Rhys's death scenes are BRUTAL


Skip to 2:25 for actual player deaths.

Also skip to 7:27 to find out that Silence is always a valid option XD


  • Oh Christ, they are aren't they? I just love Rhys so much I found it really hard to watch him get axed in the head so many times in that video :'(

  • Got the 4:22 death on my first playthrough because I was curious what'd happen if I didn't zap him.

  • Heh, a lot more effort when into these deaths than in past games it seems. I like how a few are played for laughs.

  • Yeah, me too - for some reason I thought that if you didn't kill him he could be your ally/tell you where you needed to go. Completely forgot that's not how things work on Pandora!

    Bralef posted: »

    Got the 4:22 death on my first playthrough because I was curious what'd happen if I didn't zap him.

  • During my "good" playthrough I also got killed here. It seemed like he was surrendering and backing off so I wanted to see if I could spare him... No such luck. xD

    I think that was the only death I got during my multiple playthroughs! Was fun seeing the rest of them. I dunno why, but Rhys getting run over by that motorcycle made me laugh pretty hard.

    Yeah, me too - for some reason I thought that if you didn't kill him he could be your ally/tell you where you needed to go. Completely forgot that's not how things work on Pandora!

  • I still think Telltale's Jurassic Park game has the best deaths.

    ElJacko posted: »

    Heh, a lot more effort when into these deaths than in past games it seems. I like how a few are played for laughs.

  • I like how in Game of Thrones it says "Valar Morghulis" when you die, so it would be cool for in Tales for them to put "Click for Second Wind" or something XD

  • I feel like I shouldn't be so torn between cringing and laughing till I cry for some of these.

    Alt text

  • I got that death too! For some reason, I thought it was a 'kill him' or 'spare him' option!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    During my "good" playthrough I also got killed here. It seemed like he was surrendering and backing off so I wanted to see if I could spare

  • Indeed. I played The Wolf Among Us in such a way, with the only player I killed was Georgie in a mercy-kill. This was the only death I've gotten so far, too, I think. I guess this is the Borderlands universe, surrendering ain't an option.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I got that death too! For some reason, I thought it was a 'kill him' or 'spare him' option!

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