victims of a horrific compulsion beyond their control. George Romero's zombies go further by being presented as gradually regaining their humanity and intelligence, something that Robert Kirkman has conspicuously avoided in his cash-cow series.

    Maybe I'm new to the Borderlands series, but in general I find it much easier to forgive brutality in a comedy series than in a 'serious' one like TWD. Nate just plain creeps me out because he's in a series where the consequences of violence have more gravity, whereas August is in a world where slaughtering people's played for laughs.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't, you just need to acknowledge that they aren't 100% bad. Villains that are 100% bad, ala Zombies, are by definition poorly written.

  • Sorry, but I dont see any similarity whatsoever.

    Nate seems far more darker, far more mysterios and more unpredictable then August. We don't know much about his involvement in Wyatt's story to make full judgement of him. August is far more simpler and his game is very transparent.

    August may be evil but he is far away from being called insane, which we cannot claim so firmly in Nate case.

  • I meant in the aspect of them being two lonely men trying to survive and take someone along with them for the ride. I'm sure Nate has a reason for being on edge mentally. Both Pandora and the ZA are very unforgiving.

    Sorry, but I dont see any similarity whatsoever. Nate seems far more darker, far more mysterios and more unpredictable then August. We do

  • Your description fits more Nate then August by my opinion. I see August more like local person of power grabbing every oportunity he can get to make more. And his ways are violent not only because of Pandora but his own choices. He is not marely survivor, he goes beyond that. He is a leader, which means he has power to manipulate others around him to his advantage. He is level above then others. He had grabbed more then Sasha along himself for the ride. And has more followers then Nate.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I meant in the aspect of them being two lonely men trying to survive and take someone along with them for the ride. I'm sure Nate has a reason for being on edge mentally. Both Pandora and the ZA are very unforgiving.

  • Nate doesn't need followers. He goes his own way and is his own man. August is more mercenary type. He wanted Sasha along and was willing to listen to her about the deal. He had a certain level of trust in her which is why he was hellbent on getting her the same way Nate trusted Russell with his gun

    Your description fits more Nate then August by my opinion. I see August more like local person of power grabbing every oportunity he can get

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