Episode 2 Decision most likely to bite us in the butt



  • I think not doing it might bite in the ass. If you don't do it lord Whitehill keeps telling Ryon back at Highpoint how his family doesn't love him etc. There goes Ryon to Whitehill's bandwagon.

    mergrey posted: »

    kissing Whitehill's ring . I hate it and I did it for ryon

  • for that I did it and his mom miss him

    I think not doing it might bite in the ass. If you don't do it lord Whitehill keeps telling Ryon back at Highpoint how his family doesn't love him etc. There goes Ryon to Whitehill's bandwagon.

  • I know he's like if you kill me blank mercanary group is going to come after you for life. I'm thinking dude I just chopped off your arm you are coming after me regardless.

    I killed him. My first act of Asher badassery.

  • I kind of think the opposite actually. You aren't going to get anyone respect in GOT by backing down especially an oaf like Finn. After standing up and winning the fight (as much as you can) I think down the line it will be easier. the Potato fucker is a pretty easy read. Maybe, later on when it come to ahead I'll convinc him to give back his knife though the fact he can't use a crossbow and prefers to throw the knife was omnious.

    Rogarth posted: »

    Standing up for Cotter. I know almost everybody did it, but I really don't trust that guy. I didn't mind picking a fight with that big guy, I just wish I hadn't done it over a snitch like Cotter.

  • edited February 2015

    Scarface McHouseIsFucked

    I can't stop laughing.

    Right? I mean, at some point Margery will wonder why her girl married Scarface McHouseIsFucked and find out about the letter. It ain't exact

  • Maybe. At that time, it felt like picking the lesser of two evils. I hated that Cotter nicked Finn's knife, but I didn't want to be a snitch either. I actually like Finn more than Cotter. At least he's straight about who he is, even if he's a jerk.

    I kind of think the opposite actually. You aren't going to get anyone respect in GOT by backing down especially an oaf like Finn. After stan

  • I had the same problem. Originally my plan was to discuss things and try to convince the potato fucker to return the knife without a huge incident however after I was punched out of the blue I had to react. You can't back down .

    I do think the fact that Finn can't use the cross bow maybe foreshadowing but at least he can handle a sword. Cotter doesn't appear to be able to do either so maybe the small dagger helps hims survive in some way.

    Rogarth posted: »

    Maybe. At that time, it felt like picking the lesser of two evils. I hated that Cotter nicked Finn's knife, but I didn't want to be a snitch either. I actually like Finn more than Cotter. At least he's straight about who he is, even if he's a jerk.

  • edited February 2015

    I feel like it depends on the PC -

    For Asher - Killing Tazal

    For Mira - Forging the letter and whether or not you killed Damien, both of them can really impact Mira in the long run IMO

    For Gared - probably just the Cotter/Finn one.

    For Rodrik - the betrothal or whether or not you kiss the ring.

    1. Keeping the wine from Whitehill soldiers because, yeah, it's wine.
    2. Not killing the mercenary boss because, yeah, he used to be a merc, but then he took a crushing blow to the knee.
    3. Drinking the wine and lying to Tyrion about it because, yeah, lying to a Lannister about Her Majesty's wine is always a good idea.

    Huh, yeah, I got a wine problem, don't I? xD

  • edited February 2015

    EDIT. I have to play first.

    fallandir posted: »

    I'm not talking about whether you should kill him or not, I'm saying it's not "badass" in any form.

  • Does that mean that people who let him live are better then Blessed Teresa? XD

    Rogarth posted: »

    Well, if you let him go, he still tries to kill you. There was a difference between the guy who surrendered to Gared in the beginning of the

  • Scarface McHouseIsFucked

    Alt text

    Right? I mean, at some point Margery will wonder why her girl married Scarface McHouseIsFucked and find out about the letter. It ain't exact

  • I believe there are lots of decisions that will affect you.

    One, keeping or tossing the knife. they both seem bad to me, but i prefer keeping it because if someone finds a dead guard and a bloody knife nearby, its pretty suspicious. however keeping the knife will probably bring about me questions, but one could aways say its theirs, and just for protection. of course at the same time, a person could possibly identify the knife, realize it belonged to the guard and.... yikes. they both just seem bad choices to me.

    Two, forging the letter. It would definitely bite back on you. Besides you can already make the marriage continue if you do it right, so really no need for that. also margery would most likely find out, or the family might find out and even cancel the marriage because of it. and betraying margerys trust is really not a good idea because i think she is a great protection for mira. who knows what would happen to her if margery was not on her side. not to mention she could find out much quicker since the moment you start writing the letter you choose, sera barges in and is like "oooh what are you writing?" I'm not sure if i trust sera. i understand she and mira are friends but what if she accidentally told margery or someone you know? overall it is not worth the risk.

    three, kissing the ring... if you refuse your betrothal is improved but then i assume it makes the whitehills mad. it could lead to shakier relationships and maybe even more deaths plus probably ryon not going to the funeral, which is something he deserves to go to i mean its his brothers funeral! if you do kiss it then well i assume the whitewalls are appeased while it may weaken your betrothal it is for a good reason, plus ryon goes to funeral. however it may also lead to the whitewalls thinking your even weaker and pushing you around more. it generally could be seen as a sign of weakness to everyone. overall I'm not sure how exactly how much this choice will affect, but i do believe it will have at least some impact.

    four letting the guard live. if you do let him live he could go after you again hello! plus the coal boy ran to that guard and saved your life, i can't find myself letting the guard life resulting in coal boys death. i mean he could seriously be a great ally for you. besides that guard will most likely go after you, and killing the guard eliminates another enemy, another person who could kill you later or cause trouble.

    standing up for cotter.... ugh. both finn and cotter are jerks. i don't like either of them at all. i would really prefer to stay neutral and simply ignore them but i have a feeling that is virtually impossible. if i had to choose who to stick up for,.... argh i don't know i kinda hate them both. finn is a big bully and cotter is a little theif. however the leader of the wall place gets mad at you if you stick up for conner and i think you need to get the leader to have the best opinion of you as possible. so maybe in that sense, sticking up for finn is better, yet being a snitch is like.... ah. i seriously dont know either one will bite you back, cause it will prob make either one your enemy.

  • Forging the letter is the option that's most likely to haunt you. All it takes is the Glenmores writing to Margaery or Margaery writing to the Glenmores for one of them to realise something is fishy.

  • Oh man. I just really wish I would of offered my lady some ironwood. Instead I just stuttered, "Because... because I love you." And she's like "That's not enough buddy. IDGAF." Biggest mistake of my life.

    Plus, I'd be down for marrying Gwyn Whitehill. She certainly caught my fancy.

  • edited February 2015

    Threw the knife away just in case the guard that spotted me before the meeting at midnight tries to search my stuff. Good thing they don't know how to DNA test in westeros lol. Hope I didn't need the bloody knife for something else like placing the blame on another person or to defend from another assassin attack.

    Also I did not steal the seal in the first episode so I sent the letter sans seal. I bet it came off fishy as hell.

  • Still wondering if not sealing the deal with the Glenmore chick and not securing the army will come back to bite me. I'll gladly lie and say I love you but there's no way I'm giving up that ironwood.

  • I'm just saying you should apply for a sainthood immediately if you manage to do that :).

    Does that mean that people who let him live are better then Blessed Teresa? XD

  • I know man! We need to learn to not be so stingy with that ironwood! It is the only reason anybody cares about House Forrester.

    AdamBizzle posted: »

    Still wondering if not sealing the deal with the Glenmore chick and not securing the army will come back to bite me. I'll gladly lie and say I love you but there's no way I'm giving up that ironwood.

  • Promising to help Sera. I felt like I just shot myself in the foot for being a good friend.

  • But the thing is, Mira and Sera are in charge of getting the majority of Margaery's letters sent out, and they're also the ones who go through the letters she has received. I'm not saying this means Margaery will never find out, because I'm 99% sure she will at some point, but if Mira is smart it might be a while. Her main concern should be Sera, since Sera would go run off and tell Margaery to try and gain her favor.

    MrHazer posted: »

    Forging the letter is the option that's most likely to haunt you. All it takes is the Glenmores writing to Margaery or Margaery writing to the Glenmores for one of them to realise something is fishy.

  • I think you might of as well haha!

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Promising to help Sera. I felt like I just shot myself in the foot for being a good friend.

  • Yeah but you can't not stand up for Cotter. I tried not to. I told Finn he took the knife. We got it a fight anyway Fronstfinger dose not find the knife and Finn thinks you lied to him. So really there is no other option.

    Rogarth posted: »

    Standing up for Cotter. I know almost everybody did it, but I really don't trust that guy. I didn't mind picking a fight with that big guy, I just wish I hadn't done it over a snitch like Cotter.

  • There was an option where one of your answers was to say ''I trust you Beskah''

    I think that's what they are referring too.

    My second decision that will bite me in the ass, is probably trusting Beskah. What decision are you talking about ? I don't remember a moment where you could choose between trusting her or not.

  • While they were given the mundane task of sending out wedding invitations, there is no evidence to suggest that they read all of Margaery's letters. Considering she's a high ranking player in the Game of Thrones, I don't think she'd run the risk of having her Handmaid's read her letters (which may contain sensitive information), even if she does trust them.

    But the thing is, Mira and Sera are in charge of getting the majority of Margaery's letters sent out, and they're also the ones who go throu

  • Meh, good point.

    MrHazer posted: »

    While they were given the mundane task of sending out wedding invitations, there is no evidence to suggest that they read all of Margaery's

  • I couldn't bring myself to forge the letter. I don't want to risk losing Margaery as an ally and if I forged her name and got caught, she might even turn my Mira over to Joffrey. luckily, my Rodrick's charm won over his bride lol

  • Alt text

    Yeah... I thought he was going to be able to help... I was wrong... He knows nothing of the North Grove.

  • I didn't think he was being a dick at all. He was being very fair to me, telling it like he sees it.

    Mowen posted: »

    I agree. Jon seems kinda like a dick in this episode. He seems much nicer in the show. I just hope he doesn't tell frostfinger not knowing the implications because that seems like something he would do. But hey, maybe he will help.

  • Oh, okay, I didn't remember it. Thanks !

    Aversion posted: »

    There was an option where one of your answers was to say ''I trust you Beskah'' I think that's what they are referring too.

  • I get the sense that there are going to be problems with the Ironwood. Particularly for those who made offers to both Elaena and Tyrion.
    Then again, didn't Whitehill try to claim the Ironwood for himself as well? Well, that's going to get interesting. Either I'm screwed, or I've just given the Glenmores a bigger stake in this little fight.

  • Yeah Mira keeping the knife but also:

    • kissing the ring

    • running away (not saving the coal boy)

    Only if you chose those options though

  • Picking the training sword with the red handle, I know that'll come back to haunt me.

  • I don't know what choices you made obviously, but he didn't seem like a dick to me at all.

    Mowen posted: »

    I agree. Jon seems kinda like a dick in this episode. He seems much nicer in the show. I just hope he doesn't tell frostfinger not knowing the implications because that seems like something he would do. But hey, maybe he will help.

  • Throwing the knife has to be the right choice. I don' get why it would matter whether they find it. It was his own weapon and it's not like they can fucking fingerprint or dna test it.

    I think the knife decision will have the most impact on the next episode

  • Well, the deal with Tyrion didn't give him the ironwood, or the crown the crown the Ironwood, it should just give the Forresters exclusive trade rights for Ironwood with the crown. Which is actually the best deal possible, in my opinion. Give half the ironwood to Elaena to secure her father's armies, so what? When he goes to sell it to the crown, after Ludd is defeated, you'll get to broker the deal for him and profit still. Meanwhile, you get to screw Whitehill out of all his ironwood by marching the Forrester/Glenmore/Sell Sword army against him.

  • I ran and let him die.

    Then I see him on the preview for episode 3....

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Yeah Mira keeping the knife but also: * kissing the ring Or * running away (not saving the coal boy) Only if you chose those options though

  • I thought if I broke his knee I could interrogate him lol. Dunno how he run away after that

    Michael7123 posted: »

    Not a problem in my game. Did anyone think the lost legion would let us go if we let him live?

  • I see him becoming like Grenn, I hated him in the first couple of episodes, but along with Pyp, he became one of my favourite characters on the wall

    I think the Bully Finn will play a bigger role in the upcoming Episodes. Because he is a dick at first, and then maybe at Episode 6, or 5

  • Dude... If you pick up the one with the black handle, Snow instantly promotes you to lead ranger.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Picking the training sword with the red handle, I know that'll come back to haunt me.

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