Anyone else feel like Pre Sequel is underrated?

I know this doesn't have anything to do with Tales but since there isn't a whole lot to talk about thought we could talk about this :p

Anyway yeah, I feel like it was. I don't think it has anything on Borderlands 2 but overall it was a fun and interesting game that I really enjoyed throughout. It got a ton of unnecessary hate IMO because of dumb reasons like -

"Too much like Borderlands 2 in terms of gameplay" - don't see how this is a bad thing.

"Doesn't dive in Jack's story enough" - please, we have enough of Jack (no offense @HandsomeJack).

So yeah, anyone else feel like Pre Sequel was underrated?


  • edited February 2015

    I haven't bought it yet but I do wanna hear people's opinions about it doe, I'm on a 50-50 scale of buying it

  • please, we have enough of Jack

    Even though I haven't played it, I wanna appeal to senpai a little.

    There's no such thing as having enough Jack @HandsomeJack :]

  • edited February 2015

    Oh, I totally agree! Honestly, It was one of the few games from 2014 that I enjoyed the hell out of. That being said, it's no where near as good as BL2, but it still doesn't deserve all the hate I see for it. It's by no means a bad game.

    Gameplay- I thought it was an improvement over BL2. At it's core, it's still the same gameplay we know and love, but with some very nice new additions. Jumping around everywhere in low gravity and butt-slamming enemies is surprisingly fun. Also laser and freeze weapons!

    Story- I liked it a lot for the most part! It does drag a bit in the first half and some of the new characters are kinda annoying, but the second half was so great. Watching Jack slowly become darker and darker as the game progressed was so damn satisfying. You'll also get a lot more Lilith, Roland and Moxie (who is now one of my fav BL characters!)

    I also thought it was interesting how the story had a modern day aspect. Athena is captured by Lilith and her crew, forced to retell the story we're playing. As the story unfolds, Lilith/Mordecai/Brick will voice their reactions. And what's extra cool is that when you start your second playthrough in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, it's Tiny Tina forcing Athena to tell the story yet again. So all modern day dialog in the game is changed to Tina's reactions!

    The Vault Hunters- I think it's worth mentioning that your main character actually talks in this one. Which is honestly one of my favorite things about the game. They all react differently towards things, and NPCs will have different dialog towards you depending on who you play as. For example, Claptrap was my main. He was pretty freaked out by the awful things Jack did and by the end of the game, Jack told Claptrap that he was useless now. My second playthrough I used Nisha. She was majorly turned on by the awful things Jack did and by the end of the game, Jack was asking Nisha if she wanted to get a drink when this was all over. Playing as different characters feels like more of an unique experience in this one.

    Side missions- Still a ton of crazy side missions in TPS! Like fulfilling a dead man's wish by finding a certain dude and calling him a "dick"... Helping Nakayama to get Jack senpai to notice him... Watching a man attempt the ultimate slam dunk only to break the gravitational pull of the Moon... Good times.

    Length- The game isn't as long as BL2, but it's still pretty long. I think it took me 20-ish hours?

    Overall, I think it's a pretty good game. I'd recommend it if you see it on sale for a good price. Or pick it up in the Handsome Collection!

  • I heard so many bad things about it, and since I was banking on them releasing a PS4 version eventually, I opted to rent it instead of buying. I played as Nisha and absolutely loved it, just as much as I loved Borderlands 2. Butt-slamming is so excellent! I found an Oz kit with corrosive damage labeled something like "He Who Smelt It" or something, and every time I butt-slammed, a huge, awkwardly long fart noise would play and everyone around me would be coated in corrosive. I laughed like a dumbass every time. I will definitely be buying the Handsome Bundle so that I can play as Timothy or Lady Hammerlock next time.

    I do feel, however, that it could have used more Jack backstory, especially in terms of his (d)evolving relationship with Angel. I was a little disappointed that she never made an appearance. I can understand how some people would be totally burned out on Jack by now, but I absolutely love that piece of shit and will never get sick of him. Mad applause for Dameon Clarke for the perfect dialogue delivery that made me love the character so much.

  • I have mixed feelings for it. I played as Wilhelm, think saying no as an inspirational saying and following the prime directive, and the game play was fun. However, there were things added that bothered me, like having to keep oz kits full, and the accents didn't feel like they belonged to any place near Pandora. The butt slamming was entertaining, and the references that were made throughout kept me entertained (for example a few 2001: a space odyssey references).

    So as a whole I would say it's a pretty good game, and is a bit underrated. I just have a few issues with it is all.

  • Mad applause for Dameon Clarke for the perfect dialogue delivery that made me love the character so much.

    That dude is majorly talented. I love how Handsome Jack, TPS!Jack and Timothy the body double all sound like the same character, yet at the same time they each sound uniquely different. And his hilarious line delivery is half of what makes Jack such an enjoyable character!

    nursethalia posted: »

    I heard so many bad things about it, and since I was banking on them releasing a PS4 version eventually, I opted to rent it instead of buyin

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    please, we have enough of Jack Even though I haven't played it, I wanna appeal to senpai a little. There's no such thing as having enough Jack @HandsomeJack :]

  • "Doesn't dive in Jack's story enough" - please, we have enough of Jack (no offense @HandsomeJack)."

    Alt text

  • In all seriousness though, I wholeheartedly agree that TPS is totally underrated (and no, it's not because of who it stars!)

    I think one of the biggest issues with the game getting hate (besides the lack of end game/respawning bosses that turned into an unnecessarily huge deal) was the Australian humour/accents. As a real-world Elpis inhabitant myself, I personally found all the little jokes and references utterly hilarious, and genuinely clever (the whole game is basically an allegory of the settlement of Australia - see the bizarre King Greg side mission: Captain 'Chef' = Captain Cook, the man who 'discovered' Australia), but I know to 90% of the world most of the jokes went waaay over people's heads.

    As @Deadpoolian said, one of TPS' biggest improvements over BL2 is that there's far more interactivity with the playable vault hunters - they actually have distinct personalities and each new play through feels like a totally new game because of just how different each character's interaction with the NPCs is.

    I also really loved the story, it probably wasn't as great as BL2 (especially with that culture clash affecting a lot of people's understanding of the game/humour), but it really built on the whole 'moral ambiguity' schtick and made you question who the good and bad guys really were - I think they handled Jack's descent into madness really, really well, and explained why he genuinely thought that he was the hero of the story. Also, the Felicity storyline destroyed me, further proving that the writers still know how to tug at your heart strings.

    As far as the gameplay, it definitely was pretty much identical to BL2 (other than the zero gravity/cryo weapons which I really enjoyed), but TPS was only ever supposed to be a BL2 re-skin to tide over fans until the release of BL3.

    Also, and this is something that doesn't seem to be brought up a lot, I absolutely adored the setting/locations. Elpis is stunning, the colour palette, the landscapes, the interiors - all those moody purples and icy blues, juxtaposed against the bubbling lava and endless expanse of darkness - even though they reused the BL2 engine, it still felt so far away from Pandora... I also really liked the electro-heavy soundtrack.

    My only real disappointment/thing I think is a missed opportunity was (as @nursethalia said) that they didn't include much of Angel.

    If you haven't played TPS, but are a fan of BL2 I genuinely think you'd enjoy it - especially if you wait until the Handsome Collection comes out and all the DLCs are included (Timothy is the greatest vault hunter of all time)!

    "Doesn't dive in Jack's story enough" - please, we have enough of Jack (no offense @HandsomeJack)."

  • The moral ambiguaty theme was perfectly done. Zarpadon was willing to risk the shattering of the moon, killing herself and the vault she was protecting, Jack's choice with Felicity, the airlock, and even the Meriff fit in. He had a side mission that explained his thought process in the part he played in the game. I did his mission a little after I had finished and was actually surprised to listen to all the Echo's the Meriff left behind.

    Oh yeah and then I got to shoot a rocket off the moon with dubstep or something playing in the background.

    My only real problem was that some accents from the down under are a bit too fast, and I had to read the subtitles to understand half of the dialogue from Red and Belly, and a few others.

    In all seriousness though, I wholeheartedly agree that TPS is totally underrated (and no, it's not because of who it stars!) I think one

  • I don't think it's as good as BL2, but it gets a lot more hate than it deserves. It has the same fun gameplay with new elements thrown in and some pretty damn awesome playable characters. My main gripes are that the NPC characters, for the most part, are less engaging than their BL2 counterparts (i.e Dr Zed and Nurse Nina, Scooter and Janey Springs) and in general the humour either feels forced or relies on repeated jokes (It's not working? Smack it. Do this thing because he's a dick)

  • I played the game till lvl 30 and got bored. I played Borderlands 2 a lot. I had 2 high lvl chracters. And I loved Borderlands the original too. But PreSequel is just boring. Sry guys, this is my opinion. :)

  • The main problem with it at the moment is that once you complete it, there's not really anything to do; compared to Borderlands 2 where you have many raid bosses to fight, as well as all the bosses being respawnable. You also have DLC.

    Pre-Sequel has none of this. You finish it, and have the choice of fighting the final boss again, or Iwajira. They are fixing this in a patch, but ya... Borderlands 2 simply has more content.

    I still think the Pre-Sequel should have been referred to as a stand-alone expansion for BL2.

    I do still like the game though, and the grinder is a great addition.

  • i totally agree! topping borderlands 2 might be quite the challenge, but pre-sequel is amazing in its own rights. i think the main difference is that it's a character driven tale versus a great big adventure across the world.

    its main strength to me is undoubtedly the fact that the player characters have a shitton of dialog, like @Deadpoolian mentioned! i personally didn't even mind the fact that there is so little post-game content, because i was way more interested in replaying as each of the different characters. each replay felt like a completely different experience, especially when you play characters whom Jack has unique dialog for (Nisha & Doppelganger literally turn this game into The Handsome Jack Dating Sim). i finished playing through the game as Aurelia just two days ago and gosh, i am so infatuated. all 6 characters are enjoyable to play as, and their different views of morality and reaction to the things Jack does and asks them to do are fascinating, hilarious at times, heartbreaking at others (i still haven't played as Claptrap, i would feel too bad making him go through the whole felicity thing)

    while i do agree that i would've liked to know a tiny bit more details about Jack (what happened to Angel's mother, how life was like for him as a low level 'code monkey', etc) i still enjoyed watching his rise to power from so up close. i think this game had a really powerful emotional aspect to it, the combination of how lively the playable characters were and how intense things got at parts tugged on my heartstrings so much, omfg. Moxxi, Lilith & Roland's betrayal hit me especially hard: despite how i could see it coming, it was like a shocking reminder that we were playing as the Bad Guys here! same goes for Felicity, especially if you're playing as one of the characters who doesn't enjoy doing The Thing to her.

    last but not least, the fact that 3/6 of the playable characters are women, that the main antagonist is a woman, that the main character/narrator is a woman (who is romantically involved with another woman!), that Moxxi & Lilith get even more fleshing out than before and are pivotal to Jack's development, and that all the ladies are generally quite wonderful, is quite a positive aspect to the game as well!

  • How could you not love a game that gives you lines as great as "Nobody lies to me about pizza! NOBODY!!!"

  • Probably because no one did that side mission. I only played that mission after my second playthrough, and it was in one of the hardest map areas to move around for me at least.

    nursethalia posted: »

    How could you not love a game that gives you lines as great as "Nobody lies to me about pizza! NOBODY!!!"

  • I thought Pre-Sequel was great and Handsome Jack's rise to greatness. And I am not saying this because I fear angering HJ. Poker face

    In all seriousness though, I wholeheartedly agree that TPS is totally underrated (and no, it's not because of who it stars!) I think one

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