Request to Telltale: Please remove the "4-6 weeks" line from your FAQs



  • Constructive criticism is allowed of course, but please try to be more respectful in your disagreements with other users. Also, please do not derail this thread with off-topic reaction gifs. Thanks!

  • Indeed, I praised it and I think they've done a better job than Telltale's recent efforts. But I assume you are referring to this topic of mine, where I explicitly mention in the second-last para that the "facial expressions are poor, and lip-syncing is lacking".

    I mean, can we please stop this confrontational attitude? I never behold myself to any developer, and will criticize any developer or game that I feel deserves criticism in a positive manner. I do think Telltale are great developers, but what's so wrong if I (and others who are fans of their games) demand for more?

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited February 2015


  • I do think Telltale are great developers,

    Alt text

    funny cause how you act on steam tells me otherwise and no don't start with they deserve the criticism because the stuff you really complain about is just plain ridiculous

    himmatsj posted: »

    Indeed, I praised it and I think they've done a better job than Telltale's recent efforts. But I assume you are referring to this topic of m

  • edited February 2015

    BTW, the whole meaning of this criticism is to avoid TTG to fall in the same Expectations Vs Reality credibility problem that Peter Moulynex is recently having, and that's ruining him.

    See this recent interview with him:, Dave Grossman himself said that he had to stop reading it, it was too unconfortable to read.

    If you don't promise, people won't ask. I think TTG is playing with the whole credibility of the newborn episodic model saying 4-6 weeks and not delivering it - or even have the kindness of an official comment for their own customers (expecially the new ones) who already paid for it and were left in the dark.

    And I say this because I like their games and the episodic model, and not for jumping on "the hate bandwagon".

    Constructive criticism is allowed of course, but please try to be more respectful in your disagreements with other users. Also, please do not derail this thread with off-topic reaction gifs. Thanks!

  • That's OK. As I said, criticism is fine - just try to keep it to one thread and not several.

    BTW, the whole meaning of this criticism is to avoid TTG to fall in the same Expectations Vs Reality credibility problem that Peter Moulynex

  • Seconded. Let me just tell you that the worst person is NOT who does not put out;
    it's who promised to put out and dont.

  • The FAQ is not a "promise".

    gina-0816 posted: »

    Seconded. Let me just tell you that the worst person is NOT who does not put out; it's who promised to put out and dont.

  • Checked my tales from the borderlands still marked as coming soon

  • That's because it is.

    Eyezick12 posted: »

    Checked my tales from the borderlands still marked as coming soon

  • Episode 2 will be marked as 'Coming Soon' right until it's downloaded.

    That's because it is.

  • Pretty sure it will say "Available".

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Episode 2 will be marked as 'Coming Soon' right until it's downloaded.

  • I loved some of the voice acting, but there were quite a few characters where I cringed slightly. The main cast had good actors, just some others.. well.

    himmatsj posted: »

    I thought the voice work was good, but yeah bad lip syncing and terrible facial expressions. Telltale games don't have perfect lip sync either, but their facial expression is good.

  • I have it on my console. :P

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I've never actually seen what it says if you haven't downloaded the episode when it's already out. Can you download the episode in-game? I've always let Steam do it.

  • I've never actually seen what it says if you haven't downloaded the episode when it's already out. Can you download the episode in-game? I've always let Steam do it.

    Pretty sure it will say "Available".

  • Ahh, well, then I wouldn't know how it works with them. :P

    I have it on my console. :P

  • My friends does the same thing, but I do like reading discussions and theories and analysis of each episode. Something that you wont get if you buy the final version

    Revec posted: »

    Those who did wait will and I personally will be waiting for the full season release in future. It'll be cheaper, I can play them when I want and won't have to have an absurd amount of time for Telltale to release a 2 hour episode every 3 months.

  • I updated the OP with some hard data for those who want to look at a glance how much of a time passes between each episode release.

  • I agree, telltale stop making up lies you said 4 to 6 weeks I understand your busy but make an apologize or something don't just make us wait say something about why your taking long please hurry up with this and remove the time frame

  • They should change it—Yes.

    It mostly likely misleads new customers.

  • Some people have said that if TTG made their games like Dontnod is doing with Life Is Strange (working on all the episodes at the same time), they (TTG) would loose money. Why? Unlike with Life Is Strange, you already bought all the episodes, on the PC, so it is different from what is happening with LIS, since you can buy the episodes seperately.

  • well even if it's not a "promise" per se, and it's just a "plan", they should at least try to keep it. Or why bother post them at all?

    The FAQ is not a "promise".

  • You can buy episodes separately with TTG games...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Some people have said that if TTG made their games like Dontnod is doing with Life Is Strange (working on all the episodes at the same time)

  • Not on PC you can't.

    You can buy episodes separately with TTG games...

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2015

    You learn something new every day.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Not on PC you can't.

  • Because they used that when they made simpler games.

    gina-0816 posted: »

    well even if it's not a "promise" per se, and it's just a "plan", they should at least try to keep it. Or why bother post them at all?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited February 2015

    but I just feel that the least TTG can do is to remove this line from their FAQ cause this is not their first's their fifth and they've still not improved their delivery.

    ...So, does every game Telltale made prior to The Walking Dead: Season 1 not matter? ;)

  • Dude, you know what I mean. TWD S1 was a whole new start for them. I speak relative to that.

    but I just feel that the least TTG can do is to remove this line from their FAQ cause this is not their first's their fifth and the

  • They still had the episode system prior to The Walking Dead. If that's what you're trying to say.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Dude, you know what I mean. TWD S1 was a whole new start for them. I speak relative to that.

  • No. I don't refer to that. I refer to the genre of "modern adventure games". TWD S1 was the first such game of theirs.

    They still had the episode system prior to The Walking Dead. If that's what you're trying to say.

  • yeah... You must be ttg spokesperson or whatever with faulty logic. SO? They used the "4-6 week notice" on this game too and that's a FACT, whether they used that notice b4 when they made simpler games or not isn't a issue here. Issue here is they posted notice, plan, whatever you want to call it, and they didn't keep it. I UNDERSTAND it can be delayed, it's episodic game, so that's why I think they should either delete the notice or at least try to keep it.

    Because they used that when they made simpler games.

  • edited February 2015

    this is my main issue with them + lack of updates. '' its not an open MASSIVE world like (wicther3 delayed 5 months) '' that we can forgive the months of delay! its average graphics and a point and click with no combat whatsoever and maxim of 2.30 or less hrs of gameplay . i cant forgive the delays and lack of updates. its not a massive open RPG world, i cant understand the delays, and i can understand if they just update us! that would solve alot of frustrations.

  • Back To The Future had more adventure than any 'modern adventure games' and only came out in 2011.

    I understand what you're trying to say, but you're blocking out everything else which makes your argument look weak as it does not acknowledge everything. It's like an ancient history textbook skipping Greece and then doing Rome.

    himmatsj posted: »

    No. I don't refer to that. I refer to the genre of "modern adventure games". TWD S1 was the first such game of theirs.

  • No, point is that TWD S1 heralded a new era. I'm not blocking out anything, but most people will agree that TWD S1 was a new beginning for Telltale. Heck, they admitted it themselves.

    I've played BTTF on my iPad and it has very little similarities to their newer games.

    Back To The Future had more adventure than any 'modern adventure games' and only came out in 2011. I understand what you're trying to say

  • Heres an idea, drop minefail and have the people wasted on that project help out on games that dont suck.

  • @JobJStauffer_TTG

    I hope you take note of this thread and the number of people that seem to agree with what I'm saying here.

    It's good that you responded to the community in that other thread, but in no way do I feel that Telltale is interested in honoring the stated time frame in the official FAQ. Now that you seem to be back on the forums, please at least re-word them? It just smacks of dereliction of one's duty towards its customer base. Mind you, we would not need to be treated in a fairer manner if we were buying this on a per-episode basis. But the fact is, many of us are getting your games in full (and on PC, we are FORCED to) and for you to abandon your duty to us is not nice.

    Telltale has a lot of goodwill. That I can sense. But all great gaming companies once had the goodwill of the masses too, and eventually said goodwill will run its course. If Telltale doesn't buck up and holds itself more accountable to people whose money they have collected in advance, then sadly in the not too distant future there will be no more goodwill accorded to Telltale, and that would be a mighty shame.

    So again sir, I hope you reword that part of your FAQ if you have no interest at all in following what's written there, or get the company in order and start following what's stated better and in a more timely manner.

    Thank you!

  • A new episode will be available somewhere between 4 - 6 months... xD

  • edited February 2015

    But then it'll be like...

    Alt text

    Jayroen posted: »

    A new episode will be available somewhere between 4 - 6 months... xD

  • I think you can.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I've never actually seen what it says if you haven't downloaded the episode when it's already out. Can you download the episode in-game? I've always let Steam do it.

  • They need to remove it because by the time the episode actually gets released I'll have children and grandchildren.

This discussion has been closed.