Do you trust Gwyn Whitehill?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So, Gwyn meets you if you didn't kiss Lord Whitehill's ring. She seems to want peace between your houses but can't do it right now.

Do you think she genuinely wants peace or has an ulterior motive?


  • She is fishy looking. I wouldn't trust whitehills they are a bunch of lying fat pigs.

  • I gave her the benefit of the doubt when we met, but everyone's always working an angle. Once we meet Gryff we'll know for sure if the kids are alright or the whole family is full of assholes.

  • I didn´t even meet her this episode but I don´t trust any Whitehill.

  • Well, it is a GoT game series so no, don't trust her, don't trust anyone for that matter. The only person you could trust would be Ramsay because you know his next move will be to manipulate, humiliate, torture and kill someone just for fun.

  • So you bend the knee? Haha

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I didn´t even meet her this episode but I don´t trust any Whitehill.

  • I did because I wanted Ryon to have the chance to go to the funeral.

    Smellzfishy posted: »

    So you bend the knee? Haha

  • We shall see. I will be polite and nice, but I will keep my eyes on her. There must be something trustworthy about her since she had an affair with Asher. Unless she intentionally seduced him to start a war.

  • Well, I haven't met her yet, you I don't trust her.

  • Slowly learning not to fully trust anyone who doesn't have Forrester as their last name or isn't Gared Tuttle. You can trust a Forrester to put the welfare of their family above all else.

    As for Gwyn, she may have concern for Ryon's welfare but her true motives are unclear. It's difficult to trust her, especially since all the Whitehills we have met so far have been total assholes.

  • Ill get her killed if i am given the option.

  • I never saw Gwyn at all, as I kissed the ring.

  • I know ultimately she's a Whitehill and just like we expect of Mira for the Forresters, will be loyal to her own family.

    That's why I didn't even bother trying to convince her her father is bad. But I felt she was sincere and I genuinely appreciated her coming with kind words and news from little Ryon.

  • edited February 2015

    absolutely not

  • Her and Asher had a thing so that made me trust her in a way, although she may be mad at the Forresters for sending Asher away so I don't know, I will trust her for now unless she does something suspicious, I appreciate her looking after Ryon though.

  • Ha! I actually didn't even know you could meet Gwyn this episode. I was wondering why people were talking about her so much.

    I bent the knee, because Rodrik's love for his brother (and intelligence for knowing that trouble can't be started prematurely and rashly) is more important than pride.

  • Episode 3 on will be played, in my game, as 'Asher's quest for puss'. I can only imagine the things Asher will have to do to hit that.

  • I don't trust or mistrust her. Its too early to tell.

  • Do I trust her to deliver a message to Ryon, and maybe look out for him a little? Sure.

    Do I trust her to side with Rodrik and the Forresters over her dad? Hells no. Unless Asher comes back, then maybe.

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