Spider-Man Fan Thread(and discussion for the movies!)
Hi fellow Spidey fans. Just know I had this idea to create a thread for Spider-Man fandom. And to discuss movies of course(Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire is the best.)
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I love Spider-Man, my favorite movie is probably Spider-Man 2, seconded would have to be The Amazing Spider-Man 2 or Spider-Man, maybe 3. Also really love the TV shows; Spider-Man: Unlimited being one of my favorites, it's sad they canned it before the last 3 episode's came out. :c
Thanks for sharing your opinions. Well I think the second one is the best too. But I hate TASM 1 and TASM 2. I have no problem with TV Shows but I really like the animated series. Sad it got cancelled a long time ago.
I like Spidey but if I'm honest I don't like any of the Spider-Man movies and by that I mean I didn't like Sam Raimi's trilogy and the new reboot looked so ridiculously awful I didn't even bother watching it because I knew I'd only end up talking about how much I hated them every time some brought them up for the rest of my life, because honestly they just look like they are that awful, thankfully now I only get to say "I haven't seen that" which everybody thinks it's odd since I'm the Comic Book guy where I work but that's just fine, as for what versions of Spider-Man I like, well I'm not sure I mostly liked him for the 90s cartoon and Spectacular Spider-Man was pretty good too, other than that I liked the Ultimate Spider-Man game, that was cool but I never read those comics, actually I think the only Spider-Man comics I've read were the original run of Noir Spider-Man which I liked but I didn't love, the costume is pretty awesome though.

I am a big fan of Spider-Man comics and I have been reading them since I was 9 years old. And when Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire teamed I was kinda didn't like it. But when I saw it I was amazed. Every now and then, I still remember the main titles sequence. An Edge of Time game or Shattered Dimensions movie would be amazing(Not Marc Webb and Andrew Garfield please.)
The Raimi trilogy wasn't completely awful but I don't know, I was kinda at that age when I didn't like anything because I thought it was lame (That would be 11-16 apparently, seems about right) when they came out so it could be that, specially considering the style of humour of those movies it seems pretty likely, and yeah a shattered dimentions movie could be pretty cool, it'd be good if Marvel had the rights to make the Spider-Man movies though.
Fuckin Sony...
I love the Spiderman movies, particularly the trilogy. The Amazing Spiderman ones have been pretty good so far.
And Spiderman is loving this thread:
Spider-Man is such a swagbot.
So guys do you think Spider-Man should join the MCU?
It needs to happen, he plays a part in Civil War.
But I would love to see him in the MCU.
I'm more of a Moon Knight person myself when it comes to Marvel, but Spidey is still awesome.
Spider-Man 2 is the best, most amazing superhero movie, in the world!!!
I would like Spider Man but he's not going to be in MCU because of Sony..........And for his part in Civil War, They're probably gonna replace Spidey with Black Panther.
I know about that, but I can still dream. :P
I do not care for the Amazing films.
I generally think they're some of the most overrated films ever.
Spider Man deserves MUCH better.
Damn right.
He did. But Marvel just freakin squashed him like a Spider.
Yeah. The rumors say Ms. Marvel is going to replace him. What a steam load of skag crap!
I hate the new ones, The old ones were good but could have been better, Let"s hope in the upcoming years Spidey can get some better treatment.
Found these gems at Facebook
Bump and
Regarding the comic books:
Amazing Spiderman news a new creative team ASAP.
The Miles Morales Spiderman is MY Spiderman.
Dude... I am sorry... Sony denied the rumors. Fuckin assholes with no skill to develop such a easy story.
Thanks for bumping btw.
It's happening!
Well everyone, tis official. Our god ol' Webhead is entering the cinematic universe.
I'm flipping thrilled, I really hope they get a good actor who can balance Peter's awkwardness in early life and his Spidey-cocky side in his later life this time though.
As a matter of fact, I'd LOVE if they decide to make Peter Parker and adult in his twenties like his in the comics this time around. Think we've seen teenage Pete enough now.
I guess if I had to have a favorite superhero, it'd be Spider-Man. I love the Raimi movies, even 3. Couldn't care less about the Amazing reboot.
Also, has anyone else played the old PS1 game? It had surprisingly good voice acting for its time. Seriously, this is the best Venom I've ever heard.
That game was my preciousssss...
Oh yeah man. I think they should cast Tobey. He would be awesome as adult Spidey.
My brother still plays it every now and then.
Tobey Maguire's portrayal of Spider-Man was highly flawed. In both the Peter Parker AND especially the Spider-Man side.
Peter was a shy and quiet person when he was younger. When he was bitten by the spider and became the Web-Slinger we know & love he became a more confident person. He was still awkward and kept that blank facial expression for nearly every scene in the Raimi trilogy. I could never tell at times if he was confused or just had a blank stare. Peter became a confident person in the comics, but you would NEVER believe that in the Raimi films. He was still the level - 1 high school nerd the entire Raimi trilogy.
As for Spider-Man... where do I start? He didn't act like Spider-Man at all, period. He only made one witty retort in the entire series "Here's your CHANGE!" and even then it didn't feel like Spider-Man. Why? By that point it was simply too late. Spider-Man was butchered in the Raimi series. I have NO IDEA why people like Maguire so much. I assume it's because he may of been people's first Spider-Man or maybe because the movies were actually good (Spider-Man 2 is almost a masterpiece in my eyes actually) but Maguire's portrayal of Peter Parker is NOT even Peter Parker. That's the part that annoys me too. People say that Maguire played Peter better than Garfield, and he didn't even play Peter that accurate either!
I'd say keep Garfield or get a new actor, I never want to see Tobey Maguire portray him again. That's my most dreaded fear of these upcoming films as a matter of fact.
I'm someone who's read 616-Spidey for as long as I remember. And Peter is a fun and nice guy you'd like to be friends with. Tobey Maguire's Peter is that awkward friend who's nice but you wouldn't have a long conversation with them.