Choices not carried over to GoT ep2 on Xbox One



  • I thought my choices didn't carry over, but it had been so long since I played it that I convinced myself they were the ones I made. Turns out, they obviously weren't. The Walking Dead & The Wolf Among Us worked fine on PS3. When I switched to PS4, GoT and Borderlands (I assume) both have this issue. After creating a profile, I noticed this (Telltale's) website can only be linked with Steam. So that basically means console players are screwed until it's fixed, and apparently nobody knows when that'll be.

  • Any word on a fix yet?

  • edited February 2015

    Not a peep or a whisper.

    sbutler1 posted: »

    Any word on a fix yet?

  • Choosing to release an untested, broken game when you are a company that makes its profits from repeat customers on future episodes and choosing to ignore them when they ask for answers couldn't POSSIBLY have consequences later down the road...where is the forum staff and the community manager? You have literally one job. Please communicate.

  • I emailed them about this, I suggest everyone here does the same. Maybe hundreds of emails will get their attention.

    Choosing to release an untested, broken game when you are a company that makes its profits from repeat customers on future episodes and choo

  • OMG Telltale are sucking out with this years games, first the problem with the Tales From The Borderland season pass, which still isnt solved after months(obviously why episode 2 is still not out) and now this problem, actually p*ssed with Telltale for this. SORT IT OUT YOU MONEY GRABBING SODS.

  • Sure, can't hurt. What's the address?

    I emailed them about this, I suggest everyone here does the same. Maybe hundreds of emails will get their attention.


    So far I've only gotten an automated response confirming that they've received my email :/

    Sure, can't hurt. What's the address?

  • I think at the very least our seasons pass should be refunded and all episodes given freely to those who paid for a season pass. The problem has been there since the release of ep 1 its just we never noticed untill the release of ep 2 and thats not good enough.

  • Or at least compensate us in some way. This is absolutely ridiculous man. At least Ubisoft and EA admit their faults in their buggy games, whereas these guys continue to promote it via social networks and probably have only one guy working on the issue.

    I think at the very least our seasons pass should be refunded and all episodes given freely to those who paid for a season pass. The problem

  • wow, you would've thought you'd got 10 season passes

    No, I dont have the season pass

  • I just want to play Ep2 with my choices from Ep1 -.-

  • Same exact problem on the Xbox one only just noticed that it didn't save my choices when I started playing episode 2 after buying the season pass, un acceptable really since the the point of the the game is making decisions. Even more unacceptable is no word from them on when it's going to be fixed! If it ever is...

  • Still no fix,it's ridiculous. I'm not even playing episode 2 until it's fixed.

    It's always something with Telltale. The performance sucks. The saves don't work. The bloody season pass is put on sale before the second episode has even been released. And it doesn't happen once, but all 3 things happen with every release. I only have myself to blame to even buy their games until the full season has been released. But I guess enough is enough, I'll buy TWDS3 when it's done and at a huge discount. :/

  • Christ, it's been over a week now, are they seriously ignoring this issue? Are you kidding me?

  • Just started playin ep 2 and choices aren't carried over. I really would like refund because the one thing that i love about the game so much isn't even working. This is ridiculous. Please fix

  • edited February 2015

    I'm more frustrated by Telltale's complete lack of acknowledgment of the issue than by the glitch itself. Are they even working on this?!

  • What the serious FUCK? I am in shock they that haven't addressed this yet

  • They are being seriously mugged off by "life is strange"

    Its a bit slower paced but is infinitely more polished than this buggy crap. Am assuming borderlands has the same issue as my TTG account is showing no choices for ep 1 just like GoT. Gutted as I loved walking dead.

    The silence is just deafening and seriously disrespectful. Glad I only paid for the first RP rather than a season pass. Will not be getting any more money from me until its confirmed fixed and I shall not be buying anymore episode 1's until ep 2 is released and confirmed working.

    Poor showing and am fairly certain we should be entitled to refunds as the product is not fit for purpose

  • You guys. I totally just sent their support an angry email. I bet they will totally answer it in a timely fashion and get right on to fixing the bug...OR NOT #SMH


  • I wrote a strongly worded email to their support and have received a reply which stated that they are addressing the matter and also several possible fixes which were;

    please ensure you are online and connected to Xbox Live before you start the game. This will ensure your game is updated with the latest Title Updates. Additionally, on the Main Menu you will see the account you are logged into. Please make sure you are logged into the same account you used to play Episode 1. Also, if you are logged into more than 1 account, please log out of all other accounts. Lastly, please check your storage device to ensure you have a save file present. To do this, from the Xbox Dashboard highlight the Game of Thrones icon, press the Options button on your controller, and select Manage Game. The right pane fo the next screen will show all user accounts that have existing save data.
    If you've checked this and found a save and the rest does not apply to you, but you are still experiencing the issue, please remove Episode 2 from your console, and then launch the game and download Episode 2 directly through the in game Episodes menu.

    I have not tried these yet but I hope that they maybe of some assistance you

  • I tried everything NOTHING works am fed up

  • They're already talking shite because I can't see what account I'm logged into on the main menu. It just keeps telling me to resrart the game and then I'll be logged in. As for the other methods, we've all already tried them! They were recommended by other people on this discussion, and none of them worked

    I wrote a strongly worded email to their support and have received a reply which stated that they are addressing the matter and also several

  • Everything worked fine but for some reason the funeral won't finish.

  • Please dont post spoilers, or mark your posts as such. Most of us have yet to play Episode 2

    Everything worked fine but for some reason the funeral won't finish.

  • There's a spoiler on the entire thread......I think that means one can freely talk about spoilers.

    Please dont post spoilers, or mark your posts as such. Most of us have yet to play Episode 2

  • No, the spoiler tag was placed there by OP because he talks about the events of the first episode, he mentions nothing about what happens in Episode 2. In fact, if you read all 200+ comments you'll find that yours is the only one that mentions events of Episode 2.

    This is not a discussion about what happens in Episode 2, it's about bringing attention, and finding a fix, to a game breaking issue that is causing our choices to not carry on into Episode 2.

    I'm glad that this issue is not affecting everyone and that some people are able to play the game as intended, but if you're looking to discuss the events of Episode 2, please do so on the revelant discussion pages.

    There's a spoiler on the entire thread......I think that means one can freely talk about spoilers.

  • edited February 2015

    Should I get "restart episode 2" option after I finished the episode? It just gives me "continue episode 2" option which brings me back to the end scene. I am also not getting the stats comparison screen in the end.

    I also emailed Telltale and got the same work arounds as above mentioned. They no not work. However, Telltale asked me my Telltale account's email, username and Xbox Live Gamertag so they can investigate. I suggest that all of you who are having the problem send an email to Telltale and tell them your account information.

  • Ah ok I suppose they're just trying to cover their tracks beacue this is a monumental fuck up on thier part

    They're already talking shite because I can't see what account I'm logged into on the main menu. It just keeps telling me to resrart the gam

  • This issue seems like it's related to linking your account to the Telltale servers, once you have linked it seems not to record your choices... 10/10 on this patch btw.

  • So I've been playing around with the game, trying a few of the fixes listed here and I've worked something out.

    The reason the game will not record your choices from Episode 1 is it still thinks Episode 1 is in progress. One you finish Chapter 6 of Episode 1 then then the menu button for Episode 1 should change to "Restart Episode 1" rather than "Continue Episode 1." Just as when you start an Episode for the first time, the menu button says "Begin Episode" but once you have started the episode it changes to "Continue Episode"
    *I know this because I have started Episode 2 and then gone back to the menu where "Restart Episode 1" / "Continue Episode 2" is then displayed.

    This would explain why your decisions don't carry over because as far as the game is concerned you are playing Episode 2 having never played Episode 1.
    *which also explains why all the previous choices are the DEFAULT choices as you haven't technically made any choices in the eyes of the game.
    This means the actual bug is "The game fails to register that Episode 1 has been completed and therefore fails to save your decisions in the story"

    So the fix for this issue would be to try and get to a position in the menu where "Restart Episode 1" / "Begin Episode 2" is displayed on the menu screen. Wether or not people have managed to get to this menu state probably boils down to pure luck on their part as glitches like this often right themselves for no reason at all and then come back again later. But if someone has managed to get to this state specific details of how they did it would be appreciated.

    Someone should let Telltale know this information as it could definitely help them with their fault finding.

  • Have this issue. XB1 Sweden.

  • Since each of the episodes is available individually, the game engine has to treat them that way and will not register any decisions from the previous episode until it has been completed. In theory you could purchase and play episode 2 first and then go back and purchase and play episode 1. This is likely why the glitch is happening as it still thinks episode 1 has not been completed.

    This points me to the idea that it is actually a problem with the Xbox Live Marketplace as Episode 1 was sold as a standalone package and 2-6 as a season pass. Leading the game engine to glitch out and fail to recognise Episode 1 as purchased and completed. None of the other platforms have had this issue as their stores work differently.

    On a slightly related side note, someone mentioned in another forum that they had found a way to purchase the season pass from The Xbox Store without paying for it and Microsoft patched it somehow so they had to re-download and pay for it. This could have caused the error in question as it could have confused the game as to which content is available/purchased and which isn't.

    So the problem could quite possibly be at the Microsoft end, meaning telltale may never get to the root of it. Someone should also tell microsoft about the problem and hopefully they can fix it from their end.

    GrayPilgrim posted: »

    So I've been playing around with the game, trying a few of the fixes listed here and I've worked something out. The reason the game will

  • I have exact same problem, I have the season pass which seems like a waste of cash if choices are not being carried over. I have replayed episode 1 a few times now but nothing seems to fix problem

  • Guys don't worry , they will have it fixed after they released all episodes from GoT and Borderlands and Season 3 for TWD just a matter of months now ! So don't worry

  • Actually you are very WRONG! Open your eyes next time.
    1. Sign in on your Xbox One
    2. Start game of Thrones game
    3. Wait little bit and go to menu screen.
    4. Now open your eyes and you will see MENU: "PLAY, EPISODES, ..." And below that you see: "Select, Change Save File, Change Profile [Your Xbox Live account name]"

    So YES you can see which account you are using with game!

    They're already talking shite because I can't see what account I'm logged into on the main menu. It just keeps telling me to resrart the gam

  • You are in wrong thread then! And when you open this thread it's already warned you that this thread will contain spoilers! I suggest go to bathroom and wash your eyes.

    Please dont post spoilers, or mark your posts as such. Most of us have yet to play Episode 2

  • I have "Restart Episode 1", still nothing.

    GrayPilgrim posted: »

    So I've been playing around with the game, trying a few of the fixes listed here and I've worked something out. The reason the game will

  • These are not my suggestions this I what I was told by a tell tale employee who responded to my email

    edragonxx posted: »

    Actually you are very WRONG! Open your eyes next time. 1. Sign in on your Xbox One 2. Start game of Thrones game 3. Wait little bit and g

This discussion has been closed.