Who is your favorite character including those from the new episode?



  • the loader bot cause he is hilarious.

  • Shade. Yes I know he is on BL2 but I love his personality. Out of the playable characters, I would say Fiona

  • Rhys so far as he is well written and fleshed out and he has those cute eyes. The female characters could be a little better written though. The female characters in the Borderlands pre sequel were so refreshingly real with cool quirks that rang true. I am hoping in the latter episodes of Tales there are going to be some kick ass badass babes (of the non stereotypical variety) for me to get excited over.

  • Here here!

    Rhys as playable, Sasha as NPC. Rhys x Sasha forever.

  • Fiona

  • Rhys is just too good, he is my favourite so far. As for NPC, then I'd with Vasquez.

  • Definitely Rhys for PC, no question. His development was amazing in this first episode, and I can't wait to see more of him. I really liked Vaughn and August as well. Also don't forget Zer0's awesome entrance, and then showing up again at the warehouse (he's just SO awesome), really hope we get to see more of him! I didn't really warm to either of the main girls too much, Yvette seemed cool but for some reason I'm not sure if we can trust her... Fiona definitely could've done with a load more development, but since it's only ep.1 I'm sure we'll see a bit more of her third-dimension soon, and Sasha just seemed like a juvenile who was constantly trying to prove that she's a badass, but actually just came across as quite nasty and aggressive. Vasquez and LoaderBot were great too, and of course we have the return of Handsome Jack to look forward to (super excited about that!)

  • Im gonna go with Rhys his character is so funny.

  • I really can't decide, I love all of them. Shout out to the car prepping bandit though, such a lovely guy.

  • Loader Bot is awesome and Sasha's a bitch.

  • Due to your performance in the recent thread you have posted on the community website you have earned... A HIGH FIVE!

  • Hey Claptrap!

    CL4P-TR4P posted: »

    Due to your performance in the recent thread you have posted on the community website you have earned... A HIGH FIVE!

  • Hey there stranger!

    Hey Claptrap!

  • When are you going to make an appearance in Tales from the Borderlands, chum?

    CL4P-TR4P posted: »

    Hey there stranger!

  • I am currently on a quest to defeat the biggest threat to pandora... A lvl 7 skag that has killed an unholy number of people so as soon as i have defeated the beast and my honour is noticed by the vault hunters and the rest of pandora AAAND when i am crowned king of the universe then AND ONLY THEN... SHALL I APPEAR.

    When are you going to make an appearance in Tales from the Borderlands, chum?

  • Fair play, hope to see you soon and victorious.

    CL4P-TR4P posted: »

    I am currently on a quest to defeat the biggest threat to pandora... A lvl 7 skag that has killed an unholy number of people so as soon as i

  • Rhys, but I think I might be biased due to my love for Troy Baker's voice.

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