Choices not carried over to GoT ep2 on Xbox One



  • On the website only 1 shows up for me but on the game I think there is 10. 5 for each character.

    How many choices are we supposed to have for Borderlands? Only 4 show up for me, is there supposed to be more?

  • Nice username.

    How many choices are we supposed to have for Borderlands? Only 4 show up for me, is there supposed to be more?

  • So we can probably expect the same thing to happen for Borderlands, great...

    On the website only 1 shows up for me but on the game I think there is 10. 5 for each character.

  • A patch ?

    No_Cabbages posted: »

    At least they are releasing one now!

  • I ended up deleting my old save file in order to fix this crap. When they fix it, I have to play trough episode 1 again. I don`t know if I have the patience to do that..

  • I don't know why they didn't say that they were working on the issue in this chat. It would of resolved the worry the fans had.

    sbutler1 posted: »

    Yeh, it's been sent to MS and will take a week before it's released

  • I doubt it. The choices at least show up for that. I'm checking the fourms before I install though.

    So we can probably expect the same thing to happen for Borderlands, great...

  • Thread: Issues with choices, account issues in general and carrying over saves (Xbox One)

    Hello, I bought the telltale collection for the Xbox One and I've been having massive amounts of issues with the game, firstly even though I linked my account and replayed the first episode several times the game hasn't awknowledged my choices telling me to go online, but then when I went online several times checking that the accounts were linked on both ends the website said I have no choices, but recently after finishing it for a fourth time it only says two choices, but mentions none of the rest. I also had slight issues with the speech on some rare occasions with Sir Royland saying his lines twice. Also when I tried to start up episode 2 (which I know you guys have addressed) none of my choices are acknowledged or addressed. Also I have been playing all of telltale pack games and the my account says I have no games even though not only have I played the Wolf among us, Borderlands and Game of Thrones on the Xbox One I also finished and played my ones on my Xbox 360, and none of those have been put on my account.

    I'm sorry for the long post, I am a massive fan of your games and they've all been fun to play, but the recent issues have massively marred what should have been an even better experience.

  • Hi, I'm also having all the same issues. Except sometimes the characters will say lines twice, subtitles will appear but there is no sound, or there will be sound but no subtitles. Also when the camera changes angles, I've noticed that sometimes the graphics get blurry and structures appear flat. The biggest issue is choices not being carried over from ep1 to ep2. It's like every choice I made in ep1, ep2 decides to read my choices as the opposite of what I actually did. Please fix this soon telltale! I love your games and want to keep playing!

  • I'm also having all the same issues! Please fix it soon!

  • The patch has been sent to MS, it will be released soon. It's annoying, but be patient.

    I'm also having all the same issues! Please fix it soon!

  • Everybody! The fix just came out for me so you all my want to check! The wait is finally over! I'll see you all next time this happens!

  • Appears to be fixed! My Choices tab is finally available to see. Started Episode 2 and my decisions from Episode 1 were shown!

  • YEAH BOY! I started the game out of random and it updated. Now we can finally play properly :)

    THX TT!

  • So now after the Patch is applied, how do i go about this? Just replay Episode 2 or do i need to start from Episode 1 again?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited February 2015

    @axxo5150 After downloading the patch, you should be able to start Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices from Episode 1 should now carry over successfully.

    For anyone that hasn't yet checked the game today, the Update for Xbox One is now Live. After downloading the update, your choices should now successfully carry over into Episode 2. Please start your console, then start Game of Thrones, and you should receive an alert to update the game to the latest version. After the update has finished downloading, please start the game, and choose to Start Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices should then carry over successfully. You should also no longer see a black screen at the end of Episode 2, and see your Stats/Choices page correctly, with your correct choices.

  • If i completed episode 2 will i need to start over completely or will the episode 1 choices be there if i roll back

    @axxo5150 After downloading the patch, you should be able to start Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices from Episode 1 should now

  • edited February 2015

    Downloaded the Patch, restarted Episode 2 from the start and yet my choices** STILL HADN'T MOVED OVER.**

    Have had to completely uninstall Episode 2 and re-downloading and it is currently reinstalling it again.

    Will update you if that works!



  • Works like a charm now, thank you!

    @axxo5150 After downloading the patch, you should be able to start Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices from Episode 1 should now

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If your choices from Episode 1 did not carry over successfully the first time, and you played through Episode 2 with different choices, you will need to restart Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices should then carry over successfully into Episode 2, from Episode 1.

    If i completed episode 2 will i need to start over completely or will the episode 1 choices be there if i roll back

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if you have tried rewinding to the last part of Episode 1, then playing through the end, and then starting Episode 2? I recommend trying this, and your choices will then carry over.

    deadarmy posted: »

    Downloaded the Patch, restarted Episode 2 from the start and yet my choices** STILL HADN'T MOVED OVER.** Have had to completely uninstall

  • Mike,

    I have just tried your suggestion and unfortunately I am still having the same result. Also since the Patch some of Characters have blacked out textures. Attached is the image of Roderik arriving at Ironwrath - you can see the Traveller and Gregor Forrestor are blacked out on the Cart.

    Alt text

    Can you please clarify if you have tried rewinding to the last part of Episode 1, then playing through the end, and then starting Episode 2? I recommend trying this, and your choices will then carry over.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Could you possibly go back to your Xbox Dashboard, and hover over the Game of Thrones icon (select the game's icon, but do not press A on it) then press the Left Trigger+Right Trigger+Back Button together, and reply with what version number you see on the screen?

  • edited February 2015

    Hi Mike,


    ContentID: 4ccc5d3b-58ff-4578-938b-5f92e9dc03ef

    ProductID: b67bfcf3-b44f-4c12-8f60-247ef25cade

    TitleID: 0x6ea2f3aa

    Could you possibly go back to your Xbox Dashboard, and hover over the Game of Thrones icon (select the game's icon, but do not press A on it

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Thank you for providing the extra information, that is the latest update, and as long as you have received a complete download of the file, you should not be experiencing an issue like this. Can you please clarify if you started playing the game while you started downloading the patch, or waited until the update was done downloading before playing the game? Also, did you possibly reset your console and start only Game of Thrones, before attempting to start Episode 2, to ensure all of the console's processing speed was focused on only the game? If you have already tried all of these options, my last suggestion would be to exit to the main menu, rewind to the final section in Episode 1 (Part 6), then play through the end of Episode 1, and start Episode 2. As long as you have the patch installed, your choices should then carry over successfully.

    deadarmy posted: »

    Hi Mike, Thrones_1.0.0.5_x64_5jz77rkckcm0j ContentID: 4ccc5d3b-58ff-4578-938b-5f92e9dc03ef ProductID: b67bfcf3-b44f-4c12-8f60-247ef25cade TitleID: 0x6ea2f3aa

  • I downloaded the patch. It looked my choices from episode 1 were saved without the need for me to replay, but I went ahead and replayed both episodes to be sure. I deleted my save file before starting as well. It's working as intended for me now. I can see the my choices page and the correct choices are ported to the second episode. Thank you for the fix!

  • The game is showing 'my choices' now, however, only three of them, even though I did finish episode 1...

  • Thank you everyone, sorry for being impatient.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are missing any choices from the first episode, I recommend rewinding to the last part of Episode 1 (Part 6), then play through the end of the Episode again, and your choices should then update to show all of your choices properly.

    The game is showing 'my choices' now, however, only three of them, even though I did finish episode 1...

  • Ok not sure if i downloaded the patch. I didn't receive any notification. And i have no option to restart episode 2 only continue?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you are not sure if you downloaded the patch or not, you can check by going back to your Xbox Dashboard, and hover over the Game of Thrones icon (select the game's icon, but do not press A on it) then press the Left Trigger+Right Trigger+Back Button together, and see what the version number is. (The latest version number is If you are on the latest version, and you have already completed Episode 2, you may need to rewind to the last chapter of Episode 1 (Part 6) and replay through the end of Episdoe 1, then choose to start Episode 2, and your choices will then carry over successfully.

    Ok not sure if i downloaded the patch. I didn't receive any notification. And i have no option to restart episode 2 only continue?

  • "Once the update is downloaded, please start the game, and choose to restart Episode 2 from the beginning."

    And HOW you RESTART episode 2 ONLY? I did not completed episode 2, so there is no option to restart game. Do I really need finish it and then I can restart episode 2? Because there is no option to let me restart episode 2

    @axxo5150 After downloading the patch, you should be able to start Episode 2 from the beginning, and your choices from Episode 1 should now

  • Replay Ep1 from the last chapter then start Ep 2. It'll automatically start it from the beginning.

    edragonxx posted: »

    "Once the update is downloaded, please start the game, and choose to restart Episode 2 from the beginning." And HOW you RESTART episode 2

  • edited February 2015

    Hi my choices are still not showing up on the telltale website, can you help please?

  • edited February 2015

    Telltale, this has been crazy. There are still characters not rendering on my game, and I have had to play it through three times before getting anywhere with my choices carrying over. This has now made the game tedious. Surely Telltale would have released an official statement and offered some sort of compensation/special offer for the inconvenience and their inability to provide a product fully paid for...especially if we have paid for a full season pass. Please don't take your customers money, and then not only have issues with the product you are selling, but not deal with it through care and urgency.
    I'm not making the mistake of paying for season passes again, and I'm quickly losing faith in Telltale. After playing all of your major games and having loved them, this is really, really disappointing. But games should be enjoyable, not frustrating and upsetting.
    I do appreciate the patch, but the way this has been handled, and the continuing issues are just getting ridiculous.
    Please, please prove me (and many others) wrong.

  • I have been waiting for some time.. and just checked in today at the forum just to burn some time! i will try and see it this is working for me later today. Hope it works like it is entended.

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