The Most Hated TWAU Characters (Round 1) (CLOSED)
Hey there guys and girls, this is armis37 speaking. We've had a poll about hottest characters of TWAU, male and female, and that was one intriguing match! Now, since I have a lot of free time, I've decided to make my first poll. This one will be about The Most Hated Characters of TWAU. Hope you will enjoy the matchups and won't try to rig it
A bit of rules : in this poll, when you're voting for something, you're saying that you hate that person more, not vice versa. The one with more votes will advance to the next round of "hatery".
You don't necessarily need to hate some character, just vote for the one you like less
Bigby vs Bloody Mary
Beast vs Beauty
Bufkin vs Flycatcher
Aunty Greenleaf vs Johann
Bluebeard vs Jersey Devil
Hans vs Lawrence
Colin vs Toad
Crooked Man vs Crane
Cryer vs Tiny Tim
Faith vs Nerissa
Georgie Porgie vs Vivian
Gren vs Woodsman
Grimble vs Brannigan
Gwen vs Swineheart
Holly vs Jack
Lily vs Magic Mirror
Snow White vs Toad Jr.
Dee vs Dum
Ok armis; here's my list:
So there we have it; my choices for your list XD
Wasnt so sure what to do with the guys who didnt talk lol
What; Lily, Gwen and Grimble? :P
Yeah :P
Nice contest, good job Armis. Definetly will vote when I get home.
Also This reminds me @HazzatheMan do you still want to do that fables thing? We can work on that while this contest is going on, if you want.
I thought you were gonna abandon me there bro
Let's do it!
Thanks, I tried my best
Hehe, I knew that TJ vs Snow would be hard as hell :P
Uh шhaт? Bigby vs Bloody Mary??? You must be kidding... Anyways, I'll probably be the only one here to do that, but I have to pick Bigby... I will NEVER vote against Mary, nononono.
Probs Beast, but they both were really annoying, if you ask me.
Bufkin. 'Catcher is easily the most sympathetic character in the entire game.
Aunty Greenleaf. Yes, I understand her reasoning and even feel bad for her in some way, but I simply couldn't stand her attitude, especially on the trial.
Jersey Devil. Sorry, Jersey fans, but I really hate the guy. Besides, Bluebeard is rather charismatic, in my opinion.
Prince Lawrence. Can't say I care about either of them, but I found Lawrence kinda boring, that's all.
Mr. Toad. Goes without saying.
Ichabod Crane. A creep and a corruptionist, nuff said.
Tiny Tim. Literally what @HazzatheMan said.
Faith. She didn't seem that likeable to me, if I'm honest.
Georgie Porgie. He was hilarious, but that still doesn't change the fact that he's also a huge douchebag.
Grendel. That remark about the bar fight, when he accuses Bigby and claims that he "didn't do shit wrong" made me want to punch him so badly.
Grimble. Sleeping while on duty is very irresponsible of him. XD
Gwen. We almost never see her, but Swineheart saved Bigby's life after all, so picking him over a prostitute is just... wrong.
Jack Horner. A no brainer, again.
Lily. Well, Magic Mirror is helpful at least.
Sorry Hazza, but I have to pick Snow White... Her character in the game didn't impress me all that much.
Tweedle Dee. He seemed more of a scum than his brother, imo.
Thanks for detailed responses
You are very welcome.
He's always asleep at his desk in the comics :P In spite of this, Grimble always knows what's going on around him. A brilliant comment he says to a character that is lying to him in the comics is "People think I don't notice anything, I notice everything!"
Well, here is my list:
Wow this was tough and I had to sit back and really think about this. Although I hate doing this to you, Bloody Mary has to be my 1st pick. Bigby was only doing his job and Mary sure loved to push his buttons and have a hand at the power. Love her though. (sorry Mary)
Both annoyed me, especially after the 3rd episode but I'll have to go with Beast on this one. He attacked me in the Open Arms because he assumed I was banging his wife. Really? And you won't listen to EITHER of us? Someone needs a shot of Jack Daniels....
Bufkin simply because I can't hate on Flycatcher.
This was tough, too but in the end, Auntie Greenleaf has to take the fall.
Bluebeard Sorry, I hate this guy with every fiber of my being. Jersey at least made me laugh with not only that 70's pornstar look but his douche attitude. Bluebeard made me want to toss my laptop into the air and smash with a hammer.
Hans I don't hate him; he actually helped out with the book thing but that's all I know; I honestly think he had something to do with it but we'll never know....
Toad Nothing more to say.....gobshite prick
Ichabod Crane pissed me off since episode one and after finding out about him and Lily, plus that fantasy about Snow, sorry...the Crooked Man is evil, yes but least he seems like he KNOWS he's a dick.
Cryer I can't hate Tim.
Oh man....I can't do this but Faith has to take the shot.
Oh, no, no, no....I gotta pick, huh? I'm sorry but Georgie Porgie get's my vote. He and Vivian were indeed being pulled along on strings by the CM but somewhere along the way, one of Georgie's strings snapped and he had a moment of freedom....they were BOTH involved but Georgie had more involvement than Vivian. Sorry, Georgie. I still love ya', though.
Sorry @JJwolf but Gren has to take this. I didn't DO anything in the 1st episode....I wanted to glass him, too.
Grimble Wake...up....WAKE UP!!
Gwen all because we have no other information about this girl and Swineheart did a lot more throughout the game
Jack He annoyed me, too
Lily Don't hate either but someone has to fall....
Snow White Before anyone begins tossing the tomatoes as me, I was fin with Snow until the 3rd episode; the way she spoke to me, wanted to burn the tree and talked down to me, I lost what respect I had for her as a gamer.
Dee Wish I could vote for both....
Oh, I didn't know that... Well, he's off the hook then.
I hate snow white and toad thats about it
Wth, Woody vs. Gren, I can't choose. ;_;
And whoa, why is mirror so hated?
I had a hard time with this one, as I can't say I truly "hate" any characters, but there are some with personalities I would dislike if I came into contact with them. I had to choose Bloody Mary for the first one, even though I think she's a great villain. I guess I hate Beast more because of his temper, but I don't hate either of them. I voted for Flycatcher, mostly because he's not around for very long and I didn't get the chance to learn more about him whereas I find Bufkin entertaining, and wish he had some lines in the comics I'm reading. Johann was my pick for the next one, because he's a spineless pushover. Both Bluebeard and the Jersey Devil are jerks, so that one was a tougher decision, but Bluebeard funds Fabletown and the Jersey Devil barely qualifies as a character as his role is solely that of henchman number four.
Hans and Lawrence? Neither has much of a role, so I'm neutral on them both, but I voted for Hans anyways. Colin and Toad was a tough one since I love them both, but I like Colin's brand of condescension and pointing out Bigby's past a little bit more, so I voted for Toad. I voted for Ichabod in the next one, since he's also a spineless loser, and at least the Crooked Man gave out loans, even if the interest was high. I was near the fence on the next one as neither is a major character, but I like Tim, so I voted for Cryer. I'm close to neutral on the next one too, but I love Nerissa so I voted for Faith. Georgie got my next vote for obvious reasons. The next one was tough too, but since the Woodsman has the sympathetic side of being down on his luck and Gren didn't get as much development, I voted for Gren. I guess Brannigan gets my vote, but neither is a major character, and I like Grimble's tendency to sleep on the job.
Gwen's not much of a character either, but I guess Swinehart got my vote, if only because he suggests Bigby should hold back, even though he's just doing his job. Ummm...Jack, I guess? He cons, cheats and steals, so yeah. A character who's never seen alive vs. an awesome take on the magic mirror? Neither deserves hate IMHO, but I'll go with the dead character. Snow is by the book and tries to do her job justly, but that doesn't always make her the most sympathetic and TJ is just a kid, so Snow got my vote even though she's one of my favorite female characters, alongside Nerissa and Bloody Mary(it's so hard to decide between them). I think Dee's the one I had to chase and deal with the most, so he got my vote.
Snow White and Toad Jr are tied?
I ain't hatin' on ya' pie. He was kind of a dick in the 1st episode. (A sexy prick at that...xD)
Gimme round 2!
Bump, this will be ending soon enough
This match is finished, moving on to the 2nd round
Any votes here after this comment won't be counted.