HJ AI Speculation

I don't know if anyone brought this up yet, but I figured it would be a neat topic to bring up.

So evidently when Rhys plugged in Nakayama's ID Drive, it apparently contained an AI based on Handsome Jack. Now recently purchasing and playing Tales from the Borderlands it inspired me to finally finish playing Borderlands the Pre Sequel. Near the end of that one, I got a mission from Nakayama to help him program a Handsome Jack AI, and mentioned the idea of putting the thing in a Jack clone. The AI was pretty crappy, but I assumed he must have fine tuned it over time and he no doubt stuck his hero's AI in his ID chip for safekeeping/company/general fanboying.

So yeah they set this thing up pretty well if that is the case.


  • edited January 2015

    The mission is actually quite recent, they added it in as a tie in to give the HJ AI a creation story.

    Speculation wise, I have a few things on how it works: Rhys can only see Jack through his digi eye. Jack can be seen by others, but only on the display that shows on Rhys' robotic arm. Jack being just an image acts like the Genie from Aladin, changing his size, shape, and creating things to hold/show, but he only does this to bother Rhys. The AI still can mess with the echo-net, messing with articles under Jack's old username (of course each time it does, Hyperion gets a good heads up on where Rhys is).

    The AI was pretty much fine with just messing with Rhys by messing with his displays, but now that there's a possibility to reach another vault, he's going to try striking up a deal. Of course, he's only interested because there might be another creator like the Warrior for him to control at the end.

  • Yeah as Dapnee said, that mission was only added via an update after the first episode of Tales came out (I imagine it was so it didn't spoil the ending, because Jack's post-death fate was still very much up in the air/open to interpretation).

    It's still a pretty cool feature though, and by the sounds of it, it won't be the last Tales/TPS crossover! In the future we're supposed to be able to transfer weapons/loot we get in Tales to TPS.

    Oh, also, the AI in Tales is modelled after BL2 Jack (same outfit and mask), so it's fair to say that there were significant improvements between TPS and BL2.

  • What surprises me the most is that Nakayama seems to have actually successfully made this thing. He was something of a genius, but he was also supremely incompetent.

  • Love can make you do amazing things.

    ChaosSepher posted: »

    What surprises me the most is that Nakayama seems to have actually successfully made this thing. He was something of a genius, but he was also supremely incompetent.

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