Who do you want rhys/fiona to end up with?



  • I believe Rhys is a good person underneath all the corporate bravado he puts on. I think he wants to be a jerk like everyone expects from someone who works for Hyperion, but does have a good heart. I don't know though, that's just my interpretation of his character so far, which is influenced a little by what dialogue choices you make and such. To survive in a place like Hyperion you have to either be a jerk, or put on a good act at being a jerk. In my opinion Rhys is (for the moment at least) the latter.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Never trust hyperion they are usually a bunch of backstabbers hence jack and Vasquez

  • He'd be such a digital creeper. The commentary would be golden.

    Poor Rhys. Guy's not gonna be able to so much as get up in the morning to pee without hearing Jack be a dick (pun intended) about it.

    From some reason I got a mental picture of AI Jack watching Rhys and Sasha making out. I do not know how the fuck I got that.

  • Sasha don't know that though for all she knows he could just be waiting for her to turn her back on him

    I believe Rhys is a good person underneath all the corporate bravado he puts on. I think he wants to be a jerk like everyone expects from so

  • Fiona seemed fine with Vaughn, so I don't get Sasha's problem, other than the fact that she is a trigger-happy punk.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Sasha don't know that though for all she knows he could just be waiting for her to turn her back on him

  • I'm glad I'm not the only who feels that way! By the way, that's why I didn't give her the stun baton (and she threatened me because of it when she's the one pointing a gun at him the whole time... In my gameplay video I even said 'You don't trust me, I don't trust you' xD)
    I started to like her better near the end when they teamed up to get the case, but not enough to make me ship them right now. I'll just wait for episode 2 to see how it goes. (I can't even imagine how much she will hate on you if you accepted Vasquez's deal xD Which is comprehensible I think)

    Yeah, I totally agree. I'm not putting up with shit like that from her, she can go away if she's going to continue being like that.

  • I'm willing to re-think my judgement of her if she stops being so aggressive, but in this first episode I really did not warm to her at all. I want to like her, and I think I would if she stopped being like that to Rhys as she is quite funny and really the only one out of the four of us who comes close to being badass. As Rhys I defended Hyperion by saying they "bring order" and told her "I have to make it back", but then I did let her borrow the stun baton after doing the cute pinky-promise-to-give-it-back option. I wanted Rhys to stand his ground with her and not just say what she wants to hear like most people seemed to do, but then I also wanted to be the bigger person by not letting prejudices that Pandorans have about Hyperion employees affect how I treated her if that makes sense. I still don't know if I'll go with the whole Rhys x Sasha thing if that is an option though, depends on how she is in episode 2.

    I'm glad I'm not the only who feels that way! By the way, that's why I didn't give her the stun baton (and she threatened me because of it w

  • If you are friendly with her and admit that working at Hyperion sucks then she warms to you a lot. I found that Rhys and Sasha got on great from the moment they hopped out of the pipe in my playthrough

    I'm willing to re-think my judgement of her if she stops being so aggressive, but in this first episode I really did not warm to her at all.

  • I know that, but it doesn't change the fact that she still threatens you even after she sees how hopeless Rhys is at taking out that bandit. I felt that it would have been out of character for Rhys not to defend Hyperion, seeing as how Handsome Jack is his idol and all.

    If you are friendly with her and admit that working at Hyperion sucks then she warms to you a lot. I found that Rhys and Sasha got on great from the moment they hopped out of the pipe in my playthrough

  • Yeah, same.
    I was friendly to Sasha though, I told her that it wasn't that simple and that it's not easy :3 For me Rhys has to be really kind and caring for people... Well I always play my characters like that actually xD

    I'm willing to re-think my judgement of her if she stops being so aggressive, but in this first episode I really did not warm to her at all.

  • I didn't mean for my Rhys to come across as a prick, which is undoubtedly what happened, I just didn't think he would let Sasha get away with chatting shit about the corporation that he is so devoted to without speaking out. I will make my Rhys more kind in the future, but just in that scene I did what I thought he would do. I had the best intentions behind what I had him say, even if it didn't come across that way (oops :/)

    Yeah, same. I was friendly to Sasha though, I told her that it wasn't that simple and that it's not easy For me Rhys has to be really kind and caring for people... Well I always play my characters like that actually xD

  • edited January 2015

    [Sets table for two]

    [Lights candles]

    [Serves meal.]

    [Ushers Fiona over to her seat.] ^_^ here you go miss, we have other refreshments on offer if the wine is not to your liking.

    [Drags Rhys by the collar over and at gun point] Bitch sit down! And remember you're naming your first child Loader Bot, YOU HEAR ME!?

  • ...

    I think I slightly love you.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Sets table for two] [Lights candles] [Serves meal.] [Ushers Fiona over to her seat.] ^_^ here you go miss, we have other refreshme

  • I think I slightly ship us.

    Call me <3


    ... I think I slightly love you.

  • ^_~
    *skips off giggling like a Japanese school-girl*

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think I slightly ship us. Call me XP

  • Fiona or Sasha x Rhys, Either one is fine, It would be cool if it was a choice as one of them, Like in episode 5 its just a random out of nowhere comic relief moment

  • I can imagine where Rhys is changing is his shirt and Jack is like, 'You have terrible abs. Want to touch mine?' (In the pre-sequel AI Jack's dialogue) and Rhys tries to touch them but falls down cause he can't touch AI Jack.

    nursethalia posted: »

    He'd be such a digital creeper. The commentary would be golden. Poor Rhys. Guy's not gonna be able to so much as get up in the morning to pee without hearing Jack be a dick (pun intended) about it.

  • That part in TPS cracked me up. "WHO WANTS TO MAKE OUT?"

    I can imagine where Rhys is changing is his shirt and Jack is like, 'You have terrible abs. Want to touch mine?' (In the pre-sequel AI Jack's dialogue) and Rhys tries to touch them but falls down cause he can't touch AI Jack.

  • No, seriously though, EVERYONE in this game is going to wake up in a huge pile of trashy sheets and be like 'whut?' and in the very middle is Holo!Handsome Jack smoking a cigarette going "S'up pumpkins. Was it as good for all of you as it was for me?"

  • edited January 2015

    Oh, come on, wtf... I get an error message saying my comment wasn't posted, then it goes and posts my comment like a trillion times...

  • edited January 2015

    Wow, this triple posted. Annnnnnd I can't delete it.

  • I don't mind either way, as long as any romance that happens is actually built up. If, say, Rhys and Sasha have no further chemistry beyond Episode 1 and then Sasha just kisses him out of nowhere when he saves her or something, that's bullshit. If there's actually some kind of chemistry between the characters and it doesn't just come out of nowhere for the sake of having a romantic interest, then fine.

  • I honestly would like Rhys and Fiona. They contrast perfectly

  • Sasha just kisses him out of nowhere when he saves her or something, that's bullshit

    I think that could be used for comedic effect. Imagine they are fighting over some kind of money, he can't kill someone he knows, saves her, she kisses him, disorienting him, and then kicks him in the balls and steals the money. I feel that would be in character for Sasha considering she was August's girlfriend just to get the money (probably).

    Bralef posted: »

    I don't mind either way, as long as any romance that happens is actually built up. If, say, Rhys and Sasha have no further chemistry beyond

  • Nobody. A game like borderlands is too crazy to have romance in it.

  • I actually really want this to happen

    nursethalia posted: »

    No, seriously though, EVERYONE in this game is going to wake up in a huge pile of trashy sheets and be like 'whut?' and in the very middle i

  • Indeed, romance plots aren't very borderlands-y

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nobody. A game like borderlands is too crazy to have romance in it.

  • I want it to happen way more than I'm comfortable admitting.

    I actually really want this to happen

  • edited January 2015

    Nobody at this point. I haven't really seen any potential chemistry between them and any other characters just yet. That may change though, it's only the first episode.

  • Alt text

    nursethalia posted: »

    No, seriously though, EVERYONE in this game is going to wake up in a huge pile of trashy sheets and be like 'whut?' and in the very middle i

  • edited January 2015

    I up-voted both of these because I tended to agree (and I'm also not the biggest 'shipper), but then when I thought about it I realised that it's actually not true...

    Couples in the Borderlands Universe:

    • Lilith/Roland and formerly Lilith/Mordecai (main game canon)
    • Axton/Ellie (ECHOcast canon)
    • Maya*/Krieg (A Meat Bicycle Built for Two canon)
    • Jack/Nisha (main game canon)
    • Athena/Janey Springs (main game canon)
    • Moxxi/Everyone (main game canon)

      *It has been stated by Anthony Burch that Maya is actually Asexual - but there's still a chance that she could have a romantic relationship with Krieg, at the very least, he's super into her.

    I'm sure I've missed a few (there's lots of other crushes etc.), but I'm pretty sure these are the main ones - and all but Maya/Krieg are confirmed romantic couplings.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Nobody. A game like borderlands is too crazy to have romance in it.

  • I'm not saying that couples aren't a thing aren't, but the romances are just kind of there in the background rather than a big focus of the story

  • Oh definitely, and I think TT would be ill-advised to suddenly make it all about romance (I doubt they'd even consider it!), but considering Tales is already a much more character-driven narrative, and considering that the main games do include minor instances of romanticism I don't think it's entirely out of the question that some form of character romance would feature.

    As I said, I'm the least-shippy person in the world, but I definitely wouldn't be adverse to certain relationships being further explored - as long as they were serving the overall narrative/adding depth to the characters.

    I'm not saying that couples aren't a thing aren't, but the romances are just kind of there in the background rather than a big focus of the story

  • "Father, I have procured a being who I wish to rust away with for the rest of my cycle."

    "That's a toaster, loaderbot."

    "Her names is Veronica and I love her."

    -Loaderbot will store that to memory.

    Deathtrap posted: »

    i honestly hope that loader bot finds love at some point with a toster or some other random electronic appliance

  • edited January 2015

    For me, it more:

    Rhys/Fiona - can see it, but I'd rather it being an annoyed siblings relationship

    Rhys/Sasha - oh god they're cute together, Sasha is basically the other side of the jerk coin that Rhys is missing, can see Rhys being the awkward one about the relationship while Sasha is like "All you have to do is kiss me, you know."

    Fiona/Vaughn - The Accessory Couple, (my otp) the worry wart and the (almost) carefree/action character is always perfect

    Handsome Jack AI/everyone - mainly to bother Rhys

    I just really love every character in this game so far and can't wait to see how new additions to the cast and advancement of the plot makes me feel about them.

  • now that's pretty cute.

    Pipas posted: »


  • i root for sasha and rhys, but i don't like the idea of fiona and vaughn. i wish they do add more characters.

    Zinthous posted: »

    Romance is predictable any way you slice it.

  • It might be too predictable, i have to admit, but i like fiona x rhys couple because they obviously have
    perfect compatibility. Rhy's narcissistic and arogant personality will be reformed by fiona's toughness and directness,
    and Fiona's "I won't open up to anyone(even more so since she was betrayed)" attitude will slowly wear down
    by Rhys' loyal personality and -quite sarcastic but also light and funny- sense of humor.

  • I would rather have no romance plotline to get in the way of the existing narrative, but if we HAVE to have one, each other. Because it would be funny... with the whole... playing as both of them thing... heh.

  • I understand, 'cause I get like that too sometimes haha xD

    I didn't mean for my Rhys to come across as a prick, which is undoubtedly what happened, I just didn't think he would let Sasha get away wit

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