What Game Of Thrones Character do you look like the most? (Pics if you have them) :) (GOT EDITION)

edited January 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Now before anyone is going to say you ripped off "What the Walking dead Character you look like the Most" So hear me out.
I took Inspiration from Lee4ever, and his Thread was going on forever, nonstop. So why not make a Tales of the Borderlands and Game of Thrones
And if this keeps going for fucking Months I will shoot myself in the head. ;-; This is proof people like Selfies..

I look like Sam from the Night's watch. Except I'm blonde.

Note: You don't have to Look like the Telltale Game of Thrones, you can do both of the Show and the Game itself.

You can type out what you look like, or post a picture.



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