Game of thrones doesn't work



  • I thought GOT Ep. 2 The Lost Lords was to be released Feb. 4th for the Xbox One. It is more than halfway to Feb 5th and it still says coming soon. Try not to lie to us next time.

  • I have episode 2 on Xbox One. Problem is, none of my choices from ep 1 have carried over. I've tried:

    Deleting the local save
    Uninstalling/reinstalling the game
    Replaying the last section of ep1
    Replaying the last 2 sections of ep1
    Replaying the last section of ep1 and letting the credits run
    Re linking my telltale account to the game

    Looking at the telltale site, it seems none of my choices have been made, which is really rather frustrating when i have bough a season pass.

    Lots of people on twitter are complaining, but I haven't seen Telltale reply to any.

    Thanks for wasting my night Telltale, I love wasting my evenings after a long, hard day at work.

  • Hi Telltale,

    I'm playing episode 2 on ps4, no season pass.

    I get a blank screen every time I load up episode 2, its just says: 'Previously on Game of Thrones' then goes blank, can you please help?

    I apologize for the inconvenience, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply h

  • It just worked for me to download finally

  • I am still waiting for ep 2 to unlock on ps4, despite buying the season pass. Why has this happened?

  • ok here it is hope you can help. thx

  • I apologize for the inconvenience, please read this Sticky on how to run our Support Tool, and follow the steps to run the tool, and reply h

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are playing the Telltale Games PC version of the game, please make sure that you download the Critical Patch necessary for playing Episode 2. If you were not indicated in-game to download the patch, you can also find the download, and the instructions to install the patch in This PC/Mac Patch Download Sticky and you will then be able to download Episode 2 successfully.

    Zimeon posted: »

    Same for me, can't play Episode 2 even though it should be available already? This on the PC with the TTG own downloaded client/game.

  • It does not open with my Mac, it is so frustrating. It just get to 'click here to begin' and that's it - it just crashes. I played the game on my iPhone first, but paid to get it on my mac as i enjoyed it so much and now I just wasted 30 dollars. This is really disappointing and based on me reading the comments on this board, it basically is money wasted, because you are unable to fix the bugs - I was a huge fan and loved playing it on my iPhone, but now I'm so frustrated that I don't want to have anything to do with it. If the Mac version is not working fully, you cannot sell it. I either want my money back or please make some effort to fix this.

  • We have the second episode downloaded for Xbox One. The choices didn't carry over, but that's not the biggest problem.

    There's a glitch during the first fight with Asher. The screen freezes up and becomes unresponsive during a quicktime event, making you absolutely unable to keep from dying. We tried it about 6 times. It's incredibly frustrating.

  • Okay i paid for episode 1 & 2 episode 1 works perfectly fine ive never had a problem with telltale games i have Season 1 & 2 + 400 days of walking dead and not one problem with game of thrones episode 1 no problem game of thrones episode 2 NO SOUND! this is bullshit im PISSED! what a waste of money )= huge fan of game of thrones ive waited MONTHS for this and this is the HUGE let down i receive come on...

  • I have NO SOUND as well. Also have the walking dead and it used to work for me, now it doesn't have sound either. Got them on STEAM. I'm very disappointed. starting seperate thread

    Okay i paid for episode 1 & 2 episode 1 works perfectly fine ive never had a problem with telltale games i have Season 1 & 2 + 400 d

  • Can't download ep 2 on iPad3 os 7.whatever
    Have season Pass. Stops download midway, won't finish.
    Have tried deleting in case it is corrupted and restarting. The glitch is on your end.
    And a response would be nice too.

  • I purchased Episode 1 for Android and then the season pass. When the game starts the screen is all black although I can hear sounds and receive the prompt to pick up the sword. Can you advise me on what I could possibly do to fix this? I don't want a refund I just want it to work.

  • Can't download ep 2 on iphone. Stops download midway, won't finish. Have tried deleting in case it is corrupted and restarting. It just says partially downloaded.

  • Have downloaded Episode 2 on my iPad mini as soon as it became available today. Tried downloading, got to 100% and it then said "Partially Downloaded". I managed to get by this by going into the Play option and clicking on Episode 2 - it accepted it as fully downloaded and allowed me to start playing.

    I then had no issues for the first 5 minutes of gameplay. During the first scene, whilst fighting, I reach for the sword on the ground and this works. It is the next action where I am unable to continue, and keep dying over and over. Sometimes I see the circle where I should be able I should be able to press for a milisecond, other times it doesn't even show up before I get killed.

    I have deleted the episode and reinstalled numerous times, following the same process as described above. I have started the game from the beginning, twice. I have restarted my iPad. None of these have worked. I downloaded the app for my iPhone 5C and went through the same "partially downloaded" malarkey before starting up the game. I got to the exact same moment in the game and hit the exact same issue.

    I had no issues with the first episode , and have been waiting eagerly for this one. Please help me fix this issue soon as I enjoy the game very much, but if I am unable to play it on either my phone or my iPad I will regretfully have to look at getting a refund for my Season Pass.


  • i just tried the same thing and had the same problem.i don't know whats going on.

    Jdjnr1990 posted: »

    Have downloaded Episode 2 on my iPad mini as soon as it became available today. Tried downloading, got to 100% and it then said "Partially D

    1. Make sure you have a stable wifi connection. If this is not the problem,
    2. Check to see you have enough storage space available, you will need at least 1.5 GB. I do not know the exact file size but this is a minimum guess

    Can't download ep 2 on iphone. Stops download midway, won't finish. Have tried deleting in case it is corrupted and restarting. It just says partially downloaded.

  • I've installed patch "GameOfThrones_patch_1.0.3.2" but still the same issue.

    If you are playing the Telltale Games PC version of the game, please make sure that you download the Critical Patch necessary for playing Ep

  • Hello TellTale,
    I bought the second episode today on my iPod and let's just say I now regret buying it. The app is consistently freezing and the episode doesn't start. When it does it freezes a lot. Please help me as I didn't experience any if thus when I played the first episode.

  • Absolutely sick of these issues, lost saves with walking dead, problems with game freezing and a season pass which I had no option but to purchase on mac and that won't even allow me to play episode 2. I don't care how good your games are telltale if you can't get them in working order you shouldn't be releasing them. I'll be attempting to get a refund as soon as possible and you won't be receiving any more business from me in the future

  • I innstalled GOT on both my samsung tablet and my smartphone, both are android,
    my problem on both is that i get audio but no video, why is that

  • Just downloaded Ep.2 on PS4 --> Choice-Bug and no sound effects. music and voices work fine but there are absolutely no sound effects. please patch asap!

  • I have that weird freezing issue during that quicktime event in episode 2 as well but I'm playing on an ios device

    sj4iy posted: »

    We have the second episode downloaded for Xbox One. The choices didn't carry over, but that's not the biggest problem. There's a glitch

  • I bought the season pass of games of thrones for PS4 and played through episode 1. I downloaded episode 2 but when I try to run it through the play menu it says install episode 2, directs me to a screen with a question about installing the episode, and when I press OK the game returns to the main menu and nothing is changed so I can't start the episode. When I try to install through the episode menu it says that the episode was downloaded but not installed, directs me to another question and when I press accept it forwards me to the season pass screen in the playstation store where it says that the item is purchased and there is no way to re download it or reinstall it. Either way, I can't start playing the chapter.
    Please help

  • Are you any closer to a resolution? Quite disappointed there has been no response regarding the issue yet - I have read of a few people having this exact same issue online, all of whom are saying they have a device that's meant to work fine, and their device has the latest update.

    i just tried the same thing and had the same problem.i don't know whats going on.

  • Every time I try start episode 2 with a different saved file it keeps showing me the previous episode of the saved file I don't want to use. I've literally done the 1st episode 4 times and just want to play the 2nd episode with different decisions made. Is this just happening to me? Or do you have any advice?

  • I'm on iPad v2 with most recent iOS update. I keep getting ghe partially downloaded message. I've uninstalled, tried to reinstall and the same thing keeps happening.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I sincerely apologize for the delayed response. If you are experiencing an issue with Episode 2 on an iOS device, we are currently looking into the issue, and hope to have an update/resolution for the issue in the near future.

  • Bought episode 2 yesterday in the iPad app. Freezing and characters repeating their words 2 or 3 times.... Not surprised, that's games these days. Rushed out and unfinished.

  • But at least staff are trying to help and not just brush people. Good to see TellTaleMike....

  • edited February 2015

    Imo worst support ever. Mike can Only state standard answers somebody could find everywhere and don't help at all. And when u state a clear question where he can't say "Please clarify..." than he doesn't answer for days...Oh man. I'm so disappointed...
    sry for the hard time Mike, but u are the only person here in charge. And surely u are not the problem. If you could send us one of the programmers we could spread hate adequately;)

  • Do you have an ETA on when we can expect a patch?

    I sincerely apologize for the delayed response. If you are experiencing an issue with Episode 2 on an iOS device, we are currently looking into the issue, and hope to have an update/resolution for the issue in the near future.

  • any info on my issue??

  • I have a problem, then i start Game of Thrones it's dosent load, just show a black sreen.

  • TelltaleMike, episode 2 is still indicated as "coming soon" and I haven't been able to download it, even after reinstalling the game. Please help me.

  • Downloaded game on mac, but when try to play it, icon only flashes, but game doesn´t open?! Please help me Telltale Mike!

  • This is exactly the same problem I'm having!

    Jdjnr1990 posted: »

    Have downloaded Episode 2 on my iPad mini as soon as it became available today. Tried downloading, got to 100% and it then said "Partially D

  • I have the exact same problem but I have been trying to make it work since tuesday, it's so frustrating. Did you find any solution?

    Kvin2000 posted: »

    I bought the season pass of games of thrones for PS4 and played through episode 1. I downloaded episode 2 but when I try to run it through t

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