Choices not carried over to GoT ep2 on Xbox One



  • I've copied my game to a new slot (Since I've replayed Ep 1 four times since this issue began) but I haven't started from the last checkpoint of Ep 1. I'll give it a shot at least, thanks for the tip.

    Potential workaround (worked for me anyway): * Copy your end of Ep1 save to a new save slot (I copied mine from slot 1 to slot 2). If

  • Had I known about this bug I wouldn't have bought the game. Please Telltale, fix it soon and restore my faith in you.

  • I've got the same bug on GOT and ttg doesn't acknowledge my purchases but I was wondering why my other ttg games work fine when it comes to remembering choices if the whole system is fundamentally flawed?

    I don't suppose it really matters until the final episode. I hate the episodic release system.

  • same thing happened to me meaning I have to restart episode two when its fixed. Please hurry up and fix it

  • We are currently looking into an issue where Xbox players who have linked their games to their Telltale accounts, cannot see their choices. We are looking into the root cause of the issue, and hope to have a resolution in the near future.

    You will not see your Xbox games under your My Games page. Your My Games page is a place to easily access your PC/Mac games purchased from our website, so that you can download the installers for the games. Your Telltale games purchased on other platforms will not show up there.

    Quote from telltalemike on 21st December

  • It's unbelievable. By the views on this thread alone there are 5,000 people with this issue how many people purchase this game 500,000? Idk. But with the most generous estimates ever there are at least 1% of people who have a ruined game which may not seem like a lot but it is. Especially when you consider the uproar there was when 0.00001% of ac unity players had a no face bug.

  • Same issue, makes the game unplayable.

  • This is all very frustrating and disappointing. It also rises the question whether the choices within an episode are appropriately taken into account when playing. Please fix this bug quickly since it utterly ruins the gaming experience.

  • Gotta love how telltale has gone completely silent and not communicating at all. This is such a joke, guess I will replay Life Is Strange a few more times while I wait. Atleast that game isn't a buggy mess like TTG.

  • Yeah, it's ridiculous. And it was known after the release of episode 1 that a lot of Xbox gamers didn't get the result screen at the end (including me), which should be an indication something was wrong. Getting real tired of EVERY Telltale release to be ridden with bugs like this.

    It's unbelievable. By the views on this thread alone there are 5,000 people with this issue how many people purchase this game 500,000? Idk.

  • So I'm having the same issue.
    I started up Ep2, the "Previously on GoT" part showed all the wrong choices i hadn't made. I backed to the menu straight after that.
    However I've now noticed that that small section of Ep2 has saved over my Ep1 save.
    Whenever Telltale fixes this, will I have to restart Ep1 to get my original choices back?
    I loved Ep1 but I'd really rather not replay it just to continue with the choices that should have worked in the first place.
    Anyone have any idea?

  • With the amount of time this is taking, George R R Martin would be freaking proud of this.

    "The fix is on it's way, and it will be here... Eventually."

  • No, no, you can probably just rewind to the last section and have finished it again in a few minutes. Just remember your choices for that last part with Ramsay and you'll be fine. IF they ever fix it, that is.

    damien1310 posted: »

    So I'm having the same issue. I started up Ep2, the "Previously on GoT" part showed all the wrong choices i hadn't made. I backed to the me

  • Same things happened to me. All the exact opposite choices. I'm not playing this again until it's fixed. What's the point in a telltale game that ignores choices made?

  • edited February 2015

    The North will not remember....

    So, they know about that problem since December and still haven't done anything about it? I fear that there is a much greater issue than just a little bug. And that really frustrates me. I mean, what's the point of playing a storydriven game which depends on your choices, when those choices are not carried over from episode to episode.
    But instead of taking care of the problem, they are announcing a Micecraft game and teasing Season 2 of TWAU....

    I'm just happy that I did not buy the season pass.

  • The thing is that the issue is all over the place. Some people have their choices on the site, some people can actually just play it and get their choices, while others, like me, don't have any choices displayed on the site and it keeps saying "Continue Episode 1" Which I do think makes it tough for them to easily figure out. I do agree they've known about it since December, but then again, maybe they thought Episode 2 would actually fix it, instead of making it worse. We can't be sure.

    Smart choice, should at least make it a little less frustrating, then you have the money to spare and could always try and play it on another platform.

    Lehmarv posted: »

    The North will not remember.... So, they know about that problem since December and still haven't done anything about it? I fear that the

  • Having the same problem, my choices are not showing up on the website (even though it is definitely linked as I can see my borderlands choices) and it picking my choices at random for the second ep.

  • I am having the same problem and would like to know if there going to fix it I has ruined my game I don't want to have to go back through ep 1 all over again. I hope telltale gets onto this quickly I feel like I have wasted my money.

  • same here

    Zuzzissm0 posted: »

    i cant see my choices on the web site and i have no games in my profile too

  • So, I've been heavily affected by this issue as well, and Telltale is going to have a lot to answer for from their fans who've been with them since The Walking Dead, among them myself.
    But here's an oddity of sorts, today, I got bored and wanted to play episode 2 already. So I made a new save so my original wouldn't be overwritten. Now, in the choices generated two of them were the ones I wanted 1. Being Duncan as my sentinel 2. My choice of alliance with Tyrion. The others, the mom sending Malcolm to Essos without consent, and not speaking up to to the bastard Ramsay, when he grabbed Taliana.
    Now, I'm find with the former two, because those are more important to the story. But I'm interested in seeing if this could serve as a temporary fix for Xbox One players. So try it and come back with what you got.

  • Thanks for the info. And yeah, it seems Telltale are just delaying the fix or something, hoping that we forget about it, I mean, I've checked on my Xbox One today, and still nothing. So so annoying..

    Here: They claim so, but I do

  • edited February 2015

    That may work for some people but for me not having ALL of my choices just breaks the experience. I couldn't finish ep 2 knowing that. Besides when ep 3 comes out would you want to play grabbag to decide your choices?

  • So when does TellTale issue refunds or just pull a Ubisoft and give us the season pass for free like Assassins Creed Unity did.

  • So does this mean we basically need to replay episode one once its patched? Not happy telltale

  • Same problem. I tried to replay Ep.1. Stupid idea. No effect. Thanks Telltale. Season pass purchase never again.

  • Does anyone know anything about the "previously on" bug on X1? Have they acknowledged the problem? Have they said they are working on it? Or at least looking into it? Should we hold off on playing episode two until it is fixed (IF it is ever fixed)? Does anyone know anything?

    I kinda feel like Telltale is flipping the bird to xbox owners, it's felt like this for a couple years now...

  • I have literally just finished writing a post about Tales from the borderlands season pass still not showing up and how that wolf among us was faulty and we who coughed our money up in advanced were the last to play episode 2 as we waited for it not to be fixed but codes to be issued. So after that annoyance of writing for support knowing that an answer will more than likely never come I think I will start GoT episode 2 which yes, I purchased with a season pass.

    Start the game from my save, it shows lots of choices I did not make. Yes indeed my save has not carried over and I find out that this is true for all of you and I betyou all went through everything I have mentioned and I bet you all feel like you have been left in the dark, thanks indeed for customers who to date across two platforms of Xbox alone have spent anything upwards of £100/$130 on season passes ahead off a games completion.

    3 games out of 5 titles have been faulty on the Xbox format. That is not a reliable track record and I now believe some kind of refund may be due or at the very least an offer of some kind to make up for the lack of what we have paid for and further more for the lack of communication and reassurance.

  • Best part it's been 3 days since TellTale made a comment. It would be nice to know that all of our comments are floating away into the internet. We are all upset, the least you can do is at least update us on anything that is happening. Whether or not it's close to being fixed. Don't treat us like Lemmings please

  • As a big fan of telltale game, as I'm sure everyone here is, it would make me/us feel quite better if you just replied to one of our comments giving us an approximate date in which this"problem" shall be fixed.
    Thank you and once the problem is fixed, keep up the great work that you guys do.

  • Folks - I ran into the same problem on xbox one - Played though episode 1 and never had a "my choices" tab, and my choices did not carry over to episode 2 - I originally did not have a telltale account linked - Took the following steps.. Signed up to the telltale account - Erased my saved game files - Uninstalled both episodes, reinstalled 1,and then reinstalled 2 from the episode page within game - Played through episode 1 again and both "my choices" tab were there and my choices carried through to the episode 2 "previously on" segment. Hope this helps.

  • edited February 2015

    Can I ask how you erased your save game files?

    EDIT: to sign up for the TTG account did you use the same email as you did for xbox live?

    oldb1ue posted: »

    Folks - I ran into the same problem on xbox one - Played though episode 1 and never had a "my choices" tab, and my choices did not carry ove

  • I'm having the same problem. All the choices I've made in episode is not carrying over into episode two. Did check the account and made sure its linked and even uninstall and re-install it. After that played the game over and at the end none of my choices are shown just get a message that I can view online.

  • Exactly the same thing happened to me. I have now replayed episode 1 a total of 5 times.

    A very sincere "fuck you" to everyone at Telltale who knowingly shipped a broken product once again. Your lack of co-operation and transparency regarding this issue has made it very clear that all you care about is our money.

    I'm having the same problem. All the choices I've made in episode is not carrying over into episode two. Did check the account and made sure

  • I got it to work! I uninstalled episode 2 from my One, and reinstalled it and downloaded it from the game menu. I'm not sure if this will work for everyone. I simply did it simply to relinquish all options, but my data is restored, and I can now play the episode 2 with my choices intact. Try it out for yourselves!

  • Ok, so I have deleted my save off my hard drive and the cloud I uninstalles episode 2 and then 1. I am now installing 1 and am creating a new telltale account with the same email as my xbox account and will update on my success in several hours as I have to play the whole shit again

  • No luck

    Ok, so I have deleted my save off my hard drive and the cloud I uninstalles episode 2 and then 1. I am now installing 1 and am creating a ne

  • Now it has saved some of choices but none that actually matter all the major choices are still not being saved this is ridiculous! They at least could have acknowledged these comments with an apology or a "we're working on it" comment

  • If you highlight the game in your games and apps and push the start button, a menu will come up with a manage game option. From there you can delete your save game files.

    My email was not the same for TTG and xbox live.

    Can I ask how you erased your save game files? EDIT: to sign up for the TTG account did you use the same email as you did for xbox live?

  • MadManLeeMadManLee Banned
    edited February 2015

    Ignore this comment . I messed up

    The thing is that the issue is all over the place. Some people have their choices on the site, some people can actually just play it and get

  • Why the hell do we even need a teltale account any way, why cant I just look at my stats like normal. With all this mumbo juambo stuff is bound to screw up.

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