What is the craziest thing you ever saw in your life?

in General Chat
What experience, or event had the biggest effect on your life. Was it a good experience or a bad experience, and how did that affect how you matured later.Did you learn anything from the experience, or are you still trying to deal with the after affects today?
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When I was young, my house had caught on fire and most of our possessions were lost as a result, I think like 90% of everything we owned. It's not really crazy, but it's definitely an experience that has had a huge impact because it taught me that we can't take anything or anyone that we have in our lives for granted. Everything that we are given is a blessing and we should be thankful for what we do have. And the acts of kindness that our friends showed us have also had a huge impact on me because I try to do the same for others when they need my help.
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My dad's driving lol
I would say when my best friend betrayed me. Our moms were best friends and went to pregnancy class together, and she was like a sister to me. When I was 13 I started becoming less shy and I began to get a lot of friends and attention. She wasn't used to me in the spotlight, I was always her shadow up until then. We both had boyfriends at the time and when I told her I had my first kiss with mine, something snapped. She called me a whore, spread some lies about me to everyone (kissing in the park -> hooking up in his bed, mind you I was 13) and I lost pretty much all my friends as a result. One day I was so sick of it all that I went up and said I forgive her for everything, and just for things to go back the way they were. She agreed. I then asked her "But you don't actually think I'm a whore, right?" and she said "you still are one". Never talked to her again after that.
I tried to talk to other people in my social group about it, and they all completely agreed with her or weren't brave enough to go against her. Our moms stopped talking as well. I started making bad choices after that, and I got depressed because I had no one. It's 4 years after that and I have never really kept any friendships, and when I do connect with someone I cease contact and hope they forget about me.
TL;DR- girl drama is a bitch.
Really? Cause it's the opposite for me. My mom's driving is... shivers
And the things she says as well, oh god.
A giant pink rat at night.....
Sorry to hear that, Drama itself is a bitch (Even though it does seem like girl drama is WAY worse)
When I was lifted up by Kenneth, It felt like I was floating above......But then I was dropped............ Amid the Ruins Trailer music starts playing
I'm so sorry to hear that.
Nothing too crazy, I've seen tons of car crashes and someone die in an accident.
Bad Rats...
When I was a teen, I drove to work one day in a really icy snow storm. Made it all the way to the entrance to my work, until I started to spin out of control doing multiple 360s in the same spot over and over again. I felt like shit and my nerves were completely shot for a moment, but I recovered and laughed it off.
Sounds awful. It's something I don't think I could ever do to someone else unless I had a really good reason to do so. I don't like stirring up trouble and I hate inconveniencing anyone.
I'm curious as to her perspective on the events as there is always a different side to a coin, whether or not it was selfish.
Though seriously, who believes stories about kids having sex at thirteen? I mean, I didn't even rally comprehend the full meaning behind it until I was nearly fourteen. Though I have seen statistics that show eleven year olds watch porn, so perhaps I was just late.
I witnessed a skydive go wrong.
Not sure if it's the craziest, but something pretty high on the list happened to me just a few weeks ago.
I pulled a gun on a drunk guy. No shit.
I was about to go to sleep when one of our motion sensors tripped. I grabbed my rifle, popped the magazine in and hid behind my door. When he was about ten feet away, I loudly racked the charging handle and pulled the gun on him (yes, I was exercising good safety/trigger discipline). This poor bastard just froze like a deer in the headlights and slowly put his hands on his head.
I lowered the gun and scolded him for walking into a stranger's house, but the guy was barely coherent. He presumably got extremely drunk, got extremely lost and seemed to think he was in his "baby mama's" house. I sat him down (he insisted on the kitchen floor) and got my dad. In the end, we decided it would be simpler for everyone if we sent him on his way, instead of involving the cops. Of course, through the whole thing, our Pit Bull just sat there in his crate, wagging his tail like an idiot.
I never had an adrenaline high like that before. I was 100% focused while it was happening but shaking and unable to sleep all night. Thank fuck for proper firearms training; there's a lot of way that situation could have gone horribly wrong.
Moral of the story: Florida is full of all kinds of weirdos.
Just Russian drivers in general.
I live in Florida too.
I once saw this really happy looking guy walking on the street with three live chickens in his jacket. I think they're his friends.:)
..It's very possible he may have stolen them.
Wow. I can't even imagine how dramatic that was. I'm really sorry you went through that. You got kissed at 13? I haven't been kissed yet and I'm 16 now.
Age doesn't really matter. If your first kiss means something to you, I'd recommend it with someone you really trust and have been with awhile. I've heard so many stories of drunk first kisses at a party and how much people regret them (if you're that kind of person).
Allot of stuff from Drama class are pretty crazy but seeing someone shove a sword through their throat without the sword actually going through their throat is even crazier.
I struck at someone whilst holding a kitchen knife.
It didn't end well. For both me and him.