Some characters who are alive in the books will die in the show get ready!

George R. Confirmed that characters that live in the books will now die in the show, so fans you better get ready.

P.S. This is no joke or trolling. Go to IGN and see the video or follow social media.

Mod Edit Added Link:



  • If Arya dies I riot.

  • Don't know who that is but, yea. I would riot too lol

    If Arya dies I riot.

  • it would be sad to a lot of characters go but, the fact they are now dying in the show just means that hbo series faithful to the books.

  • So Ramsay, Cersei, Tyrion, Roose, Frey, Jon Snow, Arya and Theon along with everyone else who lived will die? Or will it just be a select few who die?

  • Please put a spoiler tag, there are people who doesn't or haven't watched the show or read the books.

  • Sounds about right. That's why I don't watch it lol.

  • A link would be nice, Jill.

  • But we already know how the books are going to end.

    Alt text

  • surly ramsey stay alive a bit longer. isen't he in the 6th book? really sad to see Arya and Jon die through

    Clemenem posted: »

    So Ramsay, Cersei, Tyrion, Roose, Frey, Jon Snow, Arya and Theon along with everyone else who lived will die? Or will it just be a select few who die?

  • He didn't say 'every' character who lives will die. That's ridiculous.

    He said some characters will die that won't die in the books. But this isn't exactly surprising. Jojen isn't dead in the books (yet), but he's dead in the show, so it's already started.

  • That is bullshit. He was not referring to every character.

  • Impossible. Where's link?

  • He stated that some of the characters who live in the books will die in the show. Not ALL off them. If that were ever the case he wouldn't have put it out to begin with because it would ruin the suspense of the show.

  • It's literally impossible to watch the show or read the books and not know who that is.. Lol.

    Don't know who that is but, yea. I would riot too lol

  • I want to see Lady Stoneheart feed Lord Walter Fray to his inbreed hick family piece by bloody piece!

  • ^ LOL

    Pipas posted: »

    But we already know how the books are going to end.

  • Yeah...see, this is why GoT (the books and the show) have been accused of being "death porn." At this point, it can't even be considered an insult any more. I'm sure George R.R. Martin would think it's a compliment.

  • Incredibly misleading title. Martin said characters who are still alive in the books will die in the show. Not that every character is going to die.

  • Jill start backing up the shit you say or people won't believe you!

  • You seriously need to change that title.

  • This is hardly new news coughjojencoughpyppcoughgrenncough I just hope they dont axe all the minor characters just to kill people off.

  • Yeah I read this yesterday, but was too lazy to make a topic lol. I fully expect Jon Snow to be the one to die. In fact I almost guarantee it, though I have heard a few theories about Sansa dying.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I made a slight edit to the title as the other one was misleading, only some of the characters alive in the book will die in the show but not all of them like your other title specified.

    I also added a link

  • Seriously ? Have you never watched the show or read the books ?

    Don't know who that is but, yea. I would riot too lol

  • The thread says exactly that: Characters who are alive in the books (Ramsay) will now die (Ramsay?)

    surly ramsey stay alive a bit longer. isen't he in the 6th book? really sad to see Arya and Jon die through

  • I fully expect Jon Snow to be the one to die

    Well, um, that wouldn't exactly be steering off the books...

    Yeah I read this yesterday, but was too lazy to make a topic lol. I fully expect Jon Snow to be the one to die. In fact I almost guarantee it, though I have heard a few theories about Sansa dying.

  • They aren't referring to every single character, why are people freaking out? Anyway, I'm not surprised by this, I was fully expecting it.

  • True, but he won't ever be the same IMO. Kind of like Lady Stoneheart

    He's not confirmed dead though :P

  • Ramsay Snow, I was typing early comment when I was half asleep. so a typing mistake makes sense.

    The thread says exactly that: Characters who are alive in the books (Ramsay) will now die (Ramsay?)

  • Oh, sorry, I didn't call you out on your spelling, didn't even notice :D

    It was more like a rethorical question: Will Ramsay die in the show?

    Ramsay Snow, I was typing early comment when I was half asleep. so a typing mistake makes sense.

  • That's what the original title said before Ozzy changed it.

    They aren't referring to every single character, why are people freaking out? Anyway, I'm not surprised by this, I was fully expecting it.

  • edited February 2015

    The link didn't say these certain character would die, it doesn't mention any names. It is possible Ramsey could die but right at the moment, as Bolton's go, Ramsay himself is half of the threat behind the Bolton's name. This Bolton story is only getting going at the start of series 5. in series 5 the Boltons are moving to Winterfell, once there Ramsey is going make marriage that will enraged Jon Snow. Jon will have a falling out with the brotherhood and gets badly hurt because of it (the 6th book would confirmed if he is dead or alive) but it doesn't sound like the show is waiting on the books. so Jon Snow might killed off then that moment in the show.

    Ramsey might die yes but I don't think it would in series 5. if it is it would the last episode of the series surly.

    Oh, sorry, I didn't call you out on your spelling, didn't even notice It was more like a rethorical question: Will Ramsay die in the show?

  • I highly doubt Jon will die since he's considered one of the ''Three Heads'' by many of us.

    Yeah I read this yesterday, but was too lazy to make a topic lol. I fully expect Jon Snow to be the one to die. In fact I almost guarantee it, though I have heard a few theories about Sansa dying.

  • Now that the plot armor has cracked, lets hope that Asher appears in the first episode of the new season, and murders Ramsay

  • In before Stannis dies. We all know the show has it in for him. And then the riots ensue.

  • I did back it up. I said go to IGN or follow social media. Did you not read that part in the post? Geesh

    papai46 posted: »

    Jill start backing up the shit you say or people won't believe you!

  • This is BS. Everyone treating me like crap. It was IGN's fault not mine. I thought the reporter meant all characters who live in the books dies.

  • Kinda vague, but yeah sorry.

    I did back it up. I said go to IGN or follow social media. Did you not read that part in the post? Geesh

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