Favourite character from Episode 1?

If I'm honest I really like all the characters in this series so far- even Vasquez says some funny stuff, which makes him harder to hate. I like the way that all the "good guys" are actually likable too, which some of the other Telltale series don't do so well (eg; I found Snow White in TWAU really, really annoying!). I find it really hard to choose my favourite character, but so far Loader Bot has to be my favourite- he only appeared twice in the first episode but his lines were hilarious and when he appeared at the end I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him alive (obviously he's a robot and can't live but you get what I mean).

What do you people think? Who was your favourite character?


  • Alt text

    Loader Bot is love. Loader Bot is life.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2015

    Alt text

    She's hot too.

  • I personally think Fiona is a lot hotter :P

    She's hot too.

  • Rhys. He's honestly one of the most relatable characters I've met in a video game.

  • Of course I love every character in the first episode so far, I have a special place in my heart for the Vaughn, Fiona, and Sasha.

  • Fiona. She's a fiesty one! Rhys is a lame duck dude. The others are not particularly captivating.

  • I like Sasha. She's probably the only one that can be considered badass so far.

  • <----

    Do you really have to ask?

    1. Loaderbot

    2. Fiona

    3. Assquez

    4. Rhys

  • Rhys definitely. There's too much to love about him :) as for the rest of the gang, I also really liked Vaughn because of his dynamic with Rhys and how funny he is, also Chris Hardwick <3 I think Fiona would've made more of an impression on me if she'd been developed a bit more, at the moment her character doesn't seem anywhere near as interesting or likeable as Rhys, and it just doesnt feel as though she's fulfilling her characters potential yet. I really want to care about her as much as Rhys but at the moment there's just not much to her if you get what I mean. It is only the first episode though so hopefully we get to know her more in later episodes! Sasha annoyed me but she actually seemed a more interesting character than Fiona unfortunately. I really like the antagonists we have going on here as well. Vasquez is just such a perfect asshole and I hate him already, and August I actually really like too, I liked the way there seemed more to him than the "small-time Pandoran thug" that people expect him to be. Can't wait to meet Athena, Janey, Scooter and Finch and Kroger (Lee and Bigby!)

  • She is the badass con artist!

    Alt text

  • I love every characters to be honest (less for some of them but i don't dislike them), but my favorite is Rhys. Handsome Jack is not far behind. (no pun intented xD)

  • The characters in TFTBL are actually really great. If I had to choose my favorites, I'd say Rhys at number 1, Shade at number 2, then Loader Bot and Vaughn. The sisters are great too, but they're a little too dickish for my tastes. Rhys isn't the perfect hero, far from it, but at the end of the day, I think he could be considered a good person, which is more than I can say for the sisters. Not to mention, Rhys has some great writing.

  • Rhys definitely. I also like Vaughn, Loaderbot, Zer0 and Fiona. Don't know what I think about Sasha yet.

  • Personally I prefer Sasha, though Fiona is good as well obviously. I think it's just because Sasha's got more sass :)

    JMOREL posted: »

    She is the badass con artist!

  • I get your point about the sisters, though as the season progresses they'll probably get better

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    The characters in TFTBL are actually really great. If I had to choose my favorites, I'd say Rhys at number 1, Shade at number 2, then Loader

  • Why not? Sasha's awesome :)

    Kathara6 posted: »

    Rhys definitely. I also like Vaughn, Loaderbot, Zer0 and Fiona. Don't know what I think about Sasha yet.

    1. Loader Bot ("Why must the universe punish the good?")
    2. Rhys (funny and actually quite likable, even if he is from Hyperion)
    3. Sasha (ultimate Sass queen!)
    4. Zero (just for being pretty cool, in the words of Rhys)
    5. August (just for that one scene if you choose the "blow his mind" option)

    I love every characters to be honest (less for some of them but i don't dislike them), but my favorite is Rhys. Handsome Jack is not far behind. (no pun intented xD)

  • edited February 2015

    Everyone are awesome so far but Rhys is just really something. Feels so goddamn real and alive. I think the only time I saw something like that was in Futurama... and maybe Gintama, also. I like how they're not perfect and therefore they are, and what's more important the imperfections are not forced or caricature. Well, for me at least.

  • Loader bot and fiona

  • I fellow Loader Bot fan. Good for you. I really hope he gets more of a part in the second episode, he is so god damn awesome!

    trez1336 posted: »

    Loader bot and fiona

  • Rhys and Fiona are both my favorites, it helps that you can make them more like yourself with the choices. 8U I also like August, he's pretty damn handsome in a rugged sort of way, hoping we won't have to kill him. I also like Shade and Loader Bot.

  • Zero?

    I like Sasha. She's probably the only one that can be considered badass so far.

  • edited February 2015

    Shade. He was the last character I expected, but they did a very good job keeping his old sense of humor and adding to it. It was a really cool surprise to Pirate's Booty players when you show up at the museum and see the dead guy with a megaphone. However I think I like Shade more than most people, during the premiere stream I saw a looooooot of people hating on shade :'(

    Out of the main characters probably Rhys.

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