OFC: It? Sorry, I am actually stupid so you have to explain. And by the way I am expecting George to kinda wake me up or something, just saying, idk, unless you want me to do something first.
Konni: No, I don't wonder, I have too much to worry about, and the other guys name is Herman... Also, what the fuck is wrong with you, "Sex buddy"? You are sick...
"So this is sad a hell isnt it us walking in rain a you not actually seeing any one. Man dont you miss.....what did George call him Brayani … moreor something i know you wonder what happened to him and his... sex buddy everyday but still you dont really miss him as much as Ethan..... You dont really miss that other guy do you in fact i think we forgot his name. Well thats what he gets for not being kidnapped with us. Hey you know i just realised something. You could be talking to....anyone right now. But for some reason we chose George......i wonder why. Don't you?"
The factthat i havent found th right girl yet and am not looking for one?
or is it the fact that i missunderstood and missread what blue said and called her my bf becouse i thought she was calling me her best friend. Becouse if it is that i edited it and pretended it never happened. But i apparently cant hide my stupidity very well .
"Would'nt that mean your sick too?. Also George isnt supposed to know that. Wait George isnt supposed to know that there was another person with us...... this is actually really hard. Also im just trying to be honest he did kinda do it out of nowhere....."
Konni: No, I don't wonder, I have too much to worry about, and the other guys name is Herman... Also, what the fuck is wrong with you, "Sex buddy"? You are sick...
That was the ultimate mindfuck. You had no idea what was going on. You kept walking without saying much. Actually, you said nothing at all. Hours passed withe ease. Your stomach was screaming, it had started aching.
"Would'nt that mean your sick too?. Also George isnt supposed to know that. Wait George isnt supposed to know that there was another person … morewith us...... this is actually really hard. Also im just trying to be honest he did kinda do it out of nowhere....."
That was the ultimate mindfuck. You had no idea what was going on. You kept walking without saying much. Actually, you said nothing at all. … moreHours passed withe ease. Your stomach was screaming, it had started aching.
Konni: Do you know what time it is?
You had been walking to the side of the road for quite some time. You finaly saw a small town, about 12-15 buildings excluding a couple houses that there is not way you could get to. You took your knife out and started tip-toeing to the earest building. You look back at George.
Konni: Get down...
You look through the window, no one in the house, you jump in. You start scavaging.
Konni: Look around, see if there is anything, if you are gonna be a pain in the ass, then at least be a helpful pain in the ass.
"I can't ......i kinda lack the ability to move a physical body. And your a pain in the ass too i mean im technicaly you." Then the idea came to me i would do it just to mindfuck her as payback.
I chaged myself into her.
"Oh im such a pain in the ass aren't i" i said in her ( our?) voice
This was gonna be fun....
( OFC: Blue im sorry to bother you but can you write the dialouge for "it" for the next few parts. sorry but my phone is about to die )
You glanced back at him.
Konni: Well, shit...
You had been walking to the side of the road for quite some time. You finaly saw a small… more town, about 12-15 buildings excluding a couple houses that there is not way you could get to. You took your knife out and started tip-toeing to the earest building. You look back at George.
Konni: Get down...
You look through the window, no one in the house, you jump in. You start scavaging.
Konni: Look around, see if there is anything, if you are gonna be a pain in the ass, then at least be a helpful pain in the ass.
a few days later (Just tryna clear the characters that I won't work on, aka Ethan's family llol
You looked around, Grandpa was sitting ar… moreound a fireplace with your sisters.
Konni... Why the fuck did I let her leave?!
You grabbed a rock and threw it at a tree.
I shouldn't have it... It was... Stupid! Bloody stupid!
"Long live the queen."
You turned around, that was where the sound had come from, nobody was there.
Damnit Ethan! You can't go insane!
Suddenly you heard two gunshots, you looked at the corpses of your sisters, Grandpa was being held captive by two bandits.
Ethan: Gregor!
Damnit... Damnit!
You pulled out your gun and quickly shot the bandits, you rushed towards Grandpa.
Ethan: Are you alright?
Gregor got up.
Gregor: Why wouldn't I be?
Ethan: Well... You're old.
Gregor: And?
Ethan: Well this ain't no country for old men.
You looked back down at your sisters, a tear rolling down yo… [view original content]
You turned around and saw a girl standing, with your blue her, your jacket and your gloves.
Konni: I am too tired and confused right now to question it.
You went about your business. That can of peaches was heaven. The house seems clean. You went upstairs, no walkers there either.You sat on a bed that kinda looked cleaner and just stared at the floor.
"I can't ......i kinda lack the ability to move a physical body. And your a pain in the ass too i mean im technicaly you." Then the idea cam… moree to me i would do it just to mindfuck her as payback.
I chaged myself into her.
"Oh im such a pain in the ass aren't i" i said in her ( our?) voice
This was gonna be fun....
( OFC: Blue im sorry to bother you but can you write the dialouge for "it" for the next few parts. sorry but my phone is about to die )
Seriusly wut?
The fact that i havent dated a girl in years?
The factthat i havent found th right girl yet and am not looking for one?
… more
or is it the fact that i missunderstood and missread what blue said and called her my bf becouse i thought she was calling me her best friend. Becouse if it is that i edited it and pretended it never happened. But i apparently cant hide my stupidity very well .
Seriusly wut?
The fact that i havent dated a girl in years?
The factthat i havent found th right girl yet and am not looking for one?
… more
or is it the fact that i missunderstood and missread what blue said and called her my bf becouse i thought she was calling me her best friend. Becouse if it is that i edited it and pretended it never happened. But i apparently cant hide my stupidity very well .
You turned around and saw a girl standing, with your blue her, your jacket and your gloves.
Konni: I am too tired and confused right now … moreto question it.
You went about your business. That can of peaches was heaven. The house seems clean. You went upstairs, no walkers there either.You sat on a bed that kinda looked cleaner and just stared at the floor.
OFC: I can wait, don't worry. :}
I was scared. Why did that man wanted to use me and Herman for something like that. Thsat wasn´t nice. The last we somebody like was that man who put in that strange thing that Ethan rescued me from. Ethan , where did he go?. I haven´t see him since he he left us to go to something "badass" or something like that. I don´t remember it well. I was just crying about mom. Mom. The bad man make Ethan killed me. I fell sad remebering her , but i don´t cry. I don´t know why i don´t do it , i just don´t. I turn around to see Herman who is stil sleeping (OFC: Charile doesn´t understand what is being knocked out). I mover next to him. The man who defended us before his there with him. Asher is also there.
"Why,,,, did that man do this to Herman?- I asked politely
Character Status:
People who first appearence was on the "Survivial Arc":
Desmond: Undead
Hope: Unknown
Alcatraz: Unknown
Kon… moreni: Alive
Herman: Alive
Bryan: Alive
Gared: Undead
Raymond: Unknown
Jason: Dead
Asher (Gared´s cat) : Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Funland Arc":
George Trevor: Alive
Julia: Dead
Victor: Dead
Charlie: Alive
Polly: Alive
Jean: Dead
Ethan: Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Madness and Songs Arc":
Ethan´s sister 1: Dead
Ethan sister 2: Dead
Ethan´s mother: Undead
Ethan´s father: Undead
Ethan´s Grandmother: Undead
Gregor (Ethan´s Grandfather): Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Willingham Arc":
Lloyd: Alive
Mona: Alive
Bennet: Alive
Dean: Alive
Daemian: Alive
Mallory: Alive
"Im sorry what do you mean?" i asked as polite as i could. The child pointed at the elder boy. By my guess this was Herman. I very quickly deduced this was not his parent. Pondered for a moment as to why the boy pointed at him.
Then i noticed the contorcions on his face and the fact they were getting redder
"Egad you mostrous barbarian you have incapasitated him!" i yelled at my brutish companion.
"Wait what do you mean 'incapasitated'" said Mallory with a conserned tone
"He has been made unable to mobilitate do to a concusion most likely caused by a display of brute force" i replied
Mallory then angrily approched the aformentioned intelectual insult to the Homo Sapien. He was at the moment about to drink a bottle of water. Yes while the group was in absolute chaos he was looking more relaxed than ever.
"How fucking dare you to......do whaverver Dean just said" she angrily exclaimed.
" Hey i just knocked the shit out of him"
"Precisly what i had explained previously ....oh here we go he only requires some substance to awaken him if youll permit me...."
i went toward our violent friend and obtained the liquid from his grasp.
"WHAT THE FUCK you have no fucking right to.."
"Seems fair to me. Unless you have a problem...." said Mallory as she grinned eagerly rediying for another wreseling match with him. She did love to wresel. So much so that i feel pity for the poor soul that dates her if ever.
Sadly fot her Lyod denied her of the sport.
"And here we go..." i said as i poured the liquid onto the adolecents face.
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
I was scared. Why did that man wanted to use me … moreand Herman for something like that. Thsat wasn´t nice. The last we somebody like was that man who put in that strange thing that Ethan rescued me from. Ethan , where did he go?. I haven´t see him since he he left us to go to something "badass" or something like that. I don´t remember it well. I was just crying about mom. Mom. The bad man make Ethan killed me. I fell sad remebering her , but i don´t cry. I don´t know why i don´t do it , i just don´t. I turn around to see Herman who is stil sleeping (OFC: Charile doesn´t understand what is being knocked out). I mover next to him. The man who defended us before his there with him. Asher is also there.
"Why,,,, did that man do this to Herman?- I asked politely
Character Status:
People who first appearence was on the "Survivial Arc":
Desmond: Undead
Hope: Unknown
Alcatraz: Unknown
Kon… moreni: Alive
Herman: Alive
Bryan: Alive
Gared: Undead
Raymond: Unknown
Jason: Dead
Asher (Gared´s cat) : Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Funland Arc":
George Trevor: Alive
Julia: Dead
Victor: Dead
Charlie: Alive
Polly: Alive
Jean: Dead
Ethan: Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Madness and Songs Arc":
Ethan´s sister 1: Dead
Ethan sister 2: Dead
Ethan´s mother: Undead
Ethan´s father: Undead
Ethan´s Grandmother: Undead
Gregor (Ethan´s Grandfather): Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Willingham Arc":
Lloyd: Alive
Mona: Alive
Bennet: Alive
Dean: Alive
Daemian: Alive
Mallory: Alive
@NoHopeLeft . That´s why i told Konni that Jason was him. Hope (because in that moment he wanted to get out) elft Konni and Herman on the side of the road
@NoHopeLeft . That´s why i told Konni that Jason was him. Hope (because in that moment he wanted to get out) elft Konni and Herman on the side of the road
Ok just so he can tell us if hes alive or dead i kinda hate the UNKNOWN lable
Also Alcatraz he was made by the guy who started all this and he hasent been seen in months what do we do about him?
you stayed some time in that hunt cabin in the woods. You had food, armo............ but unfortunately everything has an end. .you ran out of food. in less than one day. fucking god! so you went back to the woods with Poly. you killed some walkers and covered in their guts, again. you were getting used to it. Poly seemed sick.
Bryan : Everything ok?
Yes... she said. its just the smell, its horrible. and we are walking for so long...
Bryan: I know....
you started to walk again, hoping to find something useful. how could you get to that point? Covered in walker guts, without friends, Family.... Fuck!. you kept walking unitil you listened something
Bryan : A music?! what the fuck? is that possible?!
You could not believe it. you was listening to a music after so long. how someone still have battery? you dont know what to expect. Dont know if anyone else would be good or bad. But you could join them and improve your situation...... maybe?
Bryan: So...... Poly.... what are we gonna do.? You looked at her, she seemed Bad.
Im not feeling good, she said....... Im dizzy and I think Im gonna.... Oh god, oh god...! *Puke
she puked in the ground and fell
Bryan : Poly?! Poly?! Holy shit! we need help. Dont worry. we have to follow the music. Please God, be good people!
you were shocked. You grabbed Poly and started to run towards the music. What was wrong with her? maybe some bad food Or....... you knew what it was. Fuck! you were so fucked, worse than other times. you saw two guys in the distance and prepared your bow.
@supersagig, @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
you stayed some time in that hunt cabin in the woods. Yo… moreu had food, armo............ but unfortunately everything has an end. .you ran out of food. in less than one day. fucking god! so you went back to the woods with Poly. you killed some walkers and covered in their guts, again. you were getting used to it. Poly seemed sick.
Bryan : Everything ok?
Yes... she said. its just the smell, its horrible. and we are walking for so long...
Bryan: I know....
you started to walk again, hoping to find something useful. how could you get to that point? Covered in walker guts, without friends, Family.... Fuck!. you kept walking unitil you listened something
Bryan : A music?! what the fuck? is that possible?!
You could not believe it. you was listening to a music after so long. how someone still have battery? you dont know what to expect. Dont know if a… [view original content]
OFC: no
Also by bf i mean best friend since you basically are one
Konni: No, I don't wonder, I have too much to worry about, and the other guys name is Herman... Also, what the fuck is wrong with you, "Sex buddy"? You are sick...
I know. xD
Seriusly wut?
The fact that i havent dated a girl in years?
The factthat i havent found th right girl yet and am not looking for one?
or is it the fact that i missunderstood and missread what blue said and called her my bf becouse i thought she was calling me her best friend. Becouse if it is that i edited it and pretended it never happened. But i apparently cant hide my stupidity very well
Of course, I am Batman. B^|
its supposed to be a SECRET
"Would'nt that mean your sick too?. Also George isnt supposed to know that. Wait George isnt supposed to know that there was another person with us...... this is actually really hard. Also im just trying to be honest he did kinda do it out of nowhere....."
It is, no one knows!
That was the ultimate mindfuck. You had no idea what was going on. You kept walking without saying much. Actually, you said nothing at all. Hours passed withe ease. Your stomach was screaming, it had started aching.
Konni: Do you know what time it is?
You glanced back at him.
Konni: Well, shit...
You had been walking to the side of the road for quite some time. You finaly saw a small town, about 12-15 buildings excluding a couple houses that there is not way you could get to. You took your knife out and started tip-toeing to the earest building. You look back at George.
Konni: Get down...
You look through the window, no one in the house, you jump in. You start scavaging.
Konni: Look around, see if there is anything, if you are gonna be a pain in the ass, then at least be a helpful pain in the ass.
"I can't ......i kinda lack the ability to move a physical body. And your a pain in the ass too i mean im technicaly you." Then the idea came to me i would do it just to mindfuck her as payback.
I chaged myself into her.
"Oh im such a pain in the ass aren't i" i said in her ( our?) voice
This was gonna be fun....
( OFC: Blue im sorry to bother you but can you write the dialouge for "it" for the next few parts. sorry but my phone is about to die
You looked down at the road.
Gregor was right behind you.
You sighed.
Gregor: Don't be so negative.
Ethan: I ain't being negative, I'm just... Tired... That's all.
You looked down at the ground, there was an MP3 player. You picked it up.
Ethan: Still has battery.
You pressed the "PLAY" button.
Now imagine that Ethan is Bruno Mars and dances around like that.
You turned around and saw a girl standing, with your blue her, your jacket and your gloves.
Konni: I am too tired and confused right now to question it.
You went about your business. That can of peaches was heaven. The house seems clean. You went upstairs, no walkers there either.You sat on a bed that kinda looked cleaner and just stared at the floor.
OFC: I can wait, don't worry. :}
No no, I was just looking at the shipping...
We are awesome, you know that right? And I am glad to be your friend.
pls im interasted to see how you write it (especialy since you know how to midfuck konni better than anyone)
Not really. xD
Meh, I guess I could give it a shot.
thanks ( i promise ill take over afther you give it a try)
@igormp , @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
I was scared. Why did that man wanted to use me and Herman for something like that. Thsat wasn´t nice. The last we somebody like was that man who put in that strange thing that Ethan rescued me from. Ethan , where did he go?. I haven´t see him since he he left us to go to something "badass" or something like that. I don´t remember it well. I was just crying about mom. Mom. The bad man make Ethan killed me. I fell sad remebering her , but i don´t cry. I don´t know why i don´t do it , i just don´t. I turn around to see Herman who is stil sleeping (OFC: Charile doesn´t understand what is being knocked out). I mover next to him. The man who defended us before his there with him. Asher is also there.
"Why,,,, did that man do this to Herman?- I asked politely
you should do another one of these
Character Status:
People who first appearence was on the "Survivial Arc":
Desmond: Undead
Hope: Unknown
Alcatraz: Unknown
Konni: Alive
Herman: Alive
Bryan: Alive
Gared: Undead
Raymond: Unknown
Jason: Dead
Asher (Gared´s cat) : Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Funland Arc":
George Trevor: Alive
Julia: Dead
Victor: Dead
Charlie: Alive
Polly: Alive
Jean: Dead
Ethan: Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Madness and Songs Arc":
Ethan´s sister 1: Dead
Ethan sister 2: Dead
Ethan´s mother: Undead
Ethan´s father: Undead
Ethan´s Grandmother: Undead
Gregor (Ethan´s Grandfather): Alive
People who first apperance was on the "Willingham Arc":
Lloyd: Alive
Mona: Alive
Bennet: Alive
Dean: Alive
Daemian: Alive
Mallory: Alive
OFC: How do you do a line to separete parts of a comment?
i dont know
Dean Richards
I looked peplexed at the child.
"Im sorry what do you mean?" i asked as polite as i could. The child pointed at the elder boy. By my guess this was Herman. I very quickly deduced this was not his parent. Pondered for a moment as to why the boy pointed at him.
Then i noticed the contorcions on his face and the fact they were getting redder
"Egad you mostrous barbarian you have incapasitated him!" i yelled at my brutish companion.
"Wait what do you mean 'incapasitated'" said Mallory with a conserned tone
"He has been made unable to mobilitate do to a concusion most likely caused by a display of brute force" i replied
Mallory then angrily approched the aformentioned intelectual insult to the Homo Sapien. He was at the moment about to drink a bottle of water. Yes while the group was in absolute chaos he was looking more relaxed than ever.
"How fucking dare you to......do whaverver Dean just said" she angrily exclaimed.
" Hey i just knocked the shit out of him"
"Precisly what i had explained previously ....oh here we go he only requires some substance to awaken him if youll permit me...."
i went toward our violent friend and obtained the liquid from his grasp.
"WHAT THE FUCK you have no fucking right to.."
"Seems fair to me. Unless you have a problem...." said Mallory as she grinned eagerly rediying for another wreseling match with him. She did love to wresel. So much so that i feel pity for the poor soul that dates her if ever.
Sadly fot her Lyod denied her of the sport.
"And here we go..." i said as i poured the liquid onto the adolecents face.
He awoke with a tussle. And opened his eyes.
"Ah there we are and who might you be?"
Btw who created Hope?
@NoHopeLeft . That´s why i told Konni that Jason was him. Hope (because in that moment he wanted to get out) elft Konni and Herman on the side of the road
Ok just so he can tell us if hes alive or dead i kinda hate the UNKNOWN lable
Also Alcatraz he was made by the guy who started all this and he hasent been seen in months what do we do about him?
Rookie hasn´t been here since Nov 24.
I don´t know what could we do with him and Hope
Well we can get in touch with Nohope and ask if anyone else can write him
As for Alcatraz......lets give him a few more months and then well decide if we write him or just kill him off
@supersagig, @blueneon , @Gustav_Kenny , @NoHopeLeft , @Lord_EAA , @RagingBlades
you stayed some time in that hunt cabin in the woods. You had food, armo............ but unfortunately everything has an end. .you ran out of food. in less than one day. fucking god! so you went back to the woods with Poly. you killed some walkers and covered in their guts, again. you were getting used to it. Poly seemed sick.
Bryan : Everything ok?
Yes... she said. its just the smell, its horrible. and we are walking for so long...
Bryan: I know....
you started to walk again, hoping to find something useful. how could you get to that point? Covered in walker guts, without friends, Family.... Fuck!. you kept walking unitil you listened something
Bryan : A music?! what the fuck? is that possible?!
You could not believe it. you was listening to a music after so long. how someone still have battery? you dont know what to expect. Dont know if anyone else would be good or bad. But you could join them and improve your situation...... maybe?
Bryan: So...... Poly.... what are we gonna do.? You looked at her, she seemed Bad.
Im not feeling good, she said....... Im dizzy and I think Im gonna.... Oh god, oh god...! *Puke
she puked in the ground and fell
Bryan : Poly?! Poly?! Holy shit! we need help. Dont worry. we have to follow the music. Please God, be good people!
you were shocked. You grabbed Poly and started to run towards the music. What was wrong with her? maybe some bad food Or....... you knew what it was. Fuck! you were so fucked, worse than other times. you saw two guys in the distance and prepared your bow.
God help me.....
OFC: Could you put that you eat all the food in less than one day? Because i was going to make the group find Bryan and Polly