Does anyone feel like Vaughn is going to betray Rhys?

I like Vaughn(and Chris Hardwick) and I know it might sound crazy, but I have a bad feeling that before this season is over, Vaughn is going to betray Rhys to help out Vasquez. The reason I think that is because in the first episode you're given the option to betray him and I think that will come to bite Rhys in the ass later on.

Am I crazy?


  • Not a crazy thing to think at all! I mean you've gotta remember that Vaughn (although adorable) also works for Hyperion, and could have his own ambitions to raise his position in the company. And that just because you (as Rhys) may have chosen to be loyal to him, that doesn't necessarily mean he will be to you... I was thinking the same about Yvette as well actually, I'd be more inclined to suspect her of treachery than Vaughn though.

  • To be honest, I kind of do think that as well. Rhys can talk about how people are more than happy to use you to climb up the corporate ladder, I hope that's not what Vaughn is doing, but it may be.

  • edited February 2015

    No, Vaughn is the best

    Flashbacks to Mike

  • edited February 2015

    This is TellTale games. Of course everyone dies and betrays everyone else.

    Also, as soon as I saw this topic, I just went, "Yes, someone agrees, this is good."

  • I don't think so. There's just too much loyalty between them so far. Dude stole $10,000,000 just because Rhys asked and went down to Pandora with him. I think he'll be loyal for as long as he's alive.

    But this is Pandora, and it's easy to get killed.

  • If Vaughn betrays Rhys, we riot!

  • If there is, there should be a line for Rhys that says "Only I can BETRAY you!"

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    If Vaughn betrays Rhys, we riot!

  • I personally think Sasha is more of the betraying type of our protagonists.

  • I have a bad feeling that before this season is over, Vaughn is going to betray Rhys to help out Vasquez.


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  • As much as I don't want this to happen (nooo, don't destroy the bromance!), at the end of the day we're dealing with Pandorans and Hyperion workers - betrayal is pretty much guaranteed - you literally cannot trust a single person.

  • nope, i seriously doubt he'll do that, he's my fav char

  • Agreed!

    As much as I don't want this to happen (nooo, don't destroy the bromance!), at the end of the day we're dealing with Pandorans and Hyperion workers - betrayal is pretty much guaranteed - you literally cannot trust a single person.

  • Nope, I can't imagine it. Nope... not really.

  • He better not, Vaughn is an accountant, I hope he won't make the rest of us look bad. ...Then again he stole money from a corporation that trusted him with it.

  • it would really suck for Fiona to have BOTH of her family members betray her tho

    I personally think Sasha is more of the betraying type of our protagonists.

  • I've been getting that feeling too, at least that something is going to happen with their little friendship, because by the end of Episode 1 you can decide if to let Vaughn be the one to get all the trouble dumped on him. Even if you say no, I'm pretty sure something will happen with that and Rhys is going to be left all sad by it T_T

    Also when talking about the promotion stuff, Rhys seemed very 'we're all in this together' [or was that just an option, i can't remember lol] while Vaughn seemed focused about how much money he'd be making, and didn't it say in his name card he's the money man or something? Somehow I feel like something like cash is going to make Vaughn straaaay ;_;

  • Maybe, a slight maybe, if Vasquez tries to offer Vaughn the same deal he offers Rhys, saying Rhys probably blackmailed or bullied Vaughn into the plan, something like that. Vasquez might be able to bully Vaughn into wavering, but I still think Vaughn despises Vasquez enough on his own, regardless of what he pulled on Rhys.

    I'd find a small betrayal more likely than that though. Maybe something like Vaughn secretly trying to find a buyer for the Atlasio and hiding the money from the sell, then lying about some bandit swiping it. Or lying about how much he received for the sell. I don't particularly think something like this will or should happen, but it sounds more likely to me than a betrayal to get back in Hyperion's good graces. I think Rhys and Vaughn have burned enough of their bridges back by this point.

  • Yeah, Rhys' "We made it" when you're standing in front of Henderson's office was an option, another was "I deserve this" and Vaughn will fold in a bit and remind Rhys that he and Yvette have helped him get there. And for my opinion on this thread, "ha ha ha ha ha, don't want to think about it : )".

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I've been getting that feeling too, at least that something is going to happen with their little friendship, because by the end of Episode 1

  • Just, no. No, no no. As Rhys, you're given the opportunity to betray Vaughn, but Vaughn betraying Rhys? No way. Vaughn is a precious cupcake. He would never. No. No no no. Please Telltale no. Just thinking about this, I just, I can't.

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  • I absolutely love Vaughn, but I always found it a bit weird in one scene in Murder Rally. When Fiona and Vaughn are trying to evade bandits and stuff and the money case gets thrown off to bandit car. Vaughn says something along the lines "I need to get the money back, or Vasquez is going to kill me."
    I mean... I think that Assquez would kill them anyways. And it sounds like that he was really going to return the money. I mean, I get that he's kinda responsible for taking the money (him working in the accounting) but still... That line was weird.
    Might be a Telltale mistake in writing or something. :D

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