Real identity of kidnapper (SPOILER AHEAD)

Masked kidnapper is Moxxi.

Moxxi's motive to kidnap:

Gortys Project. We already know she is involved and hired Zer0 to track it. We even heard her talking to him by walkie.

Moxxi's knowledge about of Rhys' and Fiona's involvment:

Zer0 could tell her they were present on "scene of the crime". She could even spot them herself. Remember, she was communicating with Zer0 by walkie! Heck, she could even be nearby Zer0 at the time, same way Felix was involved with Fiona and Sasha!!!

Moxxi's motive to mask herself:

She is too well known around Pandora. With all those posters clearly visible even in Tales on several occasions related to Rhys and Fiona, she needs to cover up her identity so she isn't recognised by either of them.

There is no doubt in the world Moxxi could obtain mask like that or that she isn't skill enough to pretend in that way. I think she even masked herself as mechanic in first Borderlands game, so she is used to this kind of games.

Moxxi's motive to choose her mask:

Bulky unisex anti-radiation suit can cover up any build, even her tits. Those kind of clothes are gender neutral, same way her robotic modulated voice. Even wording masked kidnapper is using is gender neutral. All these things stongly suggest women hidding behing the mask.

So, Moxxi has motives, means and knowledge. She probably have lots of opportunities to kidnap Rhys and Fiona as well, considering we know little about Moxxi's current wareabouts, except she could be in walkie range kind of nearby to Zer0 in episode 1.

Also, there is one single sentence masked kidnapper said that could be interpreted as personal and very in character to Moxxi: when Fiona told that her vault key scam plan was last job that would made them rich masked kidnapper said "That sounds familiar". Players are wrongly made to asume masked person is referring to Rhys story told previously, when in fact was apparent that Fiona wasnt present to hear that part of his story nor we could asume in any way kidnapper thought that Rhys and Fiona are close to each other so thay could know that. When in fact its totally opposite, they were antagonized and marely knew each other. No, in fact only way kidnapper could make that remark is to speak about himself and from his personal experience. And that kind of "make ourselves rich quick plan" is totally characteristic for Moxxi. She could probably very easily identify herself with Fiona and say something like that, as unintentional character revealing slip off.



  • Moxxi talks in a certain way, the stranger doesnt

  • Moxxi is usually playing her bimbo clown role to attract her customers. Its her well paid job. Acting whore in bars.

    You expect her to mask her and then tease Rhys sexually?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Moxxi talks in a certain way, the stranger doesnt

  • This is an interesting theory. I think it's well thought out and possible.

    However, I do have some issues with it.

    I'm going to reply to each of your categories.

    Motive to Kidnap:

    Makes sense, no problems with this.

    Knowledge of Involvement:

    Yes, this is possible, but don't forget, Zer0 paid very little attention to Rhys and Fiona, only interacting with them minimally. Actually, I think it's only Rhys. I don't think he ever interacts with Fiona. Now, this isn't saying as much, since of all the characters, Zer0 is the one whose thoughts are the biggest mystery, but he still doesn't pay them much mind, that's a fact.

    Motive for Mask:

    I think this is actually a strike against it. Moxxi is well known, yes, but she's typically held in high respect on Pandora. I actually think she would have a better chance of getting things done without a mask because of this. Also, the whole style of kidnapping matches nothing we have seen from or know about Moxxi in any previous game ever.

    The clothing is fairly gender neutral, but that doesn't make it guaranteed that it's a woman, only makes it a possibility. This could simply be a strategy to extend the range of possible people it could be.

    "That sounds familiar"

    I don't get this. I don't understand how a get rich quick plan is characteristic for Moxxi. I honestly don't remember a single time that she's done something like that. In fact, I think that a get rich quick plan could really be related more to Vault Hunters, at least some of them. But regardless, it doesn't seem like Moxxi to me.

    That said, this theory has lots of good things in it too, and I'm not discounting it. I do disagree, and I have my own theory on who the masked stranger is, as I said in another thread. Still, this is also a possibility, good work!

  • I don't think Fiona couldn't go unnoticed by Zer0. You're partly right, we don't have conformation for this in game but common sense telling me that Zer0 is type of person noticing everything, just being silent about it and he surelly coudn't mistake her for bandit or doesn't notice she is kind of out of place there. Also, I've already mention that Moxxi herself could be there, in close range, scanning everything with binnoculars or something. Plus, these kind of things are rarely explained by writters, commonly. Even your Timothy theory doesnt have this part where you explain how he could found out about Rhys' and Fiona's involvement. Its kind of "nice to have" but not really needed explanations. ;)

    Kidnapping is serious offence. Moxxi coudn't really know where it leads. So, plenty reasons for her to be carefull not getting too involved. And mask is actually just for that: involving herself into Gortys situation withouth getting involved.

    When Im talking about gender neutral suggesting female im talking from perspective of analysing this kind of mysteries in fiction. With gender neutral mask usually culpit is from opposite sex that is presumed to be. Its kind of pattern these things work. Its not a rule, of course. Just my analysis. Pure theory.

    Moxxi is pretty much from same background as Fiona, getting up the ladder with marriages and other projects. Her bars. Her arenas. Remember how she buys off Torgue from his arena? She was even involved with vault, until she founds out Jack is into super weapons and turns agains him. She is always into getting lots of money fast but against power and strongly against power abuse. Why do you think Gortys Project interest her so much?

    This is an interesting theory. I think it's well thought out and possible. However, I do have some issues with it. I'm going to reply

  • she talks like that all the time

    Moxxi is usually playing her bimbo clown role to attract her customers. Its her well paid job. Acting whore in bars. You expect her to mask her and then tease Rhys sexually?

  • It is revealed in TPS that Moxxi's coquettish way of speaking is an act, and that her natural way of speaking closely resembles something of a hillbilly/redneck accent (specifically Hodunk).

    Now this could show that she is capable of masking her speech patterns, but, she is also shown to slip out of character from time to time - something we have yet to see with The Captor.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Moxxi talks in a certain way, the stranger doesnt

  • That's because we never see her out of her role.

    Strange is using voice modulator, so that explains absence of Moxxi sexy voice. Moxxi sexy moves, way she walks, they are just acting. No one really walks that way. It's actually bad acting. Because its obvious its just her act.

    zeke10 posted: »

    she talks like that all the time

  • Yeah, I recall games at some point stating Moxxi role being just an act. Its kind of obvious, even without playing TPS. Although, it requires having real experience with women. Moxxi's coquettish way of speaking is quite typical for certain type of women. And never in fact real.

  • edited January 2015


    That's because we never see her out of her role. Strange is using voice modulator, so that explains absence of Moxxi sexy voice. Moxxi se

  • I think it is Bossanova. He's too cool to be dead.

  • Sounds great, but you forgot one thing: how could Moxxi hit Rhys so hard so he would fall unconscious and then drag his body through the desert with one arm? I don't think Moxxi's strong enough to do that.

  • edited January 2015

    It's not so hard to knock person uncounscious using gun's butt instead of fist. And that was exactly what happened. Check it out.

    We don't really see kidnapper dragging Rhys all over the desert on one arm. We don't actually know what kind of distance it was in whole. Nor if kidnapper actually exchanged hands during that dragging, or maybe used both hands at some point. Even taking breaks between dragging. We just see like 10 sec dragging part. So, how can we deduce kidnapper strenght only by that short portion?

    Also, sand is making it easier. Sand is probably best possible option for dragging (except only ice or snow). Much easier then rocks, gravel or even road paved with asphalt.

    Sounds great, but you forgot one thing: how could Moxxi hit Rhys so hard so he would fall unconscious and then drag his body through the desert with one arm? I don't think Moxxi's strong enough to do that.

  • You can clearly deduce the strength of the masked person from the early cutscenes, he/she doesn't seem to be troubled at all by the dragging. I watched it again yesterday and I really don't think it's Moxxi herself. She's 50% tits and 50% everything else, she isn't capable of dragging Rhys on any surface.

    I find it much more believable that this person is actually working for her instead. That would make a lot more sense. Why would Moxxi even bother with all the dragging if she can send someone to do the dirty work for her?

    It's not so hard to knock person uncounscious using gun's butt instead of fist. And that was exactly what happened. Check it out. We don'

  • edited January 2015

    We already know one masked person working for Moxxi - Zer0. Why second one? And why him being masked?

    If you ever saw women working in factories, for instance, and their bulky clothes they are looking exactly the same way flat our masked kidnapper does. No matter how their large tits are. Some of those working women usually have tits twice size of Moxxis, so you could easily deduce they are 100% tits and 0% everything else by logic you are using. ;)

    I also watched it yesterday and I have no trouble with it. Yes, you are right, it looks like he/she doesn't seems to be troubled by dragging. But like I said, its just like 10 sec. Anyone could do it 10 sec. It's not like he/she is actually carrying Rhys. You need lot less power to drag him on the rope (on sand surface). I still have my old books on mechanics, if Im bored enough I could even calcuate ratio of power needed to carry man and to drag him on the sand. When you carry weith you are fighting gravity force which is exactly proportional to weigth of that burden. But, when you draggin you are doing it ortoganal to that gravity force, which means you only need power proportional to roughness of surfice. Which is kind of lot less and very determined to kind of surface.

    Rhys' body is actually sliding on sand.

    You can clearly deduce the strength of the masked person from the early cutscenes, he/she doesn't seem to be troubled at all by the dragging

  • The stranger speaks in haiku format, just like zer0...

  • Alt text

    u guize pls

    its clearly dis d00d

    Just kidding, obviously. I don't know anything about Borderlands (except for TTG's ep. 1) and I wanted to make a joke. Sorry if it's been made several times already--I haven't seen any. Picture credit goes to nickimissyou from Tumblr.

  • Yeah, well Rhys and Fiona shouldn't have stolen his supplies, should they?

    Oh my God, what if he works for Atlas...?

    u guize pls its clearly dis d00d Just kidding, obviously. I don't know anything about Borderlands (except for TTG's ep. 1) and I wante

  • I doubt its Zero unless he's wearing his mask beneath that one because i honestly doubt gearbox wants to reveal who he is and if they do it'll be in BL3 not tales

    The stranger speaks in haiku format, just like zer0...

  • Yeah, I think it's very unlikely that it is actually Zer0, but it is a very interesting detail. Maybe the stranger is related to him in some way though, perhaps they are one of Zer0's 'kind' (whatever that is)

    zeke10 posted: »

    I doubt its Zero unless he's wearing his mask beneath that one because i honestly doubt gearbox wants to reveal who he is and if they do it'll be in BL3 not tales

  • he could be the guy from Zer0s letter in the son of craw dlc

    Yeah, I think it's very unlikely that it is actually Zer0, but it is a very interesting detail. Maybe the stranger is related to him in some way though, perhaps they are one of Zer0's 'kind' (whatever that is)

  • I think this was debunked somewhere... From memory there was at least one instance where the lines weren't haikus.

    The stranger speaks in haiku format, just like zer0...

  • Well it's not like EVERY single one of Zer0's lines are haiku, that doesn't necessarily write the idea off completely...

    I think this was debunked somewhere... From memory there was at least one instance where the lines weren't haikus.

  • That's true - though, there's also the fact that The Captor clearly has 5 fingers (which I'd forgotten).

    Well it's not like EVERY single one of Zer0's lines are haiku, that doesn't necessarily write the idea off completely...

  • I'd also forgotten that, although that could be misleading. Every time I think I get near to nailing who it is, something else comes up that just throws me off completely. Really, it could be anyone...

    That's true - though, there's also the fact that The Captor clearly has 5 fingers (which I'd forgotten).

  • I know, I'm exactly the same - and assumedly each new episode will bring about new clues and more things to speculate about...

    And even then TT could just be massive trolls and reveal it to be a completely new character, making all of this speculation utterly pointless (please, no)!

    I'd also forgotten that, although that could be misleading. Every time I think I get near to nailing who it is, something else comes up that just throws me off completely. Really, it could be anyone...

  • Ikr...
    I bet they're going to keep the identity secret until at least the end of episode 4, that's going to drive me crazy!

    I know, I'm exactly the same - and assumedly each new episode will bring about new clues and more things to speculate about... And even t

  • This sounds like the perfect job for you Scoob.

    Alt text

    Ikr... I bet they're going to keep the identity secret until at least the end of episode 4, that's going to drive me crazy!

  • To the mystery machine!

    Dapnee posted: »

    This sounds like the perfect job for you Scoob.

  • edited February 2015

    Nope still determined its the skag that is out for revenge....Haha right guys?.....right?...

  • This is speculation ,so it's not really a spoiler.

    Anyway, ti's not Moxxie, but the kidnaper is probably a women. Going by the ending of The Pre-Sequel and the Kidnapper's general snarkyness, i'd say it's Lilith.

  • Brick is the captor
    how else does he know the story

  • I found unused audio files of the Stranger without the voice modulator. He's voiced by the same guy who voiced Ichabod Crane. Brian Sommer, I think.

  • Yeah, I found those too. Could just be telltale hiding a character under a different VA until the reveal, but then it also reopens the possibility that the stranger is someone we haven't met yet.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I found unused audio files of the Stranger without the voice modulator. He's voiced by the same guy who voiced Ichabod Crane. Brian Sommer, I think.

  • Crane confirmed for TFTB!!!!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I found unused audio files of the Stranger without the voice modulator. He's voiced by the same guy who voiced Ichabod Crane. Brian Sommer, I think.

  • I don't think they care about keeping secrets or hiding anything. Rodrik's status and character model were found in the files for Iron From Ice.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Yeah, I found those too. Could just be telltale hiding a character under a different VA until the reveal, but then it also reopens the possibility that the stranger is someone we haven't met yet.

  • Am I the only who thinks that the stranger is just going to be some guy and it wont be some big reveal

  • Do you mean Marcus? Because Brick isn't in Tales (yet?)

    Brick is the captor how else does he know the story

  • Yes, but:

    Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Am I the only who thinks that the stranger is just going to be some guy and it wont be some big reveal

  • edited February 2015

    Wow, I always thought Brick was the narrator
    how could I ever mix that up

    Do you mean Marcus? Because Brick isn't in Tales (yet?)

  • Brick is probably only char in whole Borderland universe who cannot fit to kidnaper role because of his unique built. Plus, we already had masked Brick in Borderlands 2.

    Wow, I always thought Brick was the narrator how could I ever mix that up

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